Plant City Times &
Alvin Orrico is helping veterans for Eagle Scout.
Faith Christian Academy rocks with talent show.
FREE • FRIDAY, MAY 22, 2015
Durant High baseball team is off to states.
by Justin Kline | Staff Writer OUR TOWN cheer for autism
Top Shelf to host autism fundraiser Top Shelf Sports Bar & Grill is celebrating its one-year anniversary Saturday, May 23, with cheerleaders from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Lightning.
+ Congratulations, graduate
Chelsea D. Kendrick, of Plant City, graduated with a bachelor’s of social work from University of West Florida in a commencement ceremony May 2. While at the UWF, her activities included dean’s list for two semesters, Student Government Association, Common Ground, Voyages Leadership, Children’s Home Society volunteer and Junior Achievement volunteer. Kendrick is completing her internship with Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. She is planning to travel with UWF social work students to Guatemala to engage in service and learning with Hearts in Motion, an Indiana–based NGO that has been providing a variety of humanitarian services to needy Central and South Americans for three decades. A 2011 honor graduate of Tampa Bay Technical High School, Chelsea is the daughter of Jesse and Tonja Johnson, and Willie and Stephanie Kendrick.
It’s been an educational first year for the owners of Top Shelf Sports Bar & Grill, and the restaurant wants to do something big to celebrate. While the concept of bringing cheerleaders into a sports bar isn’t a new one, owners Lawrence and Zee Brown are
doing it for a different reason than most. Cheerleaders from the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Lightning will join the Top Shelf crew and patrons this Saturday to raise awareness and money for autism research, specifically for Tampa-based
group Warriors for Autism. Zee Brown, co-owner of the restaurant with her husband, Lawrence Brown, hopes that the event will help people erase some of the negativity that sometimes gets associated with autism. “I was thinking, ‘Cheer for
Autism,’” Brown said. “Let’s try to take something that maybe doesn’t have the most positive connotation, and let’s turn it around.” Zee Brown’s experiences with people who have autism, and the people who work with them, led her to identify it as
by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
Big Brothers Big Sisters comes to Plant City
A representative from the organization will speak next week about the need for mentors.
The Plant City Area Democrats have invited a special guest speaker to their meeting next week, but members of any political party could find the topic interesting: Tampa Bay children’s need for mentors and role models. Dexter Lewis, from Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay, will be giving a presenta-
SEE BROTHERS / PAGE 4 Catherine Sinclair
Tammy Arnold is proud of the medals she earned during active duty, as well as the beautiful quilts she has created.
PATCHWORK Tammy Arnold recently retired as a master sergeant, after 23 years in the Air Force. Tammy Arnold spends her evenings in peace. She sews flowing, colorful quilts, and cares for her rescued cats and a cocker spaniel with special needs. But for more than two decades, Arnold had turned up the intensity in her life quite a few notches. In 1991, at 32, Arnold decided to leave her accounting career and join the U.S. Air Force reserves. “I joined because it’s something I always wanted to do, and I figured if I didn’t do it
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then, I never would,” Arnold said. “And it was a great decision.” Throughout her 23-year Air Force career, six years of which were active duty, Arnold formed lifelong relationships, earned a bachelor’s degree, saw the world and grew in more ways than she could have imagined. “I went from somebody who was not very disciplined, to somebody who is very dis-
In honor of Memorial Day, 813scapes has provided a gift for this month’s Hometown Hero.
EDITOR’S NOTE: Hometown Heroes is a recurring feature in the Plant City Times & Observer in which we profile veterans from Plant City. If you have a loved one currently serving or who has served in the past, please contact Managing Editor Amber Jurgensen by email at or by phone at (813) 704-6850.
This week’s winner is
Jesse Carr
See his photo on PAGE 16.
make a difference
HOMETOWN HERO by Catherine Sinclair | Staff Writer
+ Garden Club hosts field trip
The Plant City Garden Club sponsored a field trip to the Walden Lake Park and Nature Trails for Jackson Elementary gifted students, taught by Elizabeth Damsel. This year’s Junior Gardener program, chaired by Deb Flock, included learning about non-native invasive plants and gardening. This hands on learning experience was enhanced by the field trip to the park. Students each had two target plants to identify during the trip using the scientific skills of observation. They previously learned that non-native, invasive plants cause an imbalance of nature by overwhelming native plants and keeping native birds and insects at bay. The children enjoyed
a cause she’d like to fight for. She’s masterminded Saturday’s event, hoping to bring in some more prominent faces of the Tampa Bay area to raise awareness. “Autism is something that has touched our lives,” Zee Brown said. “We have friends and family members that are dealing with kids with autism.
INDEX Calendar.....................13
by Emily Topper | Staff Writer
Unity in the Community to host golf tournament Need to spend a little time roaming around on the green? Plant City golf nuts can do just that — and help the community at the same time. Unity in the Community will host its annual Golf Classic benefit Friday, May 29, led by tournament director Henry Falcon, at Bloomingdale Golfers Club. This is the ninth year the organization has hosted the tournament, which raised $15,000 last year. Unity in the Community serves to benefit different
SEE GOLF / PAGE 4 Vol.2,No.34 | Twosections