Safety Steps To Be Followed While Arc Welding A student should know the dangers of arc welding before he/she starts it. The two factors that can lead to burns are high temperature arc and hot metal. Electric arc provides two types of rays like ultra violet and infra-red which can cause very severe burns to the eyes in a short period of time. W elding operator should always wear a helmet and other protective devices while welding so that he can protect himself from harmful rays. Filter plates in the welding helmet will remove 99% of the harmful rays if proper shade lens is used. Electric shock and Harmful flames are other dangers associated with arc welding. Welding operator can get electric shock if he welds without gloves, bare cables, uninsulated holder etc. A welding operator should take all safety precautionary steps to protect him against any hazards. He can protect himself by wearing protective clothes, working in dry conditions, provide adequate ventilation etc. There is a list of safety precautionary steps which a welding operator should be similar before arc welding:
Make sure you always wear leather gloves , cables are in good condition, electrode holders are properly insulated while welding.
Do not stand on wet areas while welding. W ear safety glasses to protect your eyes and face. Wear protective clothing, leather gloves and high top shoes while welding. Handle hot metal with pliers or tongs. Keep electrode stubs properly disposed of.
Always use a helmet with the correct shade lens while welding. Try working in ventilated areas.
See to it that you have breathing devices in the working area. Never weld near inflammable materials. Source: