16 Iyar 5773
No. 7
A Gala Weekend Join us as we honor
Rabbi Sandy Eisenberg Sasso for thirty-six years of dedicated service to Beth-El Zedeck Thank you for leading generations of our congregation and for your gifts of spirit, knowledge, creativity and dreams.
Friday Evening, May 17, 7:30 p.m.
A Celebratory Shabbat Service at Beth-El Zedeck followed by a festive Oneg reception
hosted by Sisterhood of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck RSVP to the synagogue office, bez613@bez613.org
from the RRA Convention, March 10, 2013
All across the country and beyond, there are young women planning to go to rabbinical school. What unites them is that they have been born into a world where they can make this decision without a moment's hesitation. Indeed, they have never known a world where it wasn’t so. All of this didn’t just happen. Someone had to be willing to ignore the chorus of no, you can't. Someone had to be willing to listen more closely to her inside voice, saying you have gifts to give, than to the outside voices, saying your gifts don't belong on the bimah. For me, and for so many others, that someone is Sandy Sasso. Sandy has never tried to be anything other than who she is: a woman who deeply understands herself and her feminism; and a rabbi who is deeply connected to her Judaism, her faith, and her community. In those early days when there was lots of pressure to choose—am I a woman who happens to be a rabbi or a rabbi who happens to be a woman, Sandy resisted the choice, proudly asserting both truths as though there was no dichotomy. And therefore there was none. (excerpted from Rabbi Joy Levitt’s remarks)
Saturday Evening, May 18, 7:30 p.m.
A Gala Evening of Dinner and Dancing at the JW Marriott Hotel (Reservations by May 1)
Affirmation: A Letter to Rabbi Sandy (excerpted)
by Rabbi Rachel Gartner
Dear Sandy, The ordination of women, one of your generation of Jewish women’s most monumental accomplishments, has become my generation of Jewish women’s most cherished inheritance. What was so hard won for you, has now become almost commonplace for us. Increasingly removed from your experience, it can be hard for younger women rabbis to appreciate it. Indeed, you lived through it, so we don’t have to. And for that we are deeply grateful. Sandy – God Remembers, and so do we.
Rabbi Sandy Sasso: Thirty-Six Years of Service
Soviet Union Trip 1988
Beth-El Zedeck Installation 1977
Eastern Europe Trip 2001
18th Anniversary at BEZ 10th Anniversary at BEZ
Purim 2011
25th Anniversary at BEZ Guatemala Trip 2008 with President Bill Clinton 2005
Rabbi Dennis Sasso Receives Rabbi Ira Eisenstein Award for Distinguished Rabbinic Service The Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association presented the prestigious annual Rabbi Ira Eisenstein Award for Distinguished Rabbinic Service to Rabbi Dennis Sasso at the RRA Convention, March 12, 2013. Rabbi Eisenstein was founder of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, now celebrating its forty-fifth year. Excerpts from the Presentation by Rabbi Richard Hirsh: Dennis has had a remarkably rich and diverse career in Indianapolis, where he has not only enriched the life of his congregation and of the Jewish community, but has been an active and engaged participant in the interfaith, civic, and political life of the community. Dennis and Sandy have been and are widely recognized as the “chief rabbis of Indiana.” It is a rabbinate that embodies the deepest meaning of living in two civilizations. All that Ira Eisenstein had in 1968, when he opened the doors of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, was a vision and a hope. It fell to Rabbis like Dennis and Sandy and their colleagues of the earliest years of the College and RRA to translate those hopes and that faith into something tangible and real. Dennis, your affirming, interpreting and commmunicating the key insights of Mordecai Kaplan’s vision has kept us intellectually honest and in touch with our roots.
SKLARE SCHOLARSHIPS AWARDED The Sklare family has endowed the Ronald Nathan Sklare Scholarship Fund, honoring the memory of Ronald Nathan Sklare by providing merit scholarships to deserving students entering eleventh or twelfth grade. This generous gift offers young people of our congregation the opportunity to visit Israel. This year’s recipients are Rebecca Owens, daughter of David and Randee Owens, and Zachary Horowitz, son of Howard Horowitz and Natalie Sapper. Rebecca will be traveling with Goldman Union Camp, where she has been a long-time camper, and Zachary with Camp Livingston, where he has spent many summers. We are grateful to the Sklare family for funding these scholarships, which help our young people strengthen their connection with the State of Israel and their Jewish roots.
Early Childhood Center
We celebrated our largest and most exciting event of the year, LOLLIPALOOZA on April 26. On this very special morning, the children performed a spectacular show to the delight of an audience of over 500 parents, grandparents and friends. Then the children proudly sold the unique pieces of artwork they created during the school year. Topping off the morning was a fabulous Silent Auction, filled with many items and services. Thanks to all our wonderful parents, grandparents and friends for their support in helping to make our wishes come true. We look forward to Kindergarten graduation, May 22, as our capped and gowned graduates proudly walk down the aisle of the Kaufman-Schuchman Chapel to receive their diplomas. Beth-El Zedeck’s Manuel and Diana Leve Summer Camp 2013 will begin Session 1 on June 3. We have an awesome summer planned for children ages 12 months through 5 years +. To register your child, please call Joanie or Kathy at 259-6854 or email jwaldman@bez613.org or kmorgan@bez613.org. Registration for our fall 2013-14 school year is ongoing. Come by for a visit anytime! Joanie Waldman, ECC Director
TORAH ON TAP Monday, May 6, 6:15 p.m. at Athens on 86th for young adults in their 20s and 30s Join Rabbi Dennis and Father Michael Christiana, Brebeuf’s VP for Mission and Identity, for a nosh and informal conversation on a variety of topics, including the Church and its new Pope Francis, and issues in Christian/Jewish dialogue. RSVP to Shari at the synagogue office, slevine@bez613.org. Sponsored by the Sam and Helen Weinberger Youth Development Fund of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
Shavuot The Service of Confirmation
Tuesday May 14, 6:00 p.m. – Erev Shavuot
Reception immediately following the Service Join us for the Festival of the Giving of the Torah. Our Tenth Grade students will lead the service.
Our Confirmands, 2013 / 5773
David Berman, son of Bradley Berman and Mary Berman Ari Brown, son of David and Laurel Brown Rachel Doherty, daughter of Steven and Annette Doherty Adam Friedman, son of Alan and Andrea Friedman Courtney Glait, daughter of Perry and Karen Glait Noah Glazier, son of Steven and Rebecca Glazier Olivia Goldstein, daughter of Adam and Karen Goldstein Leah Grynheim, daughter of Joel Grynheim and Janet Allen Zachary Horowitz, son of Howard Horowitz and Natalie Sapper Aaron Jacobs, son of Neal and Marlene Jacobs and Lorraine and Tim Dunwoody Rhea Krulewitch, daughter of Michael Krulewitch and Lisa Jauntz Andrew McNutt, son of Alexander (Sandy) and Ellen McNutt Rebecca Owens, daughter of David and Randee Owens Mark Pecar, son of Steven and Inna Pecar Evan Safrin, son of Ronald and Jane Safrin Rebecca Schankerman, daughter of Michael and Karen Schankerman Ruth Siegel, daughter of Miles and Amanda Siegel Michaela Simon, daughter of Reuben and Maria Simon Sophie Zinn, daughter of Michael and Jennifer Zinn
Wednesday, May 15, 10:00 a.m. – Shavuot Yizkor Memorial Service followed by a special Oneg
Erev Shabbat - 6:00 p.m.
Shabbat Morning - 10:00 a.m.
April 26 – 27 Weekly Sedra EMOR Leviticus 21:1-24:23 Haftarah - Ezekiel 44:15-31
May 10 – Anniversary Shabbat May 11 Benjamin Goldberg, Bar Mitzvah Weekly Sedra BEMIDBAR Numbers 1:1-4:20 Haftarah - Hosea 2:1-22
May 3 – Birthday Blessings Kol Haneshemah May 4 Anna Morgan, Bat Mitzvah Weekly Sedra BEHAR-BEHUKOTAI Leviticus 25:1-27:34 Haftarah - Jeremiah 16:19-17:14
May 17 – Healing Sabbath May 18 Matthew Carson, Bar Mitzvah Weekly Sedra NASO Numbers 4:21-7:89 Haftarah - Judges 13:2-25 May 24 – 25 Samuel Bruns, Bar Mitzvah Weekly Sedra BEHAALOTEKHA Numbers 8:1-12:16 Haftarah - Zechariah 2:14-4:7
KINDLE SABBATH LIGHTS April 26 - 8:15 p.m. May 3 - 8:22 p.m. May 10 - 8:29 p.m. May 17 - 8:36 p.m. May 24 - 8:42 p.m. DAILY SERVICES Shacharit 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. Sundays and secular holidays Mincha-Maariv 5:45 p.m. Saturday through Thursday
Sisterhood News RUTH AND HERMAN STEINKELER FUND Sisterhood is honored to announce the establishment of the Ruth and Herman Steinkeler Fund. The Steinkeler family -- Dr. Steven and Sandra Steinkeler, Dr. Sidney and Susan Steinkeler, and Dr. Jeffrey and Cara Steinkeler -- has endowed the fund for the maintenance and beautification of the new Sisterhood patio garden. Sisterhood is grateful to the Steinkeler family for their generous contribution in memory of their beloved parents. Contributions may be made to this fund by sending your check, payable to Sisterhood of Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, to 600 West 70th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260, ATTN: Jackie Wolf.
Sisterhood Rotisserie-Style Chicken Prepared in the BEZ kitchen
GALLERY OF JUDAICA Good news! Jackie and Amy had a successful buying expedition to the Philadelphia American Artists market. The new merchandise is in our Gift Shop. Please come in and view the creative and unique pieces created by American artists. These articles are not available in catalogs and are purchased directly from the artists. We have four new artists that we are featuring. The Gallery was recently selected as a distributor of Michael Aram Contemporary Judaica. Aram is on many bridal registries and his work is a popular gift for many occasions. Confirmation is May 14. We have a variety of cards and gifts appropriate for your Confirmand. Come shop at the Gallery, Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday and Sunday, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Shop anytime on our website, www.bezgallery.org. Sunday, May 5 is the last Sunday we will be open until fall. Summer hours will begin the first week in June.
Sisterhood’s Membership Appreciation Event
Call Bunny Cohen at 876-2809 and reserve your chicken by Sunday, May 19 and/or June 16.
Sunday, April 28, 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.
Pick up your reserved chicken at Beth-El Zedeck on Thursday, May 23 and/or June 20, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Pay at pick-up only $11 ($9 for seniors) for a fully cooked kosher rotisserie-style chicken.
Game Afternoon!
Calling all Sisterhood members! Bring your favorite board game, and plan to play, laugh and nosh! Spend an afternoon enjoying friends and time together. RSVP to Dianne Kelley, twoaktrees@gmail.com to let us know you’re coming.
In Our Libraries Our library continues to expand. Some new books that we have added recently to our collection include: Greenhorn, by Anna Olswanger, a powerful story that gives human dimension to the Holocaust. It poignantly underscores our flawed humanity and speaks to the healing value of friendship. It is a good introduction to the Holocaust for children in middle school and the type of book that families will want to read together. Another addition to our library is Howard Fast: Life and Literature in the Fast Lane by Gerald Sorin. It is a biography of the prolific Jewish writer and illuminates the connections among Fast’s Jewishness, his writings, and his left-wing politics. The book recounts the story of his private and public life with its adventure and risk, love and pain, struggle, failure, and success. Sorin also addresses questions such as the relationship between modern Jewish identity and radical movements, the consequences of political myopia, and the complex interaction of art, popular culture, and politics in 20th-century America. The Beth-El Zedeck Book Club will meet on May 13, at Phyllis Ackerman’s home. They will discuss The Lost: A Search for Six of Six Million by Daniel Mendelson. The Illene K. and Michael B. Maurer Library and the Daisy Baker Zaft collection grew through donations made in honor of the birthdays of Georgia Klinzing and Sophia Ozdemir. The Alpert/Solotken Adult Library grew through a donation to the Maurice and Lillian Horowitz Book Fund by Ed and Phyllis Gabovitch in honor of Chuck Echt’s birthday. Happy birthday! The library appreciates your generosity! Please stop by the library on Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and say hi or come any time to enjoy all that it has to offer. Feel free to contact me at librarian@bez613.org if I can help you find a book that interests you. Without libraries what have we? We have no past and no future. Ray Bradbury
Jane Gabovitch Morrison, Librarian
In Honor Of: JUDY LAIKIN, speedy recovery: SID LAIKIN, speedy recovery: by Bob and Judy Koor DR. MURRAY AND DEBBY PASSO, birth of granddaughter: by Tom and Robin Hedderich KEITH AND RITA PITZELE, birth of grandson: by Dr. Gary and Gayla Breslauer JEFF AND MIRIAM ADER, Jessica’s engagement: KEITH AND RITA PITZELE, birth of grandson: by Dr. Frank and Helaine Workman SID MISHKIN, speedy recovery: by Greg and Renny Silver AL SACHS, speedy recovery: by Mrs. William S. Cohen PHIL BERCOVITZ, 80th birthday: by Dr. Norm and Ado Fogle by Jim and Sandy Schwarz DAVID AND ROBBI MILLER, birth of grandson: by Morrie and Jan Maurer CHARLOTTE ZUCKERBERG, grandson’s Bar Mitzvah: by Bernie and Harriet Horwitz In Memory Of: HOWARD WOLNER: DAUGHTER OF MR. AND MRS. LYLE ROZENSWEIG: AL SEGAL: by Milt and Muriel Bluestein BILL WEINSTEIN: by Greg and Renny Silver by Rosemary Kaplan by Mrs. William S. Cohen by Jeff Freemas and Bonnie Maurer by Dr. Reuben and Lee Shevitz by The National Bank of Indianapolis by Sam and Fran Lazerov SHIRLEY KAMEN: by Dr. Gary and Gayla Breslauer by Dr. Ora Pescovitz and Family by Dr. Norm and Ado Fogle MOTHER OF DAVID KNALL: by Morris and Jan Maurer
We are placing and reserving Memorial Plaques in the beautiful Arline and Fred Simon Atrium of Remembrance. The cost is $650 (one name per plaque). Please contact Pam Rothenberg at prothenberg@bez613.org or contact her in the synagogue office to order. MICHAEL B. AND ILLENE K. MAURER YOUTH LIBRARY FUND
In Honor Of: CANTOR BOB ZALKIN, Torah Fund Luncheon Program of Song and Stories: NANCY BATE, special birthday: MIRIAM SATINSKY, speedy recovery: by Illene K. Maurer In Memory Of: BILL WEINSTEIN: by Illene K. Maurer and Family by Phyllis Weingarten
In Memory Of: BILL WEINSTEIN: by Joe and Barbara Alpert
In Memory Of: SHIRLEY KAMEN: by Loren and Judy Zimmerman
In Honor Of: DR. JOHN AND JODY TZUCKER, son Jeff’s engagement: by Dr. Frank and Helaine Workman In Memory Of: HELEN POCKRISS: by Stuart Fox BILL WEINSTEIN: by Dr. Ed and Phyllis Gabovitch ELAINE FOX: by Linda Mordoh and Larry Hughey
Grocery Certificates:
You Shop, Beth-El Zedeck Benefits! Every time you go to Marsh and use a grocery certificate purchased from Beth-El Zedeck, 5% of what you spend is contributed by the store to our synagogue -- and it costs you nothing! Sign up for our monthly program and we’ll mail certificates to you. Contact Shari Levine, 253-3441, or slevine@bez613.org for more information.
$ Email Billing and/or Automatic Withdrawal Available $
If you would like to receive your quarterly billing from the synagogue at your email address, please contact Janice Potash, jpotash@bez613.org. Beth-El Zedeck also offers a convenient way to help you spread out your synagogue and Early Childhood Center payments. By providing our office with some basic information, you can authorize Beth-El Zedeck to make monthly electronic funds transfers from your checking or savings account. We take care of everything! Proof of your payments will appear on your monthly bank statement. If you are interested in signing up, you can find the application on our website, www.bez613.org (under What’s New?, page 2), or contact the synagogue office for more information.
In Honor Of: LARRY AND ANNE SCHUCHMAN, son Jeff’s engagement: by Dale Friedlander In Memory Of: JIM GURFEIN: by Dale Friedlander JIM ACKERMAN: by Dale Friedlander by Ezra and Linda Friedlander BILL WEINSTEIN: by Ezra and Linda Friedlander by Jeff and Heather Smulyan
In Honor Of: NANCY BATE, special birthday: by Rick and Robin Weiss by Dr. Gary and Gayla Breslauer by Morrie and Jan Maurer In Memory Of: BILL WEINSTEIN: by Mickey and Janie Maurer by Irwin and Jill Rose by Jerry and Ann Seigel by Katz, Sapper, Miller, LLC by Jane Nolan by Jim and Marianne Morguelan ROSALIND BELLINGER: BILL WEINSTEIN: by Dan and Natalie Jacobson Todah Rabah: by Everett and Marie Barnard
In Memory Of: BILL WEINSTEIN: by Dr. Gerald and Shirley Kurlander
SISTERHOOD BAR/BAT MITZVAH FLORAL FUND Drew and Susan Morgan in honor of their daughter ANNA MORGAN Paula Goldberg in honor of her son BENJAMIN GOLDBERG Josh and Marcy Carson in honor of their son MATTHEW CARSON Svetlana Bruns Soleimani and Fred Bruns in honor of their son SAMUEL BRUNS
Mazal Tov WE ARE PLEASED TO CONGRATULATE: KEITH AND RITA PITZELE on the birth of their grandson, Alexander Leo Tauber, son of Jordan and Jon Tauber. NATHAN AND ANA COHEN AND ALAN AND LINDA COHEN on the birth of their son and grandson, Ari Matias Cohen. BOB AND RACHAEL GLASSER on the birth of their grandson, Brody Nicholas Munden, son of Drs. Brant and Jenny Glasser Munden. SVETLANA BRUNS on her marriage to Richard Soleimani. HOWARD AND CAROL GOLDEN on the birth of their granddaughter, Rilynn Rebecca Humrichouser, daughter of Greg and Betsy Humrichouser.
In Honor Of: DR. CHARLES ECHT, special birthday: by Richard and Barbara Waxman by Darryl and Iris Law by Richard and Jane Linderman RABBI SANDY SASSO, retirement: by Mary Mizell
CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory Of: EUNICE PATTERSON: by Dr. Steven and Cindy Patterson
Our Rabbis and Cantor make many visits to see members of the Beth-El Zedeck family who are in hospitals, rehabilitation centers, and nursing homes. HIPAA laws prevent hospitals BETH-EL ZEDECK FOUNDATION In Honor Of: from releasing medical information. NANCY BATE, birthday: Please notify the synagogue office when by Konrad Banaszak and Jennifer Sugarman you or someone you love is in one of In Memory Of: these facilities (or is ill and homebound). EUNICE PATTERSON: by Bart and Judy Kaufman
In Memory Of: HOWARD WOLNER: by Bruce and Marcia Sklare
In the Community... The Hasten Hebrew Academy is now enrolling students for the 2013-14 school year. The Academy’s Elementary and Middle School serve grades 1-8. HHAI is consistently in the top 5% of the state on ISTEP tests and has earned a grade of A from the Indiana Department of Education. The student body is diverse, representing a broad religious spectrum. Families are affiliated with every synagogue in central Indiana. Special scholarship programs make this outstanding education available to every child. Please contact Marcy Ekhaus at 251-1261 or mekhaus@hhai.org for more information or to schedule a tour.
May 19: Alexander Kaszovitz, Joseph Miller*, Vivian Pecar, Meyer Singer*, Sarah Wanger* May 20: Morris Ader, Jeanette Dock*, Harry Felsher, Bernath Lob*, James McNutt, Beatrice Reck* May 21: Elizabeth Alper*, Louis Cohn, David Edesess*, Ann Frisch*, Rebecca Gabovitch*, Abraham Patterson*, Dorothy Sacks*, Thomas Segal*, Merle Stewart*, Harry Weksler*, Jennie Wolpa*, Abraham Yosha May 22: Max Ader, Lena Bluestein*, Samuel Coraz, Alfred Dubinsky, Sidney Feldman, Sophie Goldberg*, Joseph Kay*, Rebecca Klapper*, Miriam Libby, Helen Miller*, William Miller*, Gertrude Peril*, Esther Pilz*, Rose Zuckerberg* May 23: Morris Epstein*, Esther Freeman*, Rachel Freeman*, Nettie Koor*, Karl Krakovitz, Sol Solomon* May 24: Betty Chalfin, Charles Fishman*, Albert Lugger, Harry Morris*, Jeanette Orentlicher* Arthur Sacks*, Martha (Mollie) Weinstein* May 25: A. William Dorman*, Annette Feltman, Helen Goldberg, Zachary Kuperstein*, Joseph Lebowitz, Mae Levin, Abraham Schwartz*, Eugene Vanaver May 26: David Greenberg, Werner Heilbrunn, Meyer Jacobs*, Sarah Simon* May 27: Eli Levin, Mendel Marcus*, Alvin Silverman, Harold Sussman, Nathan Wasserman May 28: Morris Asch, Mary Bassler*, Barry Brodey*, Betty Bryan*, Bernard Czerner*, Ben Dock*, Hyman Friedman*, Ethel Kritikos, David Winston* May 29: Adolph Applebaum*, Bernard Burford, Julius Dubrowin, Stanley Levinson*, Sol Nevis May 30: Oscar Davis*, Albert Erlebacher, David Fishberg*, Miriam Fleisch*, Rebecca Glazer*, Jerry Hershenson, Tina Krakovitz*, Bernard Lorber*, Jack Sacks*, Esther Schwartz, Samuel Schwartz May 31: Gail Dubin, June Fisch*, Morris Goldberg*, Leona Kane*, Fred Tuchman*, Helen Weinberger*
May 8: Harry Breeding*, Joseph Brodey, Leonard Cantor*, Anna Friedman*, Samuel Greenberg, Harold Myers*, Morris Nahmias*, Anne Newman, Sophia Plotkin*, Molly Smertenko*, Rose Spandorf* May 9: Yetta Bold*, Abraham Cohn*, David Dobrow*, Jacob Fogle*, Howard Kline, Albert Laikin, Sam Lipken, Herschel Rudy*, Abraham Starer*, Klara Veprinskaya May 10: Mildred Bursky*, Hannah Cohen*, Henry Green, Rose Hammermann*, Daniel Kasle*, Raphael Kauffman*, Ruth Marcus*, Mildred Segal*, Leah Stolkin* May 11: Frank Bluestein*, David Fogle*, Rose Fox*, Bernard Gernstein*, Barbara Greenberg, Arthur Hafits, Sanders Klein*, Ethel Schankerman*, Phyliss Watson May 12: Jacob Berger*, Anna Brill, Nathan Cornfeld, Herman Gilbert, Julia Krakovitz*, Esther Levine* May 13: Nathan Fogle*, Morris Izsak*, Jeanette Momberg*, Joe Schuman*, Samuel Valencia*, Morris Zendell* May 14: Stan Bate, Sophia Caplin*, Anna Galerman, J. Guy Hoover, Beatrice Papo, Anita Posnosky*, Harry Rundberg* May 15: Ruth Breeding*, Bessie Bryan*, Mildred Garber*, Ann Levenson, Lillian Listick, Nathan Regenstreif*, Nemes Family & Relatives*, Sonya Schwartz, Gertrude Siegel*, Marcus Smith, Herman Steinkeler*, Bessie Zendell* May 16: Esther Epstein*, Philip Glogas*, Ida Hershenson*, Adolf Izsak*, Fullop & Laura Lande*, Catherine Levin, Sarah Sakowitz, Beatrice Silverman, Sam Solomon, Anna Tamler*, Golda Weisz* May 17: Fannie Freedman, Benjamin Lipschutz*, Anne Lovinger*, Louis Smith*, Martin Stein, Markley Ziffrin* May 18: Max Klein*, Sadie Klein*, Emma Larson, Henrietta Ruekberg, Ida Silver, Mary Zych
President 1st Vice-President 2nd Vice-President Treasurer Secretary Sisterhood Co-Presidents Men’s Club President
April 27: Julius Cibull, Abraham Draizar, Moses Fischman*, Arthur Londe*, Sarah Londe*, Gertrude Salkin, Gertrude Sax*, Charles Schwartz* April 28: Ray Applebaum*, Anna Cohen*, Abe M. Kulwin*, Beatrice Lavker, Leon Metzger, Alex Rabin*, Louis Rudman, Anna Sacks, Samuel Slivka April 29: Louis Bassler*, Harry Borman*, Louis Freedman*, Sidney Gold*, Shaindel Goldenberg*, Arthur Klapper*, Shirley Londe*, Harry Morgan, Herbert Morse, David Moss, Esther Myers*, Teena Sandler, Fred Winay, Dorothy Young April 30: Reva Alpert, Zina Briker*, Sandra Fagan*, Lenora Leviton*, Meyer Miller, Louis Weissman* May 1: Robert Bender, Gussie Cantor*, Abraham Elster*, Miriam Freedman*, Aaron Glick*, Bert Goldberg, Marvin Weisman* May 2: Rose Ackerman, Leo Cohen*, Betty Ertis, Isadore Friedman*, Anna Kaplan*, Rebecca Katz*, Albert Meyer*, Valeria Sandor, Alex Schuchman*, Maurice Steinfeld, Moshe Veprinsky, Anne Weinberg* May 3: Charlotte Brodey*, Morris Gold*, Sarah Greenblo, Samuel Grenwald*, Isaac Hirsh*, Philip Kraft*, Louis Mandelkorn*, Bernard Perry*, Louis Stern, Lee Wachter* May 4: Osher Zelak Bergstein, Martha Glasz*, Alex Greenberg*, Manuel Kaseff*, Fannie Lavine*, Jerome Newbauer*, Miriam Rizell, Myron Silverman*, Marsha Weiss* May 5: Mollie Albert, Louis D’Englere, Judith Elkus, Paul Feltman, Mollie Herman, Daniel Sacks May 6: Juanita Faulkner, Regina Kerr, Lena Leventhal*, Leonard Levy, Sally Lipschutz*, Elizabeth McNelis, Wynne Metzger, Milton Prystowsky*, Jacob Smith*, Charles Tamler* May 7: Manuel Belle*, Charles Davis*, Gus Goldberg*, Jack Izsak, Peggy Miller, Sandra Mitzman*, Isidor Muschel*, James Newland, Morris Rossen, Rea Streisand*, Arthur Valinet*, Doris Waldman*
Steven Crell Ellen Gabovitch Rebecca Geyer Brian Nachlis Paul Felix Cindie Harp and Debbie Ornstein Spencer Kline
Gale Halperin, Executive Director Joanie Waldman, Early Childhood Director Shari Lipp-Levine, Program Director George Kelley, Education Director Janice Potash, Controller Bonnie Shute, Besamim Editor Melissa Cohen, Director, Musical Arts/Cantorial Soloist Charles Manning, Organist
Professional Staff
Dr. Dennis C. Sasso, Senior Rabbi Dr. Sandy E. Sasso, Senior Rabbi Hazzan Giora Sharon, Cantor Hazzan Ray Edgar, Cantor Emeritus Hazzan Robert Zalkin, Cantor Emeritus
Spiritual Leaders
600 West 70th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 www.bez613.org (317) 253-3441 • Fax 259-6849 • e-mail: bez613@bez613.org
Congregation Beth-El Zedeck
Published 10 times each year