Dr. Ulrich Reiners, Executive Packaging INTRODUCTION TO THE MARKET SEMINAR
Global Plastic Processing – Key Facts and Findings
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Global production of Plastic Resins amounts to some 265 million tons These resins are produced by some 80 producers All the plastics are converted, by some 150,000 converters A converter adds a value of >2 times of the resin costs But: Not all plastic converters have a sustainable EBITDA. – Why are the differences so high?
• Understanding of the conversion business is key: Product Technology Markets 1
Global Resin Demand for Plastics Conversion Demand by Region 2011: 255 million tons of converted plastics
Asia 15%
India & Pakistan 5%
Mena 7% Europe 23%
China 28%
速 Executive Packaging, AMI, PCI
South America 6%
North America 16%
Plastic Conversion in MENA There is a strong growth of Plastic Conversion in MENA: CAGR 2010 – 2015 : 9% p.a. ++ Packaging has the strongest growth with 12,1% Building and Construction has a stable growth of 8,0%. Master batch and Compound Producers are establishing themselves strongly in GCC
Plastic Converter Markets GCC 2011 in %: Total 3,6 mtons Textiles 12%
Others 5 % Packaging 45%
Plastic Goods 12%
Building and Construction 26%
GCC as a Hub to the World