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The show is gaining far more traction and now, with the support of Canal & River Trust, for the Waterways Management Show, this opens up all kinds of possibilities.
The response to the 2022 event has been fantastic, with many companies rebooking their space and a big increase in new companies enquiring about exhibiting and sponsorship.
The event ties in with the NADC’s National Drainage Awards and the organizers of the National Drainage Show are the Wine Sponsor.
Waterways Management Show, alongside the Drainage Show offers great opportunities to those who manufacture, sell and hire plant and equipment, designed for working on the land and banksides of our waterways, as well as urban drainage projects, from hedge trimmers to excavators.

Canal & River Trust Property Development
By taking an active role, the property development team champions sympathetic yet contemporary waterside development, involving both residential and commercial schemes. The income they generate from this goes straight to help maintain the historic waterways, enhance local environments and reinvigorate the canal and river network.
The Trust will have a major presence, with a working model, on the show floor.
Today they are involved in over £11 billion of waterside regeneration projects nationwide, reinvesting the profits from these schemes to help fund the waterways for future generations.
Canal & River Trust is a major land owner with a unique portfolio of land and property throughout the UK, worth over £500 million. Their team undertake land assembly and prepare their otherwise redundant property for regeneration by progressing it through the planning process. *
Event director, Jon Irwin said: “We are delighted at the response to the new setup, which creates a more holistic approach to water level management and contingency planning, by getting the relevant stakeholders together, with overlapping interests and helping to counter silo thinking and planning.”
The National Infrastructure Commission (NIC) will be presenting either their new recommendations to the government, or an update on what the government has done since their last report. In the 2022 report the NIC recommended stricter controls on new property developments. They said that nearly £12bn of investment in drainage infrastructure over the next thirty years will be necessary to stop thousands more homes and businesses from flooding, due to inadequate drainage. Hopefully, the new report will be available, by the time the show comes around and will make for an interesting presentation.
A welcome is extended to the Water Jetting Association (WJA) who, for the first time, will be supporting the show and have a presence with a stand on the floor.
National Drainage Show Sits Perfectly Between two Other Events
There is a lot more to come for the National Drainage Show, which has the added bonus of being sandwiched between the Homes UK show and Futurescape, the commercial landscaping event, both of which will attract their fair share of developers, planners contractors and local authorities, who will then be welcomed to come into the event, if interested.
For Further Information
To register for free entry tickets please visit the websites: www.waterwaysmanagementshow.com www.drainageshow.com www.floodex.co.uk or for further information about exhibiting or sponsorship contact: email jon@floodex.co.uk or call 01327 876251