Europe for sustainable plastics - conference eBrochure

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PLASTiCE International Launch Conference

Europe for sustainable plastics Bologna, Italy, October 24-25 2011 MAMbo Museo d'Arte Moderna di Bologna Via Don Giovanni Minzoni, 14—Bologna

This project is implemented through the CENTRAL EUROPE Programme cofinanced by the ERDF


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

On behalf of the PLASTiCE project partnership it is my sincere pleasure to welcome you at the PLASTiCE Launch Conference “Europe for Sustainable Plastics”. The conference will address the issue of plastics sustainability by giving an overview of ongoing activities in this field, particularly those funded from European sources. Sustainability is of course a loosely defined subject but very much parallel to the general objective we are all working for – to reduce the environmental burdens resulting from the great success of plastic materials that has lead to an apparently ever-increasing use of these materials. But there are many ways to follow this goal and only future will show how successful and determined we will be. In addition to rational use and optimal reuse of plastics a long-term approach to improved sustainability is to make plastics that are integrated with natural cycles. This approach is allowed by bioplastics incorporating the use of renewable resources and ultimate biodegradability. Our conference should highlight cutting edge developments in this area and will hopefully provide some answers to open issues. In particular it should provide support for a stronger push in this direction in Central Europe. Central Europe is at a crossroads: it has great knowledge and potential in the field, but the potential remains unrealized. It is in our interest to support a decisive shift in the region toward higher sustainability by joining scientific and industrial development. Our conference is also a contribution to the celebration of the international year of chemistry and it is almost symbolic of our dependence on the continuous development of knowledge that it is organized in the beautiful city of Bologna, which is the proud home to the first and oldest continuously operating University in the world. Finally I would like to thank all participants and presenters for their contributions and I wish that we may achieve our common goals.

Andrej Kržan


Conference Agenda October 24th 2011

9:00 10:00-10:30

Welcome coffee and registration of participants Opening of the Conference, Antonella LIBERATORE, Emilia-Romagna Region, Territorial Coorperation office Giuseppe CONTI - Head of Research Office, University of Bologna Andrej KRŽAN - PLASTiCE Coordinator, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Introduction to sustainable plastics


Past EU Activities Re Sustainable Plastics - Gerhard BRAUNEGG (Graz University of Technology, AT) Coffee Break


Session One


Turning polysaccharides into plastics. Some European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence (EPNOE) results - Patrick NAVARD (Armines-Mines Paris Tech-CNRS, FR)


SURFUNCELL: Surface functionalization of cellulose matrices using cellulose embedded nano-particles - Volker RIBITSCH (Graz University, AT)


BIOMASA: Utilization of Biomass for the preparation of environmentally friendly polymer materials - Andrzej OKRUSZEK (Technical University of Lodz, PL)


WHEYLAYER: The "Whey" forward for the plastics industry - Robert CARROLL (Pimec, ES)


MARGEN: New generation of the polymeric packaging materials susceptible to organic recycling- Marek KOWALCZUK (Polish Academy of Science Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials,PL)




Session one continues


ANIMPOL: From Animal waste to PHA-Bioplasics - Martin KOLLER (Graz University of Technology, AT)


BIOPOL: Technology of biodegradable polyesters production from renewable resources - Andrzej DUDA (Polish academy of Sciences, PL)


ECOSHELL: Bio-materials for structural use in car application - Alain de LARMINAT, Kambiz KAYVANTASH (Citi Technologies, FR)


Recent developments in Bioplastics in the frame of AIMPLAS FP6 and FP7 Projects: PICUS, NATEX, BUGWORKERS, HYDRUS, PLA4Food - Liliana CHAMUDIS (AIMPLAS, ES)


Coffee break


Session two


ECOPACK: Improvement of green labels for packaging and mulching plastics based on application of innovative (eco)toxicological tests for the safe recovery of material wastes - Daniel RIBERA (BioTox, FR)


REBIOFOAM: Development of a flexible and energy-efficient pressurised microwave heating process to produce 3D-shaped Renewable BIO-Polymer FOAMs for novel generation of transportation packaging - Federica MASTROIANNI (Novamont, IT)


HORTIBIOPACK: Development of innovative bidegradable packaging system to improve shelf life, quality and safety of high-value sensitive horticultural fresh produce Demetres BRIASSOULIS (Agricultural University of Athens, GR)


Construction and outfitting of Center of Bioimmobilisation and innovative Packaging materials - Artur BARTKOWIAK (Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials, PL)


ECOBIOCAP: ECOefficient BIOdegradable Composite Advanced Packaging - Natalie GONTARD (Joitn Research Agro-Polymers Engineering and Emerging Technologies , FR)




Conference Agenda October 25th 2011


Session three


Development of Biobased/Biodegradable/Compostable Nanocomposite Mulching Films Erhan PISKIN (Ahcettepe University and Biyomedtek,TR)


The new assortment of biodegradable products for agriculture developed in a frame of the realisation of BIOGRATEX project -Technologies and Properties - Izabella KRUCINSKA (Technical University Lodz, PL)


BIOAGROTEX: Development of new agrotextiles from renewable resources and with a tailored biodegradability - Stijn MONSAERT (Centrexbel, BE)


BIOMASS WASTE - A source of raw materials and energy - Matja탑 KUNAVER (PoliMaT, SI)


FORBIOPLAST: Bio-composites based on forest derived materials and biodegradable polymers - Andrea LAZZERI (University of Pisa, IT)


Coffee break


Session four


MARINECLEAN: Marine debris removal and preventing further litter entry - Janez NAVODNIK (PoliEko, SI)


BIOCHEM: Eco-IP Partnership for Driving Innovation in the Sector of Bio-based Products Maria Grazia ZUCCHINI (Aster, IT)


NOVAMONT - Federica MASTROIANNI (Novamont, IT)

12:20-12:40 12:40-13:00

MIREL - Stanislaw HAFTKA (Telles, NL) ASSOBIOPLASTICHE - David NEWMAN (Assobioplastiche, IT)




Session five




ECOZEMA - Armido MARANA (Ecozema, IT)


Round table - Conclusions, Recommendations, Follow up


Giuded tour of the Museum


About the Conference

Europe for Sustainable Plastics is an international conference organized as the Launch Conference of the PLASTiCE (Innovative Value Chain Development for Sustainable Plastics in Central Europe) project, which started in April 2011 within the Central Europe programme. In Central Europe, Europe and beyond there are currently a number of ongoing projects dealing with the broader issue of sustainable plastics. In addition there are also numerous activities carried out by companies and associations working to promote the wider use of sustainable plastics. These activities range from basic science to the development of marketable applications. The Europe for sustainable plastics conference was planned to join these actors in one focused event and give them an opportunity to present their work and forward views. By this we hope to provide a much needed snapshot of the current situation and a de facto overview of the developing trends in bioplastics and other modern, sustainable plastic materials and solutions. The conference should help in realizing important synergies but also to point out the unresolved challenges still waiting ahead. The results of the conference will be widely distributed after the event is finished thus reaching an audience much greater than that present in Bologna. The program of the conference consists of more than 25 presentations of the current state-of-the-art by:


national and international R&D project coordinators/representatives giving their views on the topic from the scientific/academic and potential application development viewpoint;


industry representatives presenting their current successes and future goals as well as their view of future trends (environmental view, market view);


NGO representatives working within the environmental sector to promote the use of sustainable plastics.

The contributions cover the development of novel materials for various applications such as packaging, agriculture, textiles etc. indicating the expected wider acceptance of these materials in the future. We expect that the conference will be an opportunity to identify new synergies between projects and institutions that may ease the process of making solid advances. In addition the aggregate view will allow us to identify the trends, and more importantly the barriers that still exist and limit the wider use of new sustainable plastics and that we should overcome in the future.



The international project PLASTiCE - Innovative value chain development for sustainable plastics in Central EuropeInnovative value chain development for sustainable plastics in Central Europe started in April 2011 within the Central Europe Programme. It brings together 13 partners from 4 countries (Italy, Slovakia, Slovenia and Poland) that represent the entire value chain from production to waste management and enjoys a strong support from institutions of knowledge. The PLASTiCE project has as its objective to promote new environmentally friendly and sustainable solutions, particularly biodegradable plastics, in the packaging and end-user industry. This will be achieved through information dissemination and by identifying and removing barriers to the faster and more widespread use of sustainable types of plastic, particularly biodegradable plastics and plastics based on renewable resources, in Central Europe. Among the most important project objectives are:

 raising awareness among target groups including general public on the issue of biodegradable plastics

 improving technology transfer and knowledge exchange mechanisms with end -user industries

 improving access to scientific knowledge and the use of already existing knowledge as well as adapting it to the requirements of biodegradable polymer and plastics producers

 intensifying application-oriented cooperation between research and industry. The project is following these objectives by dissemination of information through National Information Points that will be established in all participating countries, as well as through targeted events. We are conducting an analysis of market expectations and case studies of the value chain that will be the basis for the development a Transnational Advisory Scheme and proposing a Roadmap for Joint R&D Scheme, which will to intensify application-oriented cooperation between research and industry. These actions are tailored, but not limited, to the particular needs of Central Europe with its specific situation The region possesses relatively strong centres of knowledge on biodegradable materials but lags in the application of such materials as well as production and commercial activity linked to them. By joining and combining the R&D potential from different countries this project has a well-



rounded scientific support that is being applied to addressing these shortcomings. Through the combined effect of information, regulatory support and by involving the complete value chain contribution (research, producer, converter, end user) the project will contribute to overcoming current obstacles to the wider use of sustainable plastics use in Central Europe and through the lessons learnt elsewhere as well. (




CENTRAL EUROPE is an EU programme that encourages transnational cooperation among the countries of Central Europe to improve innovation, accessibility and the environment and to enhance the competitiveness and attractiveness of cities and regions. The CENTRAL EUROPE programme invests € 231 million to provide funding to projects carried out in partnership involving national, regional and local institutions from Austria, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia. The CENTRAL EUROPE programme area covers about 1,050,000 square kilometres, an area that is approximately a fifth of the EU landmass. About 148 million citizens or 28 percent of the EU population live in this area. CENTRAL EUROPE is financed by the European Regional Development Fund and runs from 2007 to 2013. The programme area is characterised by a high population density as well as a high degree of urbanisation, with 73 percent of the population living in cities or urban areas. Its economy shows high disparities with regard to income and living standards: Besides encompassing some of Europe’s richest regions, CENTRAL EUROPE also includes some of Europe’s poorest ones.

CENTRAL EUROPE aims to contribute to reducing these differences through cooperation between regions, working towards joint solutions to common problems and actions that harness the regions’ potential. The programme should also help to strengthen the overall competitiveness by stimulating innovation and promoting excellence throughout Central Europe.


Abstracts and Posters


Presentations in alphabetic order of speakers CONSTRUCTION AND OUTFITTING OF CENTER OF BIOIMMOBILISATION AND INNOVATIVE PACKAGING MATERIALS; BARTKOWIAK, Artur (Center of Bioimmobilisation and Innovative Packaging Materials, Poland) HORTIBIOPACK- DEVELOPMENT OF INNOVATIVE BIDEGRADABLE PACKAGING SYSTEM TO IMPROVE SHELF LIFE, QUALITY AND SAFETY OF HIGH-VALUE SENSITIVE HORTICULTURAL FRESH PRODUCE; BRIASSOULIS, Demetres (Agricultural University of Athens Department of Natural Resources and Agricultural Engineering, Greece) Abstract, Poster WHEYLAYER - THE »WHEY« TO SUSTAINABLE PACKAGING; CARROLL, ROBERT, Pimec (The SME association of Catalunya, Spain) Abstract, Poster RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN BIOPLASTICS IN THE FRAME OF AIMPLAS FP6 AND FP7 PROJECTS; CHAMUDIS, Liliana (AIMPLAS, Spain) Abstract, Poster1, Poster2, Poster3, Poster4, Poster5 BIOPOL- TECHNOLOGY OF BIODEGRADABLE POLYESTERS PRODUCTION FROM RENEWABLE RESOURCES; DUDA, Andrzej (Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Science, Poland) Abstract ECOBIOCAP- ECOEFFICIENT BIODEGRADABLE COMPOSITE ADVANCED PACKAGING; GONTARD, Natalie (Joint Research Unit Agro-polymers Engineering and Emerging Technologies, France) Abstract ANIMPOL - FROM ANIMAL WASTE TO PHA-BIOPLASTICS ; KOLLER, Martin (Graz University of Technology, Austria) Abstract, Poster MARGEN-NEW GENERATION OF THE POLYMERIC PACKAGING MATERIALS SUSCEPTIBLE TO ORGANIC RECYCLING; KOWALCZUK, Marek (Polish Academy of Science Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Poland) Abstract, Poster THE NEW ASSORTMENT OF BIODEGRADABLE PRODUCTS FOR AGRICULTURE DEVELOPED IN A FRAME OF TEH REALISATION OF BIOGRATEX PROJECT -TECHNOLOGIES AND PROPERTIES; KRUCINSKA, Izabella (Technical University of Lodz, Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology, Poland) Abstract BIOMASS WASTE – A SOURCE OF RAW MATERIALS AND ENERGY; KUNAVER, Matjaž (Center of Excellence PoliMaT, Slovenia) Abstract ECOSHELL- BIO-MATERIALS FOR STRUCTURAL USE IN CAR APPLICATION; de LARMINAT, Alain (CITI Technologies, France) Abstract, Poster 10



Development of innovative biodegradable packaging system to improve shelf life, quality and safety of high-value sensitive horticultural fresh produce Demetres Briassoulis Agricultural University of Athens

Background Equilibrium Modified Atmosphere Packaging (EMAP) of Fresh Produce is increasingly used to extend shelf-life of fresh produce. Increased EMAP usage coupled with negative environmental views associated with nondegradable synthetic packaging materials creates a societal demand and a need of SMEs for biodegradable films. aims at developing innovative and safe biodegradable Equilibrium Modified Atmosphere Packaging film systems based mainly on the use of environmental friendly bio-based, biodegradable raw materials aiming at the improvement of the shelf life, quality and safety of specific high value sensitive horticultural fresh produce. Several research works are in progress worldwide aiming at developing biodegradable packaging materials for various applications, including food packaging. A limited portion of this research effort is dedicated to EMAP packaging systems. The development of biodegradable films that are based on renewable raw materials and designed for EMAP systems for fresh produce, meeting the design criteria of gas transport properties, ensuring safety of the produce while maintaining its original quality, firmness and colour is still at the very early stages of research and development. Objectives of HortiBioPack  Design biodegradable Equilibrium Modified Atmosphere Packaging film systems to offer optimal gas transport properties tailored to achieve Equilibrium Modified Atmosphere Packaging (EMAP) of high value fresh horticultural produce through the development of new and existing technologies.  Develop active and intelligent packaging systems which regulate the modified atmosphere and actively interact to prevent spoilage through modified nano-fillers against microbial action.  Develop compostable packaging systems, mainly based on renewable raw materials, CEN 13432 certified.  Optimise EMAP systems in terms of design and low-cost, with enhanced mechanical and physical behaviour through optimisation of the processing parameters of low thickness film, depending on the application 12

Two specific sensitive high value horticultural fresh produce representing fruits (peach) and vegetables (cherry tomato) are considered. Progress During the first period of the project, the design requirements of two representative horticultural products (cherry tomatoes and peaches) were studied with respect to shelf lifetime, quality, and safety to consumers. The optimal EMAP conditions for the two horticultural products (cherry tomatoes and peaches), selected as typical examples, were determined by extensive full scale storage experiments. All crucial parameters defining the optimal EMAP conditions were identified and quantified. The mechanical, physical and chemical properties of existing biodegradable materials were critically reviewed. Moreover, the European legal framework regulating food packaging materials was critically reviewed. After a systematic literature review and testing of existing biodegradable, bio-based films and taking into account the above results, PLA was selected as the packaging material to be used for developing the new EMAP system for cherry tomatoes and peaches. Based on the design requirements already established for cherry tomatoes and peaches, a new PLA based EMAP with micro-perforations system was designed that meets the corresponding requirements. Combined experimental work and numerical simulations were used to design the new system. In parallel the introduction of nano-particles with antimicrobial action is under investigation with respect to both the biological effect of such additives and their compatibility to the matrix material. Full scale experiments are in progress (peach for the summer and early autumn period; cherry tomatoes for late autumn period) for validating and optimising the new EMAP system for cherry tomatoes and peaches. Results already presented in the scientific community and dissemination activities may be found in the web page of the project: Expected final results 1. Design requirements for developing biodegradable EMAP and selection of biobased biodegradable materials. 2. Design of micro-perforation in combination with BACK

membrane permeability characteristics to meet EMAP requirements 3. Innovative biobased biodegradable film processing technology 4. Novel nanotechnology systems for biodegradable EMAP film 5. Prototypes: biodegradable EMAP solutions for peach and cherry tomatoes; extension of the design to strawberries and arugula (or rucola). The introduction of novel environmentally friendly packaging materials in EMAP for fresh produce will boost several high technology SMEs working in this field, and reduce the negative environmental impact of the extensive use of plastics in such applications. Partnership The project objectives are achieved by bringing together research teams of high scientific quality with complimentary expertise and experiences in the field, along with a group of SMEs with complementarity in business interests and/or regional characteristics and applications all of them targeting the development of innovative biodegradable packaging for fresh horticultural produce:  AUA - Agricultural University of Athens (EL)  Mach S.R.L. (I)  Advanced & NanoMaterials Research s.r.l. (I)  Irmatech (F)  Pacsystem AB Svenskt (S)  Ingino raffaele s.r.l. (I)  Alfa Beta Roto S.A. (EL)  CNR - National Research Council of Italy (I):  Institute of Polymer Chemistry and Technology (ICTP-CNR)  Sassari Unit of Institute of Sciences of Food Production (ISPA-SS)  Institute of Food Science (ISA)  UBS - University of South Brittany (F)  SIK - The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology (S) Project Coordinator Prof. Demetres Briassoulis AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS, Department of Natural Resources & Agricultural Engineering 75, Iera Odos Str., 11855 Athens, Greece Tel.: +30.210.5294011, FAX: +30.210.5294023 E-mail address:


Typical simulation of a laser micro-perforated film with small WVTR

Experiments with peach packed in EMAP prototype bags




Wheylayer: the whey to sustainable packaging Robert Carroll PIMEC: the SME association of Cataluyna

The whey forward to sustainable packaging The WHEYLAYER Project is a 3 year industry driven research and development project that is being funded by the European Commission’s Seventh Framework Programme under “Research for SME- Associations”. The aim of the this cooperative research project was to replace currently used synthetic oxygen-barrier layers with whey protein coatings. Preliminary tests on the oxygen permeation properties of whey-protein-coated plastic films carried out to date have revealed that Whey protein isolate (WPI) or concentrate (WPC) coating solutions displayed excellent oxygen barrier properties at low to intermediate Relative Humidity, comparable to synthetic oxygen barriers and have showed great promise in the potential of whey protein coatings for replacing existing expensive synthetic oxygen barrier polymers. This present research project has built upon exiting research in order to arrive at a commercially feasible technique for developing whey coated plastic films, without jeopardising the oxygen or moisture barrier performance of conventional plastic films, while increasing the recyclability of these plastics.





Recent developments in Bioplastics in the frame of AIMPLAS FP6 and FP7 Projects Presenter: Liliana Chamudis AIMPLAS

This communication reports some of the current achievements in the field of bioplastics developed by AIMPLAS in collaboration with industrial and research organisations in the frame of EU projects. The goals, research areas addressed and results obtained are presented for FP6 Project PICUS and FP7 Projects NATEX, HYDRUS, BUGWORKERS and PLA4FOOD. The research is focused to improve characteristics and processing of bioplastics (thermoplastic starch, PLA, or PHA/PHB) for application in diverse industrial sectors such as packaging, agriculture, electrical/electronic, white goods or structural composites. Projects: Development of a 100 % Biodegradable Plastic fiber to manufacture twines to stake creeping plants and nets for packaging agricultural products. Project Type: EC FP6 Co-operative Research Project (CRAFT). Horizontal Research Activities involving SMEs PICUS aimed to develop 100% biodegradable plastic fibres to be used in two specific applications: a) Twines used for staking and propping crops in greenhouses, and b) nets for packaging low-weight (up to 5 kg) agricultural, marine and non food products. PICUS objectives were: •To develop a fibre that fulfils the mechanical and thermal demands of a traditional staking twine and packaging net during the useful life span, but undergoing complete biodegradation after harvest on composting conditions (twines) and without their disposal problems (nets). •To find an environmentally friendly solution for the management of the plastic waste generated by plastic twines and net. •To contribute in overcoming the lack of technical experience that exists about flexible fibre manufacture with biodegradable polymers. The new plastic fibres obtained in PICUS fulfilled the following criteria: 100% biodegradable (“on-farm composted” or treated in composting plants (Municipal Solid Waste System) after its useful life), hydrophobic, easy cutting, easy processing, and low plastodeformation.

Figure 1. PICUS Twisted Staking Twines (left &PICUS Net in tubular form (right).


Natural aligned fibres and textiles for use in structural composite applications Project Type: EC FP7 Collaborative Project (NMP) targeted to SMEs NATEX develops aligned textiles from natural fibres suitable for use as high strength reinforcing fabrics to produce structural composite parts using bio-based thermoplastics (PLA) and thermoset resins. NATEX main objectives are: •Development of aligned textiles from natural fibres that are suitable to be used as high-strength reinforcing fabrics for the production of structural biocomposite materials and components. •To promote the use of natural fibres in structural applications where traditional materials are currently used; for this purpose hemp and flax natural fibres are used. •To make the shift from resource to knowledge intensive industry through the development of advanced technical textiles. •To bring innovative developments in various areas: fibre preparation, yarns manufacturing, fabric architecture, polymer selection and modification, processing, joining and finishing technologies, design of parts using CAD/ CAE tools, etc. Figure 2:Microscopy images of composite plate made of PLA reinforced with flax fibre

NATEX proves that natural fibres and textiles are a viable solution and can be available for our society in the near future. The new products – based on natural resources – will offer competitive alternatives in structural composite parts where nowadays materials from nonrenewable resources are used. In the project, case studies are developed in four industrial sectors: transport systems (motor-cover and grit container), energy systems (housing for solar and thermal panels), agricultural systems (tractor floor) and shipbuilding (boat access door). Development of crosslinked flexible bio-based and biodegradable pipe and drippers for microirrigation applications. Project Type: EC FP7 Capacities Research for the benefit of SMEs (R4SME) HYDRUS aims to develop plastic pipes and drips for BACK

micro-irrigation systems produced with bio-based and biodegradable material which will maintain the functional properties during their lifespan and at the same time biodegrade after use in composting conditions. The developed pipes and drips fulfil the following requirements: •Mechanical properties ~ current PE pipes (reactive extrusion, structural changes). •Traditional plastic processing methods & conventional agricultural machinery •Completely biodegradable and not harmful afterwards (soil/compost) •Thermally, mechanically and chemically resistant and inert •Mechanically recyclable product •Economically viable The main results achieved in HYDRUS are: •new biodegradable pipe/drip fulfilling micro-irrigation systems requirements including biodegradability standards. •Compound formulations, including the necessary additives and polymer blends, to ensure that the properties of the final products are met. •The understanding on reactive extrusion and structural changes. New Tailor-made PHB-based nanocomposites for high performance applications produced from environmentlly friendly production routes Project Type: EC FP7 Collaborative Project (NMP) targeted to SMEs BUGWORKERS project aims to develop a new costcompetitive and environmentally friendly bionanocomposite material based on the combination of a polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) matrix produced by new fermentation culture technology with two types of nanofibres, cellulose whiskers and lignin-based, in order to have a true alternative to engineering materials in two main sectors: household appliances, computers and telecommunications. The project objectives are: • to increase the PHB yield by high density fermentation cultures and hydrolyzing sugars from agricultural waste as the main feed stocks • to develop 2 grades of PHB (homo- and co-polymer); one with high crystallinity and high thermal and chemical resistance, the other a co-polymer with improved flexibility and impact resistance • to develop functionalised lignin-based nanofibres and cellulose-whiskers obtained through enzymatic treatments from renewable resources • To develop compounding and processing technologies with the aim of reducing material needs and improving the end product properties


Figure 3. PHB synthesized by bacteria – final product

Active Multilayer Packaging based on Optimized PLA formulations for Minimally Processed Vegetables and Fruits Project Type: EC FP7 Capacities R4SME PLA4FOOD project is focused to the development of innovative active and biodegradable packaging for fresh-cut food products based on renewable resources thermoplastic materials (PLA-polylactic acid) functionalised with the synergic addition of additives from natural sources (antioxidants, antibacterial and antifungal) in order to increase the shelf-life of packed products. Different encapsulation routes will be tested to protect active additives from processing conditions and to have controlled migration rates. PLA4FOOD main objectives are:  to minimize PLA current limitations in flexibility, water barrier properties and processability using different additives: bio-based lactic-acid plasticizers, inorganic nanofillers and organic nucleants.  to develop co-extrusion techniques to achieve the best cost/benefit ratio and optimal performance of the active packaging by controlling the thickness and crystallinity of each layer.  to produce new active and biodegradable packages from renewable sources that will provide minimally processed fresh-cut products adequate protection against environmental agents, will improve product properties (quality, shelf-life, microbiological safety and nutritional values), and moreover, will degrade in composting conditions according to the standard UNE-EN 13432.AR Partnerships: These projects are coordinated by AIMPLAS in Spain and carried out with the collaboration of industrial enterprises and research organisations round Europe.. Acknowledgements: The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Sixth & Seventh Framework Programme (FP6/20022006; FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement numbers 17684 (PICUS), 214467 (NATEX), 246449 (BUGWORKERS) 262557 (PLA4FOOD), 231975 (HYDRUS)












Technology of Biodegradable Polyesters Production from Renewable Resources - BIOPOL Andrzej Duda and Stanislaw Slomkowski Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences Sienkiewicza 112, PL-90-363 Lodz, Poland

Project objective The general objective of Biopol project is to carry out strategic research and development of innovative technological solutions employing the renewable materials base followed by creating new products assortment from the resulting biodegradable polymers. Biopol project aims also to meet the needs connected with the necessity to use biodegradable materials in Poland. This is due to a common awareness of the importance of the environment in a human life. Thus, efforts are made to enable a development of environmentally friendly polymeric high-tonnage products based on new “clean technologies”. It is also possible to use biodegradable polyesters in the biomedical area, for example in controlled drug delivery systems or as bioresorbable implants. Specific objectives To develop production technologies of polylactide (PLA) in the model research installation (PLA installation). To develop production technologies of biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic polyester (BPE) in the model research installation (IBPE installation). To implement the results of chemical modification of PLA, IBPE, and PLA-IBPE blends and copolymers To implement the results of processing of PLA, IBPE, and PLA-IBPE. To develop the projects of PLA, IBPE, and PLA-IBPE based industrial goods. Partners of the project Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz - the Project coordinator Research carried out at the Center encompasses fundamental problems of organic, bioorganic, and macromolecular chemistry and physics. These studies include also methods of designing modern, high-tech materials. The earlier research led to development of the methods for the synthesis of the biodegradable polyesters. Parallel studies were performed allowing correlation of the polyesters microstructure with their performance behavior. The Center is also currently participating in the implementation of complementary BIOMASA, BIOGRA24

TEX, and MARGEN projects, which together with BIOPOL, shall lead to the elaboration of new technology: beginning with renewable raw materials and finishing with specialized products made from biodegradable polyesters. Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibers in Lodz The Institute conducts research and carries out development tasks leading to the implementation of the new solutions in the area of synthesis, processing modification, and use of biopolymers. Techniques and technologies for production, processing and use of chemical fibers are also being developed. The Institute is working on the technology of one of the biodegradable polymers covered by the BIOPOL project, as well as upon the implementation of tasks related to the BIOGRATEX and BIOMASA projects. Faculty of Chemistry, Warsaw University of Technology The Faculty belongs to the largest polytechnic faculties of chemistry in Poland. Over 850 students at the undergraduate level and nearly 110 Ph.D. students are educated. The main directions of research at the Faculty concern fundamental problems of chemistry and are correlated with the needs of the economy of the country and of the region in the widely understood area of the chemical technology. Department of Chemistry and Technology of Polymers is involved in the implementation of the BIOPOL and MARGEN projects. The main activities of the Laboratory of Technological Processes are to design, and then to participate in the construction of experimental installation of biodegradable polyesters. Realization period 1st January 2009. – 31st December 2013 Project manager Prof. Dr. Stanisław Slomkowski – Director of Center of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences in Lodz. The Project is realized upon Contract Number POIG.01.01.02-10-025/09 and co-financed by European Union in the frame of the Operational Program – Innovative Economy financed from the European Regional Development Fund.


EcoBioCAP Ecoefficient Biodegradable Composite Advanced Packaging Natalie Gontard Joint Research Unit Agro-polymers Engineering and Emerging Technologies, France

Call: FP7-KBBE-2010-4 WP Topic addressed: KBBE.2010.2.3-01: Development of biodegradable food packaging Type of funding scheme: Collaborative project (small/ medium-scale research project) Name of coordinating person: Prof. Nathalie Gontard EcoBioCAP will provide the EU food industry with customizable, ecoefficient, biodegradable packaging solutions with direct benefits both for the environment and EU consumers in terms of food quality and safety. This next-generation packaging will be developed using advanced composite structures based on constituents (biopolyesters, fibres, proteins, polyphenolic compounds, bioadhesives and high-performance bio-additives) derived from food industry (oil, dairy, cereal and beer) by-products only and by applying innovative processing strategies (blends and multilayers at different scales) to enable customisation of the packaging’s properties to fit the functional, cost, safety and environmental impact requirements of the targeted fresh perishable food (fruit and vegetables, cheese and ready-to-eat meals). Demonstration activities with SMEs and industrial


partners will enable the EcoBioCAP technology to be optimised in terms stability, safety, environmental impact and cost- effectiveness before full exploitation. The development of a decision support system for use by the whole packaging chain will make the EcoBioCAP technology accessible to all stakeholders. Extensive outreach activities will not only disseminate the project results to the scientific community but also ensure that consumers and end-users are informed of the usage conditions and benefits of such bio-degradable packaging and how it should be disposed of.


The ANIMPOL Project: From Animal Waste to PHA-Bioplastics Martin Koller, Anna Salerno, Alexander Muhr, Angelika Reiterer, Heidemarie Malli, Karin Malli, Gerhart Braunegg Institute of Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Graz University of Technology, Austria

Major Objectives The project ANIMPOL (ÂťBiotechnological conversion of carbon containing wastes for eco-efficient production of high added value productsÂŤ) utilises waste streams from slaughterhouses, the animal rendering industry and waste fractions from conventional biodiesel manufacture for the production of improved biodiesel (fatty acid esters, FAE) and high-value biodegradable polymeric materials (polyhydroxyalkanoates, PHA). Significance of the Project: The Raw Materials The entire amounts of animal lipids from the slaughtering process in Europe can be quantified with more than 500.000 t per year. According to the European Biodiesel Board, the available saturated biodiesel fraction from this waste amounts to annually 50.000 t. This saturated FAE cause problems when used as fuel due to its elevated cold filter plugging point which is limiting in blends that exceed 20 vol.-% FAE. From the saturated FAE, the amount of PHA biopolyesters that can theoretically be produced amounts to about 35.000 t annually, if calculated with a conversion yield of 0.7 g/g. The surplus glycerol phase (CGP) from the biodiesel production is estimated for Europe with annually 265.000 metric tons. If applied for production of catalytically active biomass capable to produce PHA, one can expect about 0.4 g biomass per g of glycerol. Scientific Approach PHA are produced from saturated FAE that can have a negative effect on the properties of biodiesel when used as engine fuel. Various techniques including microbiology, genetics, biotechnology, mathematical modelling of the bioprocesses, chemical engineering, polymer chemistry- and processing are used to produce these high-value biopolymers. These studies are supported by process development, life cycle analysis and feasibility studies covering the use of and the marketing of the final products. Involving close cooperation between academic and industrial partners, the project aims to solve local waste disposal problems affecting the entire EU. Fig. 1 illustrates the principles of the project.


Status of development Within the first half of the project, the focus of the ANIMPOL activities was especially directed to the allocation of raw materials by industrial project partners and their characterization, and to the application of these raw materials as carbon sources for the cultivation of different microbial strains able to accumulate polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biopolyesters. Also elaboarated was the optimization of the biotechnological production of PHA from the respective raw materials by selected strains, the enhanced downstream processing for separation of biomass and product isolation, and the characterization of the produced biomaterials. Based on the obtained data, the process flow sheet for the designing of an envisaged pilot scale plant for production of PHA from the applied waste streams has been adapted and enhanced; this adaptation is an evolutionary process that still will go on until the end of the project. Based on this process flow sheet, calculations are already available underlining the economic viability of the process to be developed and designed. Considerable progress was achieved concerning the production of fatty acid esters from animal waste lipids. Here, several animal organs that constitute clearly surplus materials without interfering with food and feed purposes were investigated in detail concerning their fatty acid profiles and converted towards different FAEs. A lot of attention was devoted to such organs containing special fatty acids acting as precursors for special PHA building blocks. Here, also hydrolysis experiments were carried out for the generation of precursors for special PHA building blocks from different animal fractions. The obtained esters were applied successfully as carbon sources for microbial cultivation, aiming on the production of PHA. Fermentation protocols on laboratory bioreactor scale have been developed for those production strains that, according to the tests on laboratory scale, appeared to be most promising during the first project period. Here, data are available for the production of PHA homo- and copolyesters starting from the animal-waste derived carbon sources glycerol and FAE together with the application of special precursors for incorporation of desired comonomers into the PHA chains. In addition, a broad BACK

number of kinetic analyses for discontinuous and continuous PHA production processes were carried out by mathematical modeling of the experimental data, providing new insights in this complex topic. Novel strategies were successfully tested to separate cells from the liquid supernatant and to isolate the biopolyesters from the surrounding cell mass. This was done by applying biomasses and fermentation broths containing high densities of PHA-rich cells. Here, the minimizing of energy and solvent input was the target of the conducted experiments. A considerable quantity of work was already accomplished in the characterization of the properties of the produced biopolymers. Short chain length as well as medium chain length PHA were produced by the groups that are active in microbiology and biotechnology. The PHA were analyzed by the responsible partners regarding their material properties. The required feedback of these data arrived promptly at the biotechnologists to adapt their fermentation strategies. Biodegradation tests in various environments were carried out, accompanied by the assessment of the ecological and toxicological impact of the materials. In addition, a broad PHA-based composites were successfully produced using novel, biobased filler materials. To a certain extend they even constitute agroindustrial waste streams which are now upgraded to the role of value-added raw materials for novel plastic items. Also the processing of large amounts of allocated PHA was already started by the responsible industrial partners in order to get novel insights in the melting and processing behavior of these biomaterials. Dissemination of the results as a central item of ANIMPOL was done by a huge number of written and oral publications in research journals, industrial journals and books as well as at diverse conferences. In addition, the concepts of ANIMPOL were already presented by a radio station and in the Austrian television. Expected Impacts: The impacts of the project activities can be considered from three aspects. Assuming the technological activities, the project is expected to have a significant impact in solving local waste problems affecting the entire EU. Production of biodiesel and polymers will have to compete with alternative treatments such as composting, anaerobic digestion and extraction of other added-value products. The actual impact will thus depend on the relative investment required and the economic value of the products. The production of biodiesel is not so different to existing systems using recovered waste fats and oil. Hence, actual impact will depend on the 27

development of the polymeric materials, which in turn depends on success in manufacturing PHA at a reasonable, competitive price; this will be followed by manufacturing PHA-based products and establishing new markets where they may be distributed. Due to uncertainties at several levels the overall impact on European animal waste processing is not ascertained. Nevertheless, the project is expected to generate interesting results leading to various commercial opportunities, possibly favouring especially the development of niche markets. Expected Results The project should result in cost-efficient and sound alternative products for the polymer industry based on an integrated industrial process that will also produce biodiesel of improved quality. A biotechnological fermentation process will be developed to convert saturated FAE to PHA, followed by an environmentally safe and efficient downstream process resulting in various forms of PHA. They will be characterized in terms of their chemical, biological, physical and mechanical properties. The use of these materials in preparation of blends and composites with selected conventional polymeric materials as well as inorganic and/or organic fillers will result in novel environmentally favourable benign biodegradable plastics. Results from feasibility and marketing studies will suggest specific uses for these products. ANIMAL Rendering Industry


Meat-and-Bone-Meal (MBM)

Surplus Lipids

Degreasing Transesterification for Fatty Acid Alkyl Ester Production

Degreased MBM

(Biodiesel Industry)


Crude Glycerol Phase (CGP)


Hydrolyzed MBM

Carbon and Nitrogen source for microbial growth

Margaric Acid: Precursor for production of odd-numbered PHA building blocks

Carbon source for microbial growth and/or low molecular mass PHAs

Saturated fraction


Carbon source for PHA accumulation

Fatty Acid Alkyl Esters (Biodiesel)

Unsaturated fraction


Polymer Industry

EXPLANATION: Waste Materials Causing Disposal Problem for Industry

Processed Waste Materials to be Utilized for Biotechnological PHA Production

Industry with Waste Problem to be Solved

Industry Searching for Alternative Industrial Process


Fig. 1: Process Diagramm of the ANIMPOL project




New generation of the polymeric packaging materials susceptible to organic recycling Marek Kowalczuk Polish Academy of Sciences Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Zabrze

Acronym: MARGEN Project is co-financed by Structural Funds as a part of Operational Program INNOVATIVE ECONOMY for the years of 2007-2013. Proportional funds participation: EU Structural Funds 85%, National Public Funds 15%

Strategic aim of the project The implementation of new technological solutions enabling progressive replacement of the typical plastic packages into packages degradable under industrial composting conditions, safe for the human health and environmental friendly according to Ecological State Policy. Research & Development aims of the project: 1. Technological process study on manufacture of biodegradable polymer materials suitable for preparation of packages degradable under industrial composting conditions. 2. Processing of the biodegradable films for the direct use, as well as new generation of thermo-formed biodegradable packaging especially for food industry. Additional aim of the project Determine the processing properties of biodegradable packaging materials and study of their resistance to thermal degradation under processing conditions including: • impact of the shearing force • impact of high temperatures • impact of manufacturing conditions on industrial biodegradation process • optimization of the processing parameters in order to obtain the best application properties of the product. 29

General information Polymeric materials currently play a major role in everyday life. The advantages that plastics have compared to “traditional materials” (performance, durability, weight, environmental aspects) enable them to penetrate society and industry to an even larger extent in the coming years. Innovation in plastics will thus make a valuable contribution to increasing economic growth and quality of life in Europe. At present, there is also a tremendous increase on the potential use of biodegradable polymers in many different areas such as: medicine, pharmacy, cosmetic industry, agrochemistry etc. This novel and promising scientific area relates directly to the most crucial present health and social problems, at global as well as European level. The MARGEN project makes it possible to utilize interdisciplinary investigations of biodegradable polymers to work out the basis of modern polymeric technologies for advanced packaging (bio)materials. The aim of the project, carried out as the top priority of the Operating Program Innovative Economy entitled »The Investigation and Development of Modem Technologies« is to introduce new, safe and environmentally friendly technologies enabling a gradual replacement of packaging from classical plastics by new generation packaging susceptible to organic recycling. The project should work out the foundations of a technological process for the production of polymeric materials such as polymers, blends and also nanocomposites, biodegradable under industrial composting conditions, as well as the foundations of technological processes for the production of films from the new materials both for the direct use and the production of new generation of rigid packaging for food, using the thermoforming method. Development studies are carried out in order to describe processing properties of the new generation of biodegradable packaging materials such as their resistance to degradation under processing conditions, including shearing forces and high temperatures in the processing machines, and to investigate the influence of the conditions of processing on the biodegradation under industrial composting conditions with the view of optimizing processing parameters of the materials and obtaining the best functional quality of the product. The structure of the project comprises 2 institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 2 universities as well as 2 BACK

recognized R&D centres investigating polymeric materials. The project is coordinated by the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials, Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze and is implemented with the main partners: Faculty of Chemistry of Warsaw University of Technology and Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes in Toruń as well as the remaining partners: the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Łódź, the Wrocław University of Technology - Faculty of Environmental Engineering and the Polish Packaging Research & Development Centre (COBRO) in Warsaw. The essential factor of the scientific value of the project consists in the development of created and protected in Poland (as well as patented in the EU and in Poland) basis for the modification of polyesters, including PLA, by preparing polymeric compositions containing e.g. synthetic analogues of aliphatic biopolyesters. Synthetic PHA analogues can be obtained with the use of synthetic gas from b-lactone monomers. Worked out in the Centre of Polymer and Carbon Materials of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Zabrze the unique method of synthesis of aliphatic biopolyesters analogues on the way of the anionic ring opening polymerization (ROP) of b-lactone enables the formation of biodegradable polymeric materials with controlled microstructure, molecular mass as well as chemical structure of the end groups. Production of biodegradable polymers should not be perceived as a threat to traditional plastic market. The changes are inevitable because of environmental protection requirements. These changes are an evolution rather than a revolution. Traditional devices for classical plastics processing can also be used for new biodegradable polymer processing. Producers should expect and get ready for these changes. Much more crucial problem is utilization of compostable packaging material waste. Polish municipal administration responsible for packaging waste should become prepared for the task of organizing local systems of organic waste collection, which could be stored along with compostable packaging waste made of biodegradable polymer materials.







W. Sikorska, P. Dacko, B. Kaczmarczyk, H. Janeczek, M. Domański, K. Mańczyk, M. Kowalczuk, Synthesis and physicochemical properties of new (bio)degradable poly(ester-urethane)s containing polylactide and poly[(1,4-butylene terephthalate)-co -(1,4-butylene adipate)] segments, Polymer, 2011, 52, 4676. M. Kawalec, M. Sobota, M. Scandola, M. Kowalczuk, P. Kurcok A convenient route to PHB macromonomers via anionically controlled moderatetemperature degradation of PHB. J. Polym. Sci., Part A: Polym. Chem. 2010, 48, 5490. P. Rychter, M. Kawalec, M. Sobota, P. Kurcok, M. Kowalczuk Study of Aliphatic-Aromatic Copolyester Degradation in Sandy Soil and Its Ecotoxicological Impac, Biomacromolecules 2010, 11, 839. M.M. Kowalczuk Research works on biodegradable polymers Opakowanie – Special Edition, 2009, I, 22. M.M. Kowalczuk Anionic ring-opening polymerization for syntheic analogues of aliphatic biopolyesters, Polymer Science, ser. A, 2009, 1, 51. G. Adamus Molecular Level Structure of (R,S)-3Hydroxybutyrate/(R,S)-3-Hydroxy-4ethoxybutyrate Copolyesters with Dissimilar Architecture, Macromolecules 2009, 42, 4547.

Innovative cast film extrusion line for flat PLA films with thermoforming of containers, established at Institute for Engineering of Polymer Materials and Dyes (IMPIB Torun), won a silver medal at the Technicon – Innowacje, 6 Industrial Technology, Science and Innovation Fair, Gdansk, Poland in 2010.

Published Results of Project Implementation and Recent Achievements The list of recently published results of the project includes: 1. M.T. Musiol, J. Rydz, W. Sikorska, P.P. Rychter, M.M. Kowalczuk, A preliminary study of the degradation of selected commercial packaging materials in comopst and aqueous environments Polish Journal of Chemical Technology, 2011, 13, 55. 30




Biodegradable fibrous products – BIOGRATEX Izabella Krucinska Technical University of Lodz Department of Material and Commodity Sciences and Textile Metrology 90-924 Lodz, 166 Zeromskiego St,,

The aim of the project. The aim of the presentation is to show the research goals and the solutions achieved as a result of a three-year realisation of a key project, which is entitled ‘Biodegradable fibrous products – BIOGRATEX’, financed from the structural funds. The originator of the project is the Polish Technological Platform of the Textile Industry, which coordinator is the Technical University of Łódź. Withing the Platform the project consortium was set up by nine respected scientificresearch entities for the collaborative realisation of this project. The project concerns the development of a manufacturing technology of the fibrous materials from polymers subject to the biodegradation processes: polylactide, polyesters and aliphatic copolyesters, thermoplastic cellulose and modified polypropylene. The main goal, as it is presented on the scheme (Fig. 1), is to process particular types of polymers into the fibrous products intended for applying in medicine, hygienic products’ industry, agriculture and filtration. Biodegradable fibrous products developed in a frame of Biogratex The subject of current presentation is showing of the research on new assortments of fibrous products obtained as a result of realisation of the project with the use of commercially available fibre-grade polylactides. The research on obtaining intermediate products, in the form of nonwovens formed with the spun-bonded, meltblown and mechanical stiching methods, used for production of fully biodegradable filtration half-masks, together with giving their characteristics, will be described. The second group of products described in the presentation refers to the wound dressings. The results of research on obtaining the particular components of those products in the form of stitched nonwovens, foils and foams in the function of technological parameters will be presented. The direction of research on increasing the hydrophilicity of surface by using different variants of chemical and physico-chemical processing will also be described.


Fig. 1. Diagram of the works performed during realisation of the project. Unique laboratories developde in aframe of Biogratex As a result of realisation of the project two unique laboratories were also created. One of them is the specialist biodegradation laboratory (Fig. 2) created in the Institute of Biopolymers and Chemical Fibres in Łódź, which is one the the partners of the project. The laboratory enables to perform research in the range of assessment of the susceptibility of polymer materials and of fibrous products to biological decay caused by microorganisms that can be found in the natural environment. The biodegradation research are performed in the oxygen conditions with the use of innovative methods, among others the respirometric tests, which cover the measurement of constant amount of emitted CO2 with the use of modern research-measurement device MICRO-OXYMAX RESPIROMETER in


accordance with the international and European norms. The biodegradation laboratory have the accreditation certificate NR AB 388.

Fig. 3. The photograph of of spun-bonded nonwovens' forming line. Fig. 2. The photograph of biodegradation laboratory. The second laboratory organised in the same Institute gives the possibility of forming the with the spunbonded method in a laboratory scale (Fig. 3). During the realisation of the project the laboratory technological line for production of this type of nonwovens was created. In the presentation the assortment of cover and litter products used for intensification of production of vegetables manufactured with the use of the designed technological line will be shown.


Acknowledgement The present work is performed within the framework of the project titled „Biodegradable fibrous products� (Biogratex) - POIG.01.03.01-00-007-/08-00.


Biomass waste - a source of raw materials and energy Matjaž Kunaver12, E. Jasiukaitytė12, N. Čuk2, Tine Seljak1, S. Rodman Opresnik3, T. Katrašnik3 1Center of Excellence PoliMaT, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Biomass such as straw, corn stover and wood and wood wastes such as leftovers from timber cutting, broken furniture, sawdust, residues from paper mills etc. contain appreciable quantities of cellulose, hemicelluloses and lignin. New applications and methods in converting the biomass into useful industrial products were developed by our research group and will be presented in this contribution.

sives emit 50% less formaldehyde and products have the same or even better mechanical and physical properties. The utilization of the renewable resources into the adhesive formulation can reduce the costs up to 20%. Practical examples will be given with resulting formaldehyde concentrations and mechanical and physical properties.

During liquefaction, lignocellulosic components are depolymerised to low molecular mass compounds with high reactivity, high hydroxyl group content and can be used in many useful applications. We have used a high energy ultrasound as an energy source to speed up the liquefaction process in our research. The liquefied biomass was used as a feedstock in the synthesis of polyesters, polyurethane foams and adhesives. The properties of final products are similar and sometimes better than the commercial ones. Rigid polyurethane foams have thermal conductivity coefficient 0.0036 W/mK. For better dimensional stability polyesters, produced from the depolymerised (waste) PET were used in formulations. The incorporation of the biomass components into the polymeric compositions provides a certain degree of biodegradability. A special attention was given to the utilization of the liquefied lignocellulosic materials as a new energy source with high heating value. Most of liquefied products have a heating value higher than 22 KJ/kg, that is in the range of pure ethanol and higher than brown coal. Initial tests have indicated that these products could also be used as a motor fuel. Since the production of such liquid fuel utilizes a huge variety of lignocellulosic wastes and takes place under very mild reaction conditions, an overall energy output is high. Several possible applications in energy production were identified and explored by our group. One of the main practical values of our research is the utilization of the liquefied lignocellulosic materials in adhesives for the wood particle boards, veneer boards and plywood boards. We have proven that such adhe-



Ecoshell : Bio-materials for structural use in car application de LARMINAT Alain. Citi-Technologies

Introdution (2min) Presentation of Citi-technologies and the partners of the project Ecoshell, project founded by the european commission .



Eco-seat : Eco-frendly and super-light seats for the car. Project Ecoshell : structure and objectives (3min) Ecoshell founded by european commission


Ecoshell main objective is to evaluate whether it is feasibility of implementing a body in white for the CITI-zen super lightweight EV entirely made of bio materials, allowing the car to achieve its extreme objectives of mechanical performence and weight ? Ecoshell propose to work simultaneously on : 1- The material: what is the best bio-material for this application?

Presentation of The vehicule on which ecoshell is based: The CITI-zen concept, a light electrical urban car eco friendly.This vehicule aims to be a just mean for a just need , simple and secure :

2- The structure: what kind of structure can be realised with this material and fitting well to the car ?

the weight sould be lower than 400Kg without batteries, it should be safe in frontal and side crash of the European regulations R94 and R95 and evaluated on the pedestrian choc. In order to achieves these objectives, four main subprojects are proposed :

3- The car: how may we design this car to implement such body in white?

Eco-body : A body made with flax fibers and recycled Polypropilen, the density of this material is close to 1.15.

Eco-shell : We will explain the containt of this project further.

Eco-Train: An innovative plug and play dynamic powertrain. 35

Formulated in terms of a global optimization problem, the various issues encountered and resolved during the vehicle design are organized around three topics which BACK

will be studied through »cost cylesc«three sub-projects : «Manufacturing », «life cycle » and « end of life ».

Conclusion (3min) A conclusion in 4 points: 1) The result we have today concerning the mechanical properties . 2) The target of cost for the material 3) Main issues to be solve. 4) Ecoshell is an open project, all contribution and help are welcome.

Focus on the materials investiguated in Ecoshell : (10min) Natural fibbers and resins used in Ecoshell The pre-studies which we have realized indicate that it is difficult to realize a BIW with a material for which the young modulus is lower than 15 GPa (even if 20Gpa is more ralistic) and the strengthis lower than 200Mpa. Considering the rate of production we need for the car, we concentrate on two processes of production: SMC and RTM. The materials we investigate are Bio-composite made with Natural fibers and bio-resin. For the natural fibers we are working with Flax and Hemp. For the resine we are trying: -A thermoplastique : the Polyamide. -A classical thermoset :a Bio-epoxy. - two new thermoset resins: a resin with tannin of mimosa and a furanique resin. We propose to describe here the work which has been conducted so far, the difficulties we have met already at this early stage, the first result and orientation we have taken for the material topic.





Bio-composites based on forest derived materials and biodegradable polymers Andrea Lazzeri, Patrizia Cinelli, Thanh Vu Phuong Department of Industrial Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science University of Pisa, Via Diotisalvi, 2, 56126, Pisa, Italy

Introduction The EC project FORBIOPLAST (Figure 1), grant agreement no. 212239, started on the 1st July 2008. The research activity in FORBIOPLAST is focused on the use of by-products from wood as raw materials for the production of composites with biodegradable and recycled polymers as well as for the production of hard and soft polyurethane foams by innovative sustainable synthetic processes with reduced energy consumption.

Partners Incerplast (INCP-Romania) and PEMU produced items for agriculture and packaging applications based on the formulations selected by UNIPI and LPRT based on biodegradable polymeric matrices and wood fibres (Figure 3). Wood fibres were used both as raw material than after being pre-treated by Fundacion CARTIF (CARTIF-Spain) or modified by enzymes by University of Almeria.

Figure 1. FORBIOPLAST logo. The materials produced in the project are devoted to applications in automotive interior parts and in the packaging and agriculture fields The cooperation of research centers as the Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry and Pisa University (UNIPI, Italy) with industries Ritols Ltd (Latvia), PEMU Plastic Processing Co. (Hungary) and FIAT Research Centre (Italy) lead to the production of prototypes of soft and hard foam. The Budapest University for Technology and Economics (LPRT-Hungary) is cooperating in introducing also wood fibres into these foams. Figure 2 shows some examples of the prototypes produced.

Figure 2. Examples of prototypes based on hard and soft PU foams. 38

Figure 3. Materials based on biodegradable polymers and wood for applications in packaging and agriculture. The prototypes were tested by University of Bucharest (Romania) and University of Almeria (Spain) for toxicity, and for agriculture applications. RODAX IMPEX S.R.L (Romania) and Norconserv A.S. (Norway) tested properties relevant to packaging, and Organic Waste System (Belgium) evaluated the degradability, the anaerobic digestion and the Life Cycle Assessment of the most relevant products. The end users Neochimiki and Cosmetic (COS-Greece) are performing the validation of the packaging on their products (cosmetics, and chemicals). Partner Wiedeman (Germany) has evaluated the best market opportunities for the product portfolio. Materials and Methods Several materials derived by wood processing were evaluated as components in composites based on biodegradable/ecocompatible polymeric matrices. Wood fibres present on the market, such as La.So.Le. (type 200/150E) and Rettenmaier & Sรถhne (Germany) (type EFC100) were considered for this investigation. Fibres were used as received and after chemical and enzymatic modification carried out by the Partners of FORBIOBACK

PLAST. In order to improve water and moisture resistance of wood-fibre composites, a known procedure is based on the acetylation of wood fibres. The polymers used in composites with wood fibres were polylactic acid (PLA) granules from NatureWorks® (grade 2002D), a mix of L,D isomer (95% L), with a nominal average molecular weight Mw=199590 Da, melting point of 140-152 °C, glass transition temperature of 56.7-57.9 °C, and density of 1.24 g/cm3 and a polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) powder form BIOMER LoT13 with 60-70% crystallinity. A poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate), Ecoflex® from Basf Corp., with melting point of 110-120 °C, density of 1.25-1.27 g/cm3, and MW=131440 Da and polyethylene glycol, PEG 1500 from Fluka, were used as flexibilising agents. Composites were prepared using a Thermo Scientific HAAKE MiniLab II Micro Compounder with a sample volume of 7 cm3. The materials were extruded at 190 °C, 50 rpm and cooled in air at room temperature. Standard tensile specimens were produced using a Thermo Scientific HAAKE MiniJet II, at 190 °C, and 600 bar.

50% PLA and 50% Ecoflex, and, of course, lower values for tensile strength and modulus. Thus the biodegradable matrix can be tuned by the variation of PLA/Ecoflex ratio in dependence of the technical parameters envisaged by the final planned application. Samples were prepared with PHB as continuous matrix, polyethylene glycol and wood fibres. The main mechanical properties are reported in Figure 5.

Results and Discussion Figure 4 compares mechanical properties of PLA/Ecoflex 50/50 and PLA/Ecoflex 20/80 matrices with Rettenmaier (R) fibre at loadings of 15% and 20% by weight and with acetylated fibres (Ac1, Ac6) at 15% by weight.

Figure 5. Comparison of mechanical properties in composites based on PHB, PEG and wood fibres. Significant improvements can be achieved in mechanical properties of composites based on PHB when they are prepared with wood fibres pre-treated with Aquacer 598 (Aq598), that is water based polypropylene emulsion, and with Hordamer PE 02 that is an emulsion of polyethylene waxes. Figure 6 shows the improvement in values of Young’s Modulus derived by the use of fibres treated with the additives.

Figure 4. Comparison of mechanical properties in composites based on PLA/Ecoflex 50/50, and PLA/Ecoflex 20/80 as continuous matrix.

Figure 6. Young’s Modulus of composites based on PHB and wood fibres treated with water based waxes.

Acetylated fibres are expected to improve moisture and water resistance, which is a typical weakness in wood based composites, but loss in mechanical properties could result. In the present case there is no loss in mechanical properties. Composites with higher content of Ecoflex (80%) present higher values of elongation at break than composites with

Conclusions Appropriately tuned composites (ratio PLA/Ecoflex, use of modified fibres) can meet the technical requirements defined by FORBIOPLAST end users for mechanical properties of prototypes suitable for applications in packaging and agriculture.



REBIOFOAM PROJECT : Development of a flexible and energy-efficient pressurised microwave heating process to produce 3D-shaped REnewable BIO-polymer FOAMs for a novel generation of transportation packaging Federica Mastroianni Novamont S.p.A.

In particular the focus is on:

REBIOFOAM at a glance REBIOFOAM is a Collaborative Project financially supported by the European Union Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Development (FP7). As its title suggests, the Project targets the development of a new 3D-shaped Renewable BIO-polymer FOAMs to be applied as protective packaging material. Bio-based plastics represent an emerging and highly promising solution for protective transport packaging, since they contribute to overcome environmental concerns such as the depletion of non-renewable fossil resources and, thanks to their biodegradable and compostable nature, offer an innovative sustainable disposal option. The novel foam could therefore be alternative to expanded materials traditionally applied for cushion transport packaging, but offering the additional buying driver that is represented by the novel materials being biodegradable and compostable. The Project was launched on the 1st February 2009 and will be running for 48 months, until the 31st January 2013. It involves 10 Consortium partners from 8 different countries and is coordinated by Novamont, the Italian company world leader in the production of starch-based biodegradable plastics. S&T Objectives The Project objective is to develop a flexible, energyefficient and environmentally-sustainable manufacturing process enabling the production of biodegradable foamed 3D-shaped packaging originating from expandable starchbased polymer pellets materials. In this new process, expansion of the pellets is driven by microwave technology and exploits the inner water content of the material itself to generate vapour.


the development of a proper formulation of base materials as well as of an appropriate extrusion process accordingly;

the evaluation of the effects of microwave fields thus enabling an efficient design of the microwave oven;

the comparison of dielectric properties of different mould materials as well as the selection the most appropriate material for mould coating;

the development of an efficient microwave moulding system, as well as the development of an automated pilot plant prototype demonstrating viability of technologies at a larger semiindustrial scale that will be used to produce a variety of foam packaging product prototypes for different applications.

Since the 1st February 2011, the Project entered its third year. While its main focus so far has been on developing the enabling material and processing technologies, the Project has now entered a second phase, aimed at demonstrating applicability of the developed material and processes through the manufacture of protective packaging demonstrators on the one side, as well as through the construction of a pilot foaming process on the other side. The Project partners REBIOFOAM Project involves 10 Consortium partners from 8 different countries. Research and Technological Development is carried out in its major part by a core group of Research and Knowledge Intensive industrial partners (Novamont, BACK

C-Tech Innovation and FEN) in cooperation with a limited group of excellent Research Centres (Fraunhofer Institut and Czech Technical University). Chemtex Italia has been appointed to define the conceptual design and the high-level production requirements and specifications guiding the manufacturing process and to integrate the key manufacturing steps developed by the other partners into an automated pilot process line that should demonstrate viability of the proposed technologies on a semiindustrial scale. Two packaging producing companies (Complas Pack and Recticel) belonging to the targeted transport packaging sector will assess the overall integrated manufacturing process and the novel biobased packaging materials, while ITENE is responsible of assessing the functionality of the novel bio-based packaging materials as a major Research Centre for Packaging, Transport and Logistics. Finally, a Large Player (Electrolux) has been included in the Consortium with the role of final packaging user/validator with respect to the pilot Consumer Markets of household appliances and consumer electronics.

Get in touch! To learn more, visit us at and subscribe our Project newsletter ( newsletter).

The REBIOFOAM project has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under Grant Agreement No. 214425 (NMP3-SE-2009-214425).



BioAgrotex: Development of new agrotextiles from renewable resources and with a tailored biodegradability Stijn Monsaert, Luc Ruys Centexbel, Technologiepark 7, B-9052 Zwijnaarde,

Increasing oil prices, a growing threat of oil shortage, Kyoto agreements on greenhouse gases, environmental effects and climate changes are all elements that contribute to the concern for the future of our oil-based economy. Not only the research for biofuels, but also for biobased polymers and a more extensive use of the natural resources by upgrading the value of natural fibres and side products will be needed to cope with these problems. Techno-economic studies predict an important growth for the bio-based polymer industry in the coming decennia. This will only be possible if new high end applications are developed. Textiles and especially agrotextiles offer a very attractive end market. Volumes in this market area are high and fast growing. At present, products are mainly based on polyolefins (> 200 ktonnes annually in Europe). Bio-based polymers in combination with natural fibres and side products can offer a good alternative if biodegradation can be modelled and adapted according to the specific end applications. Intrinsic positive properties of the bio-based polymers such as low flammability and high light fastness can boost technological advantages, leading to major economic and technological benefits in industrial implementation.

processing into knitted, woven or nonwoven structures and new finishing process,

tailor-made mechanical and functional characteris-


a controlled and predictable biodegradation adapted to the application envisaged, and a proven performance for a number of test/demonstration cases. This type of project can take a large share of the agrotextile market (up to 50%) by creation of alternatives for oilbased products and new applications. Bioagrotex is a EU co-funded project, Grant agreement no.: 213501 within Seventh Framework Programme.

This project envisages the research and development of 100% renewable agrotextiles via combination of natural fibres, bio-based fibres and bio-based functional additives through the following phases:

new and optimised extrusion processes into fibre, yarn, monofilament or tape,



EPNOE (European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence); presentation of the project Patrick Navard Armines – Mines ParisTech - CNRS

What is EPNOE? EPNOE (European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence) is a network comprising 16 research centres in 9 countries focusing on research in polysaccharide science and 27 companies from SMEs to multinational corporations. It is a common Research, Education and Communication organisation meant for promoting polysaccharide research in Europe and worldwide, and to offer a collaborative R&D platform to industry. Main missions The main missions of EPNOE are to provide its members with an area of mutual trust and collaboration, to be a platform for bringing together companies and research centres, to perform the best world-class multidisciplinary research, to disseminate knowledge at all levels of society, and to be a reliable and innovative research network on polysaccharide science.

sources and Biorefineries” and also set up a European Commission-sponsored education network on Sustainable Utilization of Renewable Resources (three series of courses :2009, 2010, 2011)

In terms of Dissemination, EPNOE published its Research and Education Road Map 2010-2020, created a set of e-learning lectures available on the website, and published three market studies. EPNOE also successfully organised the EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference (EPNOE 2009 in Åbo/Turku, EPNOE 2011 in Wageningen). The next one, EPNOE 2013, will be held in Nice.

Structure EPNOE is organized in the form of a legal non profit association called EPNOE Association, comprising the sixteen academic and research institutions (regular members) and the industrial members (associate members) brought together into the EPNOE Business and Industry Club (BIC). EPNOE is organised with four bodies: the General Assembly, the Governing Board, the Executive Board and the Finance Supervisory Board. Activities EPNOE’s activities are divided into four themes: Management, Education, Research and Business and Industry Club. Antother satellite activity is the organisation of the EPNOE International Polysaccharide Conference that is held every two year. The forthcoming activities will be the publication of the EPNOE book, the organisation of an industrial conference every two year, and the building of a new European project. Achievements Overview of EPNOE’s main successful activities:

In terms of Research, more than 40 common papers are published per year, more than 40 common research projects are on-going, about 20 PhD are shared by two EPNOE institutions.

In terms of Education, EPNOE participates in a European university programme (“Renewable Biore43




MarineClean - Marine debris removal and preventing further litter entry Janez Navodnik**,Vladimir PogaÄ?* **Tehnology centre PoliEko, *Turna d.o.o.,;

Introduction MarineClean project is financed under the CIP EcoInnovation 2010 programme. Duration of the project is 3 years, starting in November 2011. Project coordinator is private SME company from Slovenia, TURNA. Project consortium consists of eight partners. Project will link together institutions from three countries with access to sea, Slovenia, Croatia and Lithuania. Slovenian partners are besides Turna also Drava water management company Ptuj, National Institute for Biology – Marine Biology Station Piran and Technology centre PoliEko. Partners from Croatia are SME company EcoCortec and Faculty for Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture from University of Zagreb. Partners from Lithuania are Klaipeda Science and Technology Park, and Air Pollution research centre from Klaipeda University. Objectives Marine littering is one of the major ecological threats. The amount of plastic floating in oceans is increasing; in some parts of oceans there are already 6 times more small plastic parts than plankton. Plastic floating in sea is great absorber of heavy metals, pesticides, PCBs and other toxins that accumulate in marine animals and consequently in humans. Toxins are good for some algae, which are so widespread in some areas that other organisms lack of oxygen. Bio-oxo or UV-degradable plastic is not a solution, because sea water inhibits degradation and plastics is stable, maybe up to 100 years. How long does it take for marine litter to decompose? (years) glass bottle 1 million fishing line 600 plastic bottle 450 aluminum can 80-200 rubber boot 50-80 plastic cup 50 tin can 50 nylon fabric 30-40 plastic bag 10-20 cigarette filter 1-5 woolen clothes 1-5 y plywood 1-3 milk carton 3 months apple core 2 months newspaper 6 weeks orange peel 2-5 weeks paper towel 2-4 weeks

Share of ship littering is variable throughout the World, ranging from 35 to 85%. The remaining shares come from rivers, wind and lost fishing nets. A large percent of marine litter is from food packaging used on shore and delivered into the sea with wind and rivers. Another major contribution to marine littering are so called ghost nets – lost fishing nets floating on the surface or near the sea surface.

Other problems are spillages of different oils that cannot be solved by expensive cleaning with pumping and filtering in tankers or degradation with microorganisms. Marine litter is very dangerous to different sea animals: birds, turtles, fishes and sea mammals, because of possible entanglement and swallowing.

Marine litter is present in all seas, not only in the greatest. The most known are North and South Pacific Garbage Patches, but in recent years it was proven that similar garbage patches exist also in North and South Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea etc. Proposed solution and summary of work programme Project MarineClean will deal with preventing natural environment of Adriatic Sea that is a part of Mediterranean Sea, and of Baltic Sea. Project MarineClean consists of seven work packages in four areas of acting. The first area covers collection of marine litter. The second one deals with edible and biodegradable packaging materials that will help to reduce the quantities of in wa45


ter (sea/lake/river) entered plastics, because it is edible for humans and water animals and thus biodegradable. The third area is development of fishing gear that can be easily traced, collected and recycled when lost. The fourth area of the proposed project is networking of proposed products users and lobbying at national and EU decision-makers to promote and enlarge eco-friendly products usage. A solution for collecting marine litter (WP2) consists of a net strip that floats on the water surface; minor part is above and the rest is below the surface. The strip is made in one piece on roll by coextrusion of recycled plastic reinforced with Kevlar. The upper part of the strip has a hollow tube-like place that is filled with air to get the variable high of the strip over the water, depending on waste and wind. The lower part of the strip under the water has a coextruded magnetic profile, which is heavy, prevents catching of fishes and sea mammals sensitive to magnetic field and make the collecting easier. Two mentioned strips are joined on one end where the barrel is placed to gather marine litter (oil and/or solid parts-beyond the state of the art). The other ends of the strips are tight to a small ships/boats or one of two strips can even be in a hands of a person walking along the coast. The second area of action in MarineClean project will be promoting and organizing production of most of all types of edible and biodegradable packaging for use on ships (WP3). Edible packaging, can be eaten by humans or, when entering into a sea/lake/river, by water animals and is biodegrade in sea water. The third area of action in this project is development and production of fishing equipment with integrated magnetic imparts, that will help to reduce by-catch of sea turtles, mammals and some sharks (WP4). The fourth area of action in our project deals with lobbying on national and EU level for stricter legislation about garbage disposal from ships into the sea, and with networking of all interested parties in Europe in the field of protecting the marine environment and cleaning of the sea surface (WP5).

ble in many cases. The fishing net made of bio based polymer and with US actuator and a magnetic strip above the bottom edge is the innovative output of WP4 and will help to reduce portion of ghost nets floating in sea. It leads to a reformation of a net into a ball shape, it is easy to trace and collect using detectors, removed and recycled or can slowly sink to the bottom of the sea where it can be overgrown by algae or corals. Magnetic insert in fishing net also prevents undesired trapping of sea animals sensible to magnetic field. Networking of end-users of marine litter cleaning equipment, edible packaging and of fishing equipment and lobbying on national and EU level for intensified surveillance in the return of ship waste and for grants and/or discounts with edible and biodegradable packaging will be formed. Proposed solutions will have positive effect on marine ecology. Indicators will be the decreasing of marine litter in tested areas, the number of cleaning groups/areas, the share of edible packaging on tested ships, and the number of law changing proposals.

Further information is available at Mrs. Urška Kropf, PhD, project manager at PoliEko:

Major outputs and results Edible and biodegradable barrier packaging as a proposed solution for ships, made of multilayer barrier films with water soluble surface will be the main innovative output. This packaging can be removed with washing or during the cooking or eaten. Available materials will be tested on their sensory and biodegradation properties in marine environment. A very cheap net strip for collecting marine litter that floats on the water surface can quickly and cheap collect plastic or oil on big area is other innovative output, usa46


Utilization of biomass for the preparation of environmentally friendly polymer materials Andrzej Okruszek Institute of Technical Biochemistry, Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Technical University of Lodz. Lodz, Poland

The aim of the project The aim of the project is utilization of various kinds of plant biomass and textile waste materials by their transformation with biotechnological methods, involving either enzymatic or microbial processes, into fibrous polymer materials. The intermediate products in those transformations are: cellulose nanofibres, tactical polylactide and aliphatic-aromatic co-polyesters, which all are known to be important raw-materials for the production of biodegradable fibrous materials as well as other kinds of biodegradable polymer composites. Cellulose nanofibres For the preparation of cellulose nanofibres, a celluloserich plant biomass is being utilized, including grass and straw of various cereals as well as waste fibres from textile industry (cotton, linen). The biomass is first pretreated with physical and/or chemical methods including boiling, steam-explosion or treatment with certain chemicals. Multienzyme complex obtained from Aspergillus niger mould is utilized as the main enzymatic tool. The fibrous materials and composites prepared within this project on the basis of abovementioned intermediates will be further utilized for obtaining new functional textiles and nonwovens with potential sanitary or technical applications, such as sweat-absorbing textile inserts, sanitary textiles, filtration materials, geotextiles and agrotextiles. Within this project, the processes of ageing and controlled biodegradation of prepared materials will be studied, as well as the conditions of their recycling and possible use of degradation products in agriculture. Tactical polylactide The synthesis of tactical polylactide is being performed by chemical polymerization of L,L-lactide, prepared from L-lactic acid. The latter is obtained by stereoselective fermentation of plant biomass, after its saccharization by appropriate enzymes (Aspergillus niger preparations). The microorganisms (bacteria), used for the fermentation, were selected by classical microbiology methods from the environment. In this case patatoes, cereal grains or beet pulp are employed as starting biomass. The tactical polylactide will be further utilized for fiber for-


mation and thermoforming.

Co-polyesters The third path involves utilization of various oil-plant biomass, which on sequential treatment with lipase preparations obtained from Mucor circinelloides and Mucor racemosus moulds (structurization, hydrolysis) and appropriate chemical reactions (cycloaddition, hydrogenation) are transformed into oligodiols/polyols with glyceride backbone. These will be co-polymerized with appropriate reagents in order to produce new biodegradable aliphatic-aromatic co-polyesters. The polyesters will be utilized as fillers for preparation of various fibrous polymers and composites. Concluding remarks The project is being realized by nine research groups from Poland belonging to four different institutions, with the Technical University of Lodz being the leader. The methods of preparation of polymer fibrous materials and composites elaborated within this project will positively influence development of science-based economy and will increase the innovativeness of connected areas of research and production. The main recipients of elaborated methods will be producers of fibers and nonwovens from thermoplastic materials, sanitary textiles, filtration materials, geotextiles, agrotextiles and packing materials.

Acknowledgment The Project (POIG 01.01.02-10-123/09) is partially financed by the European Union within the European Regional Development Fund.


Development of Biobased/Biodegradable/Compostable Nanocomposite Mulching Films Erhan Pişkin1, Yeşim Ekinci2, Hülya Yavuz Ersan1, Sinan Eğri1,3, Gökhan Tezcan1, Koroush Salami1, Özlem Eğri1,4, Zakir Rzaev4 , Sevda Ismailova1, Farzaneh Moghtader4 1 Hacettepe University, Chem.Eng.Dept., and Bioeng.Div., and Bioeng. R&D Center-Biyomedtek, Ankara, Turkey 2 Yeditepe University, Food Eng.Dept., İstanbul, Turkey 3 Gaziosmanpaşa University, Bioeng.Dept., Tokat, Turkey 4 Hacettepe University, Nanomed.Nanotechnol.Div.. Ankara, Turkey

Industrial product made of fossil fuel based synthetic raw materials have been produced in very large quanties and consumed since 1970s which is also the reality today. Fuels (petroleum, natural gas and coal) are considered as non-renewable resources. The annual consumption of fossil fuel feedstock is about about 7.3 Gton, and we are consuming about 93% of it for energy production. Only 7% is used for polymer and raw chemicals production. Fossil fuel feedstock will finish as a result of this very high consumption rates. More than 30% of the polymers produced are consumed for packaging (including agrochemical uses such as mulching films) which has a relatively short life (< 1 year). This means that packaging waste accumulating in the environment quite rapidly which may cause very undesirable adverse effects that we have already facing today. We have to be more environmentally conscious. Even only because of these two main concerns one can easily prospect that naturally derived resources (also called biobased resources) will be again a major contributor to the production of industrial and commodity products. There is a great potential market of biobased polymers. They are mainly made of renewable resources of agricultural origin desirably agroindustrial waste not interfering with food chain. After use they are disposed of as organic waste, and return to the earth through processes of biodegradation and composting -completing a virtuous circle- A very environmentally friendly approach. Here, in this short presentation, one important biopolymer, i.e. starch, and important biodegradable polyester, polylactic acid and its clay nanocomposites are briefly overviewed. Starch: Polysaccharides, such as starch, cellulose and chitin are in one of the most important categories of biobased polymers, as biopolymers. Corn is the primary source of starch, although considerable amounts of starch are produced from potato, wheat and rice starch in Europe. In order to produce thermally processable starch


(thermoplastic starch, TS) several modifications have been proposed in which the starch -after milling of the raw material- is destructured and chemically modified (converting hydroxyl groups to aldehyde groups) to obtain amorphous (noncrystalline-more stable in aqueous media, since more hydrophobic). In order to further improve its processabilities and also final product properties (mechanical strength, gas permeability, etc.) TS is compounded with plasticizers (e.g., glycerol) and/ or complexion agents (e.g., vegetable oils). Alternatively, several more hydrophobic biodegradable and nondegradable polymers are used to prepare blends that are more suitable for injection molding and blowing films. Compatibility is an important issue when these types of blends and laminates are considered, and therefore compatibilizers and other additives should be used as processing aids. The price of starch especially in US is competitive with petroleum therefore it has been processed into several compostable products. Polylactic acid (PLA): Lactic acid is the most widely occurring carboxylic acid, having a prime position due to its versatile applications in food, pharmaceutical, textile, leather, and other chemical industries. Lactic acid is widely used in the food related applications but recently it has gained many other industrial applications like biodegradable plastic production. Lactic acid, is the monomer for PLA, may easily be produced by fermentation of carbohydrate feedstock. There is a huge list of studies for the production of lactic acid from different resources nicely reviewed recently. Lactic acid is an a-hydroxy acids, and as being bifunctional molecules, it can be homopolymerized into linear polymers by heating with or without using a catalyst by direct polycondensation reactions (or in other terms by intermolecular esterification).This technique produces only low-molecular-weight polymers (oligomers). In order to produce polyesters with higher


molecular weights that lactic acid is first converted to the respective cyclic dimer, i.e. “lactides”. These processes are usually based on the transformation of lactic acids into a low molecular weight polymer by heating or also using a catalyst (e.g., antimony trioxide, zinc chloride), and then heating the polymer under reduced pressure to generate the desired cyclic ester. Then, ring-opening polymerization of cyclic dimers using various catalysts (e.g., stannous octoate) are being conducted, usually in bulk or in reactive extruders which is the main approach for the synthesis of polyesters with high molecular weights. Polymer nanocomposites are prepared by dispersion of nano-sized materials (nanofillers) into the polymer matrix usually less than 10%. Layered clays and silicates (e.g., montmorillonite, hectorite, saponite) are the most widely used nanofillers. Incorporation of nanofillers, due to huge interfacial surface area improves polymer properties (such as mechanical properties; thermal stability; flame retardance; barrier properties, etc.) drastically. Dispersion of the layered silicates into discrete monolayers is hindered by the intrinsic incompatibility of hydrophilic layered silicates and hydrophobic (usually) polymer matrices. Therefore they have to be “intercalated” or even converted into a better form, “exfoliated” using several organo-modifier, usually organic onium ions which are then dispersed in the polymer matrix (both in solution or in melt) to prepare the nanocomposites.

References Bordes P, Pollet E, Avérous L, Nano-biocomposites: Biodegradable polyester/nanoclay systems. Prog in Polym Sci 34: 125-155, 2009. Garlotta D. A literature review of poly(lactic acid). J Polym Environ, 9:63-84, 2001. John RP, Anisha GS, Nampoothiri KM, Pandey A, Direct lactic acid fermentation: Focus on simultaneous saccharification and lactic acid production, Biotechnol Adv 27:145-152,2009. Lima LT, Aurasb R, Rubino M, Processing technologies for poly(lactic acid), Prog Polym Sci 33:820-852, 2008. Yu J, Peter R, Chang PR, Ma X, The preparation and properties of dialdehyde starch and thermoplasticdialdehyde starch, Carbohydrate Polym 79:296-300, 2010 Zobel H F (1998). Molecules to granules: A comprehensive starch review. Starch-Starke, 40:44-50, 1998.

PLA is a very promising material, as also mentioned above, since it is commercially available with reasonable prices, exhibit good thermal plasticity and mechanical properties suitable for many applications including packaging films. However, some of its properties, like flexural properties, gas permeability and heat distortion temperature, are too low for widespread applications. Therefore, PLA have been one of the most widely studies bio-based polymers to prepare nanocomposites in order to improve its properties. Several parameters affect nanocomposite properties, including both organoclay type, size/shape and clay content, and also organomodifier type and content which will be discussed in this presentation.



Improvement of green labels for packaging and mulching plastics based on application of innovative (eco)toxicological tests for the safe recovery of material wastes (ECOPACK) Ribera Daniel Bio-Tox /

Objectives The main markets addressed by the proposed project are the biodegradable/compostable food contact materials (FCMs), food-soiled packaging, other man-made products in contact with food (paper napkins, bio-plastic forks‌) and plastics for agriculture. Today, because of difficulties in the selective sorting at source (soiled materials, films...) and in collection of this waste, an important part is, at the end of the life cycle, landfilled or incinerated. Moreover, despite the EU standard EN 13432 for biodegradable packaging recoverable through composting and despite the French NF U52-001 standard on mulching films, industrial composters are still reluctant to consider food-soiled biodegradable packaging as feedstock for composting, for fear of lack of safety and quality. Indeed, packaging are tools for communication and large quantities of pigments, coatings and inks are used. Most recently active packaging have been developed to extend the food shelf-life with chemical agents: organic acids, antimicrobials, fungicides, ethanol or silver ions. Even though the main raw constituent is biodegradable, the impact on the environment of these additional constituents could be questioned. The proposed project will explore some eco-innovative practices using a new testing scheme in order to fully assess the safety of FCMs for valorization as compost. This innovative approach to the design and labeling of biodegradable/compostable products will go further than the existing scheme EN 13432 or to French NF U52-001 standard by integratingnew dimensions related to the direct impact on biodiversity and human health. Proposed solution and work programme In the first WP, an exhaustive battery of tests is being run on 3 model materials (paper, soiled cardboard, bioplastic). The environmental risks and human safety will be assesed by mean of chemical analyses (searches for environmental contaminants and substances issued from plastics), ecotoxicological test and toxicological assays. This will allow us the define the level of contamination and the impacts on several species representative of the 50

ecosystem (vegetal, worms, algae, bacteria, human cells) and on different toxicological end-points such as acute, sub-acute, chronic toxicity, genotoxicity, metabolism biomarkers and endocrine disrupting responses. The bioassays include current standardized European tests completed with innovative biomarkers that have been developed and technically demonstrated with success. The tests required by the EU Standard EN 13432 and the French standard NF U52-001 are applied in parallel on the same samples for comparisons. In the second WP, the testing scheme for the new Ecopack label will be defined by selecting the most relevant and efficient tests (based on a cost/benefit analysis) in terms of risk assessment. In the third WP, the battery will be validated by testing several materials. Major outputs and results The main result of the project will be the “Ecopack label/certification� that will become a major tool for packaging manufacturers and food brands to communicate on a green image and therefore an additional purchasing influencer for organic-minded consumers. It will not replace the reuse/recycling initiatives nor the EN 13432 standard but will complete the possibilities of landfill diversion by promoting food packaging residues and other FCMs soiled by food as valuable feedstock for composting Call for interest We are looking for manufacturers willing to take part in the project by providing us with material for the validation phase. The tests and analyses results will be available. Without any prior authorization, we commit ourselves not to communicate any information about the origin of these materials. The participation in such an European program will reinforce the environmental liability of the sponsors. The results collected on the material will put it in a pole position for the Ecopack certification.


Partners & responsibilities Bio-Tox (France,, Coordinator. Acute and chronic ecotoxicity tests (algae, fish, daphnids, bacteria, plants, worms), innovatives tests on earthworms (biomarkers and genotoxicity), searhes for endocrine disrupting substances. Institut Pasteur de Lille (France, Innovatives tests for genotoxicity. Celabor (Belgium, EN 13432 compliance (biodegradability, desintegration, plant growth) and heavy metals analyses. ITENE (Spain, Analyses on specific packaging and process Contaminants (PAH, Dioxines, PCBs, BPA, Phthlates, carbamates...) PENA Environnement (France, Definition of composting processes and industrial scale application Organic Products Cluster (Greece, Dissemination of the Ecopack certification.

Funding The Ecopack is supported by the Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (EACI) of the European Commission within the Ecoinnovation Competitiveness and Innovation Programme Contact information : Daniel Ribera – Julie Taberly Bio-Tox, 18 impasse de la Fauvette, F-33400 Talence, France. TÊl. +33 557 990 169. E-mail : , The Ecopack label website (under construction) : E-mail :

Steering and User committees The steering committee is the decision-making body. It validates each result and go-no-go decision. In complement of the 6 partners, the steering committee is composed of the 6 partners plus representative bodies from Danone, Novamont and Papeterie de Raon. User commitees will be constituted. They will act as an advisory group for both the execution of the Project and its valorization.



SURFUNCELL - Surface functionalization of cellulose matrices using cellulose embedded nanoparticles Volker Ribitsch, University Graz, Austria Institute of Chemistry, Heinrichstrassse 28, A – 8010 Graz

Introduction The SURFUNCELL project is a large scale integrating project under EC FP7 with a duration of four years and a total budget of eight million euros. Since its start in December 2008, six industrial and seven academic partners have been developing new ways of modifying the surfaces of cellulosic materials using polysaccharide derivatives and a wide range of functional nano-particles. The project is coordinated by Volker Ribitsch of the University of Graz, Austria. Among the partners several members of the European Polysaccharide Network of Excellence EPNOE are active beneficiaries. The CEMEF MINES ParisTech-CNRS (FRA), and the Universities of Hull (GB), of Jena (BRD), of Maribor (SLO), of Utrecht (NL) have contributed their knowledge to the successful development of the project. Industrial partners are: CHT (GER); Mondi AG (AUT), Innovia (GB), Litija (SLO), NanoMeps (FRA), Norit-X flow (NED), TITK (GER).

The projects outcome is a technology platform based on structured cellulose material surfaces compounded using different nano-particle moieties. This approach does not negatively influence the mechanical properties and behaviour of the matrix material. The functionalities are introduced exactly at the place of need, at the compound’s surface. The compounding is not performed by covalent binding and does not require heavy chemistry. The surface modifications are achieved via the adsorption and fixation of functionalized and stabilized nanoparticles at the ready-made material, without changing industrial production processes to a large extent.

Scientific and technological targets The aim of the work is the creation of functional surface modifications using polysaccharides and nano-particles, leading to four different demonstrators in the fields of pulp and paper, cellulosic yarns, cellulose films and filter membranes. The project is based on the concept of surface modification of the material instead of using nanoparticles as fillers in the bulk. This approach, implicating several advantages, is depicted in Figure 1.

 Technology transfer from science to industrial products in a cooperative process

The project's main achievements are:  4 different demonstrators close to industrial products  New high value materials based on the renewable resource cellulose, its derivatives, and state-of-the-art nanotechnology

 Advanced understanding of interactions between solid cellulose surfaces and metallic, metal oxide and polymeric nano-particles

Figure 1. Schematic representation of functional modification of nanoparticle surface 52


BIOCHEM – Eco-IP Partnership for Driving Innovation in the Sector of Bio-based Products Maria Grazia Zucchini ASTER

BIOCHEM is an innovation programme funded by the European Commission and supported by SusChem - the European technology platform for sustainable chemistry – to drive competitiveness within Europe’s chemical industry. Part of SusChem’s remit is to promote strategic innovations and support innovation-led SMEs. BIOCHEM aims at supporting companies entering the rapidly emerging market for bio-based products, taking advantage of the joint effort of 17 innovation organisations across eight European countries, coordinated by Chemistry Innovation (UK). The BIOCHEM consortium partners include innovation agencies, national chemical organisations, venture and public funding bodies and programme consultancies. Over a three-year timeline, their mission is to develop a technical and business support toolbox to help at least 250 companies innovate in the bio-based products market. There are several strong drivers for this project, particularly climate change - with a global target for an 80% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 and energy security. Bio-based non-food products typically come from plants, trees and bio waste with typical end products in the bio-plastics, bio-lubricants, bio-surfactant, enzyme and pharmaceutical sectors. The EU currently accounts for about 30% of the global 58 billions Euros bio-based products market – which is expected to more than treble by 2020.

and sources of funding, providing access to test facilities. During its first year of operation, BIOCHEM has laid the groundwork for acceleration of industrial biotechnology innovation in Europe, introducing the project to at least 100 European operators. So far, BIOCHEM has completed a comprehensive assessment of the needs, the barriers and the opportunities specific to the European bio-based products market. A partnering platform has also been developed in order to help SMEs share their ideas and identify business and research partners ready to follow them in their new activities. Moreover a breakthrough for bio-based business ideas will be provided through the organisation of four "Accelerator Fora" for bio-based SMEs, during which entrepreneurs and researchers considering to set up a business in the bio-based sector will have the opportunity to promote their project and meet face-to-face with European biotech investors, venture capitalists and other industry and research players. The first Forum will take place on 5-7 October 2011 in Milan at the LIFE-MED 2011 fair premises. Next fora will be held in 2012 in Frankfurt, Palma di Maiorca and in 2013 in London.

Specific aims of BIOCHEM are to stimulate demanddriven, bio-based business in the chemical sector to improve the innovation capacity of bio-based chemistry start-ups and SMEs and to complete a comprehensive assessment of the bio-based products market. Using the partner network, BIOCHEM has developed a “toolbox” of methodologies and processes in a business support service package that includes innovation management, life cycle methodology, business planning and access to public and private funding. Through an “accelerator” process it will assist SMEs to understand their potential to enter the bio-based market and to identify their barriers to innovation. Process examples include identification of technology providers 53






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