Annual Report 2019

Page 9

PLANNING DIRECTORATE Director – Perit Christopher Borg

DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT DIVISION Major Projects Unit (MPU) & EU and Special Projects Unit (EUSPU) The processing of Major Projects development applications is not only limited to the assessment of the development proposals but, in many cases, involves extensive discussions with all stakeholders involved; a process which starts well ahead of the actual submission of a development application and continues throughout the planning process. During the year, the MPU assessed different types of proposals some of which were very challenging in terms of achieving a high quality sustainable development within the established planning policy and legal framework. The Unit processed a variety of proposals which consisted of large-scale retail establishments, industrial development, community facilities, quarries and high-rise/landmark buildings for commercial use and tourism accommodation. The Unit processed a total of 116 screening requests, also known as Schedule 1 applications and received 160 applications. A total of 192 applications were referred for a decision. The EU and Special Projects Unit processed a total of 41 screening requests and received 207 applications. A total of 212 applications were referred for a decision. The Unit continued to show a commitment to make every effort to focus on the best way to assess applications in terms of quality, efciency and transparency.

General Development Unit (GDU) The GDU continued to achieve positive results in its objective to provide a solid and effective platform for the assessment of the majority of development permission applications received by the Authority. The Unit's ofcers received some 5,700 applications and concluded the processing of 5,200 by the end of the year. During the year, several senior ofcials within the Unit attended training courses on Operational Management, Communication, and EU funds. Four ofcers carried out job shadowing experiences in both private and public entities in Italy and the UK. The Unit also had an intake of two new professional ofcers and is now able to set-up its own satellite team at the PA's Gozo ofce.


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