Heart care presentation

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ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE By Dr. Vikram Chauhan MD (Ayurveda)

OVERVIEW What is Ischemic heart disease?  Causes How to deal it with herbs? Other Alternative Methods Ayurvedic approach

Human Heart (Hridya) Ayurveda describes “Hridya” (Heart) Ayurveda describes “Hridya” (Heart) As an essential body organ, as an essential governing and circulating body organ, governing emotions Emotions and circulating blood


It is a seat of Vyan Vata, Sadhak Pitta, Avalambak Kapha, and Mana (consciousness).

Cont‌ Heart) As an essential body organ, ďƒ˜Coronary arteries are small governing circulating blood arteries whichEmotions supplyand nutrition,

oxygen to heart muscle.

ISCHEMIC HEART DISEASE ( Isch- lack of ; haemia - blood )- IHD is a condition where the flow of blood to the heart is restricted, normally caused by narrowed coronary arteries. A heart attack occurs when the blood vessels are completely closed.

What exactly happens? ďƒ˜IHD starts by fat deposits within the coronary arteries. ďƒ˜The fat deposits forms a plaque within them by a process called Atherosclerosis.

Cont… The plaque formation is triggered by Stress, Free radicals, Smoking, Pollution, Sedentary life style and High intake of saturated fats. In Ayurveda arterial plaque is “Ama” toxic matter that builds up in blood vessels.

Concept of “Aama” (Endotoxins) Ama originates from improperly digested toxic particles that clog the channels in your body. Others are nonphysical channels called nadis through which your energy flows. “Aama” causes blockage in all the channels within the body .

Cont… Some of these channels are physical and include the intestines, lymphatic system, arteries and veins, capillaries, and genitourinary tract.  Others are nonphysical channels called nadis through which your energy flows.

Cont… “Aama” causes blockage in all the channels within the body. “Aama” is the root cause of auto-immune disorders, accelerated Cholesterol and plaque formation, impaired digestion, accumulation of uric acid, urea, creatinine.

Cont… Food rich in saturated fats, High protein diet, disturbed liver function leads to “Aama” formation. Decreased Digestive fire or “Mand-Agni” is the root cause of formation of “Aama”.

Risk Factors for IHD High Cholesterol High Blood Pressure Diabetes Obesity Smoking Age And Gender  Heredity

Cont… Other Contributing factors Sex hormones Birth control pills Alcohol  Stress

Types of IHD Angina Pectoris- The term derives from the Greek ankhon ("strangling") and the Latin pectus ("chest"). It can therefore be translated as "a strangling feeling in the chest".

Cont‌ Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)- A heart attack occurs when the plaque, in the inner lining of a coronary artery suddenly ruptures, totally occluding the artery and preventing blood flow to heart muscle.

AYURVEDIC WAYS TO HEAL THE HEART Cleansing Herbal Supplements Diet and Life Style Physical Exercises Yogic Exercises Pranayama

Cleansing Ayurveda recommends a program of internal cleansing (Panchakarma) with every change of season to help your body flush out ‘Aama’. Drink lots of warm water.

Herbal supplement

Herbal supplements are formulated to cleanse the fat tissue or ‘Aama’.

Herbs Useful For Heart Problems Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) Pushkarmool ( Inula racemosa) Dalcini (Cinnamomum zeylanica ) Kali Mirch (Piper nigrum)

Arjun Bark - Role in IHD Research has shown Arjun bark to be effective in many ways

It lowers LDL cholesterol It prevents the oxidation of this LDL cholesterol. It is oxidation that causes the LDLs to harden and turn in to arterial plaque that clogs our arteries.

Cont‌ Arjun bark has also been shown to inhibit the formation of abnormal blood clots (which are the leading cause of heart attacks and strokes).

Minerals - elements based medicines Mukta pisti (Pearls) Chintamani ras Kamdhudha ras Jawahar Mohra

Yakuti Ras Hridyarnav Ras Prabhakar Vati Rajat Bhasam (Silver)

Diet and Life Style Take food before three hour when going to sleep. Go to bed by 10 p.m. to help the body get rid of free radicals. Consume a lot of fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Avoid drugs, alcohol and smoking.

Yogic Exercise - Su Salutation Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)- This set of yoga exercises are recommended for cardiovascular health. Do at least 2 to 4 cycles a day. It will help to strengthen the health of the heart and help to prevent heart attack.

Yogic Exercise - Shavasana Savasana (Corpse Pose) - is the preferred yogic asana for relaxation. Lie down quietly on the floor in a mat, flat on your back with your arms by your sides. Concentrate on the flow of your breath.

PRANAYAMA Pranayama is the fourth part of the eightfold Yoga described in the Yoga sutra of Patanjali- the most uthoritative book on yoga, written in the 2nd century before Christ.

Anulom - Viloma Pranayama If this Pranayama is practiced for 3 or 4 months regularly, 30 to 40% of blockages in the arteries are dissolved and removed ! Thus preventing the phenomenon of heart attack.


This helps to relieve tension and so helps to relieve stress and keeps the heart healthy

Alternative Therapies Meditation Reiki healing Mantra Therapy Music therapy

Cont‌ Astrology- Ruby or garnet set in gold on the right ring finger in order to strengthen the heart.

Other Tips

Anti-Vata diet -Take adequate amount of Garlic & Ginger because Garlic lowers the Cholesterol level & Ginger reduces the blood clot.

Cont…  Vitamins A, C, D and E.  Take a small amount of red wine or the herbal wine.  Use less amount of salt (daily 2-3 gm).  Take large amount of fibrous food like (Salads) .

Cont…  Get plenty of rest, relax, be quiet, spend time in nature.  Sandalwood oil can be applied to the forehead or chest when palpitations or pain occur.  Nurture love and affection all over the world.

Cont‌ Keeping a dog as companion is very helpful for heart patient as it removes stress and dogs give lot of love to the master .

ABOUT PLANET AYURVEDA  Planet Ayurveda is a leading herbal GMP certified manufa cturing, export company – owned by Dr. Vikram Chauhan from Chandigarh, India.  It is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company and sister concern of Krishna Herbal Company which is US-FDA registered.  Planet Ayurveda has distributors in various parts of the world and products range over 200.


Dr. Meenakshi Chauhan, BAMS - Gold Medalist, MD (Alt. Med.)

Dr. Vaidya Madan Gulati, BAMS - Gold Medalist, MD (AYURVEDA)

Vaidya VaidyaAnthony AnthonyRouse, Rouse, Graduate GraduateininAyurveda Ayurveda

CONTACT US For ForAyurvedic AyurvedicTreatments Treatments Call Callus usat at+91-991-559-3604, +91-991-559-3604, +91-172-521-4030 +91-172-521-4030 Or Orwrite writeus usat at herbalremedies123@yahoo.com herbalremedies123@yahoo.com To Toget getaafree freeconsultation consultationfrom fromPlanet PlanetAyurveda Ayurveda doctors. doctors.

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This information is not to be used for self diagnosis or treatment. You should always consult your own doctor for specific advice concerning the treatment. The information is not intended to cover all possible uses, nor should it be construed to indicate that use of a particular herbal medicine is safe, appropriate or effective for you. It does not replace the need for services provided by your doctor.

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