Pilot project: A Healthy future for Delhi’s Dwellers: An integrated business approach for water quality Plan in the Netherlands & Basic Water Needs
Partners: Plan in the Netherlands, Plan India and Basic Water Needs Budget: €542.418 Financed: 68% by Partners for Water, 24% by BWN, 8% Plan Period: 01-02-2013 until 31-01-2015 Location: 3 poor settlements in New Delhi, India
The problem
the outskirts of New Delhi”. To accomplish
About 49% of the total population of New
this goal a scalable business model will be
Delhi lives in slum areas. 90% of all fami-
developed in which distribution points will
lies living in these slums do not have access
provide water filtering and conserving tech-
to safe water sources. They get their water
nologies to residents at an affordable and
from tankers or small water suppliers. 70%
competitive price.
will be utilizing their technical expertise,
of these households do not treat their water
The added value of the project consortium
marketing skills, available product range and
before drinking it. Not surprisingly water-
is based on the fact that the expertise and
procurement expertise for water filtering
borne diseases prevail and water pollution
experience of the partners complement and
and safe water storage. Together with Plan,
has a direct impact on the health of people,
strengthen each other: each partner is doing
BWN will train local self-help groups and
especially children. In India around 320,000
what it is doing best:
(women) entrepreneurs to sell water filters
children die every year from diarrhea caused
• Increase demand for water filters:
that suit the local needs and budget of low
Plan, an international NGO has a long track
income households. By doing this they will
by unsafe water and poor sanitation.
• Increase supply of water filters: BWN
record and experience in raising people’s
ensure a steady supply of safe and afforda-
The project
awareness about safe water-use and storage
ble water filter and conservation techniques
In this pilot project Plan, an international
and has been working with the local com-
in the selected informal settlements.
child focus development organisation, and
munities in poor communities in Delhi sin-
Basic Water Needs, a Dutch company that
ce1979. Plan knows the local populations
In case the pilot project is successful Plan
develops, manufactures and markets cost ef-
needs and knows how to reach them. By
and BWN will scaled up and duplicated this
fective and affordable water treatment soluti-
raising awareness on safe water-use and
business model in other areas in and outside
ons have joined forces to “Improve the water
storage demand and willingness to pay for
quality for residents in three poor colonies on
water filters will increase.
Plan Nederland Plan Nederland is a Dutch NGO (established in 1975) and is member of Plan International, one of the oldest children’s development organisations in the world. Plan works with children, their families, communities, local grass roots organisations and local governments to improve basic services like water and sanitation. Plan puts emphasis on the rights of and opportunities for girls because discrimination and inequality based on sex is common practice in many developing countries. Girls, for example, suffer more than boys if water is not available. Often they are the main duty bearers responsible for fetching drinking water and are the ones that need to take care of the sick when family members fall ill due to waterborne diseases. Plan has a long track record in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) projects in Africa and Asia. Plan has been active in India since 1979 and works in close cooperation with local Indian partner organisations.
Basic Water Needs Basic Water Needs (BWN) is a Dutch company, established in 2002 which is committed to realize a significant positive health impact
All products that BWN produces or procures
Partners for Water
by improving access to safe drinking water
for its customers are tested in the laboratory
The Partners for Water programme provides
for low-income groups at the bottom of the
of the Waterleidingbedrijf Groningen in the
support to Dutch water sector organisations,
pyramid (BoP).
Netherlands, where BWN also has an office.
profit and non-profit, that work together to
BWN has a manufacturing daughter company
realise their international objectives in the
BWN develops, manufactures and markets
in India, named Basic Water Needs Pvt Ltd.
field of water.
cost effective and affordable water treatment
The production plant in Pondicherry, Tamil
Partners for Water acts as a stepping stone for
solutions according to its core values: quality,
Nadu, started in the beginning of 2002. BWN
Dutch organisations that have the ambition
affordability and availability. Besides this, the
has a strong experience in exporting water
to venture abroad and promote a new Dutch
company sources tailor made solutions for
purification filters to developing countries
technology or approach. This pilot project is
drinking water purification, applying its own
including Ethiopia, Guinea Bissau, Tanzania,
co-financed by the programme Partners for
quality control and assurance methods.
Bangladesh and Haiti.
Plan Postbus 75454 1070 AL Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 549 55 20 www.plannederland.nl info@plannederland.nl