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Planetsaver Lighting

Oxford, United Kingdom

Planetsaver is a British LED lighting manufacturer and designer. We manufacture and design all of our LED products at our facility in Oxfordshire. This offers you several benefits. Firstly, we can offer you extremely high levels of service, both in terms of design, pre-installation and after-sales. The proximity of our design and manufacturing facilities to our end customers means that we can react and respond to your queries far more efficiently than our competitors. Secondly, all our lighting products are manufactured to our audited, precision-engineered, quality standards and so you can be assured that they will always operate at the highest levels of performance. Finally, our range has been deliberately designed to give you more energy saving options than other manufacturers. In this way, you can ensure that you are reducing your energy consumption by the greatest possible amounts, while also ensuring that the operation of your lighting scheme remains unaffected.
