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From Earthmovers To Pallet Movers
IWC Tyres delivers a bespoke tyre service to suit your business needs. Industrial Tyre & Wheel Supplier
Tyre inspection, repair or replacement as required
Range of quality forklift tyre brands to suit your application
Competitive pricing
Reliable mobile type tting service
Flexible tting times to suit your business needs not just a 9-5 service
Dedicated support team who manage the process from enquiry
Forklift tyres – Solid, Pneumatic, Press on band
Tyre recut and regroove
Industrial Tyre/Foam Fill to puncture proof tyres
Earthmovers and Construction tyres up to 25”

Polyurethane wheels
IWC Tyres Ltd
Suppliers of Wheels and Tyres to the MHE Industry Unit 14 Cornwall Road, Smethwick, Birmingham B66 2JT
The Future
Labour costs are increasing and seem set to do so at an increasing rate. At the same time, site labour is becoming harder to find and retain. As such, Compact Loaders and Dumpers are at a key point to prosper, and the company anticipates rising engagement with the current climate.

In the words of Steve, “Our customers turn to all our brands to help solve a developing labour shortage, but also to remain competitive or become more profitable as labour costs are increasing at an alarming rate. The common response from our customers just a few months after investing in our equipment is along the lines of ‘I should have done this sooner’ or ‘it’s more than paying for itself’. It’s very satisfying for us to know that our equipment is well received and enhancing our customer’s business.”