Differentiation in Usage between Pure Tungsten Electrodes and the Other Types: There are a lot of field experts who claim that that a pure tungsten electrode was essential to acquire if we aim for the best outputs in the gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW) for aluminum, magnesium, as well as few other alloys that requires an AC arc. However this statement is turning out the other way round as the industry has modified its usual course of action and set of rules towards the usage of inverter-based AC GTAW machines which slips in the advanced square wave technology. When it comes to maximize the benefits of inverter technology, the selecting process of the right tungsten has become a critical concern. Actually, using the pure tungsten electrodes were the best choice for AC GTAW but, as of today’s condition, the industry experts are advising the welders to use the rare earth tungsten electrodes in place of the pure tungsten electrodes while the inerter-type power sources are used. When elements such as cerium or lanthanum are added along with tungsten, the output is found to be excellent.
The new power source technologies that are introduced recently had actually decreased the usage of pure tungsten. When pure tungsten is heated it melts at low temperature and forms a round orb at the tip. While the ceriated tungsten can actually work well with the new kinds of square wave as well as inverter machines even at higher temperatures that normal. The reasons for which the ceriated tungsten can actually withstand higher temperatures with inerter and square wave machines are as follows. The ceriated tungsten actually clings to a spot longer and moreover starts fine at the low amperages. They can in fact be used on both AC as well as DC polarities. For the process of welding aluminum stuffs, the ceriataed
tungsten has turned out to be one of the most acceptable ones to grind a point on the ceriated tungsten‌ this happens principally when the welding is done on thinner sheets. The ceriataed tungsten actually allows the welding amperages to be raised by about 25-30 percentage when compared to the Pure tungsten electrode of the equivalent diameter. There are different types of tungsten electrodes that are available in the market now to give enhanced performance based on the materials that are combines with tungsten. The Pure form has the color code of Green. This supplies good arc stability for the purpose of AC welding . It has practically good resistance to contamination and has very low current carrying capacity. They are the least expensive and are seen retaining a balled end. The Ceriated (CeO2 1.8% to 2.2%) has the color code of Orange. These give analogous output to thoriated tungsten. These have an easy arc starting with superior arc stability as well as longer life. Source: http://www.everlastgenerators.com