Licence to Spill advert in Foto8 Magazine

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Tate Britain Tate Modern National Theatre British Museum South Bank Centre National Gallery Royal Opera House Almeida Theatre Science Museum Natural History Museum National Maritime Museum These institutions have all accepted sponsorship from BP and/or Shell British cultural institutions are complicit in the branding campaigns of some of the most environmentally destructive companies in the world. The arts wouldn’t take money from big tobacco. They wouldn’t take it from the arms industry. So when will they stop accepting it from Big Oil?

Download ‘Licence To Spill’ from PLATFORM is a charity that uses arts, activism and education in campaigning for social and environmental justice. Image © Jeffrey Blackler. Still from the “Crude 2010” performance by Liberate Tate in the Tate Turbine Hall, 14/09/10. (Full performance can be seen on youtube)

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