Personalized professional learning handbook 4 6 18

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Personalized Professional Learning

Professional Development YOU DESIGN, based on learning YOU NEED, so you can meet the needs of YOUR STUDENTS.

Handbook Revised 6/17/18

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Complete a tier, earn credit/stipend! Earn more as you build across tiers. Tier 1: Evidence of LEARNING .25 credit or $75 Tier 2: Evidence of IMPLEMENTATION .5 credit or $150 Tier 3: Evidence of IMPACT .75 credit or $225 Tier 4: Evidence of SHARING 1.0 credit, $300 or one salary credit

Overview of Expectations Tier 1 Evidence of LEARNING Credit/ Stipend:

Overview of Expectation:


Maximum Submissions

Tier 2 Evidence of IMPLEMENTATION

.25 district credit .5 district credit or $75 stipend or $150 stipend ● Complete your new In addition to Tier 1 learning using at least requirement… two approved sources or online course. ● Submit artifact demonstrating ● Submit 500-600 words or implementation of new 2-3 minute video learning. summarizing and making meaning of new ● Submit a 250-350 word learning. reflection or 1-2 min. ○ One resource may be a video identifying desired conference, PD session, outcome, explaining visiting an industry artifact, & connecting to site/museum, etc. curriculum or professional best practice. Submission template with Tier Rubrics not to exceed four not to exceed three Tier 1 as final submissions Tier 2 as final submissions (1 credit, $300) (1.5 credits or $450) every 3 years every 3 years

Tier 3 Evidence of IMPACT (measurement)

Tier 4 Evidence of SHARING with Others

.75 district credit or $225 stipend In addition to Tier 1 and Tier 2 requirements…

1.0 credit, 1.0 salary credit or $300 stipend In addition to Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 requirements... . ● Submit data artifact. ● Share plan/overview, explaining the practice to ● Submit a 250-350 word colleagues in a way that reflection or 1-2 min. others can apply to their video explaining the data setting submitted, identifying the learning goal(s) ● Submit a 250-350 word measured, and reflecting reflection or 1-2 min. on results (positive or video summarizing and negative) toward and identify lessons learning goal. learned and next steps.

(will have you make a copy) not to exceed three not to exceed three Tier 3 as final submissions Tier 4 as final submissions (2.25 credits or $675) (3 credits or $900) a year a year

Credit/ Stipend:

Overview of Expectation:


Maximum Submissions

Process-Getting Started Step 1: Submit Idea Proposal Submission Form ● Submit proposal identifying learning focus and professional resource(s). ● Do not proceed with learning until you hear back from the Talent Development Coordinator.

Step 2: Engage in Learning and Complete Tier Requirements ● Organize your work on the Personalized PD Response Template (will have you make a copy).

Step 3: Submit Tiers for Review ● When complete, upload and submit your work to the Personalized PD Final Submission form. ○ Submission(s) will be reviewed by Talent Development Coordinator, PLAT members and/or additional Coordinator(s).

Step 4: Credit or Stipend Awarded! ● When your submission is approved, it will be entered into PEERS and you will receive your credit or stipend.

Detailed Scoring Guides by Tier Tier 1-LEARNING Level Requirement Identify at least two sources of new learning from research based, professional resources or approved online course. Accepted Professional resources examples: Edutopia, ASCD, Google Apps for Education, EdWeekly, conference, PD session, visiting an industry site, visiting a museum, bloomboard, Stanford online professional learning. Not accepted Non-professional resources: Pinterest, colleagues, Instagram, Teachers Pay Teachers Submit 500-600 words or 2-3 minute video: 1. Summarizing new learning on topic. For example: ● I learned… ● The central claim is… ● This resources offers... 2. Demonstrate understanding by making meaning of topic. For example: ● For me this means… ● I connected with.. ● I know understand...

Not Yet On Track Either of the two research based sources are not clearly or accurately: ● cited and/or linked. ● are not of required professional level.

Minimum requirement in length is not met. (1) New learning summary is somewhat muddled or lacks specificity.

On Track

Two research based sources are clearly and accurately: ● cited and/or linked. ● are of required professional level.

Minimum requirement in length is met. (1) New learning summary is articulate and specific.

(2) Demonstration (2) Demonstration of understanding of understanding and meaning of the topic is making of the topic surface level. is thorough and meaningful.

Detailed Scoring Guides by Tier Tier 2-IMPLEMENTATION Level Requirement Not Yet On Track

On Track

Successful completion of Tier 1.

Tier 1 is not yet successfully completed. Successful completion (Please return to Tier 1, of Tier 1 requirements. complete and resubmit.)

Submit an artifact demonstrating the implementation of the learning with intention.. ● For example: work samples, anchor charts, pictures, whole/small group video 1-2 minutes of lesson/project, agenda, etc.

Artifact demonstrating the implementation of the learning does not clearly show implementation of new learning into setting with intention.

Artifact demonstrating the implementation of the learning clearly shows implementation of new learning into setting with intention.

Minimum requirement Minimum requirement Submit a minimum of 250-350 in length in length words or 1-2 minute video: is not met. is met. 1. Identifying desired outcome (1) Desired outcome for (1) Desired outcome for for implementation implementation implementation is ○ The students… is not clearly identified. clearly identified. ○ Our CLT… ○ The goal was for… (2) Explanation of the (2) Explanation of the artifact is not clear or artifact is clear and 2. Explaining the artifact does not explain the thoroughly explains the submitted. artifact. artifact (3) Desired outcome is (3) Desired outcome is 3. Identifying connection to not connected to connected to intended curriculum or professional intended curriculum or curriculum or best best practice. best practice. practice.

Detailed Scoring Guides by Tier Tier 3-IMPACT (data) Level Requirement Not Yet On Track Successful completion of Tier 1 and Tier 2 requirements.

On Track

Tier 1 & 2 are not yet successfully completed. Successful completion of Tier 1 and (Please return to tiers, Tier 2 requirements. complete and resubmit.)

Submit data demonstrating progress toward goal (positive or negative). â—? May be any type of Data is not submitted. Data is submitted. data: formative, summative, survey, perceptual, checklist, etc. Submit 250-350 word Minimum requirement in Minimum requirement in document or 1-2 minute length length video reflection: is not met. is met. 1.

Explaining the data submitted.


Identifying the learning goal(s) measured.


Reflecting on results (positive or negative) toward learning goal.

(1) Explanation of the data is somewhat muddled or unclear.

(1) Explanation of data is articulate and specific.

(2) Learning goal(s) measured is/are not identified.

(2) Learning goal(s) measured is/are not identified.

(3) Does not reflect on (3) Reflection clearly results. considers the data results.

Detailed Scoring Guides by Tier Tier 4-SHARING Level Requirement

Not Yet On Track

Tier 1, 2, 3 are not yet Successful completion of successfully completed. Tier 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 (Please return to tiers, requirements. complete and resubmit.)

On Track Successful completion of Tier 1 , 2 and 3 requirements.

Detailed lesson Detailed lesson plan/overview does not plan/overview includes Submit detailed lesson include enough enough explanation of plan or overview of explanation of lesson/project/learning for practice. lesson/project/learning others to implement. for others to implement. Submit 250-350 word Minimum requirement in Minimum requirement in document or 1-2 minute length length video reflection (can be is not met. is met. embedded with above): (1) Lessons learned were (1) Lessons learned were missing or superficial. meaningful and specific. 1. Explaining lessons learned. 2.

(2) Suggested revisions if (2) Suggested revisions if Suggesting revisions were to be implemented were to be implemented if lesson/project/ again were missing or again were meaningful and action were to be superficial. specific. implemented again.

Links to any resources required for others to implement.

Does not include links to any resources required for others to implement.

Includes links to any resources required for others to implement.

PLAT Personalized Learning Process When our educators are learning, so are our students. In 2016, the Parkway Professional Learning Action Team started researching personalized professional learning. After much learning, and many iterations, we are very pleased to offer you a way to earn credit for the learning that makes the difference in your classroom! Professional Learning systems have historically focused on quality inputs (usually inservices or conferences) to improve professional practice and earn inservice credit. While these events can be very powerful, due to financial and calendar constraints, they may not always meet the immediate needs of educators. In the digital age, we can add individualized, just in time learning to our professional learning toolbox focused on outputs (evidence of application of choice learning to own setting). Evidence of outputs may include application of professional learning via samples of student work, lesson plans, videos, reflection, and/or other artifacts.

Professional Development YOU DESIGN, based on learning YOU NEED, so you can meet the needs of YOUR STUDENTS. Additional Resources: 1. Frequently Asked Questions 2.


Samples: â–

Tiers 1-4 sample submission


Tier 2 video sample reflection

PD in Parkway; 3 in 3 explained

Parkway Personalized PD - FAQ What is the difference between the Choice and Personalized Learning options? What is Personalized Learning and why is this happening? Do I have to complete a Personalized Learning Experience? Is this the same as my New Educator Induction Courses? How does this work? How do I get started? What type of credit can I earn for this? When should I hear back if my proposal has been approved? What do I do if my proposal has been denied? What do I do if it has been approved? What will I need to document to get my credit? How do I submit all my learning after I have been approved and completed all the work? How/When do I know if I have earned credit? How many of these can I do? Who is reviewing my work? What is a professional resource? Who do I contact if I have questions? What is the timeline for submissions? Can Instructional Coaches apply for Personalized Learning Experiences?

Thank you for viewing the Parkway Personalized Professional Learning Handbook

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Questions or comments, please contact: Amy Geurkink-Coats Talent Development Coordinator Parkway School District 314.415.7000 ext. 5093 12657 Fee Fee Road St. Louis, Missouri 63146 Talent Development Website

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