PlastixANZ March eMag

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March 2013 eMagazine


Australian Vinyls Corporation Pty Ltd is Australia’s leading manufacturer and supplier of polyvinyl chloride resin (PVC) and wood plastic composites. The PVC resin supplied by Australian Vinyls is converted into a wide range of products by Australian manufacturers for products such as pipe, electric cable insulation, building profiles, packaging, floor coverings and automotive components. As well as manufacturing PVC resin, Australian Vinyls also manufacture sustainable wood plastic composite decking and screening materials through its subsidiary ModWood Technologies. Australian Vinyls supply a range of specialty products, complimentary to its supply of resin, to the domestic PVC processing industry as well as other markets. Through its traded chemicals division, Australian Vinyls supplies liquid caustic soda to a wide range of industries.

Australian Vinyls Specialty Products Australian Vinyls has a long and successful history of selling a wide range of additives into the

Australian market. Our customers are involved in market segments including PVC pipes and fittings, cables, compound, flooring, packaging, automotive and many others. Specialty Products currently supplies plasticisers, impact modifiers, process aids, lubricants, pigments, fillers and many other products. PRODUCT LIST Plasticisers • DBP • DOP • DOTP • DINP • DIDP • TOTM • DOA • ESBO • Citrate Plasticisers • Eco Plasticisers Other Additives • Process aids • MBS Impact modifiers • Acrylic Impact Modifiers • CPE • Precipitated Calcium Carbonate • Talc • EBS • Specialty Elastomers • Specialty Resins • TiO2 For further information, please contact the Specialty Products division at

Plastics Pioneers Winery Visit Sunday 13 April, 2013 Whispering Vines Cafe Trofeo Estate 85 Harrisons Rd, Dromana VIC Register at

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 " Australian Vinyls 3 " Plastics Pioneers 3 " Auspack 2013 4 " Delegates Tour 5 " Bio"polyamides 7 " Worldstar Awards 7 " Scott Bywater 9 " NMW 2013 10 " Metal Replacement 11 " Steinert's Enviro Award 14 " AIP Technical Forum 15 " Full Colour 3D Printing 15 " Vision Recycling 16 " Colour Matching

16 " Ceramic Band Heaters 17 " Eco"Profile 17 " Haitian Injection Moulders 18 " Tour de France 19 " Plasticising Screws 20 " Revolutionising the Wood Pallet 22 " Generation X: Becker 22 " New GX Injection Machine 23 " Marplex Products 24 " Shadow Minister Speaks 24 " PlastixANZ Awards

EXHIBITION SPACE EXPANDED FOR AUSPACK PLUS 2013 Organisers of AUSPACK PLUS 2013 announced today that due to high demand the exhibition floor space has been expanded by an additional 202 square metres of venue space.

Visitors can expect to see over 240 exhibitors, representing 13 countries, 58 international exhibitors and taking up over 7000 square metres of floor space. AUSPACK PLUS 2013 is a ‘must-attend’ exhibition on the Australian Packaging and Processing calendar and will be held at the Sydney Showgrounds, Sydney Olympic Park from Tuesday the 7th to Friday the 10th of May 2013. AUSPACK PLUS is owned and presented by the Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association (APPMA), Australia’s only national packaging and processing machinery organisation. To find out more about registering to attend the show or to exhibit please visit Visitors can now register on-line today for free to attend the show.

Trofeo Estate has been established at 85 Harrisons Road Dromana on the site of the old Five Sons Estate. The Vineyard is operated on biodynamic principles, the production of wine based on the use of terracotta amphorae with no added chemicals. The property was once the site of a large passionfruit operation, supplying the manufacture of Passiona, back in the day.

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Australian Delegates Tour in conjunction with PlastixANZ Saturday 18th May Australia to Guangzhou A morning departure from Australia (9.50am from Sydney and 10.30 am from Melbourne) and early evening arrival in Guangzhou (5.30pm and 6.10pm). On arrival you will be transferred to our hotel for the duration of our stay: The Guangzhou Ocean Hotel. A 4 star hotel located in the business district it is well located for public transport services.

Sunday 19th May This morning we are planning a half day sightseeing excursion of Guangzhou. Visit the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall a monument to Dr Sun Yat-Sen the forerunner of Chinese democratic revolution. On to the Ancestral Temple of the Chen family famous for it’s exquisite craftsmanship. We then visit Yuexiu Park famous for its beautiful scenery and its large number of historical relics such as the Five-Ram Sculpture, Zhenhai Tower, the site of the Ming Dynasty City Wall, and the Square Cannon Site Lunch is included

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March 2013 eMagazine

Monday 20th May

Wednesday 22st May

1st Day of the trade fair. ChinaPlas 2013

3rd day of the trade fair

As there everyone will have their own agenda on trade fair days we have not booked group transfers. Good public transport enables easy access to and from the exhibition centre. This evening we have arranged for an Australian delegates dinner to give us all the chance to catch up socially after a busy day at the fair.

Tuesday 21st May 2nd day of the trade fair

This evening we have arranged a cruise on the Pearl River, a chance to take in the breathtaking night view of this exciting city.

Thursday 23rd May 4th and last day of the trade fair. Late afternoon transfer from the hotel to the airport for an evening flight to Australia. (9.00pm to Melbourne, 9.05pm to Sydney) Note: Tour and cruise arrangements are subject to numbers and could change.

EMS-GRIVORY widens the range of bio-polyamides and completes eco-balance sheets Bio is not the same as Bio. Without a clear contribution towards lowering environmental impact, primarily through a reduction in emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2, biopolymers have little meaning. EMS-GRIVORY has widened its range of biopolyamides in the GreenLine Series, which includes Grilamid 1S PA1010, Grilamid 2S PA610, Grilamid BTR (amorphous, transparent PA) and Grivory HT3 (polyphthalamide = PPA), with new, tailormade compounds and, through extensive studies, has determined the environmental balance sheet of each individual GreenLine product. Thanks to refined formulations, these new compounds provide specifically optimised properties for use in the automotive field for components in fuel, cooling and hydraulic systems as well as in interior and exterior applications. Further uses for these materials are also planned however, in electrical and electronic applications as well as in the sport and leisure market. GreenLine products are made up partially or completely of derivatives of the biological raw material castor oil. The castor oil plant, an annual plant of the spurge family, is

today mainly cultivated on a large scale in India. During the growth phase these plants are capable of binding large amounts of CO2. The castor oil seeds contain a large share of useful oil which can be modified using chemical processes to create primary raw materials for various bio-polyamides. GreenLine products are only ecologically meaningful when an appreciable lowering of greenhouse gas emissions can be achieved. In this regard, it is absolutely necessary to look at the complete process – from cultivation of the castor oil plant right up to manufacture of the individual moulding compounds – in great detail regarding the mass and energy balance sheets.

GreenLine polyamides exhibit an excellent ecological balance sheet.

Thanks to complex studies carried out in close cooperation with suppliers, EMSGRIVORY has been able to draw up detailed environmental balance sheets for the GreenLine products and to compare these with the balance sheets of equivalent polyamides manufactured from crude oil.During the manufacturing process at the production site in Domat/Ems, Switzerland, EMS-GRIVORY makes use of a uniquely high share of CO2-neutral energy, for example as hydroelectricity or in the form of process steam produced by a biomass power station. These factors further improve the balance sheets which show that using Grilamid 1S PA1010 or Grilamid 2S PA610 moulding compounds, the CO2 emissions can be reduced by seventy or more percent depending on the degree of reinforcement. With the partially bio-based material Grilamid BTR, an amorphous transparent bio-polyamide, the reduction in CO2 emissions compared to traditional transparent polymers such as PMMA or PC, is more than 40 %. GreenLine products have property profiles which are directly comparable to those of conventional polyamides based on crude oil, and are not biodegradeable.

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March 2013 eMagazine

Authenticity Marketing AIP TO HOST 2013 WORLDSTAR by Scott Bywater PACKAGING AWARDS The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) announced today that they have been invited by the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) to be the host of the 2013 WorldStar Packaging Awards. According to Mr Ralph Moyle MAIP, National President of the AIP, Do is you want to and know whatopportunity is perhaps powerful this a significant one"off forthe the most Australasian – yet overlooked word and event. advertising? packaging industry to–be a partinofmarketing an international

While like headlines, measuring, “The AIPwords are pleased to announcetesting that the & 2013 WorldStar reach and frequency, target market, etc. are around Packaging Awards will be held on Thursday theall 9ththrown of May at the Novotel Sydney Olympic Park,–alongside PLUS 2013,” Mr like sausages on a BBQ and areAUSPACK certainly important… Moyle said. the one word many marketers forget is… AUTHENTICITY. The WorldStar Packaging Awards are run by the WPO and are now in its 45th year. It is one of the major events of the WPO and last That‘s right – being real… being human… exposing year attracted 243 entries from 32 countries around the world. The your faults… WorldStar Packaging Awards illustrate the continual advancement of the stateyou of packaging and creates a livingtasteless standard of Instead, end up with this bland, international excellence GIVES from which others may learn. advertising packaging that… NOBODY A STUFF ABOUT. The AIP have been working closely with the owners of AUSPACK Just look at those letters you get from your credit card PLUS, the APPMA, to develop an extensive event schedule to allow company. Or open up your newspaper and take a look exhibitors and visitors the opportunity to be a part of an inside. Open up yourweek. email inbox. There‘s no international packaging


The AIP will also be running their biennial National Technical Forum Don‘t be on a cardboard cut-out. Instead, be human. in the day the 9th of May, with the theme ‘Global Packaging Trends’. The AIP National Technical Forum, which is open to non" Remember, friends are real with each other. I try and members as well, will have a range of international speakers from expose much of myself as(WPO) I cancoming in my to emails the Worldas Packaging Organisation presentand from advertising. tell you I was bullied asStates. a teenager… Brazil, Austria, IIndia, Souththat Africa and the United

that I moved home far too much growing up… that I‘ve

According to Mr Moyle it will be many years before the WorldStar been in a cult… that I am TERRIBLE when it comes to Packaging Awards return to Australia and with the AIP celebrating handiwork stuff like hanging up pictures & fixing stuff… their 50th anniversary in 2013 it is apt that the event will be hosted that my dress sense SUCKS… that I cried in my first in Australia.

year of business – particularly in my hairdressing salon

“There will beitan international of WPO Boardabout members – because hurt so muchcontingent to struggle & worry and award winners from across the globe coming to Australia for finances so badly. this event and we would like to extend an invitation to the entire packaging Why do Icommunity do this? to be a part of this significant night.” Mr Moyle said.

Because I hate being sold something by someone who

“The joined Someone the WPO in 2012 a processthat towards developing isn‘t AIP human. who in presents smiley I‘m relationships within the world packaging community and perfect, everything‘s perfect‘ face – when it really isn‘t broadening our knowledge of packaging developments in other the case. countries. This relationship has been very positive in expanding our perspective of packaging knowledge And you should do the same. in different parts of the world, while sharing our skills in countries in our region in need of You‘ll connect more if you tell people your story, show assistance.” he said.

your photo in your ads, and speak from your heart.

To book your seat, or corporate table to the 2013 WorldStar Packaging Awards and theyou AIP National Technical simply That alone will make stand out – andForum, give you a log on to and visit eventsbe section or email unique selling proposition thatthe cannot replicated.

Why? Because there‘s nobody quite like you!

Authenticity Marketing by Scott Bywater Do you want to know what is perhaps the most powerful – yet overlooked – word in marketing and advertising? While words like headlines, testing & measuring, reach and frequency, target market, etc. are all thrown around like sausages on a BBQ – and are certainly important… the one word many marketers forget is… AUTHENTICITY. That‘s right – being real… being human… exposing your faults… Instead, you end up with this bland, tasteless advertising that… NOBODY GIVES A STUFF ABOUT. Just look at those letters you get from your credit card company. Or open up your newspaper and take a look inside. Open up your email inbox. There‘s no authenticity. Don‘t be a cardboard cut-out. Instead, be human. Remember, friends are real with each other. I try and expose as much of myself as I can in my emails and advertising. I tell you that I was bullied as a teenager… that I moved home far too much growing up… that I‘ve been in a cult… that I am TERRIBLE when it comes to handiwork stuff like hanging up pictures & fixing stuff… that my dress sense SUCKS… that I cried in my first year of business – particularly in my hairdressing salon – because it hurt so much to struggle & worry about finances so badly. Why do I do this? Because I hate being sold something by someone who isn‘t human. Someone who presents that smiley I‘m perfect, everything‘s perfect‘ face – when it really isn‘t the case. And you should do the same. You‘ll connect more if you tell people your story, show your photo in your ads, and speak from your heart. That alone will make you stand out – and give you a unique selling proposition that cannot be replicated. Why? Because there‘s nobody quite like you!

Scott Bywater

Do you want to learn the easiest way to get more customers fast? Leading advertising copywriter, Scott Bywater, has just completed his brand new guide "7 Ways to Get More Customers" where he outline everything so it's as easy as 1, 2... 3. Download it for free by visiting

Do you want to learn the easiest way to get more

March 2013 eMagazine

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March 2013 eMagazine

PLASTICS A GROWING FEATURE OF NMW 2013 National Manufacturing Week (NMW 2013) returns to the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre (MCEC) on May 7"10, focusing on helping industry leverage opportunities for growth. Building on the success of the co"location of Ausplas with NMW and Austech – last held in 2011 and scheduled again for 2014 " this year’s event will feature a number of plastics industry suppliers in various Product Zones. Billed as the event that strengthens industry through technology, innovation and education, NMW will this year feature, for the first time in Victoria, two new Product Zones: Sustainable Manufacturing and Metals & Composites. The Sustainable Manufacturing Zone will focus on opportunities for reducing industry’s environmental footprint; while Metals & Composites will present new developments in industry’s quest to develop manufacturing materials – including plastics – that are reliable, lightweight and easily moulded. Exhibition Director Paul Baker commented, “The two new Product Zones bring NMW 2013 to a record 12 Product Zones, which will help visitors more easily find specific solutions for their businesses.” “At a broader level, the new layout also reflects the changing nature of industry: such as the rise of the plastics sector which is now Australia’s third largest manufacturing industry.” The plastics industry will be represented at NMW 2013 by a number of companies. These include Duromer, the supplier of high" performance plastic compounds and resins, and Pacific Urethanes, the Australian"owned specialist in the development and production of polyurethane systems.

Other plastics industry representatives will include Techspan Australia, a supplier of high quality plastics and printing technologies, and Rose Plastic (Kunshan) Co, the China"based supplier of industrial plastic packaging. Paul Baker said that in developing this year’s NMW, organisers Reed Exhibitions conducted industry research in December 2012, scoping attitudes and outlooks of some 400 manufacturing industry personnel. “Respondents consistently stated that they saw their businesses growing through improvements to their value"added solutions & services, technological innovation and cost efficiency and optimisation. Furthermore, around half " 49.6% of those surveyed – said they intended making capital investments this year.” Baker commented that this research points to a confident, constructive mood for NMW 2013. “This year’s event is shaping up as a stellar event. On the one hand, we have indications that industry intends to invest in new capabilities – while on the other hand, NMW 2013 and Austech will present a combined total of more than 300 companies, each with new and innovative solutions for manufacturers,” Baker said. “As much as it will be the forerunner to Ausplas again joining NMW and Austech in 2014, this year’s NMW will be a forum in which manufacturers can see and talk about possible next steps for their businesses today,” said Baker. Registration for NMW 2013 (entry is free to the trade) is now open at... Industry is invited to check out the website regularly, as details of NMW 2013 exhibitors, features and parallel events will be posted in the weeks ahead.

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Metal replacement flying high Polyamide as a substitute for metal is currently a topic of great interest. Products from EMS-GRIVORY open up previously unimagined possibilities for replacement of metal. This is demonstrated by an inconspicuous threaded tube, made of polyamide reinforced with long glass fibres, which easily holds the weight of a vehicle suspended on it. But the formula for success is based on more than just the suitable material.

A towing hook in serial production for private vehicles is a classic metal application. The hook is large, heavy and the production involves post-treatment costs. This problem is encountered again and again with metal applications and it is exactly at this point that the impulse for replacement of metal by polyamides starts. In this particular case the question is: Can components made of polyamide bear the weight of a vehicle and, at the same time, be smaller, lighter in weight and less expensive to manufacture? New properties thanks to a fibre skeleton The long glass-fibre products Grivory GVL and Grilon TSGL, manufactured using a pultrusion process developed by EMS, are excellently suited for metal replacement. They are viable alternatives to die-cast metals both from an economic point of view and with regard to performance. These products, which have been developed specifically for metal replacement, take a place at the very top of the range of thermoplastic materials with their astonishingly high strength values. The glass-fibres in the polyamide, which are up to 10 mm long, form a fibre skeleton within the moulded part, thus enabling the production of highperformance and heat-stable structural

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components. This felt-like fibre structure in the core of the component raises the heat distortion temperature while stiffness and strength values remain at a clearly higher level, even at increasing temperatures. The tendency to creep, i.e. deformation of the component under long-term stressing, is reduced to an absolute minimum. Metal replacement at the highest level This kind of long glass-fibre reinforced polyamide widens the spectrum for metal replacement to increasingly higher performance levels. This was shown in an impressive manner at the recent media conference at the headquarters and production site of EMS-CHEMIE AG in Domat/Ems, Switzerland. The engineers from EMS-GRIVORY dared to tackle the already mentioned, strongly loaded towing hook. Instead of simply replicating the hook, however, the screws were really tightened in the truest sense of the word. The large, heavy metal hook was substituted by a threaded tube weighing 19 grams and made of long glass-fibre reinforced polyamide. The conventional towing of a vehicle also took a dramatic upturn! Based freely on the motto, “Metal replacement at the highest level�, the whole vehicle, the threaded tube and an M8 screw were pulled vertically upwards.

More than just polyamides Along with a wide range of polyamides which reach limits of the property profiles of metals, EMS-GRIVORY also offers a wide range of technical application services. This unique service offer is particularly effective in cases of metal replacement as developers often lack specific plastic know-how regarding properties and processing methods. The support provided usually already starts with the component design. EMSGRIVORY has its own CAE department (Computer Aided Engineering Technical Service), which prepares preliminary feasibility studies and design proposals. Only in a very few cases can die-cast metal components be transferred straight forwardly to using plastic materials without any modification being necessary. In this case, finite element calculations or rheological simulations are already of benefit before the start of mould manufacture. The knowledge gained from these simulations is used before the tool work starts and helps to avoid expensive mistakes. Along with these calculation services, EMS-GRIVORY provides active and comprehensive support for the development for new polyamide parts in its application development centres worldwide.

Simply strong The total weight of the vehicle with towing fixture was 1.8 tons. This overall weight was fixed on the one hand to the threaded tube made of polyamide and, on the other hand, to an 8 mm steel screw. The whole load was distributed over an area with a cross-section of only 2.4 cm2. - this corresponds to roughly less than half the area of a stamp. The requirements for the threaded tube are enormously high. Its surface hardness must withstand the sharp edges of the screw thread and, in addition, the material must exhibit a sufficiently high resistance to creep so that the plastic part does not become deformed after only a few seconds under the load, causing it to break or allowing the screw to pull out. The vehicle was then lifted and remained poised before the astonished audience. Nearly two tons hanging on one screw and a threaded plastic tube - and that is not all. Laboratory loading tests determined a maximum load capacity of 2.95 tons.

March 2013 eMagazine

Experienced application developers assist in selecting the correct materials, draw up cost comparisons (e.g. for replacement of die-cast metals) and provide expert knowledge for the plastics processing industry. The comprehensive range of equipment available at the application development centres enables both material testing, as well as the production of customer prototypes, to be carried out in-house. In this way, EMS-GRIVORY provides among other things, the service of processing EMS polyamides in the customer’s existing die-cast metal moulds whereby simple changes in design or to the gating system can be taken into consideration. >>>

The optimal product range in combination with a high-performance application development centre provides the customer with a performance package which covers every aspect from the initial idea right up to serial production.

and significantly simplify recycling, for example. Long glass-fibre reinforced polyamides are continually approaching the property profiles of metal.

Photo 1: Polyamide prototypes can be made using existing die- cast moulds in the EMS application development department.

Conclusion Naturally, large, heavy metal tow hooks will still be seen in future on private vehicles. But the limits are not fixed. While metal threads must often still be inserted for similar applications today, this kind of component will in future be manufactured with integrated thread, in one single step using injection-moulded, reinforced plastic materials. This will greatly reduce part costs

die-cast parts can be replaced with more economical polyamide solutions. Metal replacement by long glass-fibre reinforced polyamides is really beginning to take off – in the truest sense.

Photo 2: Threaded tubes made of long glass-fibre reinforced polyamides have a tensile force up up to 3 tons. With a design appropriately adapted for plastic materials, an increasing number of

Photo 3: An impressing presentation of the strength of long fibres. A car suspended from a threaded tube.

STEINERT Australia to present PlastixANZ Enviro Achievement Award 2013 STEINERT Australia, are again proud to be sponsoring the 2013 Plastics Industry Environment Achievement Award for the PlastixANZ Plastics Industry Awards being held Sept 18 at the Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. Last year, STEINERT Australia awarded their ‘Plastics Industry Environment Achievement Award’ to Tapex - recognised for their environmental leadership with the Plasback program. Plasback is a Product Stewardship scheme initiated by Tapex - a leading supplier of fodder packaging plastics throughout Australasia. STEINERT has a strong presence wherever the need arises for intelligent technical separation solutions for the primary and secondary raw materials sector. Important resources – such as packaging and plastics - are conserved as a result. Established in Cologne as a family company, we are active globally in Europe, Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Sth East Asia and the USA. By listening to our international network we are able to better understand your requirements, and contribute to your economic success.

Tapex wins the STEINERT Enviro Award in 2012

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2013 AIP NATIONAL TECHNICAL FORUM TO HAVE INTERNATIONAL REACH The Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) announced today that they will once again hold their biennial National Technical Forum alongside AUSPACK PLUS 2013 on Thursday the 9th of May at the Sydney Showground.

Thomas L Schneider, CPP, President, World Packaging Organisation, who will be talking about ‘WPO: A Global advantage. Tom is based in the United States.

With the theme ‘Global Packaging Trends’ and international speakers from the World Packaging Organisation (WPO) coming to present from Brazil, Austria, India, South Africa, Indonesia and the United States, the AIP National Technical Forum will be a mustattend on the 2013 calendar. Speakers will include: Keith Pearson, General Secretary, World Packaging Organisation who will be speaking about ‘Discovering the missing link: sustainable advances in the packaging supply chain’. Keith is based in South Africa. Patrick Farrey, Executive Director, Institute of Packaging Professionals, who will be presenting a paper on ‘Economical, social and ecological aspects of packaging and the American market potential’. Patrick is based in the United.States.

Ariana Susanti (above), Business Development Director, Indonesian Packaging Federation, who will be presenting a paper on ‘Global trends in packaging in Indonesia and within the region’. Ariana is based in Indonesia. Prof. Narayan Saha, Director & Principal Executive Officer, Indian Institute of Packaging who will present a paper on ‘Economical, social and ecological aspect of packaging and the Indian market potential. Prof. Saha is based in India. Luciana Pellegrino, Executive Director, ABRE – Brazilian Packaging Association who will be presenting a paper on ‘Packaging and marketing: global approach’. Luciana is based in Brazil. The 2013 AIP National Technical Forum is open to members and non-members and there are limited seats available.

Dr. Johannes Bergmair (above), Head of Life Science, Food Packaging, Pharmaceutical and Medical Products, who will be discussing ‘Packaging and food safety: the Global Approach’. Dr Bergmair is based in Austria.

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To book your seat at the 2013 AIP National Technical Forum, simply log on to and visit the events section or email

March 2013 eMagazine

ZPrint Full Color 3D Printing Technology 3D Systems Asia-Pacific now offers a fast and inexpensive solution to simple model making with ZPrint Full Color 3D Printing Technology. This rapid prototyping technology is the easiest way to quickly turn 3D CAD data into fullcolored parts. Parts are created with powdered plaster composite material coupled with a 4

color printing process, allowing for 390,000 possible color combinations. Color is printed directly into the part during the build process, not merely on the surface. This type of color finish eliminates the need for paint during post-processing. Excellent for demonstration models, especially where color or labels are required to demonstrate the final product.


Maximum dimensions : 15" x 10" x 8". Parts with larger dimensions are also available. Please contact us to discuss. ZPrint materials: Sandstone zpÂŽ150 High Performance Composite. Impressive build speed of 28mm per hour. 3D Systems Asia Pacific 03 9819 4422

UNISORT P2800 NIR module HUGE savings on new Sell Price AU$100,000 4 years old latest software upgrade fraction size 50-300mm ideal for sorting bottles sorting by polymer FULL WORKING ORDER! Don't miss this great opportunity. Contact

Vision Recycling provides a recycling service to industry for many types of plastic. Services include Scrap Collection, Granulation and Baling. Vision Recycling is a family business — commencing operations in 1990. We provide a personalised service to industry for plastics recycling

Contact us on (03) 9801 0733

March 2013 eMagazine

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Ceramic Band Heaters

Colour Matching Rather than telling the market what we plan to offer in the way of masterbatch, we prefer to have the market tell us what they would like to receive from us.

MegaWatt Heating Elements Ceramic Band Heaters are a high watts density heater.

We know that there is no one colour or product that would suit all, we consult with our customers to develop a product that is specific to their needs. The resultant masterbatch will depend entirely on the information provided by our customer such as; the colour itself, the polymer process, the resin used to mould the article, the intended end application of the article, and any other properties that would ensure the product out performs its application. For colour match requests, contact us and provide as much detail as possible.

Guilda Pty Ltd 03 8368 2344

This type of heater is made from ceramic links which hold the heat for longer periods therefore reducing power consumption and increase the life of your heater. Ideal for the extrusion industry. They can be made to order ranging in size from 70mm diameter to over 1000mm diameter. Terminations types are 2 pin plug or junction box with a ceramic terminal block and flexible high temp leads metal braided. Made in AUSTRALIA. Contact us with your dimensions for an obligation free quote. Megawatt Heating Elements (03) 5977 6991 Page 16

March 2013 eMagazine

ECO-PROFILE An eco-profile is a useful tool for fully determining Ingeo's environmental impact. The profile adds up all of the inputs & outputs from our manufacturing process (like water to grow feedstocks, CO2 sequestered, energy to produce farming equipment, greenhouse gases emitted by our plant) from the field to factory gate...or from the corn being grown to boxes of Ingeo leaving our plant in Blair, NE. This calculation helps us determine Ingeo's impact on several indicators including greenhouse gas emissions and nonrenewable energy use.

Australian Dental Congress product launch by APS Innovations client Dr Erik Magee Presenting the i-Mixwell, as seen in Feb 2013 'Bite' Magazine and launching at the 35th Australian Dental Congress to be held in Melbourne from 3–7 April 2013.

THE INGEO JOURNEY In February 2009, we announced the beginning of the next stage in our journey to greater environmental responsibility. By introducing a new proprietary manufacturing process, we were able to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions by 36% and our non-renewable energy use by 44% compared to where we were in 2005...and we won't stop there. We are always researching & investing in new technologies to improve the environmental footprint of Ingeo biopolymer. COMPARING GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS & NON-RENEWABLE ENERGY USE Two key indicators for environmental footprint are greenhouse gases (GHG's) and non-renewable energy use. Measuring these two impacts and comparing data between Ingeo and traditional polymers (like PET & PS), provides a clear picture of the eco-advantage provided by Ingeo. PUBLICATIONS & 3RD PARTY REVIEW To guard against greenwashing, we have all our environmental data reviewed and published in well-known journals to provide transparency in our claims. NatureWorks LLC (03) 5422 6904

Haitian Injection Moulding Machines Haitian Direct is the authorised Australasian agent of the Ningbo Haitian Group, the largest manufacturer of injection moulding machines in the world, which aims to make China’s technology available everywhere. The company boasts a wide range of products and an extensive service network. It provides injection moulding technology of quality at extremely attractive prices. Haitian Direct was formed by Mark Folley & Bob Daley in early 2007 to sell and support the Haitian range of injection moulding machines. Between them Mark & Bob have over 70 years experiance in the Injection Moulding and tooling industry. This experience enables Haitian Direct to provide everything from simple machine installations through to turn key tooling and machine full plant installations. Haitian Direct Pty Ltd 1300 551 477

APS Innovations client Dr Erik Magee will be launching the first of his new line of dental devices at the forthcoming ADA Dental Congress April 2013, with samples of the iMixwell being distributed to the first 1000 attendees. Dr Magee has collaborated closely with APS to develop his design from concept to manufactured item, with Victoria based APS Innovations also handling manufacturing and distribution. Dr Magee is a general dentist in Camberwell Victoria principal of a 5 dentist practice.

Further product information can be found at the website, which is due to go live prior to the April launch at the 35th Australian Dental Congress to be held in Melbourne from 3–7 April 2013 to be held in the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre. APS Innovations Pty Ltd 03 9752 2144

March 2013 eMagazine

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EMS-GRIVORY at the Tour de France Excellent stiffness and strength values similar to those of metal in combination with a low specific weight are the unique properties of Grivory G grades reinforced with carbon and long glass fibres. Which is why this material is increasingly used in the segment of sport and leisure for particularly demanding applications. The ÂŤlmpecÂť bicycle frame was developed by the Company BMC Switzerland AG (Bicycle Manufacturing Company). After intensive analysis, test and optimisation, the customer decided to manufacture the frame supports from EMS-GRIVORY products. These supports made of Grivory GC-4H and GVL-6H provide the bicycle frame with the required bending stiffness, strength, shock-absorbance properties and all weight savings to be achieved.

Bicycle frame made of EMS materials The design of the frame supports presented the engineers at BMC Switzerland with a special challenge. Many design possibilities were tested before finally the idea was born to shape the connections at the frame intersection, of two half-shells instead of one sleeve socket. These half-shells, or simply shells, were made of a revolutionary composite compound material (EMS material), are very strong while at the same time very light in weight, have excellent shock absorbance properties and can be absolutely accurately and efficiently assembled on the frame tubes. With this high-strength and very precise half-shell technology, BMC Switzerland was able to form the connections of the bicycle frames in such a way that a life-long guarantee can be given. The open design of the shells created the necessary conditions for the last work step in manufacture of the lmpec frame, bonding of the shells to the frame tube, can be carried out with a much better overview and in a more controlled manner than was possible with the design of the previous model. Image: The frame connectors made of Grivory GC-4H and GVL-6H provide the frame with the required bending strength, toughness and shockabsorbing properties while allowing weight savings to be achieved. Continued >>>

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March 2013 eMagazine

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High quality requirements satisfied Along with a range of laboratory tests, some of the bicycle frames were thoroughly tested by professional riders during the Tour de France 2011. During this race there were no broken frames or other incidents which could have been caused by the frame. The findings of these tests were made use of for further design optimisations. After manufacture, every Impec frame, including the forks, is subjected to a static loading test where extremely high quality requirements must be satisfied to the extent that breakage of the components is accepted in order to determine the loading limits and to guarantee zero-error manufacturing. The half-shells made of Grivory GC-4H and GVL-6H are optimal and safe frame connectors due to their high mechanical strength, low tendency to creep and good toughness which enable them to fulfil the high requirements demanded of a bicycle frame for professional riders. For more information contact TCL Hofmann:

Melbourne Office 150 Woodlands Drive PO Box 392

Plasticising Screws

Avian Sales & Service Pty Ltd is an Australian manufacturer of Plastising Screws for the Injection Moulding, Blow Moulding, Extrusion and Rubber industries. With over 25 years of experience in this field,we have built a wealth of knowledge and skills required to get the job done. Avian Sales & Service is based in Sydney and can handle screws up to 400mm in dia. and up to six (6) metres in length. We manufacture a range of screws to suit your requirements, whether it be Single Flight Metering Screws, Single Flight Barrier Screws, Double Start / Double Flight Barrier Screws or 2 Stage Screws, we can manufacture it. In addition we can also machine various mixing configurations such as "Maddock" straight mixing and "Maddock" spiral mixing. Our Plasticising Screws are manufactured from high quality steels and can be Double Nitrided, Through Hardened and Double Nitrided, Hardfaced and Double Nitrided or Hardfaced and chrome plated. Other surface coatings can be supplied at customers request.

Braeside, Victoria 3195 Australia phone +61 (0)3 8586 2900

For more information:

fax +61 (0)3 9580 8322

Avian Sales & Service 02 9533 7277

Sydney Office Suite 3.07, 54-56 Delhi Road PO Box 6479 North Ryde, NSW 2113 Australia phone +61 (0)2 9870 8644 fax +61 (0)2 9870 7440

email TCL Australia Pty Ltd trading as TCL Hofmann ABN 39 091 773 330

March 2013 eMagazine

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Revolutionising the wood pallet The wood pallet has not evolved in any significant degree in almost a century, despite the development of materials and manufacturing technology. Today warehouses and distribution centres across Australia are experiencing the same ongoing problems associated with pallets they were decades ago. Problems such as protruding nails, broken runner boards, weakened pallets are just some of the safety, operational and maintenance issues that are a constant and familiar battle for those involved in any part of a supply chain. Meanwhile the systems and disciplines that manage logistic chains have continued to evolve dynamically, with the continuous improvement of operational systems and increased efficiency associated with the investment of plant and equipment upgrades. Throughout this time there has been little change in the pallet despite the obvious cost savings and safety improvements that could be achieved with a better design. 1-PAL Pty Ltd, established only this year in Melbourne, has taken on the challenge of reinventing the traditional forklift pallet. The Australian designed pallet is the world’s first rackable, stackable and nestable forklift pallet. The plastic pallet has been made from a newly

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developed reinforced polymer and is only a quarter of the weight of a standard hardwood pallet. Despite the reduction in weight, the pallet has been engineered to endure similar impact strength and load bearing ability of a traditional industry pallet. The 1-PAL pallet differs from a typical nestable pallet in that it has solid legs that allow it to rack a 1 ton load even at elevated temperatures. The 1-PAL pallet can go from being stacked similar to wood pallets when being used at high frequency, to being nested by rotating the pallet 90 . The solid legs nest into slots in its top deck. Once nested the 1-PAL pallet has a 3:1 height ratio compared to a standard pallet. “A significant amount of warehouse space and a supply chains’ freight is dedicated to empty pallets, the 1-PAL pallet will reduce this incidental cost. We believe the benefit of 1-PAL will enable a business to save up to 65% in costs associated with warehousing and transporting empty pallets”, said Director Ryan Groom. 1-PAL is attempting to revolutionise the traditional pallet design with a product that despite the added features, will still suit any supply chain and hopes to break the logistic industry’s dependence on a design established many decades ago.

March 2013 eMagazine

March 2013 eMagazine

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Generation X: Becker Innovation with Top Warranty Pneumatic technology of the Becker brand is worldwide a synonym for precisely dosed, smooth industrial processes in many industrial sectors. For application areas with high requirements, as they are common for example in the electronics industries, Becker now offers a new vacuum pump product line: the Series X. With this special development [suitable for the application], Becker extends its popular VT/KVT/VTLF product range by the models VX, KVX and VXLF.Equipped with completely newly developed vanes, these oil"free rotary vane pumps distinguish themselves by high abrasion resistance and with that extremely long service lives. And since no dust develops where there is virtually no wear, the devices of the Series X are perfectly suited for precision processes under clean room conditions.

guarantees precise low"pulsation air conduction.And to top that, Becker offers for the first time full warranty of at least 20,000 maintenance"free operating hours for this innovation " a guarantee for top technology with the following advantages: • quick, clean, quiet • oil"free • vibration stable • wear resistant • energy saving • long"life reliable An additional reliability plus is the on"site service by Becker in case of need. Exchange installations and the down"times associated with that are no longer an issue anymore.

New GX Series Injection Moulding Machine Premiered in the USA and available from HBM Plastics Technologies in Oceania Krauss Maffei of Munich Germany, a world leader in Plastics Processing Machinery have presented their New energy efficient GX 400-4300 Injection Moulding machine in operating mode to the US market for the first time during their ‘Tech Day’ event which was held in Michigan USA recently. Targeting the high growth mid range 400 to 650 tonne clamp market, the GX series has a dry cycle time of 2.3 seconds. Coupled with a choice of 12 injection units offering a combination of 90 injection configurations utilizing either Hydraulic or Electric screw drives and with potential energy savings of up to 50%, the GX machines are designed for use within the packaging, consumer goods, auto, medical & materials handling industries. The modular machines include new hydromechanical dual platen concepts such as the GuideX and GearX technologies.

The latest innovation branded by Becker is outstanding not only because of its 100 percent oil"free operation, excellent degree of efficiency and low power consumption. In the area of sensitive vacuum, Series X also

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March 2013 eMagazine

MARPLEX PRODUCTS Our extensive product range is one of Australia`s largest helping us to lead the way with plastics for every application.

Our Products Product information can be accessed using the list below - alternatively you can search for products using our search feature. ALKAMIX™ ALKATEQ™ ASTABLEND™ ASTADUR™ ASTAGLAS™ ASTALAC™ ABSASTALAC™ ASAASTALON™ ASTALOY™ PC/ABSASTALOY™ PC/ASAASTALOY™ PC/PETASTAMID™ ASTARYL™ ASTATAL™ FLEXITEQ™ PROTEQ™ Marplex Australia Pty. Ltd. +61397714100

The unique GuideX platen support guide shoe consists of a fixed bearing joint with optimised FEM design which provides a platform for the machine’s outstanding platen parallelism. The greatly reduced forces are transmitted to the linear roller guides giving virtually frictionless mould movements and enhancing energy reduction and mold protection sensitivity. The unique patented design ensures the guides are protected against overloading and guarantees extended service life The GearX clamp system locks the machine clamp within the shortest possible time with the locking element positively engaged in the tie bar notches via a short flux of force inside the unit.

“The GX Series corresponds precisely to the needs of our American customers” said Paul Caprio, CEO of the US subsidiary of Krauss Maffei. “We have categorically proven this today through the live demonstrations of our machines”. Visitors were also able to view live demonstrations of the all electric AX 180-380 and MXZ 1600 multi-component machines. Krauss Maffei is represented in Oceania by HBM Plastics Technologies.

HBM Plastics Technologies (02) 8814 3100

March 2013 eMagazine

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Shadow Minister for Industry, Innovation & Science to address the plastics industry Ms Sophie Mirabella will address the plastics industry at a dinner meeting to be held on July 18th at Melbourne's Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. Ms Mirabella is a lawyer and has been a Liberal member of the Australian House of Representatives since 2001, representing the Division of Indi, Victoria. After spending a number of years on the backbench, she moved to the position of Shadow Parliamentary Secretary and is presently the Shadow Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research. Mr Derek Lark, Industry Capability Network Executive Director, will also address the meeting. Mr Lark will be providing information about the services, facilities & assistance Industry Capability Network can offer to the plastics industry. Registration details for this exclusive event will be available shortly via PlastixANZ.

Plastics Industry Achievement Awards 2013 Achievements within the plastics industry will be recognised at the annual dinner presentation of the achievement awards. Presentation dinner details September 18, 2013 Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club A limited number of sponsors are required, for sponsor information, please contact us. Awards nomination forms will be available shortly. Presentation dinner registration details will be announced closer to the event.

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