Know & Go Vol 7 | Issue 2

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Volume 7 | Issue 2

Know & Go Updates @your Library Updates & Reminders ●

On the newly created Library Services Resource Hub website found at you will find: The many resource websites created to support teaching and learning Library Program - guiding documents All the helpful links listed below

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On the another newly created site, the SLCL resource website found at two new resources have been added: ○ Elementary database resource page Kim Becherer curated a list from the SLCL website of age appropriate databases ~ Thanks! ○ Classroom Card Application form and directions

Library Links ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Destiny FAQ Digital Content Updates 2019 District Surplus Property Procedures Follett Acct #'s Follett orders folder Follett order procedure Follett req Instructions Free Lib Books @ Lib Serv Future Ready Librarian Framework Future Ready Goals (blank) #Future Ready Resources Future Ready Wedge Resources ISTE & Future Ready Crosswalk Librarians List 2019-2020 Library Services Site Library Services Policies (Schoolwires login required)

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Lib Prog Guiding Docs Folder Makerspace Order Form Personalized Learning Program Evaluation Guidelines Record a PD event Sub librarian list Sub Training Videos Travel & Reimbursement (BOE) Guidelines Talking Points ○ Building Instructional Partnerships ○ Future Ready Library Spaces ○ Use of Space & TIme: Building a Flexible Program Who To Call

Curates Digital Resources & Tools Helping students become Knowledge Constructors through the curation of information from digital resources using a variety of tools and methods to create collections of artifacts that demonstrate meaningful connections or conclusions (ISTE Student Standards 3C).

New Resources As of July 1, 2019 MOREnet added three new resources to the Online Resources available to Full and Basic Service Members (which Parkway is a member). The new resources are Computer Skills Center, Resume & Cover Letter Builder and Read It!. Descriptions and URLs can be found at

TinkerCad Update Introducing TinkerCad Classrooms You can now just create a class and student sign in by class code and "student" nickname! In Tinkercad Classrooms, students will log-in using a Nickname and Class Code created by you. You can change or update your students’ access at anytime without any downtime. Avoid the hassle of students remembering passwords or getting locked out of their work. See the more information at For students under 13, teachers can select to authorize a student to use Tinkercad by providing them with a teacher invitation code, but it is always best practice to inform parents of all programs they are using.

AASL Best Apps Feature Top Choices in STEM, AR/VR, Content Creation The much anticipated best apps, chosen by the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) each year, were announced, alongside the best websites. Check out both lists and remember to think about terms of service when selecting tools.

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

Curates Digital Resources & Tools Posts from the Pin - Amy Johnson

Name that Rover! Be a part of history and encourage students in K-12 to name NASA's Mars Rover.

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

Builds Instructional Partnerships Model for colleagues the identification, exploration, evaluation, curation and adoption of new digital resources and tools for learning. (ISTE Student Standards 2C).

This blog post from has 6 activities that support the classroom using G Suite. The back-to-school edition has ideas for Google Forms survey, vision boards with Google slides, magnetic poetry, Google Classroom header images, and an emoji scavenger hunt. Thanks Stacia for suggesting Track the Learning Goals with Google Keep!

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

Empowers Students as Creators Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.

Your makerspace doesn’t need to have the latest high-tech tools to be effective. Download this guide for low-tech making tips and easy and effective activities that can help you launch a maker program that boosts critical thinking, creativity, communication, and collaboration. You’ll find activities for the following: ● Cardboard and recyclables projects ● Engineering and invention challenges ● Art and literacy connections ● Keva Planks, Strawbees, K’nex, and more

International Dot Day is Coming! Celebrate creativity through #InternationalDotDay. This year, Dot Day lands on a Sunday, September 15th but many schools will celebrate before or after, but feel free to celebrate any day or all year long! The official page and sign up are available at Resources: ● ●

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Dot Day posters (Free) including in different languages. Shannon M. Miller, Matthew Winner, and Andy Plemmons have created a great Google Doc for help connecting with other schools on Dot Day. You can find the 2019 document here. In 2016, Peter H. Reynolds visited the school where Dot Day began and Discovery Education was there to capture it all! You can see an archive video here. Quivervision has an augmented reality app and a special Dot Day page. Make your dots come alive!! Find the information you need here. Pinterest idea board Creativity Corner Ready Set Draw! StoryMakers with Peter H. Reynolds KidLit RADIO Podcast with Peter H. Reynolds (StoryMakers) How to write a Dot Day Poem Shannon McClintock Miller’s Blog with resources Resources found at http://tjonajourney

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

Designs Collaborative Spaces Provides flexible spaces that promote inquiry, creativity, collaboration, and community.

4 Futuristic School Libraries that Inspire Learning By Study International Staff | August 2, 2019 Today, school libraries look quite different than they did when previous generations attended school. Instead of rows of long tables and shelves filled with dusty books, school libraries now provide flexible and group learning spaces, movable furniture, tablets and computers, learning pods, and more. Read the article and see images of the other futuristic school libraries at This foundation provides downloadable blueprints for efficiently-built school libraries

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

Leads Beyond the Library Educators seek out opportunities for leadership to support student and teacher empowerment and success and to improve teaching and learning, as well as, participating in setting the district’s vision and strategic plan for digital learning. The State of School Libraries: Presented on the ALA website This state of the libraries report is important to the understanding of the role of the librarian. This is also a great opportunity to share the data with administrators as a way to show what is happening in your library. There are 90,400 public and private schools for grades kindergarten through high school in the United States. Of those, 82,300 (91%) have school libraries and only 56,000 (61%) have full-time librarians. However, schools with a strong school library program and a certified school librarian ensure their students have the best chance to succeed. More than 60 education and library research studies have produced clear evidence that school library programs staffed by qualified school librarians have a positive impact on student academic achievement. These studies clearly demonstrate that strong school library programs help all students do better academically, even when other school variables are considered: ●

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School libraries offer a safe and nurturing climate during the day, as well as before and after school. They are often the only place open to all students, where a school librarian can support them across grade levels and subject matter. School librarians connect other educators to current trends and resources for teaching and learning. They are essential partners for all teachers, providing print and digital materials that meet diverse needs and offering opportunities to deepen student learning. School library programs foster critical thinking, providing students with the skills they need to analyze, form, and communicate ideas in compelling ways. School libraries are learning hubs and homework help centers where students can use technology to find the best information resources. Strong school library programs instill confidence in reading, which is fundamental to learning, personal growth, and enjoyment.

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

#ParkwayReads - Literacy Inspires and supports the reading lives of both learners and teachers. Creates inclusive collections that acknowledge and celebrate diverse experiences and provide instructional opportunities to empower learners as effective users and creators of information and ideas.

Book Lists In a recent email, book recommendations from the Gifted Support Network and MENSA for Kids of all ages was shared. These books are age appropriate, yet challenging book titles. It was noted that there was a lack of diversity (which is important as we provide access to the windows and mirrors movement in the reading lives of our students) in the list, but when finding the just right book, this list serves a part of our population and purpose that is worth a look.

Students need stories that reflect their own experience as well as the experiences of others, so in addition to the population served above, here are some lists that support the windows and mirrors movement from ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

How You Felt When You Recognized Yourself in a Book for the First Time What Is a Book Talk?: Your Guide to Making Them Work in the Classroom 32 Inspiring Books for Women’s History Month 20 #OwnVoices Books To Share With Middle and High School Kids 30 Children’s Books with LGBT Characters The 2018 Ultimate List of Diverse Children’s Books Kids Like Me: 18 Books with Diverse Main Characters

What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

Personalized Professional Learning Save the Date Greater St Louis School Librarians are trying something new and going to host an EdCamp just for librarians that they are calling LibCamp! Link to flyer information. LibCamp details: When: Saturday, Sept. 28th Where: Parkway Spark Incubator @ Chesterfield Mall What time: 8:30- check-in 9:00- welcome/opening 9:30-11:30- sessions 11:30-12:00- wrap up and prizes For those not familiar with the EdCamp format, it is a participant driven conference. There are not pre-planned presentations set up ahead of time. Rather, you will be asked to share questions/topics that you are interested in learning more about or discussing. During the sessions, it is more of a discussion and sharing rather than one person doing a formal presentation. This event is FREE to Greater St. Louis members, but please go to the website ( and RSVP so they have an idea of the number of attendees. If you have not yet paid your dues, please visit the website to pay dues and RSVP for the meeting at the same time!

Contact Information Bill Bass Innovation Coordinator: Instructional Technology & Library Media Twitter: @billbass

Vendor Contacts: Contact for Post Dispatch inquires:

Kim Lindskog Library Support Specialist Twitter: @klindskog

Undelivered USA Today & New York Times: Wesley Trammell

Amy Johnson Digital Learning Specialist Twitter: @ajohnson106 Nancy Ikemeyer Administrative Assistant Twitter: @NancyIkemeyer

Ebsco Host Misty Fields

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What does it mean to be librarian in the digital age?

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