PlastixANZ eMagazine November 2011

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eMagazine November 2011

the world of

packaging and processing machinery DW \RXU ÀQJHUWLSV

Now providing all of your packaging and processing machinery answers



Owned and Presented by APPMA

7th to 10th May 2013 Sydney Showgrounds Sydney Olympic Park

PlastixANZ eMagazine Published & distributed monthly Closing date for advertising & editorial Last day of month prior to month of publication


PANZ November 2011

eMagazine PlastixANZ November 2011 Issue

Applied Machinery




Avian Sales & Service


BFA Group




Duromer Products


Equilibrium Pty. Ltd.


Fleming Dynamics


HBM Plastics & Packaging


LyondellBasell Australia

14 7,13

Mitchell Industries




Tasman Machinery

ph: 03 9018 7674 email:


Krauss Maffei

Milliken Design

Published for the Australian & New Zealand plastics industry by PlastixANZ 68 Parkhurst Dve., Knoxfield 3180 Victoria Australia

Front Cover

In this issue


AUSPACK PLUS 2013 HEADS TO SYDNEY The largest biennial packaging and processing machinery and materials exhibition in Australia, AUSPACK PLUS, will be heading to the Sydney Showgrounds, Sydney Olympic Park from the 7th to the 10th of May 2013. According to Luke Kasprzak, Exhibition Sales Executive, Exhibitions & Trade Fairs (ETF), “An extensive survey was undertaken earlier this year with visitors and exhibitors of AUSPACK PLUS 2011 to determine how we can offer an even more diverse and successful exhibition in 2013,” “The results of the survey have guided our objectives for the Sydney show and not only will we continue to grow the processing and packaging machinery side of the event, but an additional key VA7<A: G;4G 64@8 9EB@ G;8 E8CBEG was to focus on welcoming the materials side of the industry to both exhibit and attend AUSPACK PLUS 2013. Materials refers to all 8?8@8AGF 9EB@ V?@ GB C?4FG<6F through to components and ancillaries of packaging and processing machinery. This is a side of the industry that is sometimes overlooked and yet is critical to the success of production lines.” Mr Kasprzak said...More

Subscribe to PlastixANZ eMagazine Click Here PANZ

November 2011


News� Reinventing the Wheel – It is Possible! In September 2011, smart released a new concept vehicle, the “smart forvision”, the new concept vehicle from smart, is the JBE?7UF VEFG 4HGB@B5<?8 GB E<78 BA thermoplastic wheel rims. However, they are not just a concept, their performance has already been tested for highvolume production. The all-plastic wheel rim is over 30 percent lighter than a standard production aluminium wheel. The plastic rim weighs only six kilos and is made of the new specialty polyamide. This contributes to a noticeable reduction in the vehicle’s weight by a total of 12 kilos and translates into lower fuel consumption when t

the vehicle is equipped with a conventional engine. In the case of a battery-powered auto such as the “smart forvision”, the result is greater range.The complete rim (to be technically correct: the wheel) – consists of two parts: the actual supporting component and a wheel cover in the same material.. Both parts have a supporting function and withstand high loads under driving conditions. The wheel cover can be painted in any color used for the vehicle. “Thermoset rims are already being used in racing and for short production runs”, explained Heiko Hess, who is responsible for wheel development at BASF.“ However, compared to thermoplastic rims,

which can be injection molded, they are considerably more complex, more expensive to manufacture and thus unsuitable for high-volume production”. As is often the case in a change of material, the design needs to be revisited rather than a straight swap on the original design. This allows us to break the existing rules and optimise the design of products with the new material.

Australian Researchers Grab Prime Minister`s 2011 Prize for Plastic Innovations

Two Australian scientists have won US$305,800 for using organic chemistry to control the structure, composition and properties of polymers. The process allows plastics and other polymers to be "custom-built" for various applications, for example, plastic solar cells, drug delivery, paints, adhesives and lubricants. In traditional plastic production, the reaction that creates compounds tends to be rapid and uncontrollable. But Solomon and Rizzardo discovered a way to regulate the speed at which polymer molecules combine. "G4?<4A 5BEA )EB98FFBE M<B *<MM4E7B 9EB@ G;8 &8?5BHEA8 54F87 B@@BAJ84?G; +6<8AG<V6 4A7 "A7HFGE<4? Research Organization (CSIRO), and Professor David Solomon, from the University of Melbourne, won the prestigious Prime Minister`s 2011 Prize for Science. The prize is awarded annually for important 6BAGE<5HG<BAF F6<8AG<FGF @4>8 GB HFGE4?<43F 6HEE8AG 4A7 9HGHE8 F6<8AG<V6 64C45<?<G<8F The scientists` polymer research is used in laboratories and factories of more than 60 companies globally, including major brands like DuPont, L`Oréal, IBM, and Dulux. Their work has been cited more than 12,000 G<@8F <A F6<8AG<V6 ?<G8E4GHE8 4A7 <F <AG8:E4? GB @BE8 G;4A C4G8AGF Solomon and Rizzardo analyzed the construction of polymers and discovered a way to stop the polymerization reaction after just two or three molecular links have formed, allowing them to control the speed of polymerization and regulate the polymer`s content and structure. The pair patented the process in 1985 and in 1990 their paper about the process became one of the most widely cited in polymer chemistry. About Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research The Department of Innovation, Industry, Science and Research consists of many research agencies such as G;8 +"*( G;8 HFGE4?<4A *8F84E6; BHA6<? G;8 HFGE4?<4A "AFG<GHG8 B9 &4E<A8 +6<8A68 4A7 G;8 (9V68 B9 G;8 Chief Scientist as well as an entire departmental division devoted to research. Their portfolio delivers a range of information and a number of Government initiatives and activities in relation to science and how it 58A8VGF G;8 HFGE4?<4A 6B@@HA<GL 4

PANZ November 2011

352727<3(6 -,*6 02/'6 '$< 0$&+,1( FORTUS SYSTEMS ADD AGILITY TO YOUR MANUFACTURING PROCESS. Handle a wider variety of jobs faster and more efficiently with a Fortus 3D Production System. It turns your CAD files into functional prototypes, workholding tools and end-use parts — all built with tough, production-grade thermoplastics. Tight deadlines. Changing schedules. Revised designs. One system handles it all: Fortus. See the advantages of more agile manufacturing at

Š2010 Stratasys Inc. All rights reserved.

Tasman Machinery Pty Ltd. What Technology Should be! 3 / 51 Grange Road, Cheltenham VIC 3192 Phone 03 9584 8355 Fax 03 9584 6055 email:

PANZ November 2011


News In Brief Stanford Researchers Create Transparent Film of Singlewalled CNTs for Wide Applications

NatureWorks Receives The Foundation For Social Change’s 2011 Leader of Change Award

Stanford`s Zhenan Bao, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering, in her quest to 6E84G8 4A 4EG<V6<4? FHC8E F><A has developed a new transparent skin-like pressure sensor with enviable elasticity. The sensor uses a transparent V?@ B9 F<A:?8 J4??87 64E5BA nanotubes that act as tiny springs, enabling the sensor to accurately measure the force on it. "This sensor can register CE8FFHE8 E4A:<A: 9EB@ 4 VE@ pinch between your thumb and 9BE8VA:8E GB GJ<68 G;8 CE8FFHE8 exerted by an elephant standing on one foot," said Darren Lipomi, a Postdoctoral Researcher in Bao`s lab, who is part of the research team. "None of it causes any permanent deformation," he said...More

Producer of Ingeo™, materials made from plants not oil, recognized for sustainable vision and innovations MINNETONKA, Minn., October 19, 2011 -- NatureWorks was recently honored with the 2011 Leader of Change Award from The Foundation for Social Change and the United Nations (9V68 9BE )4EGA8EF;<CF -'() The Leader of Change award recognizes visionary executives B9 6B@C4A<8F VA4A6<4? institutions, and advocacy groups that have demonstrated an exemplary commitment to the pursuit of sustainability whereby environmental and social performance are embedded in the competitive strategy of the organization. "We named NatureWorks a leader of change, because...More

Nigeria turns net-exporter of polymers

CMT Introduces YTAC-FLX & FLXT Copolymer Foams for Transparent Polypropylene Packaging

Nigeria has become a netexporter of polymers like polyethylene a(PE) and polypropylene (PP), courtesy Indorama-Eleme Petrochemicals Company Limited (EPCL). The polymers are being exported to various countries in Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. Since EPCL was privatized in 2006, it has been producing various grades of PE and PP, and accounts for 10% of Nigeria’s non oil exports. 6

PANZ November 2011

HYTAC-FLX and FLXT copolymer syntactic foams from CMT Materials Inc., a leading supplier of plug-assist materials for the thermoforming industry, have emerged as highly viable alternatives to engineered solid polymer thermoplastics for production of deep-draw transparent polypropylene (PP) packaging. CMT`s new plug-assist materials optimize material distribution and offer easier machining..More

Economic Outlook for 2012

2011 DEC 6 Leonda by the Yarra, 2 Wallen Road, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122 The economy and manufacturing industry with its many sectors are intrinsically linked to the welfare of the Plastics Industry in Australia. This seminar will cover the outlook for 2012. For further information contact: Han Michel on 0416 168 255, Email: The speaker of this seminar will be Saul Eslake, Program Director of The Grattan Institute. BE 7BJA?B47<A: G;8 F8@<A4E WL8E please click Here. Society of Plastics Engineers, Australia & New Zealand Section (SPE: A-NZ) Ph:0425 427 805

Millad® NX™ 8000 clarified polypropylene ... cost efficient, balanced properties combined with outstanding optical performance.

Advantages of Millad NX 8000 clarified polypropylene Ikf[h_eh jhWdifWh[dYo B_]^j m[_]^j =eeZ ij_\\d[ii%_cfWYj XWbWdY[ 9^[c_YWb WdZ j^[hcWb h[i_ijWdY[ H[ZkY[i [dl_hedc[djWb _cfWYj =eeZ ce_ijkh[ lWfeh XWhh_[h >ej Óbb WdZ h[jehj YWfWXb[

NORTH AMERICA IfWhjWdXkh]" I9" KI7 Tel: 800-910-5592 <Wn0 .,*#+&)#(*)&

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PANZ November 2011


BFA recently attended the 21st Fakuma Plastics Trade Fair in Germany

Contact BFA Group The scale of the fair is mindboggling; 1670 exhibitors from 34 countries across 12 halls covering 85,000m2! BFA was there to meet with our key principles and suppliers including Moretto Plastics Automation, TecaPrint AG and Romi/Sandretto . !)& $,&"2 4"+&"7"9 '2/- 4)& 3)/7 7"3 4)& 3*(.*;$".4 *../6"4*/.3 *. &.&2(9 &';$*&.$9 &&+*.( 7"93 4/ reduce the carbon footprint has not only led to reduction in power usage but also seen a rethinking of all aspects of machinery and software operations to deliver greater optimisation. BFA’s European partners are at the forefront of these innovations.

It was great to see many Australian manufacturers at the show and the overwhelming sentiment was that European innovation, combined with an outstanding track record of quality delivered longer production life with less maintenance issues. The overall cost/ #&.&;4 /' -"$)*.&3 35$) "3 4)/3& /''&2&% #9 Moretto, Teca-Print AG and Romi/Sandretto relative to some of the cheaper imports is once again being proven in the Australian Plastics market.

BFA’s presence at Fakuma further consolidates our already strong relationships with our European partners. They restated their willingness to continue to offer BFA and its client’s equipment that is competitive and designed to meet the needs of the Australian market. Our relationship with our European partners keeps BFA up-to-date with the latest technologies and innovations, and &6&.43 35$) "3 "+5-" #2*.( 53 ;234 )".% experience in the latest thinking as to the future of the plastics industry. BFA’s expansion of operations into the Sydney market in 2011, including our new factory and workshop, enables us to offer our Sydney based clients the same exceptional after sales and service support that we have traditionally offered in Melbourne.


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PANZ November 2011

Membership includes eMagazine advertising PlastixANZ membership now includes advertising in PlastixANZ eMagazine. Gold, Silver, Bronze & Basic membership all include eMagazine advertising space. Gold membership -- 3 pages Silver membership -- 2 pages Bronze membership 1 page Basic membership 1/4 page Gold, Silver & Bronze space can be in full, half or quarter page. Membership included space does not apply to PlastixANZ plastics industry year book to be distributed in May 2012. To view & download PlastixANZ promotion pack -- click here For more information contact us; PlastixANZ 03 9018 7674


The Grafton Saxophone was an injection molded, cream-colored acrylic plastic alto saxophone with metal keys, manufactured in London, England by the Grafton Company, and later by 'John E. Dallas & Sons Ltd'. Only one model, the Grafton Altos was ever made, due to the challenges in making larger models (i.e. the tenor) with 1950s plastic technology. Production commenced in 1950 and ended after approximately ten years. However, a few last examples were assembled from residual parts circa 1967. All tools, machinery and jigs required to manufacture the Grafton were sold for scrap and subsequently destroyed in 1968. Source: Wikipedia

Looking Back -- Hobart Mercury, June 1, 1943

“Monsanto (Australia) Pty. Ltd. Has announced that it has taken over the business of Excelite Resins-Pty. Ltd., manufacturers of phenol-formaldehyde resins and moulding powders. Footscray. An entirely new 9BE@4?78;L78 C?4AG J<?? 58 5EBH:;G <AGB CEB7H6G<BA J<G;<A G;8 A8KG 98J @BAG;F 5L &BAF4AGB ,;8 F<:A<V64A68 B9 G;<F 4AABHA68@8AG <F G;4G <G 6?BF8?L 9B??BJF CEB7H6G<BA B9 G;8 VEFG FLAG;8G<6 C;8AB? <A HFGE4?<4 5L Monsanto. These steps forward in the supply of phenolic resins and formaldehyde will assure an ample supply of much needed plastic material to makers of fuse nose caps, shell plugs, hand grenades, smoke boxes, and gun 4@@HA<G<BA 9G8E G;8 J4E <G <F 6BAV78AG?L CE87<6G87 G;4G G;8 JBE?7 J<?? 8AG8E G;8 S)?4FG<6F :8 4A 4:8 GLC<V87 5L C?4FG<6 9HEA<GHE8 CE8945E<64G87 C?4FG<6 ;BHF8F C?4FG<6 64EF 48EBC?4A8F 4A7 5B4GF T PANZ November 2011


Polystruct Launch Success LFT in Australia

The recent launch of Polystruct – Duromer’s range of Long Fibre Thermoplastic (LFT) compounds, to the Australian plastics industry was a huge success. Feedback from our customers has been very encouraging. Several significant projects have been initiated to evaluate Polystruct compounds in a wide variety of applications requiring superior mechanical properties not normally available using short fibre thermoplastic compounds. Dr Raj Mathur from Plasticomp and Andrew Pfefferman from Duromer conducted seminars and targeted customer visits in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane. The intent of these meetings was to explain the virtues of Polystruct when coupled with a scientific evaluation of tooling and part design, fibre and polymer substrate selection and correct injection moulding technique. Dr Raj and Andrew shared their years of experience gained from a successful history of implementing LFT technology into a broad range of applications and industries including parts for power generation, water filtration, aerospace, automotive, fluid distribution, safety products, sporting equipment and structural components. Several case studies were highlighted and discussed to illustrate the many benefits that can be gained through the use of LFT compounds such as Polystruct. These benefits include weight reduction, part consolidation, reduced manufacturing costs and flexibility of design all due to the enhanced physical properties of Polystruct. If you are interested in exploring the benefits of using Polystruct LFT compounds for any application from metal replacement to new part design, the team at Duromer are ready to help. You can find more information and technical data specific to Polystruct compounds on our website – or feel free to contact Duromer directly on +61 2 8797 0277.


PANZ November 2011

New National Chairman for the APPMA The Australian Packaging and Processing Machinery Association (APPMA) announced today that they have a new Chairman. After seven years in the chair Rob Lawrence has decided to step down and Mark Dingley was unanimously elected as the new Chairman. Over the last seven years Rob Lawrence has seen many changes and improvement to the Association including changing the name to the APPMA, expanding the membership into processing machinery, developing a new website, advertising the association in the media and growing AUSPACK into AUSPACK PLUS. According to Mr Lawrence his most memorable moments as Chairman <A6?H787 ;BFG<A: G;8 VEFG () & @88G<A: 8I8E ;8?7 BHGF<78 B9 G;8 -+ and Europe, which was hosted in China. “I am also very proud of the APPMA’s achievements to continually improve and grow our trade exhibition; AUSPACK PLUS. This is the core activity of the APPMA and we have seen it grow into the premier trade exhibition for packaging, processing and materials in Australia,� Mr Lawrence said. “In the last seven years I have also seen many changes to the packaging and processing machinery industry including rapid development and advancement in robotics and automation,� he said. “I am very pleased to have been the National Chairman of the APPMA for the last seven years and been on the board for 12 now, I will remain on the national board as a Director and I look forward to seeing Mark and the board grow the APPMA and AUSPACK PLUS over the next few years,�.. MORE

'8J G86;AB?B:L 9BE I8EL ;<:; 4<E WBJ PU foam to achieve "cool" effect A foam mattress`s coolness, durability and compression set resistance are linked to a W8K<5?8 CB?LHE8G;4A8 9B4@3F CBEBF<GL 4L8E MaterialScience LLC`s new polyether polyol and formulation technology produce very high 4<E WBJ CB?LHE8G;4A8 9B4@ GB 46;<8I8 G;4G "cool" effect without the extra post-step treatment used in current technology-without reticulation. "A 477<G<BA GB ;<:; 4<E WBJ 45BI8 F69C@ the technology offers control of foam recovery rates and surface characteristics, thus facilitating a wide range of end-use applications. The new technology from Bayer is particularly well-suited for the production of soft foam grades between 3 and 20 pounds IFD. Various commercially available MDIs or TDI can be employed in the process.

Green Polymer Chemistry The term Green Polymer Chemistry is being used here to describe the production of established thermoplastics and elastomers from renewable sources, including polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polyamide (PA), epoxy resin and polyurethane. The by-word in all types of industry these days <F SFHFG4<A45<?<GLT 4F J8 4?? JBE> GB VA7 J4LF GB conserve the earth’s resources for future generations and reduce the harmful effects of climate change. In the plastics and rubber markets this will mean moving away from fossil fuels as sources of basic chemicals and moving to renewable sources like plants, waste products and waste gases. There are innovations worldwide in the chemical industry J<G; 4 FGEBA: 7E<I<A: 9BE68 GB VA7 FHFG4<A45?8 fuel sources, and the technology that..More PANZ November 2011


JAPANESE PLASTIC FOOD Plastic Food Almost Good Enough to Eat

Fancy menus may be enough for most restaurant diners around the world, but not in Japan where image is everything and before going in for a bite, people want to see exactly what the food they want to order looks like. That’s where Japan’s realistic plastic food displays come into play. Japanese fake food models can be traced back to 1917, but it wasn’t until 1926 that a restaurant owner decided to use them in a glass casing, to attract more customers. The idea was a big hit and people WB6>87 GB ;<F I8AH8 ;BC<A: GB :8G 4 F8EI<A: B9 G;8 78?<6<BHF @84?F 7<FC?4L87 BHGF<78 +BBA BG;8E restaurants followed his example and fake food display making became a lucrative business. In 1932, Iwasaki Ryuzo set up a company that made and sold fake foods to restaurants and today it’s Japan’s top plastic food manufacturer. Business is very lucrative, as estimates show it produces revenues of billions of yen every year. For an entire menu, executed to perfection, luxury restaurants will pay up to one million yen.($A120,000) In the old days, fake food models were made from wax. It was melted and poured into molds made from kanten (a seaweed jelly), but today manufacturers use silicon molds in which they pour liquid plastic and heat it up until it hardens. Modern materials and techniques apparently make the food considerably more realistic. Restaurants send fake food makers the exact item they want replicated, along with photos. +<?<6BA <F CBHE87 4EBHA7 4A7 BI8E G;8 7<F> 4A7 FB?<7<V8F <AGB 4 @B?7 J;<6; <F G;8A V??87 J<G; ?<DH<7 C?4FG<6 (PVC) and cooked in an oven. Then comes the really hard part – getting the details right. Oil based paints, regular brushes; knives and carving tools are all part of fake food artist’s arsenal, but they all keep their techniques a secret. In Tokyo there is an area (Kappa Bashi) with an entire street with shops that sells nothing but plastic food. It is expensive. Many a foreigner has been caught with a mixture of the real and plastic sushi at a meal; a little hard on teeth but great fun after some sake.

Source: Plastics Pioneers

PlastixANZ eMagazine Published & Distributed Monthly Closing Date: Last day of month prior to month of publication 12

PANZ November 2011



Millad NX 8000 ®

J^[ D[m IjWdZWhZ ?d 9b[Wh Febofhefob[d[

Millad NX 8000 clarified polypropylene delivers… H[lebkj_edWho YbWh_jo IkijW_dWX_b_jo - Light weight and cost effective <b[n_Xb[ WdZ i_cfb[ fheY[ii_d]

Millad® NX™ 8000 is revolutionizing the industry by creating new opportunities for crystal clear packaging and products never before seen from polypropylene. Transparency is no longer limited to thin or highly oriented parts, allowing even thicker parts to approach the look of clear materials like glass or amorphous polymers. Millad NX 8000 enables the substitution of more expensive or less functional clear materials and increases the beauty of current polypropylene materials.

Choose clear polypropylene with Millad NX 8000 for your transparent polymer needs.

PANZ November 2011


News in Brief

Global plastics processing machinery market to exceed US$13 billion by 2015

The global market for plastics processing machinery is projected to exceed US$13 bln by the year 2015, driven by increased demand 9EB@ 8@8E:<A: @4E>8GF B9 F<4 )46<V6 %4G<A America, Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa, as per Global Industry Analysts, Inc. The market growth is dependent on the pace and extent of recovery in key end-use sectors including construction and automotive industries, that have been the hardest hit by recession in recent times...More

A comprehensive portfolio including: Moplen Homopolymer, random and impact copolymer polypropylene resins based on Ziegler-Natta catalysts Adflex Very soft polyolefins based on the Catalloy process Adstif High crystallinity PP with very high stiffness Adsyl

Bioplastics market sees rapid global growth – forecast to rise at 41.4%


Bioplastics and biodegradable plastics are often interchanged incorrectly, as some, but not all bioplastics will biodegrade fully. As per, the bioplastics market is growing rapidly, with a 41% CAGR forecast for the period 2010-2015. This raises the 2010 demand of 571,712 metric tons to over 3 mln tons in 2015. Early adoption of bioplastics and subsequent interest in the technology was driven by rising concern over environmental issues, particularly with regard to product disposal and global warming..More

Performance and productivity for today’s packaging challenges

Ticona Introduces Improved Hostaform® POM S Range of Impact-Resistant Products

LyondellBasell addresses contemporary packaging needs with innovative materials used in flexible and rigid packaging processes that are clearer, more durable and easier to process than standard grades.

SULZBACH - Ticona has extended its Hostaform® S range of impact-resistant @B7<V87 CEB7H6GF 5L 4A BHGFG4A7<A: GLC8 B9 polyoxymethylene (POM). Extrudable Hostaform® XT20 sets a new scale for cold impact resistance and weld-line strength to open the gate into new areas of application. Novoplast Schlauchtechnik GmbH extrudes pipes and hoses made of Hostaform® XT20. Their burst strength and impact toughness meets most of the requirements set for technical pipe applications...More


Low seal initiation temperature resins based on the Catalloy process

PANZ November 2011

PP resins with outstanding transparency and impact strength Polybutene-1 PB-1 used in easy-open packaging, film modification, hot melt and polyolefin modification

As a leading supplier of polypropylene, polyethylene and advanced polyolefins, LyondellBasell has a wide range of tailored resins used by customers in a variety of processes. For rigid packaging, polypropylene’s inherent low density and excellent rigidity, combined with LyondellBasell’s advanced process technology, allows customers to reduce

packaging weight while satisfying demanding performance needs. LyondellBasell’s advances in clarity, thin-walling, sealant resins, seal-peel technology and foamed materials offer customers the performance required to address today’s dynamic industry needs. For more information, visit or contact: LyondellBasell Australia PTY Ltd. Tel: +61 3 9829 9455 Fax: +61 3 9829 9531 Adflex, Adstif, Adsyl, Catalloy, Clyrell and Moplen are trademarks owned or used by LyondellBasell group companies. Adsyl, Clyrell and Moplen are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademarks Office.

Tasman Machinery is one of the founding machinery suppliers to the plastics manufacturing industry in Australia and New Zealand, having been founded in 1972. Tasman Machinery’s name is recognized across all of Australia & New Zealand, with a customer base as geographically diverse as the landscape. With installations in Perth, Tasmania, Townsville and all points in-between in Australia, and customers in Invercargill in the South of NZ through to Whangarei in the North, Tasman Machinery is never far from you! Leading into the 21st century Tasman Machinery has led the regions manufacturing technologies, with the high uptake of all electric machines in the injection moulding and blow moulding sectors. We are now seeing the beginning of Direct digital manufacturing, with our Dimension 3D Printers and Fortus 3D Production systems. The FDM process is allowing users to consider design and manufacturing opportunities that were not considered possible, even a short time ago! We strive to give our customers the best solutions the market has to offer, and we welcome the opportunity to work with you. Tasman Machinery‌..What Technology Should Be!

PANZ November 2011


Alan Mikkelsen, one of the longest serving and most tireless worker on the Executive

Committee of Plastics Pioneers has retired from Committee duties. Without Alan’s contribution over the ten years on Committee Plastics Pioneers would not be what it is today. Alan was president in 2003-2004, 2007-2008 and 2008-2009. He edited the “Newsletter’ from 2006 until 2009. His last accomplishment was as AUSPLAS Co-ordinator in 2011, a great success. Our thanks to Alan from the Committee and on behalf of all Members for his valued contribution over the years. He is welcome back .

PlastixANZ Plastics Industry Awards PlastixANZ plastics industry awards will recognise the achievements of individuals, companies & groups within the plastics industry PLUS provide an opportunity for the industry to get together & socialise/ network. Enter Wednesday September 12, 2012 in your diary for Plastics Industry Awards at Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club. For more information, click here

Plastics Industry Year Book PlastixANZ plastics industry year book will be distributed to a wide range of industries. The objective is to inform the wider marketplace of the capabilities of the Australian & New Zealand plastics industry. Many business’s go directly overseas & do not check out the domestic availability. We must encourage buyers to buy locally. To do this, buyers must be aware of what is available. 16

PANZ November 2011

Equilibrium is a sustainability strategies and management company. We bring together expertise and experience across environmental knowledge, corporate, technical, government and communications to offer practical strategies and solutions that enhance sustainability, innovation and reputation.

Climate Change and Sustainability Understanding and responding to the regulatory and consumer demands around climate change and sustainability is a complex and ever evolving task – Equilibrium cuts through the confusion to provide practical steps to improving your performance and reputation. Stakeholders and shareholders expect businesses to take a leadership position and make a positive contribution to society while minimising the negative effects it may be inflicting on the environment.

Compliance and Management By balancing your economic, social, and environmental obligations and objectives, you have the ability to efficiently and effectively manage responsibilities and flourish in the competitive marketplace. Engagement and Communications Engaging your most valuable assets, your staff, and effectively externally communicating your sustainability initiatives will give your business an edge. Government Relations Equilibrium has extensive experience in Government environment and sustainability processes and can align this knowledge to assist you achieve your organisational goals.

Krauss Maffei showcase new vacuum degassing system for twin screw extruder feed system

Krauss Maffei Extrusion of Munich Germany, a world leader in plastics machinery showcased their new vacuum degassing system for twin screw extruder feed system (ZSFE) at the recent FAKUMA exhibilition that was held in Friedrichshafen Germany, in later October. The system is available on the ZE UTX and ZE UT series of extrusion machines. The I46HH@ 78:4FF<A: 64A GE<C?8 8KGEHF<BA BHGCHG 78C8A7<A: BA G;8 78AF<GL B9 G;8 V??8E 58<A: used, compared with side feed without degassing. +H<G45?8 9BE E8GEBVGG<A: G;8 78:4FF<A: FLFG8@ <F 8DH<CC87 J<G; 4A 47=HFG45?8 I46HH@ CH@C 4A7 4 FC86<4? ABA @8G4??<6 ABA JBI8A V?G8E "G <F 78F<:A87 GB E8@BI8 ;<:; 4<E IB?H@8F 7HE<A: 6B@CBHA7<A: BC8E4G<BAF C4EG<6H?4E?L 9BE V??8EF FH6; 4F G4?6H@ JBB7 WBHE ?<:;GJ8<:;G 6;4?>F 64?6<H@ 64E5BA4G8 4A7 BG;8E 5H?>L @4G8E<4?F <A V??<A: 6B@CBHA7F Krauss Maffei is represented in Oceania by HBM Plastics Technologies. PANZ November 2011


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PANZ November 2011

Dimension 1200es Series 3D Printers Dimension 3D Printers from Stratasys are the world’s most popular 3D printer! Utilizing fused deposition modeling (FDM) technology, the Dimension 3D printers provide users with durable, strong products made of ABS plastic, at the most affordable prices.

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PANZ November 2011




Avian Sales & Service Pty Ltd is an Australian manufacturer of Plasticising Screws for the Injection moulding, Blow moulding, Extrusion and Rubber industries. With over 25 years of experience in this field, we have built of wealth of knowledge and skills required to get the job done. Avian Sales & Service is based in Sydney and can handle screws up to 400mm in dia. and up to six (6) metres in length. We manufacture a range of Screws to suit your requirements, whether it be Single Flight Metering Screws, Single Flight Barrier Screws, Double Start / Double Flight Barrier Screws or 2 Stage Screws, we can manufacture it. In addition we can also machine various mixing configurations such as “Maddock” straight mixing and “Maddock” spiral mixing. Our screws are manufactured from high quality steels and can be Double Nitrded, Through Hardened and Double Nitrided, Hardfaced and Double Nitrided or Hardfaced and Chrome plated. Other surface coatings can be supplied at customers request.

Tel: 02 9533 7277 l Fax: 02 9533 7299 l Email:


PANZ November 2011

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