01.17.13 Plant City Observer

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FREE • thursday, JANUARY 17, 2013



Clemons Road Flag-football poised to take tournament music national. benefits MTC. PAGE 6



strength and honor


Judges crown 2013 Junior Royalty winners.

by Matt Mauney | Associate Editor


by Amber Jurgensen | Associate Editor

School Board denies extra security at elementaries + Have you seen this dog?

The Hillsborough County School Board will host a workshop to discuss safety measures further.

Plant City High School secretary Sherri Iturriaga is asking for help locating her beloved dog, Rosco, a 7-year-old white miniature Schnauzer. On New Year’s Eve, Rosco broke away from his lead and ran away from his home, located off Robinson Farms Lane off Colson Road and James L. Redman Parkway. The family is offering a reward. Anyone with information should call Iturriaga, (813) 299-6108.

+ New Hope to host basketball tourney The Greater New Hope Anointed Ministries Prayer Retreat Center Inc. will host a basketball tournament beginning at 9 a.m. Jan. 26, at the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Recreation Center, 1601 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Blvd. Registration costs $35 per youth team of five (fifth- through eighth-graders and ninth- through 12th-graders), and $50 per adult team of five (male and female). Deadline to register is Jan. 21. For more, call Juanita, (813) 850-1981, or Debra, (813) 719-5138.

+ Walden Lake to host roundup Walden Lake Elementary School will host its kindergarten round-up for the 20132014 school year at 6 p.m. Feb. 7, at the school, 2800 Turkey Creek Road. Children who are 5 years old on or before Sept. 1, 2013, may register for kindergarten. Birth certificate, immunization record, recent physical (within a year of the first day of school), Social Security number and proof of residency are required. For more, call (813) 7579433.

Matt Mauney

Dean Snyder was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last September. He currently is undergoing treatments but refuses to let that slow him down.

A True Gladiator Resident Dean Snyder’s battle with cancer inspired Dean’s Ride, a charity bike ride benefiting the Plant City Family YMCA’s Livestrong program.

Actor Russell Crowe’s 2000 historical drama film, “Gladiator,” is a favorite of Plant City resident Dean Snyder. Little did Snyder know that more than a decade later, messages portrayed in the film would carry even more meaning. “There are scenes in the movie (in which) Russell Crowe tells his men, if they stick together, that the fight becomes easier,” Snyder says. “That’s how I feel about cancer.” That movie inspired Snyder, both with his personal battle with cancer and with the formation of Dean’s Ride, a charity bike ride event ben-

efiting the Plant City Family YMCA’s Livestrong program, a free wellness program for cancer survivors. The motto of the event is “Strength and Honor,” a saying Maximus, played by Crowe, tells Quintus before the battle with Germanian troops begins in the film.


Snyder will never forget that day last September, when he sat down to eat a hamburger. “I tried to swallow a bite, and I couldn’t,” he says. “I knew something was wrong.”


Dean’s Ride WHEN: 8 a.m. Jan. 19 WHERE: Start and finish at HCC Plant City Campus, 206 North Park Road, Plant City COST: $20; and $10 for children under 12. Cost includes T-shirt, light breakfast and lunch ROUTE: 18- and 38-mile options REGISTRATION: Online at tampaymca or active.com. Day-of registration may be made one hour before start time. SAFETY: All bike riders must wear helmets. INFORMATION: Call (813) 7576677 or email Eric Poe at eric. poe@tampaymca.org

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Hillsborough County School Board members voted down Jan. 15, a $4.1 million measure that would have added police officers to every elementary school campus in the district. However, the board agreed to hire Michael Dorn, a nationally recognized school safety expert, to review district safety and security protocols. The board also agreed to conduct a workshop with a security committee to explore the measures further and add more definition to officers who would be located on campuses, such as their training and job descriptions. The vote came less than a week after Hillsborough Superintendent MaryEllen Elia proposed a long-term plan to enhance security at every elementary school. In addition to hiring Dorn and adding 130 officers, Elia’s proposal included: • $1.2 million for securing the remaining 10% of school facilities (failed); • $700,000 to boost existing staff with an additional 50 security personnel for three months prior to June 30, 2013. The remaining security personnel also would be in place during the 2013/14 school year (failed); and • $10,000 for crisis-management training (failed). Board members said they would have liked more time to consider the measures. “I have a problem with this agenda item only because we did not have an opportunity to talk about this as a board in a workshop setting,” board mem-

SEE SAFETY / PAGE 2 Vol. 1, No. 28 | One section



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