02.21.13 Plant City Observer

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You. Your neighbors. Your neighborhood.

FREE • thursday, FEBRUARY 21, 2013

in focus



Daddies take daughters to ‘Wonderland.’

Superheroes slosh through mud run.

Fast foursome leads Chargers track squad.




hometown heroes



by Matt Mauney | Associate Editor

by Amber Jurgensen | Associate Editor

Three area seniors earn prestigious scholarships

Dave Parkinson, Lowry Park Zoo docent

+ Critters captivate Plant City Chamber Members of the animal kingdom joined the Plant City Chamber of Commerce Feb. 13, during its Contact Breakfast. Lowry Park Zoo Executive Director Craig Pugh served as the featured speaker. Chamber members enjoyed meeting several of the zoo’s residents, including Agnes, a two-toed sloth; Ivan, a Eurasian eagle owl; Magoo, a hyacinth macaw; and Sharpita, a prehensiletailed porcupine. This month’s breakfast was sponsored by Poppell Insurance Inc.

+ Photo Archives hires new assistant Plant City Photo Archives and History Center Executive Director Gil Gott announced the appointment of Dawn C. Zaversnik to the position of administrative assistant to the executive director. Zaversnik is a graduate of the University of Florida with a degree in journalism and communications. She has worked with Publix Super Markets and Summit Consulting, in Lakeland.

+ Classifieds are coming soon! One of the requests we receive most frequently is for a Classifieds section in the Plant City Observer. Well, we heard you, and we are thrilled to announce our Classifieds and Service Directory sections are coming in the next few weeks. Soon, you’ll be able to advertise your business, yard, sale, real-estate listing and home goods for sale in our newspaper. Stay tuned!

Thirty-two Hillsborough County students recently were named National Hispanic Scholars. Three are from Plant City.

Courtesy photo

Plant City is the headquarters for the 3rd Battalion, 116th Field Artillery. A subordinate firing artillery, Charlie (shown above), has been dispersed to other subordinate units.

A LONG WAY FROM HOME Florida Army National Guardsmen from the 3rd Battalion, 116th Field Artillery will be departing Saturday, from Plant City, to begin training for a nine-month deployment to Qatar.

For Jacob and Misty Kesler, the National Guard was a compromise. “He wanted to go into the (U.S.) Army, and I didn’t want him to leave, so we decided the National Guard would be the best option,” Misty says. “That way, he was still in but home at the same time.” Plant City natives, high school sweethearts and 2008 graduates of Plant City High School, Jacob and Misty married in November 2012, three years after Jacob joined the Guard and was stationed with the Charlie Battery, in Plant City. He recently was transferred to Lake Wales after the Charlie unit dissolved. This Saturday, Jacob and about 120 of his


Jacob and Misty Kesler have been together since high school. When Jacob leaves for Qatar, it will be the beginning of the couple’s longest time apart.


Hometown Heroes is a recurring feature in the Plant City Observer in which we profile veterans from Plant City. If you have a loved one currently serving or who has served in the past, please contact Managing Editor Michael Eng by email at meng@plantcityobserver.com or by phone at (813) 704-6850.

INDEX Cops Corner...........3

Durant High School senior Jose Perez has moved 57 times to different cities, following the growing seasons and helping his family of migrant workers in the fields. During his sophomore year of high school, his family finally settled in Plant City. But despite all his travels, Perez has been able to succeed academically in school. His most recent success was being named a National Hispanic Scholar. Perez learned of the title this past summer and thought it was “just another thing.” But during the first pep rally of the school year, he was called up on stage at honored as a scholar. Now, every time colleges send him letters, they congratulate him on his award. “I realized it really is a big deal,” Perez said. Only 32 students earned the title in Hillsborough County. Two students at Strawberry Crest High School, Daniel De Brigard and Christopher Mamuscia, also earned the honor. The title is part of the National Hispanic Recognition Program which identifies outstanding Hispanic/Latino high school students. Each year, the NHRP honors about 5,000 students from more than 250,000 hispanic juniors who take the PSAT/NMSQT. Scholars must have at least a 3.0 grade-point average and score a qualifying score on the PSAT/ NMSQT during their junior year of high school. De Brigard said his IB classes and AP classes prepared him well for the test. “I was in the process of applying to different schools when I found out that I was a scholar, so I used it in a lot of my applications,” De Brigard said. De Brigard applied locally to the University of Florida and the University of South Florida and

SEE SCHOLARS / PAGE 2 Vol. 1, No. 33 | One section

Crossword........... 15

Obituaries........... 11

Sports................. 12


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