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Rotary DNA’s composition and its likely evolution
If we could have a micro genetic analysis of the Rotary DNA we would have access to its structure, which is probably formed of:
Personal involvement
Our classification system offers a rich diversity of professional and personal experiences, which is an unparalleled quality component. It ensures an incredible pool of knowledge gained through years of professional experience.
Simple structure and decentralized actions
Rotary has a simple and hierarchical structure divided in only three levels: club, district and international. This structure leaves us the accomplishments of our predecessors, which results in the union of past experiences with future possibilities. In our unique and totally different way of operating, compared to other international organizations, we are guided by the same Constitution and Bylaws, which help us to keep unity albeit our vast diversity.
Club autonomy to decide how to serve the community
When the club meets the needs of the community, Rotary’s public image is promoted in the most efficient manner: through effective projects.
One Object and a set of Core Values
Both our Object and Core Values are part of our genetic heritage, identical anywhere in the Rotary’s world. These characteristics, and
the fact that they have been preserved without any changes during all these years, make our Object and Core Values something every Rotarian seeks. When combined with the beauty of ethics imbedded in the Four Way Test, they motivate us to act in a unified and idealistic way.
Culture preserved by leadership
Our Rotary’s culture has been preserved through skilled actions and lessons. These lessons must be updated and constantly improved to prevent them from becoming behavioral vices, which is the negative side of a preserved culture. Through the ability of our leaders to adapt to constant changes in society and in our organization, our leadership will continue to be vibrant and will set an example for future generations to follow.
Eventual genetic mutations
We undergo a genetic mutation every time we serve in a new position or put efforts in a new activity in Rotary. As a result, we will never again be the same Rotarians as before. We become better human beings by achieving excellence in our activities.
With all these identifiers totally predictable by the genetic heritage of the Rotarians, one can assume that nothing else needs to be done, and that everything that could be thought of, already has been done. Fortunately, the unforeseeable exists. It can be the light that appears and emerges many times from a small project in a small community; it can come from the action of a Rotarian that knew how to interpret the needs and take action in a different way.
Predictability, even when credible and trustworthy, can be disastrous. We have to keep in mind that unpredictability inspires learning and opens the doors for progress.
Some topics should be discussed and debated to dissipate the apathy and generate new ideas. We should:
Redefine the roles of our leaders in the three levels of our organization; Disseminate and encourage strategic thinking, which is perhaps more important than having a strategic plan; Reassess the areas in which organization resources and investments are concentrated. They are currently employed in the district, regional and international levels, but perhaps they should be redirected to other channels to further strengthen the clubs; Implementation of a new approach to Performance Evaluation in a systematic manner to improve the way Rotarians, clubs and/or districts operate; Finding new opportunities to serve; Reassess the form, content, quantity and frequency of meetings for information and/or training purposes.
The genetic evolution of Rotarians will come about only by constructive innovation, as the changes not always result in improvements, but improvements always need change.
The genetic legacy we will leave for future generations will depend on how we evolve using the opportunities at hand to act and develop. It will also depend on our contribution towards creating more awareness to the need to act based on the timeless Rotary principles.