SEPT | OCT 2020 #6
Thank you for helping us to keep caring The support we have received from our business community means the world to our nurses and patients. From providing PPE when we were in need, to giving food and flowers to spread joy in difficult times, your help has meant so much. Care for patients with life limiting conditions and support for their loved ones is needed now more than ever in our city of Brighton, Hove and the surrounding areas. If you would like to support us or know more about being a business partner, please email Emma Knight or visit
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Our illustrious steering committee guide the editorial tone of the magazine
JULIE KAPSALIS CEO Chichester / Crawley College Group
EMMA LANE Director Allied Irish Bank
VICTORIA KERTON ROSEMARY FRENCH OBE Regional Director Executive Director NatWest Gatwick Diamond Initiative
ALISON ADDY Community Officer Gatwick Airport
LOUISE PUNTER CEO Surrey Chamber of Commerce
LESLEY ALCOCK Commercial Director The Platinum Group
ABIGAIL OWEN Corporate Partner DMH Stallard
MAXINE REID Partner Quantuma
MAARTEN HOFFMANN CEO/Publisher The Platinum Group
ANA CHRISTIE CEO Sussex Chamber of Commerce
ALISON JONES Partner Kreston Reeves
FIONA GRAVES Events Director The Platinum Group
welc ome Welcome to the third issue of Europe’s only business magazine for women
With the virus, hopefully, receding into the distance, it is time to get back to work and re-build. The South East really is the economic powerhouse of the country and we will re-build, bigger and better. What has been proven is that economies with female leaders have fared better than those with male leaders and, if nothing else, the virus has given women the opportunity to step up and take charge - and we are
not doing too bad as it is. We have women in many of the top jobs and the female presence is being felt in every corner of every sector. Much more to be done but we are seeing impressive progress. But as the comments made by male business leaders on page 38 of the top FTSE 350 companies show, there is still an prevalent attitude that needs to be extinguished, once and for all.
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EASYJET PLEDGE Just 3% of the world’s commercial airline pilots are women and only 450 of them have achieved the rank of captain. But easyJet has pledged to change that with a recruitment campaign aimed at getting more women in the driver’s seat. Women currently make up 6% of the company’s new pilot intake and 5% of its total pilot community. But by 2020, easyJet wants 20% of its new cadets to be women. Since launching its recruitment campaign a year ago, the company has received more than 600 applications from women wanting to be pilots. Now that its achieved its original target, easyJet has set its sights even higher, planning to recruit 50 new women pilots annually. The company recently named an aircraft after renowned aviator Amy Johnson in celebration of the new pledge. Speaking to the Press Association, easyJet chief executive, Johan Lundgren said it is time aviation caught up with other professions and addressed gender imbalance.
{up f r o n t } All the latest bulletins from the world of business
Most powerful woman in British business GlaxoSmithKline, the UK’s biggest drugmaker, has announced that Emma Walmsley will take over as chief executive next year, making her the most powerful woman in the industry and the UK’s FTSE 100 index.
Four companies in the FTSE 350 currently have no women on their board, The Times reports today. It names and shames them: Daejan, the property company; iron ore miner Ferrexpo; TR Property Investment Trust; and software group Kainos. In 2016 the government commissioned the Hampton-Alexander Review which set a voluntary target for firms to have a 33% female representation by the end of 2020. In March the Review, along with the Investment Association, wrote to 69 companies that had one or no women on their board to express “concerns”.
Poisoned chalice HIGH HEELS IN THE WORKPLACE - A DEEPER CONCERN? The recent news story of a female employee sent home from work for her refusal to wear heels for a nine-hour shift really struck a chord with us, as I’m sure it did for many female professionals. To hear that this archaic attitude is still acceptable in many industries, particularly those located in international business hubs such as London, is concerning. To update those unaware of the story, after telling her manager of her reluctance to wear uncomfortable shoes throughout her work day, 27-year-old corporate receptionist Nicola Thorp was ordered to go home without pay or to go out and purchase heels that were between two and four inches high. She refused to purchase heels, and alleges that her employer, Portico – the company that runs PwC’s reception at its Central London office – followed through with its threat and sent her home.
Hiltrud Werner knows how to handle rooms full of men. As the lone woman on Volkswagen’s management board, she is a rarity in the upper echelons of German industry. Yet her ascent was not the result of an effort to blend in. Ms Werner’s first appearance in front of an all-male board was less than a decade ago - at a firm she declines to name - and it was a memorable one. “I got a very nice email that said: ‘Please Hiltrud, wear trousers, they are not used to skirts in the boardroom,’” she recalls with a playful grin. “Of course, I came in a pink dress.” The 52-year-old joined Volkswagen’s board in February
2017, at one of the most turbulent moments in the carmaker’s history. As head of integrity, she was charged with putting VW’s house in order, and reforming a corporate culture which turned a blind eye to the widespread cheating of dieselemissions tests. In the German press, she is often portrayed as a matron-like figure, hired to clean up a mess made by men who should have known better. It is a characterisation she dislikes – noting that women are among those charged in the various “Dieselgate” investigations. However, it is hard to overlook the irony of the appointment: when a woman finally got to the top of VW, she was handed a poisoned chalice.
Speaking to the BBC, Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the TUC, said a dress code demanding women wear high heels “reeks of sexism”, claiming the footwear “should be a choice, not a requirement”.
GLASS CEILING SMASHED A brewery boss who went from office cleaner to becoming the first woman on her company’s board has said “glass ceilings are there to be smashed”. Karen Hester joined the Army aged 16 in 1979 because she was “was one of those kids who had to go out to work” and sent her monthly wages to her mother. She began cleaning at Adnams in Southwold, Suffolk in 1988 and within two years was a procurement clerk. She is now its chief operating officer (COO) and responsible for 500 staff.
CHAMPIONS The boss of a water company and the founder of a luxury sex toy company have won top awards for businesswomen. Liv Garfield, the chief executive of Severn Trent, was crowned Business Woman of the Year at the Veuve Clicquot awards ceremony. Her company’s share price has risen 15% since Ms Garfield took the helm in 2014 and judges hailed her business acumen. Stephanie Alys, the creator of MysteryVibe, won the New Generation award for “breaking down barriers”. The Veuve Clicquot Business Woman awards were created in 1972 as a tribute to Madame Clicquot, who single-handedly took over her husband’s champagne business after he died.
BUSINESS MANTRAS Growing numbers of successful companies are now launched and run by female bosses. But being successful in business doesn’t happen by accident, it’s something you have strive for, drive towards and then nurture. Having a mantra can help keep you, your ambition and your company on the track to success. Regardless of your sector or your standing, there will be another woman who has walked a similar path to yours. Whilst there’s no one mantra that will set you on that path to success, if
the road gets rocky – and it’s bound to do at some point – you might need a confidence boosting snippet to keep you going. From self-made billionaires, to global mega stars and a stalwart from Dragon’s Den, we’ve curated some of the best advice soundbites we could find. Here are some of the world’s most successful women’s business mantras. From authenticity to self-belief and workplace mindfulness these smart sisters have coined some of the best positive vibes going.
Security is mostly a superstition. It does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than outright exposure. Life is either a daring adventure, or nothing. HELEN KELLER American author, political activist, and lecturer. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree
Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.
SARA BLAKELY founder of Spanx, and the World’s Youngest Female Billionaire.
Focus and tenacity: understand the market, people, competition and the opportunities. HILARY DEVEY CBE, businesswoman, from her autobiography, Bold as Brass: My Story
If you’re too comfortable it’s time to move on. Terrified of what’s next? You’re on the right track.
SUSAN FALES-HILL Author & broadcaster
There are prejudices against all sorts, all around us, all of the time – you give power to prejudice by recognising it. If you ignore it, it’s an amazingly powerful thing.”I’m in business – full stop. And that’s the strongest message you can send. Do not think of yourself as ‘I’m a woman in business’ – just do your thing. Just be good at it! DEBORAH MEADEN
You absolutely must have a plan in business and in life. But if you look too far ahead, you might lose the benefits of living in the present – it is where conversation, inspiration, happiness, peace and success lie – it’s the here and now!” TRACEY WOODWARD CEO, Aromatherapy Associates
There is nothing like a concrete life plan to weigh you down. Because if you always have one eye on some future goal, you stop paying attention to the job at hand, miss opportunities that might arise, and stay fixedly on one path, even when a better, newer course might have opened up. INDRA NOOYI CEO PepsiCo
Spend less time tearing yourself apart, worrying if you’re good enough. You are good enough.
Nobody talks about entrepreneurship as a survival, but that’s exactly what it is and what nurtures creative thinking. Running that first shop taught me business is not financial science; it’s about trading: buying and selling.
Bring your whole self to work. I don’t believe we have a professional self Monday through Friday and a real self the rest of the time. It is all professional, and it is all personal.
THE LATE ANITA RODDICK founder of The Body Shop
REESE WITHERSPOON actress & businesswoman
MIMS DAVIES MP Mims Davies is the Conservative MP for Mid Sussex and has been an MP since May 7th 2015. She is currently the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for the Department for Work and Pensions and was a member of the Women and Equalities Select Committee. Mims was the first person in her family to attend university, where she studied politics, and she has two children. We caught up with Mims during a very busy period within government and fired off some questions.
PICTURE: Alicia Clarke
Welcome to Dynamic Magazine Mims. What made you decide to go into politics and, after stepping away to care for your children, what made you return? Community issues are what made me want to go into local politics. I was frustrated at local playground facilities and the next thing I was a parish Councillor having been co opted in. I was elected in Eastleigh, as the first Conservative and Woman MP in 22 years - my life turned around quickly and unexpectedly. I found as my children grew up their lives and interests in Sussex were important to them and balancing this and my constituency role was more tricky as a single parent by that time. I thought I was leaving politics for good but
serendipity meant I was able to apply for my home seat and I was the first MP in over 10 years to be allowed to do this. This was truly unexpected as I had hoped my political time wasn’t fully over - just on a hiatus and this proved to be a very short break to my surprise! It has been a real rollercoaster, but life has funny ways of helping you out as well as challenging you and I am grateful for the political journey I have had. We want ‘real’ people in politics and life inside and outside of public service can be an unexpected journey. I have learnt from every part of it and I am thankful for the opportunities, friendship and experiences I have had representing constituents and businesses and am delighted to carry on.
We want ‘real’ people in politics and life inside and outside of public service can be an unexpected journey
So many women in business face quite a daunting task getting ahead, having to deal with not only incumbent males and possibly outdated attitudes but also with an unfair burden landing on their shoulders with home, childcare, elderly parent caring etc that, often, it is a wonder any women makes it to the top at all. What was your experience good and bad? I have found the men in politics to be generally fantastically encouraging, engaging and really open minded. I was encouraged to apply for seats by my former local Party Chairman, who saw a younger woman with small children as perfectly able to progress at a time I simply could not see it for myself. I have been a ‘sandwich carer’ for both my elderly parents alongside caring for my small children and I know how difficult a career alongside this is can be and what impact it can have as you try not to drop any balls. My Dad ran his own business and was attacked at work and it massively affected our family and our finances, it meant he was most encouraging about being self sufficient and ready for anything life throws at you. I was self employed for 13 years and
worked in the radio industry which was quite male dominated at that time and you had to be self starting and able to navigate this positively. I have though found that if you are good enough you be will get there and be welcomed. I don’t ever want to be the token woman at the table. But I always want to make sure the path opening up for me means I help it to be easier for others to break through the barriers and learn the skills they need. Your background, your health conditions, your network, your education, your ethnicity and your confidence can all maybe hold you back. But what we do know the broader mix of people at the table making decisions leads to more opportunity, more inclusion and more understanding and most importantly more success. In your position on the Women & Equalities Select Committee, what do you feel is your greatest achievement, or that of the Committee in general, and what more would you like to do to assist women in the workplace? This was a ground breaking committee and it was the first time Government policy was finally being looked at in
this lens. We were the first Parliament in the globe to look at trans rights and this has really helped us to look at all equalities. The pregnancy and maternity discrimination enquiry was so eye opening as this area is still so fraught and disappointing for mothers and that was surprising and unsettling. Reality we found, is presenteeism and was hugely prevalent and affected women greatly. Networking too was very male focussed, playing golf on a Friday afternoon so Covid has done all women a favour and workplaces and engagement has now changed a lot The previous incumbent, Sir Nicholas Soames
since I was on this committee in 2015. I was very proud to be the Chair of the All Party Women in Parliament and used my time to push for more debate and focus on International Women’s Day in the UK and help women into politics. I now realise it’s not just getting in that’s the challenge it’s the staying in and progressing once you are there. This is annually the 8th March, also my youngest daughter’s birthday. She is proudly an ‘International Woman’. But knows on that day mum is always speaking and marching. I was so proud to have my girls by my side marching 100 years on from the Women’s vote to Westminster from Hyde Park. You voted to leave the EU – why, and have you had any regrets over that decision? I was never a strong anti-EU politician. I did not come into politics with this as a driving force it was about community issues, life chances and opportunities for people no matter what their background and to help people know and understand their skills. I did not campaign to leave, and I didn’t get stuck into the campaign. I was a new MP at the time and thought it was right for us to all re-examine our relationship with the EU and look at the values and benefits. That is certainly the message I got on the doorsteps. People were keen to look at this relationship and what, in a more global economy, we could achieve by being able to negotiate on our own. What I have learned as a Minister at G20 meetings on the labour market and other events it’s clear countries from across the globe respect and value us and want to work with us and share knowledge. I recently met as Employment Minister, the ‘five eyes group’ – us, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand and sharing insight, impacts, interventions and ideas on Covid recovery was really positive and it shows that we must maintain a good relationship as broadly as possible in a changing world full of changing issues and threats. Do you feel the current pandemic will make it a better or worse decision to leave the EU? We have left the EU and the next vital stage is our future relationship as we move on from this transition period. All the decisions the Government has made to support the economy and our recovery has been done as a sovereign nation. The pandemic has
shown that we have the resilience we needed, and our no deal plans made it easier for us to react as we had broad ranging Departmental continuity plans. My Department, the DWP, has done a huge job supporting people who unexpectedly needed our help. We were able to act digitally quickly to help people. We should have confidence now that we can get through any challenge and learn from it. This pandemic put a handbrake on our economy and our labour market and we are now pushing for a greener recovery, taking the good and learning from this. It’s taught government, businesses and families we all need resilience in our structures and to plan for the unexpected. It’s a difficult time for many and we will do all we can to give people the opportunities to build back stronger. Did your previous life in local radio give you any insights into what you wanted to achieve as an MP? A huge amount! The understanding of what the media are looking for. A great network of friends on the other side of mic and camera lens too. Knowing how competitive it can be to get to where you want to be. Being able to get stuck in on something that changes everyday and connecting with people is key. Ability to learn things quickly and speak with authority swiftly. I loved every second of broadcasting and this role is so similar. Regarding the current pandemic, what more could government do to assist with the huge pain being felt in businesses across the South East? With considerable gaps in the Chancellors recent funding spree, there are a significant number of businesses on the brink – is there anything under consideration to help further? Throughout the pandemic, the UK Government has acted with urgency to protect lives and safeguard jobs in the
speediest way possible. The first stage was a £160 billion support package, which included paying the wages of nearly 12 million people and supporting over a million businesses through grants, loans and rates cuts. Our support for those who are self-employed is far more comprehensive, generous and longer lasting than pretty much any other country but we have been honest we can’t do everything people hope and protect every business and every job. The Self-Employment Income Support Scheme brought forward by HMT, remains open for applications for the second and final grant until 19 October. Now, as the UK enters the second phase in its recovery, the Chancellor’s plan is fully designed to support jobs by focusing on skills and young people, creating roles with investment in shovel-ready projects and in greening our infrastructure, and protecting employment through a VAT cut for the hospitality sector plus the landmark Eat Out to Help Out discount scheme for diners. This has been hugely successful
Be prepared to sometimes be the only woman in the room but hold your own and know you bring a unique view
in getting people back into local pubs, restaurants, towns and villages and was a brilliant idea to help boost the flagging hospitality sector as well as help people to get out and be Covid safe. We know this is a three-phase plan to a greener recovery, which many constituents want as we push to build back stronger with more resilience. Do you feel it would make more sense, economically, to extend the furlough scheme into 2021 rather than suffer the massive cost of the coming surge in unemployment? For the next decade at least, there will be a significant increase in the long-term unemployed and do you feel that the best way to stop that is to keep people in their jobs? Let’ s be honest with this challenge, in the long term the particular restrictions of the furlough scheme are not healthy for the employee or for the economy. You are keeping people in suspended animation and stopping them from actually working and progressing . Unfortunately, we cannot protect every job, but we do believe the Job Retention Bonus will play a vital role in supporting employers to bring their furloughed staff back to work to protect jobs and help support our economic recovery. Without such action, more jobs would be at acute risk. But prior to the pandemic, employment rates were at a record high, I want us to be at that level again and as Employment Minister, I’ll do everything I can to ensure we get back there. My
department, DWP, is playing a truly vital role in supporting people back into employment quickly, by doubling the number of work coaches across our nationwide network of jobcentres to 27,000, launching our new £2bn Kickstart Scheme for young people and injecting £150m into our Flexible Support Fund so jobcentres can put in place the right support for their local communities such as mentoring circles, training and partnerships with employers. I am so proud to be the Minister delivering these interventions. In addition to increasing participation in our Sector-based work programmes by 40,000 places – in care, in construction and other growing areas. And for those that have been out of work for a longer period of time, we’re developing a new large scale support offer which will commence next year as the impact unwinds and we can target our support. This is a enormous role in the Government right now and I am aware of this huge challenge and we have to get back to our pre Covid success.
Why did the government put the coronavirus discretionary grant fund into the hands of local councils? There is a coming storm about how they distributed those funds. Certain councils generally made some very odd decisions as to whom they awarded and what rules they followed, that have greatly harmed the regional economy and many businesses chance of survival. There is a growing lobby to review these decisions? Our local councils have played a really vital local role in the government’s response to the pandemic and are best placed to make decisions on the needs of their local communities. That’s why they have the power to decide how £3.7 billion emergency funding from Government is spent and to distribute the funds where it is needed most. We will continue to work closely with our councils as they support their communities. I have really got stuck in with our local council to make sure we support viable businesses via the
discretionary grants, guided those to them who though they may not be entitled to help and tried to do all I can via my casework team. Our local council Mid Sussex has been impeccable in its hard work and commitment to help all they can. What advice would you give to a young woman entering business and/ or politics today about how to survive, how to thrive and how to realise her dreams? Please go for it! Don’t hold back on what you believe in and care about. Having said that don’t feel you have to rush, every single bit of your experience will help you succeed and achieve those dreams. Be prepared to sometimes be the only woman in the room but hold your own and know you bring a unique view because of that maybe. Careers now are a life of jobs and not a job for life so be prepared to be ready to pivot, up and re skill, adapt and react to a changing world of work. I am determined in my role at the DWP to make it easier for people to progress, set up businesses and work flexibly and in the gig economy alongside government support and not get stuck. I have had amazing chances in politics as Sports Minister getting the funding for Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games, to guiding through the Ivory Act to protect Elephants worldwide as the DEFRA Whip and attending the G20 in Japan as Employment Minister. But it took me 18 months to be brave enough to fill out the form to be an MP and I know how much confidence matters to help you survive the rough times. So build it and your chances will flow from it. Believe you will get there, loving it all the more because of both the learning experience from the challenges of the lows as well as the chance to really cherish the highs.
Tamara Roberts, CEO of Ridgeview Wine Estate
Talking about the weather is one of the great British pastimes and it seems serendipitous to be writing this piece amid a heatwave. Will this impact our growing season? Well, of course, the weather dictates our entire production cycle like any other agricultural business but for some reason, wine is often seen more as a commodity rather than an agricultural product by consumers. The reason that my family decided to focus on the production of traditional method sparkling wines in England was the climate and geology. In fact, the climate probably factors more highly than the geology here as we are
right on the edge of viable viticulture, a very cool climate. Our unique climate enables us to create worldclass sparkling wines but it also carries a high commercial risk factor that needs to be properly assessed by those considering entering the industry. The only thing which any viticulturist can be certain of in England is that there is no certainty in a growing season. No two seasons are the same and bring their unique challenges so a balance of good planning and flexibility is critical. Having the relevant expertise managing the vineyard is essential. It is the vineyard manager, not the
DY NA M IC winemaker who determines quality after all. So what weather challenges have we faced so far this year? After a glorious start to the growing season in early April with temperatures regularly climbing above average, many growers were caught out by some very late frosts. Frosts in May can reduce yields to nothing in prone sites where no prevention measures are taken. Fortunately, our growers took all the necessary steps to avoid this, with bougies (smudge pots) being the most common method of protection. The next key stage in the growing season is flowering that dictates fruit set and enables us to start to assess the likely yields for the season. This usually occurs in early July but due to the warm start to the season that we are all thankful for during lockdown, we began flowering in mid-June. The success of flowering and fruit set is of course determined by the weather with warm and dry creating the best possible outcome. It was during this process that we experienced a change in the weather with a drop in
temperature and more cloud cover throughout July, even some rainfall which has been absent since the deluge we had over the winter. One question that we are always asked at this time of year is about the importance of rainfall
The only thing which any viticulturist can be certain of in England is that there is no certainty in a growing season
and the quick answer is that it is not essential but at the right time can be very helpful but at the wrong time it can reduce yields. This brings us to the here and now. A heatwave followed by rainstorms that will hasten the ripening phase and may help increase berry size respectively. Harvest is likely to start early again this year due to the weather (September) but is not going to be the bumper yields we have seen in the previous two vintages. This is a relief commercially due to the impact of COVID-19 on sales and is the consequence of climatic conditions during the 2019 growing season as the weather at certain times in one season can impact the yield the following year. The weather still has the potential to significantly influence the vintage despite being only six weeks away so until the grapes are safely picked, pressed and in the tanks, we cannot be certain of anything.
â—— Tamara Roberts is CEO of Ridgeview Wine Estate, producers of the award-winning English sparkling wine.
A NEW DIRECTION Newly appointed Chair at Coast to Capital, Julie Kapsalis, sets out her goal to achieve sustainable and diverse growth for the local economy.
Left to right: Kirsten Trussell (Head of Strategy and Policy), Katie Nurcombe (Head of Corporate Affairs), Amanda Jones (Board Member), Frances Rutter (Board Member), Julie Kapsalis (Chair)
The Coast to Capital Board is a unique partnership of Local Authority, University, Further Education and high profile business leaders who come together with diverse ideas and passion for the region. Together, the Board helps to promote local econ-omic growth by influencing policy-decisions, supporting local businesses and investing in key infrastructure projects from a number of funding programmes including a £300 million Local Growth Fund portfolio.
The impact of COVID has proven to be particularly targeted on our areas of economic strength, meaning that
our economy appears to be among the worst affected in the country. Given the considerable impact of the pandemic, we commissioned research to further understand the impact on the wider Coast to Capital economy. The headline finding is that we estimate a GVA net loss of £9.8 billion (17%) between 2019 and 2020, which is higher than the national average (13%) and based on only ‘one lockdown’ scenario. Our high GVA loss is likely due to our dominant sectors being adversely affected by lockdown restrictions. The education sector is hardest hit experiencing a 38% loss. Unsurprisingly, the arts and entertainment sector is next hardest hit experiencing a 37% loss, followed by a 36% loss for the accommodation and food sector.
CASE STUDY: Supporting SMEs Lorama Foods is a quality bakery with its own label products, and white label manufacturing facility, producing products for some of the leading brands. Specialising in sports nutrition bars and protein balls. Starting a business from scratch is tough, but siblings and fellow directors Rachel Lavelle and Martin King were up for the challenge when they launched the West Sussex based company. With the usual worries about cash flow, staffing and a myriad of stressful problems faced by small business owners, they set to designing and building their own facility. Rachel was introduced to the Coast to Capital Growth Hub support programmes and met regularly with other business owners. The confidence, ideas and positive energy had a huge impact at Lorama Foods. Although eligible for a grant from Coast to Capital’s Growth Grant Programme, the business found funding through investors. Three years after its launch, the company has an anticipated turnover for 2020 of £1m. This is expected to rise to £3.5m by 2021, an increase of 350%.
CASE STUDY: Championing a diverse culture In March, a Diversity Lunch was held at the Coast to Capital Offices with the Board to coincide with International Women’s Day to celebrate our diversity achievements and commitments. These include:
◗ 7 out of 19 Board members are women (exceeding the target set by Government) and we are committed to reaching 50% by 2023.
Left to right: Julie Kapsalis (Incoming Chair), Tim Wates (Outgoing Chair)
◗ An internal Diversity Working Group has been established to review and implement activity in relation to equality and diversity. ◗ We continue to work with our Expert in Residence, as recommended in the Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship, which helps us to ensure that engagement with, and support of, women business owners is equitable.
Julie Kapsalis Julie is Managing Director of Chichester College Group with respon-sibility for a portfolio of commercial businesses including a chain of childcare nurseries, examination board and international education. She is a board member of the Institute of Economic Development, Gatwick Diamond Business and is the immediate past Chair of Chichester Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She is passionate about supporting business growth with a particular interest in skills, enterprise and social mobility. When did you first start working with Coast to Capital? “Whilst I’m new to the role of chair I’m not new at Coast to Capital. I’ve been on the board for over 6 years and for the past year have been Vice Chair. I’m absolutely thrilled to have taken on the role and I’m so proud of our achievements and investments, working with a wide range of stakeholders across the region.” Which achievements are you most proud of? Projects that stand out for me include investments in the Aldingbourne Trust,
Charleston Trust and the Crawley Growth Programme. In addition to our grants for SMEs including PVL, Brighton Gin, Vampire’s Wife, Hepworth Brewery and Ridgeview Wines.” How does COVID-19 affect your priorities? “COVID-19 requires the Board to play an even more important role in supporting our region and its recovery. Collaboration and innovation will be key and I’m committed to working with our partners to address issues and challenges facing our businesses and communities.” What would you like to achieve throughout your tenure? “I’d like to place an even greater focus on social mobility and a really strong commitment to equality and diversity. It’s a huge privilege to be chair of Coast to Capital and I want to thank our outgoing chair Tim Wates for his outstanding leadership. I remain committed to ensuring the sustainable economic recovery of our region and to driving forwards our vision to be a fantastic place to live, grow and succeed.”
◗ This is still very much a moving picture that we are continuing to monitor closely. We are committed to providing impartial and relevant information on the evolving regional economic picture. This puts us in the unique position to provide our strategic role for the region. ◗ Follow our Economy Watch blog series for regular www.insights economy-watch-blog ◗ Keep up to date by visiting the website and following us on Twitter @coast2capital
BARONESS MICHELLE MONE Does success have a downside? If so, what is it? “I’d say you could argue that sometimes the media is a downside. That said, I’ve grown up with the press for 20 years now and I wouldn’t be here without them.”
Michelle Mone has never been one to mince her words. The entrepreneur and Tory peer used her maiden speech in the House Of Lords to urge ministers to empower women in business, and since then, she’s been outspoken on issues ranging from Brexit to the Scottish independence referendum. While not everyone will agree with her political views, there’s no denying the 45-year-old is a force to be reckoned with. What motivates you to get out of bed in the morning and keep pushing forward? “The fear of failure has always driven me – it’s literally kept me awake at night. I’ve always wanted to achieve great things, from my first business to now, the drive for success is inside me. “I’ve worked very hard and feel fortunate I can now pass on my learnings and experiences to young entrepreneurs and those starting out, whether that’s through my role in Parliament, through my books, speaking events or social media.” How do you think society views ambitious and successful women? “It has changed and is changing for the better, I’m really looking forward to seeing a new generation of exciting female talent in business. It’s a really great thing to see women making such important moves within business. “Although it’s hard for women,
I want women to push forward, push through the barriers like I did and make no excuses.” What was the last thing you did that made you proud? “Coming back from a two-year break from business to launch Michelle Mone Interiors has made me really proud, it’s something I’ve wanted to do for years. “Other than that it’s hard to choose from receiving my OBE from the Queen or becoming a member of the House of Lords in 2015. Becoming the Start Up Business Tsar was a huge moment for me – my real passion is helping young people in the world of business – I love being a mentor, it’s the best job in the world.”
Although it’s hard for women, I want women to push forward, push through the barriers like I did and make no excuses
How do you practise self-care and why is it important? “I work out every day for at least an hour, no matter where I am I always find the time. I truly believe that a healthy body equals a healthy mind. “I didn’t practise self-health or a healthy way of life for years, but exercising and eating well has changed my life. I am a much better person for it and feel great. Self-care is now a huge part of my life.” What’s your biggest regret and what did you learn from it? “I don’t necessarily have any regrets, as you can always learn from your mistakes and move on to bigger and better things. Any struggles or challenges are such learning curves and shape the person you are today. “Once a distributor ran off with £1.4 million of my money (during my Ultimo years) – it was horrendous but I learnt a lot from that experience.” If you had one piece of advice for other women, what would it be? “Work hard, play hard and always give something back. Crash those barriers down and make no excuses.” What’s the one thing you would change or do in 2021 to push women forward? “Encourage more women to speak up and find the confidence in business to just do it! “There are so many inspirational strong women in every industry and I hope that we can all bounce off each other, lift each other up and continue to achieve great things.”
FORGET THE HOUSE – WHO GETS THE PENSION? What the new divorce legislation means for women’s financial futures In my last article, I talked about the Chartered Insurance Institute’s Insuring Women’s Futures programme, and their ‘6 Moments that Matter’ in a woman’s financial journey, including making and breaking relationships. You may have noticed divorce in recent headlines – no, not because the lockdown has been
testing the mettle of couples across the UK, but due to the landmark changes to divorce legislation currently working their way through government. But with divorced women retiring with savings 75% smaller than male counterparts, what does the new Bill mean for women’s financial futures?
With divorced women retiring with savings 75% smaller than male counterparts, what does the new Bill mean for women’s financial futures?
Divorce is infamously expensive – and with negotiations often focusing on property and immediate assets, pensions are frequently overlooked. Indeed, nearly three quarters of divorcing couples fail to consider their legal right to share pensions.1 With women already facing a gender pay gap and pensions gap, failing to discuss pensions upon divorce can lead to many women losing out on a share of one of the most valuable assets, and therefore risking financial vulnerability in later life. The numbers speak for themselves: ◗ Divorced women’s median pension wealth at retirement is just 25% of that of their male counterparts.2 ◗ On average, women currently earn 18% less than men.3
The Divorce, Dissolution and Separation Bill (or ‘No-fault Divorce Bill’) has just gained Royal Assent, and is set to come into play in autumn 2021. Proclaimed to be the biggest shakeup in divorce law since the Sixties, the Bill seeks – in short – to reduce family conflict and speed up the divorce process by putting an end to needless “blame games”. Currently, one party has to make accusations about the other’s conduct, or otherwise face years of separation before a divorce is granted. Instead, the new laws will allow a spouse or couple to apply for divorce by making a statement of ‘irretrievable breakdown’.
St. James’s Place guarantees the suitability of advice offered by Wellesley Wealth Advisory when recommending any of the services and products available from companies in the Group. More details of the Guarantee are set out on the Group’s website Wellesley Wealth Advisory is a trading name of Wellesley Investment Management Ltd. The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website The ‘St. James’s Place partnership’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. Wellesley Investment Management Ltd: Registered Office: 44 The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England TN2 5TN. Registered in England and Wales, Company No. 06530147.
◗ In 2018, divorced women had a private pension income 42% smaller than the UK average.4 Industry bodies have called for pension-sharing to be the default position in divorce proceedings – however, regardless of whether this suggestion is taken into account, it is clear that women need to take control of the discussions about pensions. To ensure that all aspects of a settlement are covered, and for guidance and stability, it’s important to take financial advice during divorce proceedings. After the divorce, your financial adviser will work with you to help you plan for a comfortable retirement and later life.
Wherever you are on your financial journey, it is important that you’re getting the right advice. If you have a question about divorce or pensions planning, or would like more information about my services, please contact me today. Sources: 1 Chartered Insurance Institute, 2019 1and4 NOW: Pensions, 2020 3 NOW: Pensions, 2019
◗ Samantha Kaye Chartered Financial Planner | Adviser Wellesley House, 50 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill, West Sussex RH15 9LH 01444 849809
I find it hard to talk about myself as female with-out falling into gender stereotypes, Mars and Venus type lazy short cuts, that put us all into pigeon holes. However, I do believe women are generally better at multi-tasking than men, and are more responsive to their own and others emotions. Obviously, there are examples in both sexes that contradict that, but I find it to generally hold true. And so, I think, myself being intuitive sometimes helps both with the way I design and the way I manage people. As a young woman I would go to large factories in the North of England to oversee big production runs. It was quite a challenge to gain the confidence of older men who ran the machines, and I was not averse to using gentle charm to get my way. However, ultimately that can never replace being professional and actually knowing what you are talking about - it just sometimes takes a while to earn their trust, to get people to see you through a different lens to the one that they initially approached you with. Intuition can be really helpful there – when to push for a solution, when to listen to someone else’s suggestions.
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I have such fond memories of those times in the factories, even though they were hard work and long days, often 12 or 14 hours but I learnt so much from the experience of the manufacturers that I met. One of my greatest challenges was operating at boardroom level in a small PLC when I was only in my mid 30s. I was young, ambitious and talented but also emotionally green, naive in business terms and not used to negotiating tactics. It was a family run business, only men on the board, and a very competitive atmosphere. I’m not embarrassed to say that I didn’t handle it well. I was so passionate about my work, that I couldn’t switch off at the end of the day. Life at that level, in that sort of male hierarchy really didn’t suit me. I was also just coming out of a painful divorce, which undermined my inner strength, and the end result was that I left the job to maintain my health.
Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful William Morris
That started a great adventure for me. I went back to University as a mature student and did a BaHons and then a Masters in Fine Art Printmaking. It was a fantastically freeing time being able to creatively pursue things that I was driven by such as colour composition texture form. As a textile designer I love processes, so I suppose it’s not surprising that I chose Printmaking over Painting – 20 years on there is still a particular magic that happens when the artist and the press combine. After a couple of years though, my love of design came back again, and I found myself regularly freelancing for other design studios, to fund my painting and printmaking. Gradually the designing took more and more of my time, and once again I fell in love with the challenge of having a design idea and finding solutions to see it resolved and go into production.
And so, I find myself having come full circle except this time I’m operating at board level within my own company. It’s so liberating, energising and satisfying. I’ve learnt many lessons along the way, that stand me in good stead. After the large budgets of a PLC, several years making ends meet as an artist have given me excellent experience in trying to keep to tiny budgets within my own fledgling business. I know now when to seek expert advice, and how to accept it, rather than try too hard to prove myself capable. Perhaps that comes with age and experience. It may also come from being a mother. I had my son late, at 45. I lost count of the times I was called ‘geriatric’ by medical professionals, but no matter as having a child was something I always wanted. You can’t always dictate what happens in life. It’s very demanding, I
feel slightly schizophrenic sometimes, but am still very driven about my work and never really stop thinking about it, but I’m also entirely in love with my son. It feels like a healthy battle for my attention – he stops me getting too focussed on work, and he shows me the joy of the simplest things. And so, I find myself at 52, mother of a 7 year old, married to a very supportive husband and finally running my own business. It took courage to put my own name above the door, but I finally felt able to hold my hand up for what I am doing. I love colour and designing and I want to share that with others. As well as creating a successful business and earning enough to paint my way into the sunset of retirement, I want to make a difference to people’s interiors – give them something they enjoy living with.
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CHAIR OF ACIE Susan Robinson, Accounts and Audit Partner and Head of Charities and Not for Profit at accountants and business advisers Kreston Reeves has been appointed Chair of the Association of Charity Independent Examiners (ACIE), the professional body which represents people who carry out independent examinations. Susan will lead a Board of Trustees who comprise a mixture of professional accountants, voluntary independent examiners and people from other backgrounds. Independent Examination (in England and Wales) is the scrutiny of smaller charities (with annual incomes less than £1m or more than £250,000 and assets more than £3,26m) where an audit is not required. Charities with income under £25,000 do not need to have an independent examination by law but they can elect to do so. In Scotland, unless an audit is required, all charities with income below £500,000
require Independent Examination. The role of the examiner is to provide an independent scrutiny of the accounts which helps maintain public confidence and trust in charities. Membership of ACIE is achieved through various stages of assessment, providing evidence of knowledge and understanding of charity accounting and practical examples of Independent Examinations carried out.
Susan will lead a Board of Trustees who comprise a mixture of professional accountants, voluntary independent examiners and people from other backgrounds
Susan Robinson comments: “I’m delighted to have become Chair of ACIE, having previously been the Vice-Chair. Independent Examination encompasses a core set of knowledge and skills which members bring to the charities they are working with and advising. Charities are facing an incredibly difficult period at the moment as they adapt to operate with COVID-19. It is essential to ensure they are accurately accounting for and reporting their finances to maintain the public’s trust that the donations they are making along with the assets held by a charity are being used effectively and in accordance with the charity’s principles.”
◗ More information about ACIE can be found at ◗ Kreston Reeves is hosting a webinar on 9 September in partnership with Thomson Snell and Passmore which will cover charity survival strategies in a COVID era. Find out more and register your place at
THE FOUR FOUNDATIONS OF TRANSFORMATION It was through a period of dramatic personal transformation that I deeply learnt the foundations of transformation and the tools that make this a more comfortable and manageable process. The four fundamental areas that empower change, which I will introduce here, along with some low or zero cost tools for each one are, personal mindset, what we consume, active use of mind and body, and intentional rest of mind and body. BY EMMA RESSLER
#1 PERSONAL MINDSET The most fundamental tool for transformation is your Mindset. Working with a coach is a powerful way to quickly develop a strong, positive mindset and to hold yourself accountable. That said if you are not able to employ a coach there are some key mindset tips you can utilise to propel yourself forward. The four key aspects of mindset that in my experience need to be in place for successful transformation are: What, Why, Cultivating an Open Mind, and Removing Comparisons.
Be as clear and specific as possible on what you want to achieve. Vague goals are harder to reach since you can’t really determine when or if it has been achieved. Having a clear written statement of your goal will help you make decisions, if an action will not help you with your goal you either drop it or postpone it until later. Setting yourself a timeframe with some specific steps to be taken toward completion will help you hold yourself accountable and stay on track.
Knowing why you are making change is important when times are tough and you need reminding why you are even doing this; your ‘why’ needs to give you the tenacity and resilience to stick
at it. Our emotional responses are far stronger than material desire. Therefore, take time to understand how you will feel when you attain your goal. Close your eyes and visualise, create a mood, or write a journal imagining your goal is already achieved – how do you feel? Hold that feeling dear and come back to it whenever you need an extra push to keep going.
With our ‘what’ and ‘why’ in place we step into the world of what is available to us as support and the world is overflowing with options. Consider your goal and research what could be appropriate for you. Approach this with an open mind; try new things, not all will work for you, embrace what may seem ‘weird’, because if it works who cares if it is weird, right? Transformation is not about right or wrong it is about what is right for you. I wanted to increase my confidence in public speaking, but no courses inspired me, so I took up singing lessons instead – far more enjoyable, mildly terrifying as well yet lifted my confidence in presenting.
Transformation is personal, your likes, your commitments, your timeframe. It is really important not to compare your progress with others. Trying to force your experience to be as someone else’s will make the process uncomfortable if not unbearable. In this instance, just focus on you. Mindset has to be the starting point
for any transformation as it is our mindset that keeps us on track for what we seek to attain. If we tell ourselves ‘you can’t do this’ or ‘you don’t deserve this’, you won’t attain it. So, before you jump into action check in with yourself, what exactly do you want to achieve, why do you want it and how you will feel when you reach that goal. Then get curious and explore the world of opportunities available to help you and do not compare yourself, nor be hindered by what others are doing. This is your journey.
#2 WHAT WE CONSUME What we consume is far more reaching than simply our diet, what we consume also includes what we put on to our bodies and what we watch, listen to and read.
Hippocrates said, ‘let food be thy medicine’, and scientific research is consistently backing him up. Will Bulsiewicz, MD MSCI, notes that 7080% of our immune system is found in our guts. In making food choices we’re making choices about immunity, sleep, weight, and overall health, thereby making choices about our functionality, emotions, and ability to perform. Diet is a huge area of discussion, within which, my core advice taken from research and my experience is: eat as wide an array of plants as possible to boost your guts microbiome, minimise or ideally cut out of your day to day diet any processed foods and refined sugars, minimising all sugars. Please note the use of ‘day to day diet’, believe me, I still eat cake! I advocate for us meat-eaters to eat less but spend more; smaller local farmers tend to have higher standards of animal husbandry, so buying less meat to allow you to buy better quality local meat I believe is more ethical and more healthy.
Have you ever stopped to notice how scrolling through your social media makes you feel, or what thoughts or emotions are triggered by music or films? What we watch, read, or listen to is consumption of the mind. You need to take time to truly acknowledge how something makes you feel. If you are comparing yourself to someone on Instagram and it generates negative self-talk, it weakens the positive mindset needed for change. If something makes you feel bad, minimise, or remove that content either temporarily or permanently.
Our skin absorbs the products we put onto it. This can be great in the case of having a Magnesium salt bath before bed, but many products contain chemicals or allergens that are not so good for your system. Especially if your transformation involves getting your body functioning better, you need to look at what you are consuming through your skin and hair. You do not need to chuck all your products in the bin, simply become conscious of and begin to build knowledge around what you use, do some research and try some new things. What we consume through our digestive system, minds, hair, and skin all have a direct impact on our wellbeing, which directly impacts the positive mindset and energy needed to create transformation. Keeping a log or journal is a useful way of becoming aware of your consumption in all its forms to help you create change. It can be bullet points or full diary entries, it can be daily or simply a log of activity of the days ahead of whenever you notice a specific symptom you want to remove. Over time you can spot patterns between symptom and consumption, and this can be used as a basic form of self-coaching yourself to a more positive path.
#3 ACTIVE USE OF MIND AND BODY Keeping the mind and body active aids optimal performance, it allows us to have the energy and capability to achieve our goals, it provides the exertion that encourages sleep at night, which in turn energises us for the next day. As you might see, each of these four foundational areas link into each other; transformation is holistic. Thankfully as mentioned earlier, we are abundant in options and as this is your life, your transformation, find the activity that inspires you to keep at it and importantly find one, or more, that makes you happy.
From apps for mental agility to learning a new language or skill, books on history, the joy of such variety is that there is something out there that’s right for you. Think about what you enjoy, or even better, what you enjoyed as a child because often that same thing will evoke joy now. If something feels boring or like a chore, drop it. Find something that capture’s you and don’t be afraid to think laterally. We all learn differently so find a method that engages you - reading books, listening to podcasts or ted talks, doing games on interactive apps, or online and in-person learning courses. It is worth noting that as an adult not all your learning needs to be about work or self-development, keeping your mind active on something purely because it is something you enjoy is equally as valid.
Your goal does not need to be about weight or fitness for movement to remain a vital aspect of transformation. Movement of the body helps keep all aspects of our being firing on all cylinders. Movement is for a transformational journey as wheels to a car, you can move forward without it, but it will be less comfortable and harder work. Importantly, choose what you enjoy; open your mind, research widely, then try different activities until
Transformation is personal, your likes, your commitments, your timeframe. It is really important not to compare your progress with others
you find the one that keeps you coming back for more. Even whilst gyms and classes are closed there is plenty of variety online from martial arts to ballet and plenty are low cost or free and easy to complete within your own home. My strongest recommendation, however, is to get active in the great outdoors. Being amongst nature is proven to be highly restorative for humans, as we are ultimately a part of that natural world. Taking time to walk, bike, or run in nature is not only great exercise for your health but it is free. The human mind and body are designed to be active. Modern life has made most of us more sedentary, especially in the body than is ideal, even for our minds many tasks are taken over by the computer, so it is important to intentionally build in challenge, even if only gentle challenge for our body and mind to keep them functioning at their best. This is important for all transformational work because any transformation is driven by you, your mind and your body
little longer than the inhale, this signals to your nervous system that it is okay to relax and this can be done anywhere at zero cost. Turn this into a simple meditation by counting the breath – count each breath from one up to ten, when you reach ten, come back to one and repeat, do so as many times as you wish. If you lose your place simply come back to one and start again. A common misconception is that meditation is about having no thoughts. That is not true. You practice meditation to help you take control of your mind, so you can prevent yourself from being pulled into long chains of stress-inducing thoughts when what you need is to relax.
#4 INTENTIONAL REST OF BODY AND MIND Resting the body and mind is of equal if not greater importance as any activity. This is because it is in rest where the vital work of building and repairing muscle and tissues takes place, it is when learning is embedded in our mind so that we can effectively re-use it. Without rest, all benefits of our activity may be lost.
It is in sleep where our body is known to restore and heal itself and it is where we process the many 1000’s of pieces of information we have been exposed to during the day. I highly recommend ‘Why we sleep’ by Matthew Walker for additional and eye-opening information around sleep. The vast majority of us should consistently be seeking 7-9 hours a night to give our brain and body time to replenish and wake us up refreshed. Setting a solid sleep ritual or routine will aid good sleep. A key trick is going to bed and waking up at the same time every day. You can create a pre-sleep routine to act as a trigger for the mind that sleep is coming and to prepare for it; this could be taking a warm shower before bed, avoiding technology after 8 pm or having a specific non-caffeinated drink before bed – I encourage you to take time to create and enjoy what works for you.
Whether it’s running a warm bath, with a glass of something and reading a book, having a call with a trusted friend, sitting in a quiet corner with a cup of tea, listening to acoustic music or sitting in a meadow, get in touch with what lifts the weight off your shoulders, what makes you release a sigh and feel any tension slip away. Even it’s only 10 minutes a day, try and find time for yourself. We live in a world where action is praised and inactivity is frowned upon, yet health and performance are derived from a balance of the two. ‘Me time’ has become a bit cliché but it truly is important to make time for yourself. You will find that your determination, endurance, resilience, and creativity will all lift if you are well-rested. When rested you increase emotional intelligence and balance which benefits interpersonal relationships, which will serve you positively in work and your personal life, creating a stronger network of people willing to support you in your transformation.
Yoga in the west is often used as exercise yet in its traditional form it offers many tools for relaxation – the postures or asanas, meditation, and breathing all aid relaxation of body and mind. Restorative, Gentle Hatha, Yoga Nidra, and Yin are all forms of Yoga suited to relaxation. If I could offer one tip for relaxation it would be to extend your exhale. Focus on your breath and make the exhale a
A guide to mastering the poses of Sun Salutation by Tess De Klerk from Bliss Yoga A focus on mechanics, micromovements and adjustments in fundamental yoga poses. Let’s find that sweet spot! Self practice in yoga can be absolutely invaluable. In a class with multiple participants, it can be near impossible for your instructor to tend to the needed micro-movements and adjustments of all students. The obvious answer is one-toone tuition but, bar that, self-practice with attention to detail and instructor knowledge can elevate your yoga sessions and unlock the full benefits of individual asanas. Whether you’re an absolute novice or an experienced yogi, follow me through a break down of the postures of the Sun Salutation A series. Surya Namaskar Sun Salutation - is a series of postures that warms, strengthens, and aligns the entire body. Suitable for all fitness levels
and abilities, Sun Salutation can be a complete practice in itself or preparation for longer asana practice. In this edition of Dynamic, we start by focusing on Mountain Pose, with emphasis on the mechanics, micromovements and micro-adjustments to achieve alignment and integrity of posture. Mastering the Mountain is key to grounding your practice and unlocking the physical, mental and spiritual benefits to Surya Namaskar.
The mechanics of the Sun Salutation sequence were designed for stretching and opening the spine, lengthening the torso, strengthening the arms, abs, back and pelvic floor. In addition, this sequence strengthens the lungs, increases lymphatic flow which assists the liver and kidneys in detoxification, gets the heart pumping & increases blood flow to the brain which leads to a powerful boost in brain function. Traditionally performed in the mornings to greet the new day, Surya Namaskar can be performed at any time for a lift in energy and positivity. What is good for the body is great for the soul!
Traditionally performed in the mornings to greet the new day, Surya Namaskar can be performed at any time
TADASANA – MOUNTAIN POSE Tadasana is where we start our Sun Salutation. Mountain Pose might look like you’re just standing there but this foundational asana is simultaneously still and active. It cultivates good posture, balance and calm focus, both on and off the mat. It can also be a powerful tool in resolving neck, back and shoulder pain ◗ Come to stand with your feet together as close as your body will allow. Ideally, the big toes will touch sightly with the heels slightly apart but respect that we are all different and feet can be placed anywhere as far as hip-width apart, in order to find balance. ◗ Lift the toes while stretching and spreading all 10 toes apart. Place them back on the mat, maintaining the space you created between the toes ◗ Pay attention to where you’re placing the pressure on your feet. The goal is to distribute your weight evenly through the balls and arches of the feet. Allow your feet to gently lift and roll to find a natural, equal grounding through all four corners of the feet. ◗ Move your attention up through the ankles, the calves and up to your thighs. For beginners, simply straighten your legs by gently flexing the quads. When paying close attention to the inner movement of the legs while doing this, you may notice that the inner thighs draw inwards (inner spiral) and the outer thighs draw outwards (outer spiral) which is the movement we’re looking for.
◗ Next would come the instruction to lift or lock the kneecaps. I DO NOT suggest this. After years of experience in working with yoga students of differing abilities and injuries, as well as the study of kinesiology, I instruct to keep the knee caps soft but engaged to create dynamic buoyancy. This might sound confusing when simply reading this but when practicing this micro-adjustment, it becomes apparent. If you do feel your kneecaps locking, bend your knees ever so slightly to feel a deepening in the hips and comfort in the knees. ◗ Now imagine a string running from your tailbone through your spine and up to the crown of the head to the heavens. Take your time and imagine this string being pulled upwards while lengthening your spine and creating space between the vertebrae. Simultaneously draw your tailbone to your heals, creating length by the dual action of grounding and lifting through the spine.
◗ Move the shoulders blades towards each other on the back. Allow the shoulders to move backward and downwards, away from the ears. Expand and lift the collarbones. These movements allow for the opening and lifting of the diaphragm. Open the heart space and chest and breath deeply. Allow the arms to be relaxed at your sides or bring the hands in a prayer position to the centre of the chest. ◗ The chin should be slightly tucked and parallel to the horizon - back of the neck straight and comfortable. Draw your awareness to the area where the skull rests on the spine. By using micromovements adjust the head and neck until you achieve a comfortable ‘head supported’ feeling. ◗ At this point there may be the tendency for the lower back to over-arch or for the pelvis to be tilted forward. We need to find our centre of gravity. Move the pelvis slightly forwards and then backward, continue and allow this movement to become a gentle swaying, moving backward and forwards and even side to side, if that works for you. Gradually minimise the movement, making it small and smaller, until you come to rest in alignment. When you are well aligned you will find the physically easy and mentally quiet balance point of Tadasana. ◗ Now close your eyes if that is available for you. Breath deeply while checking through your pose and making microadjustments where needed. Don’t rush out of the pose. Pausing for maybe five to ten breaths here gives the body a chance to get used to the alignment and really feel the benefit.Continue breathing comfortably while feeling your connection to Mother Earth – feel how she supports you. Realise your connection with the heavens and know that you are part of all that is good in the world.
In our next issue, I continue the study of Sun Salutation and delve deeply into the micro’s of Swan Dive, Forward Fold and Plank Pose. Yes, even Plank has a sweet spot!
IT’S TIME TO CHECK YOUR THYROID FUNCTION by Health and Wellbeing Editor, Tess de Klerk The thyroid is a small, butterfly shaped gland at the base of your neck. Its part of an intricate network of glands making up the endocrine system. The thyroid gland manufactures hormones that regulate the body’s metabolic rate, controlling heart, muscle and digestive function, brain development and bone maintenance. Thyroid dysfunction can severely affect our day to day life but it often creeps up so slowly that issues such as brain fog, irritability and weight gain are attributed to ageing, poor sleep patterns, diet or stress. It can also be that poor thyroid function is causing or accelerating hair loss, thinning skin, poor memory and a myriad of other problems. According to a number of experts, a whopping 40-60% of people with thyroid disorders do not realise that they have problems with their thyroid! This is largely due to the standard method used to evaluate thyroid health. Many GP’s will test Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) levels only. If the TSH is high, this means the brain sensed low T3 levels, so it is now yelling at the thyroid to make more. If the TSH is low, this means that the brain senses a lot of T3 in the blood. When TSH comes back abnormal, doctors will then usually test for T4 levels. Sounds like a reasonable way to assess thyroid function indirectly. But
here is the problem. The reference range for TSH is not accurate. According to the UK reference range, your thyroid function is normal if your TSH is anywhere between 0.4 and 4. That is a huge range of thyroid function! The truth is that most people feel at their best when their TSH level is between 1 and 2. Most people will consistently feel out of balance if their TSH is below 1, let alone 4 or above. Yet most doctors will not even further assess your thyroid function until your TSH is
greater than 4. Until that time, you may be told that your thyroid is fine and that there is nothing wrong with you. And the cause of your fatigue, digestive issues, depression, and insomnia will remain a frustrating mystery. If your TSH is greater than 2, it is time to get further evaluation. Either find a doctor who understands thyroid physiology (integrative medicine is popular) or do it yourself. Increasingly, the power to understand our own health is in our hands. Full thyroid biomarker at-home tests can be ordered from various dependable labs such as Blue Horizon. Thyroid UK endorses a number of companies offering private testing. ( nosis/t hyroid-test ing-in fo/ private-testing/)
◗ TSH ◗ free T4 (thyroxine) ◗ free T3 (triiodothyroninenti) ◗ anti-TG ◗ reverse T3 (optional) I would urge anyone with a TSH level over 2, who also experiences a number of the symptoms below, to find a practitioner who believes in diagnosing according to the above complete panel and the symptoms a person is portraying.
HASHIMOTO’S DISORDER Hashimoto’s Disorder is an autoimmune disorder in which the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks and slowly destroys the thyroid gland and its ability to produce hormones. It can develop at any age and the causes are unclear. Some people with mild cases of Hashimoto’s may have no obvious symptoms. The disease can remain stable for years, and symptoms are often subtle. Left untreated, Hashimoto’s can cause hypothyroidism. Symptoms can include all of the above, with a perplexing feeling of see-sawing between hyper and hypothyroidism. Commonly, when not see-sawing, the following may be apparent:
◗ Fatigue ◗ Dry skin ◗ Dry, thinning hair ◗ Pale, puffy face ◗ Muscle and joint aches ◗ Irregular menstruation ◗ Intolerance to cold
People who suffer from either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may experience some or all of the related symptoms. Hypothyroidism is more common than hyperthyroidism.
HYPERTHYROIDISM SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: ◗ Weight loss ◗ Increased appetite ◗ Fast heart rate ◗ Anxiety/nervousness ◗ Irritability ◗ Shaking/trembling of the hands ◗ Sweating ◗ Feeling warm often/greater sensitivity to heat ◗ Insomnia ◗ Frequent bowel movements and/or diarrhoea ◗ Muscle weakness ◗ Thin skin and brittle hair ◗ Changes in the menstrual cycle (usually shorter, lighter periods)
HYPOTHYROIDISM SYMPTOMS INCLUDE: ◗ Weight gain and/or difficulty losing weight ◗ Constipation ◗ Memory problems ◗ Depression ◗ Dry skin and hair/hair loss ◗ Slow heart rate ◗ Feeling cold often/greater sensitivity to cold ◗ Changes in the menstrual cycle (usually longer, heavier periods)
The good news is that these thyroid diseases are treatable once diagnosed. An integrative approach to diagnoses and treatment is best, for example testing for food intolerances too if the autoimmune, Hashimoto’s is diagnosed. *Subclinical hypothyroidism is categorised as TSH levels above the UK range of 4 but with normal levels of T4 and T3. Subclinical hypothyroidism can be symptomless and is, controversially, not routinely treated in the UK.
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TOP 10 EXCUSES Note: Put your coffee down before you read this!
Some of the country’s biggest companies think women simply don’t “fit in” to boardrooms - and women on boards are calling bullshit. In a new list of the top 10 excuses given by FTSE 350 companies for their boardroom gender gap, it’s been revealed some execs think “most women don’t want the hassle or pressure of sitting on a board”, the issues discussed are “too complex” for women and all the best women have already been “snapped up”. The findings, released by The Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (Beis), are part of the Hampton-Alexander Review, which aims to increase the number of women on FTSE boards to 33% by the end of 2020. Here’s what women have to say on the matter:
Stupid comments from men on FTSE boards is why WOB exists. FIONA HATHORN Managing Director Women on Boards (WOB)
Wow. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. The issues covered are extremely complex’. What?? MARTE BORHAUG Head of special projects at Aviva Investors
As you read this list of excuses you might think it’s 1918 not 2018. It reads like a script from a comedy parody but it’s true AMANDA MACKENZIE CEO of Business in the Community
Men who display these prehistoric attitudes are roadblocks to getting more women on boards. SAM SMETHERS CEO, The Fawcett Society
I would question if indeed some of the male directors can cope with the complexities of sitting on a corporate board given some of the decision making we have seen over the last decade. VICTORIA DARRAGH Founder of the Executive and Personal Assistants Association (EPAA)
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