Nottingham Trent Students’ Union’s Official Magazine
Issue 13: The Christmas Edition
Your seasonal essentials inside! In this issue: SEASONAL STYLE How to dress for every occasion for the holidays
Introducing Nordic noise, the best Scandinavian bands set to hit the UK
What to buy, and where to buy it - on a budget!
December 2015 Issue 13: The Christmas Edition
EDITOR’S letter
ow, what a busy first term it has been! Inside our seasonal bundle this year, we’ve got some features that are sure to keep you entertained whilst curled up in front of the fire – with some great gift guides to inspire you when you hit the high streets to do the dreaded (or perhaps adored) Christmas shopping! Always at the cutting edge with the issues everyone is talking about, this month our writers have been investigating whether transgender students are welcomed in our sports clubs, how lad culture is being tackled by our university, and why yoga can be the perfect way to relieve that end of term deadline stress. Not to forget the bumper fashion shoot, that dominates our pages with some massive high street brands – our fashion editor Laura Smith has done her best to make sure you don’t look like a cold turkey at any of your Christmas festivities this coming holiday… (I might ask her for some tips later!) Platform is fast growing up, and we’ve seen a complete make-over to our look – which we have had excellent feedback on! So, keep an eye over at our website Platform-Online.Net, to catch our revamped, super concise, stylish website which is due to launch any day now! Finally, a huge thanks to all the team at Platform Magazine, who have worked their Christmas stockings off to ensure this first term has been a productive and successful one! Season’s Greetings to you all! Ryan Johns ( PLATFORM EDITORIAL TEAM 2015-16 EDITOR Ryan Johns ( DEPUTY EDITOR James Bavin MARKETING MANAGER Stephen Whyte ASSISTANT EDITOR Sophie Jayne-Matthews HEAD OF DESIGN Leon Jay Dominique NEWS & FEATURES Acting Editor Ryan Johns CULTURE Editor Emma Page LIFESTYLE Editor Aleesha Newton FASHION Editor Laura Smith SPORTS Acting Editor James Bavin Deputy Conor Clayton MUSIC Editor Matt Davies Deputy Jenny Lee PHOTOGRAPHY, ART & DESIGN Editor Callum Baigrie Deputy Melody Armstrong GRAPHIC DESIGN Luke Kolbohm, Leon Jay Dominique, Jessica Clark, Peter Richards, Lauren Coelho ENQUIRIES
CON TENTS @platformonline
30 Christmas Season Edit
8 Trent cracks down on Lad Culture 10 How are transgender students treated in sports? 13 Whitney Houston reborn in The Bodyguard 14 Which TV Christmas ad beats them all? 16 Films to look out for this holiday season
19 Gifts Galore: A Pick of the Best Christmas Presents 20 Nutella Mocha or Spiced Latte? – The Seasons best hot drinks 22 Step by step Yoga guide to relieving stress 24 Your problems solved by our agony aunt
26 Situational dressing 27 Fashionable Sportswear 28 New Year hair and beauty resolutions 29 His and Her gift guide
36 The Nordic bands influencing British sound 39 The top albums for easy Christmas gifts
41 See the Chinese art influencing Nottingham 43 Discover your identity in this new exhibition
46 Snow sports at Trent still strong
FEATURES Trent cracks down on Lad Culture // Transgender Students in Sports
the men’ s rugby team had distributed a leaflet full of classist, homophobic, racist and sexist slurs. The question is how such sexist ‘ banter’ can undoubtedly spill over into harassment and violence. It is the sad truth that such sexist ‘ Tomfoolery’ most But now NTU’ s Vice-Chancellor, times results in some kind of harassEdward Peck wants to tackle the ment and violence. An NUS survey issue head on, and has implemented in2014 revealed that 37% of women new policies which have seen a veto at UK universities have been subject to in sports clubs, meaning they can no unwanted sexual advances – equally 1 longer be sponsored by bars and nightin 7 women had experienced serious clubs, anda ban on general promotion sexual or physical violence and 68% had of alcohol-based events across campus, been sexually hassled. as well as the launch of sexual harassYet, many Universities choose to overment campaign Consent Is Everything look the severity of the consequence by NTSU. deriving from lad culture. NTU seems The campaign aims to raise awareness to be one of the first to tackle the issue, on consent, respecting boundaries and which may influence other institutions understanding that “no means, no”. to start taking some action; against the Recent examples of what is described patriarchal tiered system of lad culture, as lad culture have been displayed at which not only influences sexism, but the University of Nottingham, when also classism, racism, and homophobia. fresher’ s were encouraged to chant a It is very true that extremes of laddism song about necrophilia and women, as is preserved to a minority; however it well as revelations that LSE students on Lad culture – a word often heard around university to describe sexism. However, unlike rape and harassment, lad culture is seen as ‘ harmless banter’ that is glorified and practiced in sports societies and male dominated groups across campus.
doesn’ t come by shock that it is often the powerful and privileged: members of elite drinking societies, debate teams and rugby players who are more likely to participate. There is a strong feeling that lad culture at UK universities is on the increase, and it has been found to be due to countless intersecting trends. NUS President Toni Pearce, recently accused UK institutions of ignoring lad culture, and to a great extent in the US, universities are often condemned for covering up violent crime in order to maintain enrolments. With this in mind, the recent press interest in the issue of lad culture, and the campaigns, research and initiatives inspired by the NUS reports or led by its national strategy team, present an opportunity to hold universities accountable. Although the issue is a growing concern across the UK, NTU seems to have the courage to be one of the first to take on the issue, and has been placing its resources on changing attitudes to what is perceived as harmless. Elif Gunn
TRANS STUDENTS IN SPORTS Transgender rights have rocketed to the forefront of the media recently, with athletes Caitlyn Jenner and Kellie Maloney embracing their gender transition in the public eye, Platform asks whether sports at Trent is inclusive to all students. Dr Seema Patel, Sports Law expert at NTU says: “Transgender athletes challenge the boundaries of sport, but often experience exclusionary treatment from peers. There is a marked shift in the wider sport approach to gender issues, and inclusion is increasingly becoming a priority in sporting policy, but there is still a way to go yet.” Max Fisher, a transgender student at NTU said they received a warm welcome when deciding which sports team to join, but says that they don’t think it’s the same in every university. They said: “All my experiences so far have been good, however I know in other areas of the LGBT community, for example in the ‘Football Against Homophobia’ tournament, there were a few scandalous issues at the Univer-
sity of Nottingham that meant some people were excluded from the game. But so far, I think NTU have been very good with transgender people and the unique issues we face, and the support they offer is generally very good.” NTU has set policies for sports clubs meaning that they should be engaging and welcoming to all members of the student community, and there are often ways students are able to challenge negative attitudes and behaviours through a large support network within the union and university. Max believes that the current negative attitudes and fascination with transgender people stems from poor understanding from the media. They said: “It’s partly because the media focus on transgender issues, is far too concentrated on the surgery and transition process, and less about the individuals themselves.” Sophie-Jayne Matthews
CULTURE Bodyguard review // John Lewis christmas ad Top Films out this Christmas season
BodyguaRD Review Wow. Just wow. What else can you say about a performance that received a standing ovation from literally every single person in the theatre? Way back in October, 1992 smash-hit The Bodyguard visited Nottingham. Featuring Alexandra Burke and many other hidden talented actors, the play was absolutely breathtaking. A mixture of romance, comedy, Whitney Houston’s biggest hits, and a modern aste of the 21st Century - there wasn’t a dry eye in the place by the time the performance was done. 2008 X-Factor winner Alexandra Burke gave a stunning performance as Rachel Marron, hitting every note perfectly and sometimes making it seem like the whole storyline was based on her life songs, and not those of Whitney Houston’s. If you’ve never seen The Bodyguard, why not? As it becomes apparent that she is being stalked by a psycho super-fan, Rachel Marron and her family hire Frank Farmer, a bodyguard she doesn’t want there. But, as all good romances go, he’s the one who she still ends up falling in love with, at the same time that her sister Nicki, is doing the exact same. With both sisters showcasing extreme talent, it soon becomes obvious that Nicki lives in Rachel’s shadow. A love triangle quickly develops between the three, with one of them meeting their death at the hands of the stalker. As expected, the play is a little different to the film, but still absolutely brilliant. The use of a split stage between Frank Farmer and an investigator he works with, added a sense of fear and mystery each time a new
piece of information was discovered. With an excellently chilling performance from Mike Denman as the stalker, it felt like no matter what the scene was, he was always near (unknown to the knowledge of Marron and Farmer), subtly appearing in the background of many key parts of the play. His body language and facial expressions were just the right amount of creepy to set the atmosphere, and give you chills every time he appeared. Played by Stuart Reid, the bodyguard Frank Farmer, was exactly as you’d imagine; Smart, smooth and extremely clean-cut. His chemistry with Alexandra Burke was palatable from the moment they met, and as the play developed and you saw just how much they grew to rely on each other, no doubt every romantic in that theatre were willing them to be together. So it came as no surprise when the hit ‘I Will Always Love You’ was belted out at the end, making everyone cry. It was an absolutely stunning performance from Burke, who hit every note perfectly. A beautiful use of visuals from special moments in the play was used on the fire curtain as a montage of the couple’s ‘best bits,’ and made their love seem life-like. The huge round of applause Burke and Reid received as they came to take their bows were well deserved. The whole cast came back on stage to end with a fun rendition of ‘I Wanna Dance With Somebody,’ which got everybody of all ages up and dancing. If you ever get the chance to go and see this superb performance, then I would highly recommend doing so.
Emma Page
man on the moon john lewis advert
Every year we anticipate what businesses are going to do to catch our attention during the festive season. Seasonal drinks, festive window displays and of course adverts; Without a doubt the release of Christmas adverts is one of the biggest hypes of our time. In recent years, one company in particular has managed to cause quite a stir in emotions among the general public. With their heart
wrenching story lines, the ads have become a mark of the Christmas shopping season for many. If I said the Bear and the Hare, the Boy with a pet Penguin, and an Old Man on the Moon I’ m pretty sure you’ ll know I’ m talking about John Lewis. Their knack for releasing tear jerking adverts at Christmas is one that has not been forgotten. And I’ m sure many will agree, that they lived up to their expectations
once again. But does it compare to the ads in the past? There is no question that each advert has the ability to give people goose bumps and bring a tear to their eye at the very least, but there’ s something more to this year’ s advert. This year John Lewis have decided to take more of a charitable spin. The multi-million-pound ad campaign has been created in hope to raise awareness and thousands of pounds
CULTURE for Age UK. It features a young girl, who upon looking through her telescope notices an old man on the moon. He appears very lonely, and the girl makes several unsuccessful attempts to send him a letter. Eventually, a present attached to balloons floats on to the moon and the old man can make contact with the little girl. John Lewis use the line ‘ Show someone they’ re loved this Christmas’ . Although past adverts have been equally as emotional, the idea of old people being alone on Christmas
brings a reality to the advert that the others don’ t quite compare to. However not everyone shares the same appreciation for the John Lewis advert. It appears as tweeters go mad over its release, many have been tweeting the wrong account. Instead
of tweeting the retail store they have instead been tweeting a man named John Lewis. The man, who is in fact a teacher from Virginia and now has 15.3K followers, continues to correct people on twitter that he is not the retail store.
Emma Page 15
NEW CHRISTMAS F With the Christmas festivities well underway, you probably have better plans than watching films. But if you love spending all your time at the cinema then you are in for a treat! This December sees some major releases, and this is Platform’s top five to watch over the holidays.
Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens The biggest release of the month so far, and probably of 2015, is the return of Star Wars. J.J. Abram’ s success with the Star Trek reboot has given fans a new hope for the franchise after the disappointing prequels. With a lot of the old cast returning, and some great newcomers like Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver, it looks like there’ s a good chance that The Force Awakens might just live up to the hype.
Christmas with the Coopers Christmas with the Coopers has a cast full of A-listers who have come together for a film that might well turn out to be a lazy cash-grab. With the likes of Ed Helms, John Goodman, and Amanda Seyfried playing out the jokes though, it’ s a safe bet to make you laugh.
Victor Frankenstein
The Night Before
There is also plenty of seasonal horror films too. But the creepiest looking one is Krampus. The title comes from the name of a German Christmas demon, who served as the opposite of Santa. Instead of rewarding well-behaved children, this thing would come along on Christmas and find all the naughty boys and girls to punish. He has large teeth, claws and horns. If nothing else this is a great one to traumatise young ones
If unseasonal horror films are your thing, then Victor Frankenstein is an obvious choice. Told from Igors (Daniel Radcliffe) perspective, as he nervously watches Doctor Frankenstein (James Macavoy) become consumed by his experiments. It looks like Macavoy is having a great time creating monsters, harnessing lightening, proclaiming that he is God, and generally just chewing up the scenery. Hopefully the whole thing is as daft and overblown as the trailers make it look, as moody Igor looks on disapprovingly.
Director Jonathan Levine has reunited Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Seth Rogan, last seen together in 50/50. The Night Before looks like a very promising comedy that’ s worth getting excited about. Also it’ s got Kanye in it, so what more could you really want this Christmas?
Josh Giltrap 17
LIFESTYLE Gift Guide // Top hot drinks in Notts Yoga Excercises // Agony Aunt
STUDENT GIFT GUIDE An eclectic selection of gifts to buy in Nottingham this festive season. Each of these individual items will bring something a little different to Christmas Day, all for under £25.This guide will fit perfectly with your hectic university lifestyle as well as being affordable whilst living on a student budget.
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op locations for hot drinks in Nottingham for the festive season! Winter is coming! There’s nothing better at this time of the year than warming your hands around a hot mug after a cold day. Coffee, tea, hot chocolate, anything goes to combat low temperatures.Here are our top hot drinks that you cannot miss this season in Nottingham:
1. Cappuccino from The Collectorium Café.
This particular and charming place, located a short walk away from the Old Market Square, will make you fall in love with it as soon as you walk in. The cappuccino is freshly made at the cafe each morning and is known as one of the best in town. Combine it with the Guinness cake and you have a winning combination. 94 Friar Lane
2. Green Tea Blue Sky at Lee Rosy’s Tea.
A base of green tea with rose petals and blue mallow blossoms, which is perfect for sweet lovers. However, Lee Rosy’s tea offers a large variety of teas from all over the world, so they are able to please even the pickiest palates. Its cosy environment will make you feel like home and make you forget all your looming deadlines. 17 Broad Street 20
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LIFESTYLE 3. Sundlaug Coffee at Small Food Bakery.
This lovely bakery, which also offers tasty vegan baked treats, is one of Nottingham’s hidden treasures. The staff are really friendly which makes the experience even better. This variety ofcoffee stands out for its original taste and careful preparation. The restof its menu isupto the same standard with lots of homemade and freshly prepared goodies. 33 Seeley Road
4. Hot Chocolateat Chocolate Utopia.
No hot drink beats the classic hot chocolate. The best place to drink a hot chocolate, isobviously a chocolate shop. Enjoy one of the best hot chocolates in the world with a free homemade chocolate from the shop at a pretty reasonable price. One of Nottingham gems, perfect takeaway for the walk back home after an intense shopping spree in the city centre. 30 Friar Lane
5. Chai Latte at The Pudding Pantry
If you love chai latte, then you must have visited the Pudding Pantry. They describe itas the best chai latte outside Mumbai! The bakery selection is delicious, scoring a ten in presentation. Lovely spot for an afternoon tea and treat! 27/29 Trinity Square
6. Nutella Mocha at CookieShake
You cannot miss this one if you have a sweet tooth. Strategically situated near Victoria Centre, a visit is defiantly on the cards after a day of shopping. This beverage will warm you up and give you energy with the most gourmand flavour in the world and if you stay in there long enough, you will see how it turns out into a cocktail bar! 14 Upper Parliament St Maria Alba
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e all know the bane of our lives can be university work and we sometimes forget how to chill ourselves out, so why not give yoga a go? There’s no cost when doing itat home or outdoors –you don’t even needto get a new pair of Roshe runs because bare feet is the norm! Not only can yoga practice calm us and relieve stress, but keeps us toned and relaxed. It helps us channel energy into focusing on the things we need to prioritise.
1)The Child’s pose (Balasana)
This is a pose that is good for our nervous system, stretching the back and reducing anxiety and stress. Stretching your arms as far as you can by crawling them further makes it more intense and we feel more relaxed afterwards.
2)Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhu Sarvangasana)
Again stretching the back and legs, the bridge pose is a gentle technique to help insomnia, anxiety and fatigue in the body. Recommended by yoga teacher, Eva Norlyk Smith, Ph.D. for de-stressing more effectively you could use a block underneath the sacrum –for us students, a pile of books may do the trick.
3) Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Students will be excellent at this, spending most time in a similar position! However it’s been said by Dr. Terri Kennedy, another yoga teacher and president of Power Living Enterprises, that some find ittricky because ‘we’reso not used to being still’. The body is put in ease and can trigger the ‘relaxation response’slowing our breathing and nervous system, making us content and maybe sleepy. 22
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T o d a d
4) Legs-up-the-Wall Pose (Viparita Karani)
We all did this as kids, sat on our beds or on the floor with our legs up on the wall, for the yoga practice it’s effective to squish your bum against the wall also. If you have tension in your legs this pose will make them feel much more relieved when you come out of it, the tiredness in them will bedrained.
5) Standing Forward Bend (Padahastasana)
This pose’s main physical benefit is the stretching of the entire back part of our body, from our toes tothe tip of our head. With your head being upside down, the blood in our brain therefore increases. Although you’re just holding a pose it can massage the internal organs, including digestive organs,inturn detoxing and relieving your insides. 23
Dear, Agony Aunt. Dear Agony Aunt, Im having some troubles keeping track ofmy money. I saved up a lot to come to Uni and Im just spending too much too quickly. Do you have any suggestions for how I could budget and save? - Brooke, 18 First of all, I would suggest speaking to your parents. They have had years of experience with managing money and should be able to give you a few steps in the right direction. Ifyou dont feel comfortable todo this, NTU has a money councillor which will offer you the best options on how to manage your money. Other tips could beto cut out silly little things that actually do begin to add up. All those one off Costas in-between lectures, and McDonalds after nights out will begin to eat out of your student loan quicker than you realise! Try and hold back on those and you will hopefully see an improvement. Best of luck. Dear Agony Aunt, Last year I stayed in NTU Halls and shared with 4 people, and this year I have chosen to live with my course mates who I got very close to. However, there are seven of us in a house and the kitchen gets so messy compared to last year. I told them when we moved in that I really hate mess but I feel like they sometimes stop bothering and leave it to me and another girl. How do we tackle this? - Anon 7 people is quite a step up from 4, and with those 3 extra people needing to do the same amount of cooking and washing etc, there is bound to be a bit more chaos. Try to keep calm, and remember that it would have taken you time to adjust to living with others in your first year too. Remind your friends that general untidiness makes you agitated, and maybe suggest a rota to organise when each person does something to help tidy the house. This can range from washing upto hoovering and hopefully will help everyone get into a routine.
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Dear Agony Aunt, Lots of my course mates are beginning to discuss ideas about where theyre going to stay next year. Im a first year student and none of my friends or flatmates have even begun thinking about that! I dont want to leave it until the last minute and have no plan, but every time I bring it up they just shrug it off and say we have lots of time. What shall I do? - Vanessa, 18 First of all, dont panic! Coming upon 1st December we have a housing fair held in the Students Union (City), the Students Union Reception (Clifton) and The Orangery (Brackenhurst). This will offer advice on any concerns you may have, and give some suggestions of properties that we believe to have trusted accommodation providers. Many students make the mistake of rushing to sign housing contracts without seeking any advice first. Make sure to come along with all your friends so you can have a look together! Dear Agony Aunt, My course is beginning to get really tough. Last year I found managing my work load quite easy, but Ive come into second year and its hit me quite hard. How shall I go about this? I dont want to fall behind. - Scott, 19 Scott, I would suggest talking to your course lecturer.You may not have felt the need todo this asmuch last year but they know how much of a step up second year is and will expect people to still be adjusting! You could also try creating a schedule. This would help you plan when you can do extended study, and what time you will have left over for free. We are still quite early on in the year, so the quicker you ask for help, the easier it will beto aid you with your studies. Best of luck, Dear Agony Aunt, Recently I have been struggling quite badly with homesickness. Ive been away from home for over two months now and I still wont see my family until Christmas as I am an international student and I live so far away. How can I cope better? Anon This is a very common problem that many students experience at University. Dont feel embarrassed about speaking to your flatmates and friends about it, chances are they feel the same way! To take your minds off of your families, why not arrange to do something as a group? Secondly, do you keep in contact with your family through FaceTime or Skype? These are video calling methods that you can use to speak to your family through a call, aswell as seeing them on your screen at the same time.You could set a time a couple of times a week to chat with them to help cheer you up. Amber Spong
The party of the year needs a statement dress! To Get The Look…. Love Triangle Cut Out Front Midi Dress in Eyelash Lace, ASOS Fur Box Bag and River Island Patent Croc Effect Court Shoes
Enjoy chocolate waffles, Mulled wine, Ice Skating and the Ferris wheel with your friends. To Get The Look…. Fur coat, Topshop Ribbed Roll neck Jumper, Topshop Joni Super Skinny Jeans and Zara Flat Track Ankle Boots
CHRISTMAS PARTY To Get The Look…. ASOS Lace up Boots in Brown Leather, Nudie Jeans Skinny Fit, Farah Oxford Shirt with Button Down Collar and ASOS slim fit blazer in Tweed.
For a night of cocktails, dinner and being spoilt. To Get The Look…. New Look Lace Up Blouse, ASOS Ridley Skinny Jeans and River Island Suede Tie Up Pointed Heels
To Get The Look…. Dickies Curtis Parka, Topman Stone Turtle Neck Jumper, ASOS Super Skinny jeans and a pair of Timberlands for the perfect balance of style and warmth. Chelsea Boots in Suede.
Dress smart but casual to celebrate the festive season.
To Get The Look…. ASOS Wool Overcoat in Camel, Only & Sons Oxford Shirt, Levi 511 Slim Taperred Fit Aber Light Wash & ASOS Chelsea Boots in Suede.
Wrap up warm for hot dogs, mulled cider and Ice Skating at the Christmas market.
Make an effort and impress at Dinner with a smart casual outfit.
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Deciding what to wear for certain occasions can sometimes be overwhelming and time consuming. So with three possible popular events coming up this very busy festive season we’ve put together some outfit ideas to give you the inspiration you need.
Sports bras have come a seriously long way since the ugly granny-style bras we were used to seeing. They now have quirky crossover strap designs and some even come in push-up or padded styles to give you that extra bit of confidence at the gym. Try these ones from Victoria’s Secret, New Look and Missguided.
To keep warm during the winter, change your shorts for leggings. Primark does a great range of simple designs for those of you who want to get fit on a budget. But if you have a bit more cash to splash (or a very generous Santa Claus) then look no further than the brand Minkpink (sold at Urban Outfitters) or Sweaty Betty. Minkpink leggings feature unusual designs and bright colours whereas Sweaty Betty is serious about fabric technology and use lightweight, moisturewicking and temperature-regulating fabrics.
F ASH IO NABLE SPO RTSWE AR Calling all gym bunnies! I know we all have that determination for a fresh start in January but with the dark mornings and cold rainy days, there’s not really much motivation for getting your bum off the couch, untangling yourself from the pile of snuggly blankets and forcing yourself on a run. Unfortunately, you can’t change the miserable British weather or the tempting Christmas leftovers in your fridge but one thing you can change is your wardrobe – and in turn this can change your outlook on your health and wellbeing.
Luckily sportswear is a hot trend at the moment, and our favourite high street retailers seem to be jumping on the bandwagon by creating fashionable workout collections which makes getting up and getting ready a little bit more exciting.
by Hayley Shay Magyar
Sports-luxe has been all over the catwalk this season and the high street shops have been taking inspiration from designers such as Alexander Wang and Phillip Lim. This mesh top from H&M is the perfect way to incorporate the trend into your wardrobe. Wear it with shorts to the gym or even with black jeans and heeled boots on a night out. Other sporty looks include this cosy knitted jumper from Adidas and this off the shoulder 27 sweatshirt from Boohoo which nails the casual-cool vibe.
By Harrie Thoy
Every year most of us hear the saying ‘New Year, New Me’ and this is the best time to set yourself into a new beauty regime or cut out any of the bad habits you have. I went around campus asking students what their New Years beauty resolutions are for 2016 and then offered my best advice or product recommendations… And now I’m passing them onto you so you can stick to them too!
‘I’d love to w atch more make-up tutorials to learn new looks and techniques!’ -Ellen I learnt most my make-up skills from Youtube! I’d recommend watching NikkieTutorials, Pixiwoo, Lisa Eldridge or TheMakeupChair - they’re all super talented and you can learn so much from them.
‘I w ant to grow my eyebrows back so I can actually tame them in the right w ay’ -Imy
If you want your brows to still look tame whilst letting them grow out, use a brow gel. I’d recommend the Eyelure Brow Control and Shape Gel £7.45.
‘I w ant to properly research products before I just go out and buy them so I can find what’s best for me!’ -Rachael Try checking out Powder (, it’s a beauty site that will help you find the perfect products from moisturiser to lipstick just by answering a few questions.
River Isla
‘I w ould like to look after my nails more’ -Manisha Debenhams have a manicure set for £8 that is perfect for any nail dilemmas; it has all your nail essentials in a nifty little case that’s perfect to keep in your handbag. It’s also super glittery, which is a bonus!
‘I’d like to grow out my hair naturally’ -Matt To encourage hair growth, try out the Alpecin Caffeine Shampoo £5.55. It protects the hair from negative testosterone impacts and even protects from premature hair loss!
exterior the fr wallet
Ted Bak
‘I w ant to get into the habit of cleansing, toning and moisturising tw ice a day!’ -Becky & Alice In your bathroom have your products clearly organised on a tray, so when you go to brush 28 your teeth they are there ready to be used! You’ll be surprised how much that’ll encourage you to do it.
By Harriet Thoy
His and Her Gift Guide Wondering what to get your girlfriend, boyfriend, other half or friend this year for Christmas? Worry not - this gift guide is here to escort you to the best fashion and beauty gifts available this Christmas season. If you have no idea where to start looking or just need pointing in the right direction, I’ll give you a hint of what’s on trend and the most popular in its category! It’s the time of year where even those tough old boys have to put something warm on! The classic crew neck jumper can be worn in various ways whether its layered, with jeans or dressed up with smart chinos, it’s a go-to-item for any occasion. Topman’s grey jumper with only a textured yoke features the blocking trend seen throughout the high street.
Topman’s Grey Textured Jumper: £32, Topman He can have multiple check shirts and each one will be different. A different size check, different colour selection or different detailing in the pockets or collar. I love River Island’s grey and red check shirt as it gives a pop of colour while keeping it subtle with the dark wintery tones. The flannel material is soft and comfortable making it the ideal steal item when you fancy wearing his clothes!
River Island’s Grey and Red Check Shirt: £28, River Island Have you noticed every time he goes to pay for your drink, the piece of leather that appears from his back pocket is looking a little worse for wear? A new wallet is a guaranteed great gift for men and Ted Baker always delivers something special. The interior has a quirky print while the exterior remains masculine with the stylish gold engraving on the front. The fold design is also the most popular style of wallet for males and incorporates multiple card slots made from the finest of leather.
Ted Baker Wallet: £37, ASOS
A perfect present for any occasion, but this season, the new floral perfume by Chloe is a sophisticated choice and compatible with most tastes. The subtle yet luxurious fragrance is a seasonal exclusive; presenting it in an engraved bottle instantly makes it an extra special gift.
Chloe’s Engraved Eau de Parfum: £61.50, boots (50ml) The simplistic design of Topshop’s Limit watch is an obvious accessory without worrying about her personal taste. The leather strap style is a seasonless piece while the textured dial adds interest. Available in Black and Champagne as well as Rose Gold and Tan - the choice of colours enables a small personalised touch.
Topshop Limit Watch: £29.99, Topshop in Black & Rose Gold Simple, classy and black! Zara’s new messenger bag with fastening details will complement any outfit while black remains one of the most staple fashion colours. The inside flap incorporates a glistening material and gives the bag an extra sparkle when opened. It’s a staple accessory and a safe, fashionable and affordable
Zara’s Messenger Bag: £29.99, Zara
Let’s hope gifts m i h this gift guide inspires r o for her f s you when shopping for that special t gif someone. Give a gift this season, follow our guide, shop
29 of giving, festiveness, love and fun! with confidence and enjoy the season
THE CHRISTMAS SEASON EDIT By Laura Smith This upcoming Christmas season is set to be one of your busiest so it’s time to start buying party-perfect pieces, chic separates, eye catching accessories and premium outerwear.
“American Apparel will excite you this Christmas season with their new range of sharp separates.”
“Textured pieces are so popular at the moment. Combine this musthave skirt and embroidered top to create the desired look�
“Topshop have redefined the LBD with their gold, V neck, party-perfect mini�
“The Christmas event season can be unpredictable. This outfit can take you from A to B... to C.... and D...”
“Shearling Aviator jackets were seen all over the catwalk this season. Don’t miss out on River Island’s premium version”
Styled & Directed - Laura Smith Styling & Directing Assistant - Helen Roberts Photography - Callum Baigrie Photographer’s Assistant - Kezia White 34
Nordic noise - the best Scandinavian bands set to hit the UK // Xmas Gift Ideas
Northern Europe is famed for its long winter nights, warm knitted jumpers and strange, fishy delicacies - but not really its music. But that might be about to change, with a handful of artists from Scandinavia and beyond set to break through into the British mainstream next year. We’ve picked some of the best for you to mull over with your, err… mulled wine, this winter.
The first thing that strikes you about Norwegian newcomers Slutface is their potentially controversial name. The second thing you notice about Slutface is their punk-y guitar lines and exceptionally catchy lyrics. Aptly-named single Angst, along with Apt their name, is an angry look at modern culture, whilst new track Shave My Head is a pounding, FIDLAR-esque piece of skate punk. Watch out for these guys, you certainly can’t miss that name…
Fans of Liverpudlian indie-comebacks The Wombats may well have heard of these guys. In fact, they may well have seen them live – they’ve supported Murph and co on at least two different tours. But now Norwegian indie-pop outlet Team Me are set to find the limelight in their own right with stunning second album Blind as Night. Jubilant and uplifting it sounds like a twee Arcade Fire, complete with the orchestral grandeur of the Canadians debut Funeral. Although Team Me are not quite at the world conquering, Glastonbury headlining level of Win Butler Glaston and Régine Chassagne – they can at least 36 set their targets that high.
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Mammut are hardly ‘new’ by any stretch of the imagination – in fact they’ve been playing music together for over a decade now. But they’re yet to really make a breakthrough on these shores – which is strange considering their sound fits perfectly amongst some of our post-punk favorites like li Savages and Warpaint. New EP River’s End is a dark, haunting collection of Iceland-inspired alternative rock, with closing track Salt an energetic mix of 90’s shoegaze and crushing riffs. Proof, then, that the quintet could be about to repeat the success they’ve found on home turf.
If you ever find yourself jealous of those able to play a music instrument – especially those who are good enough to tour around the world – you should probably prepare yourself before watching Katzenjammer, because these girls gi are masters of over 30 different instruments. From the standard guitars and pianos, to
There’s a sludgy, sweaty charm to Dane’s Baby In Vain. The all-girl trio from Copenhagen give a European twist to the swaggering stoner rock of the likes of The Kills on Machine Gun Girl, whilst channeling their inner Black Sabbath on new track Muscles. If the accompanying video is Muscles anything to go by, these girls certainly shouldn’t be messed with. The band are currently supporting The Wytches on their latest UK tour – but we’re hoping for some full-throttle headline shows from them in the new year. We’re sure they wont disappoint. 37
the slightly less conventional tubas, ukuleles and dormas (a Russian guitar, apparently) you name it, they can play it. And it makes not only for a fantastically fun live show, but an incredible listening experience too – this band’s band mix of baroque pop and alt-country has seen them create one of favourite albums of the year.
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Platform is the official magazine for NTSU, keeping you up to date on everything that happens at Clifton, City or Brack. From serious news to sports, lifestyle and fashion features, there’s bound to be something to tempt you. Pick up a copy of our Fresher’s Fresher edition on campus, or head on over to for all things Trent.
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If you haven’t heard the news about what can only be described as one of the biggest and best comebacks in modern music history, then where have you been?! She’s back everyone! Adele is back with a smashing brand new single Hello. And she’s announced a brand new album, so If you are struggling to find a perfect Christmas gift look no further than 25. Her voice is Ch deep and raw when it needs to be and cracks in the right places to convey the deep emotion of her lyricism. This record is a must have for everybody’s stocking and it’s out on November 25th so get pre-ordering because an album this great won’t stay in stock for long. Jess Glynne is no longer known as ‘the one who sang for Clean Bandit’ but rather the woman who currently holds the record for most number 1’s by a British female artist. This is thanks to her brilliant debut album I Cry When I Laugh. In support of this amazing album Jess is about to head out on what is sure to be an equally amazing EU tour. tou Tickets for the UK leg are on sale now, more have been added and they would be the ideal Christmas gift for any fan. 2015 has certainly been the year of Jess Glynne and with a number 1 album and this upcoming tour under her belt; next year looks set to be an even bigger. Snap up those remaining tickets for Christmas fast! Who doesn’t love Sam Smith, right? Dubbed the ‘male version of Adele’ Smith burst on to scene a couple years ago and hasn’t left since. Hit single after hit single and Grammy after Grammy award this man is here to stay. His debut album In The Lonely Hour has recently been re-released as the Drowning Shadows special edition. Packed with extra songs and never-before-heard material, this new bundle would make the ideal Christmas gift.
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PHOTOGRAPHY ART & DESIGN New China, New Art // Nottingham Contemporary - Alien Encounters
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Contemporary Video from Shanghai and Hangzhou
New China, new Art presents 15 video works by upcoming artists working in and around China’s east coast, specifically Shanghai and Hangzhou.Divided across the Djanogly Gallery’s three rooms, the works cover all different genres, from a man sat in front of a webcam, to an impromptu dance performance outside a hair salon.
portrays a sense of individuality not often associated with China, an increasing sense of globalisation and the inside of a contemporary urban setting. Gallery 1 presents four installations, facing each other in a diamond shape, meaning the viewer stands in the middle and turns vie as each video follows the next. Immediately you are presented with a diverse range of works, with Peng Yun’s Jieyu’s Debutante, showing a young Chinese woman having makeup applied by a second figure sat behind her, the results are quite amusing.
Curated by Lynne Howarth-Gladston and Paul Gladston, the exhibition was put together with the idea in mind to break down Western ideas about China, the privacy laws and the old ideas of communism. New China/New Art brings together work that no longer fixates on cliched aspects of China’s revolutionary past. Instead, it 41
Other installations in the room include a black and white film showing five men being shot down as they walk down a pavement, and salon workers starting a flash mob whilst at work.
Other installations in the room include a black and white film showing five men being shot down as they walk down a pavement, and salon workers starting a flash mob whilst at work. Gallery 2 features one screen, showing 5 videos on loop, loo my personal favourite being one showing a walk through the streets, showing blurred lights at night, eventually ending in a view of the city, skyscrapers filling the screen. Gallery 3 swaps the big screen with 4 smaller screens showing work including an artist talking to a webcam as his possessions are removed from his apartment.
Overall, a wide range of work from Shanghai and Hangzhou is shown, setting the bar for contemporary video worldwide and putting China back into the art world in terms of making diverse content that may shock and surprise viewers who have never seen Asian artwork before. Callum Baigrie Images taken from
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Leah Wareham explored the latest exhibition at the Nottingham Contemporary
With four separate exhibitions in each gallery, all united under the theme of identity, Nottingham Contemporary’s latest exhibition, Alien Encounters, and the last under outgoing director Alex Farquharson, is definitely worth a visit before it ends on December 31st.
Gallery 1 begins with Rama Hamadeh’s ‘The Fugitive Image’ featuring her film ‘Sleepwalkers’. It tells the story of two Egyptian sister serial killers from the 1920’s, and many of her works display the idea of secret messages in her work. Included are many props from Sleepwalkers’, presented as works of art in their own right, including the stained glass window-esque circle skirt, drawing you into the space. Continuing through to gallery two, you
are immediately overwhelmed by the striking, entirely yellow space, forming the Sun Ra room. Designed by Nadio Lauro, the incredible room’s main focal point (besides the yellow walls and floors) are the headphones hanging from the ceiling, ceiling each playing different tracks from the Sun Ra Arkestra. Sun Ra, known for his musical successes; this gallery also touches on his artistic career, which is very captivating.
Gallery three shows the collaborative work of Pauline Boudry and Renate Lorenz. Sharon Hayes swaps between the characters of Kathy Acker, a punk writer, and whistle blower Chelsea Manning in ‘I Want’. It is followed by a showing of a second film, ‘Opaque’ sh which illustrates the idea of the enemy, based on the writings of Jean Genet. Concluding Alien Encounters is Danai Anesiadou’s ‘Don’t Commit Suicide just because you are afraid of death’, the title of which is taken from Juncker’s speech on the Greek referendum. re The walls of the gallery are covered in images, some personal and others reminiscent of classical Greek history, with plastic sculptures and thought provoking vacuum sealed bags of personal belongings around the walls.
In the centre stands a marble room where the viewer can lie back on a massage chair and watch a film depicting moving hands making various shapes, like shadow puppets. Alien Encounters is a beautifully put together exhibition with many ma artists united under the important theme of identity. If there is one thing you simply must not miss is that amazing Sun Ra room, it is an experience which you must encounter firsthand.
SPORT Winter Sports // Hitting the Slopes
THIS WINTER With the winter now upon us some adrenaline junkies turn their attention to the high slopes on the mountain range. Snowboarding and skiing reach the height of their popularity so we chatted to Dimitri Baltzopoulos & Jack Palfreeman, President and Vice President of Trent Snowsports about a membership explosion, a Christmas trip and keeping everyone’s adrenaline meter filled all year round. “There’s a great social aspect to the sport. It’s more a recreational activity so even if you’re a beginner you can still turn up and have a good time whereas other sports sometimes lack that. Trent Snowsports, now in its 40th year, takes students of all snowboarding and skiing experience up and down the country, competing in numerous events and holding weekly socials. The problem facing Trent Snowsports is a very enviable one. Every year the sports club puts on its Christmas trip and this year they’re going to Val D’isere in the French Alps. The problem is places are in such high demand that the club have had to extend capacity three times. “We had to add more places to the Christmas trip, initially we started with 270 then we sold that out,” Dimitri,
beaming with pride, says. “We went to up to 300 and then we sold that out and went to 340 and now we’re at 370 capacity with 350 people on the trip so we could get another 20 people on board potentially if demand comes to it. This year‘s Christmas trip see’s Trent Snowsports pair off with their colleagues at UoN. Numbers are in the 500 region for the trip, so it’s one of the largest trips in recent years. “We can’t pinpoint the rise to one thing; most of the universities are seeing a decline given the poor snowfall over the last year. We’re one of the few uni’s in the country that has seen a rise in it.” It’s been almost two years since the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics however Team GB’s great performance in the games inspired many to take notice of snowsports. 46
“Skiing and snowboarding is an exciting scene to be getting into. The university scene is getting huge,” Jack says, pinpointing Team GB’s success as a catalyst for increasing participation. “There’s a couple of riders in Team GB that are getting a lot of recognition, people like James Woods that start from the bottom.” To keep interest high throughout the year Trent Snowsports put on an Easter trip, the location of which has been decided but not announced yet. It’s not all just trips to the continent though as Jack points out; there’s a lot more stuff closer to home. “Every Thursday we go to indoor slopes at the Xscape complex in Castleford or Milton Keynes so that keeps interest up all year round really. In Britain we don’t have the mountains and such like but we do
James Bavin
Image of Brad Frost by Pierre Mellion
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