Testing Times - May(ish) 2010

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Testing Times to be delivered daily Start your day the Testing Times way Unconfirmed rumours are circulating around the time trialling world suggesting that Testing Times has at last gone ‘live’. The editorial team, headed up by the clapped out old has-been, 9 times BBAR, Ian Cammish (he who produced the greatest ever ‘100’ in 1983 with a ride of 3:31:53 without the aid of tribars, disc wheels or having to pack in work / claim he was putting in a 78 hour week writing for Cycling Weakly … let’s face it, the entire editorial team at Cycling Weakly can't be putting in 78 hours between them if the recent content is anything to go by!) is now reaping the benefits of being able to drip-feed content in to a ‘live’ site by going out training when the sun’s out, watching all the Tours live on Eurosport and feeding Mrs Loughran’s pussy while her

May (just!) 2010 What's in this issue: Not a lot to be honest. “I’ve got far better things to do than waste hours of valuable training and drinking time writing crepe for a dozen or so readers” - Ian Cammish

“Is this the last ever Testing Times?”

husband’s at work during the day. So … if sour milk isn’t enough to spoil your Corn Flakes or leave a bitter taste in your mouth, try clicking on to www.thetestingtimes.co.uk each morning to see if they can’t do any better. There’s even the opportunity to add your own comments. Click here http://www.planet-x-bikes.co.uk/news/ testing-times

… and be part of it. The headline originally read ‘Cammish to deliver daily’ … but he’s 53 years old for goodness sake and finds it hard to deliver once a fortnight … so rumour has it … according to Mrs Cammish!

These are testing times indeed. What with Gordon Brown’s drubbing at the election, an economy on the brink of bankruptcy and some Tory toffee nosed twits now in charge of our taxes let’s just say it’s all pretty gloomy . To cap it all, Testing Times’ driving force, Ian Cammish, is going through a similar black hole of glumness as the evenings draw out and it’s time to go riding. It also seems there's a distinct lack of support from the public-so there's a big chance that Testing Times is going to be a DNF .. at least (maybe) as far as pdf versions are concerned. Could this be the last (pdf) issue ever or is there a gap in the market for a regular tt magazine? Contact vino@picadilly.co.uk to find out.

Coming next time … maybe … meet the REAL Mrs Tiggywinkle. Holy Trinity … (another) one of Nob’s fetishes! Product reviews. What’s your tipple? (We’ll be blowing the author’s cover). If you think this issue’s bad … you ain’t seen nothing yet … maybe! SEE MORE AT



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