May | Jun 2020 #4
Get a woman to lead
The invisible enemy
One year on... 1
Thinkers Challengers Innovators Leaders DISCOVER THE SUS SE X MBA
Are female Prime Ministers handling the Covid-19 crisis better than their male counterparts?
How Ridgeview CEO Tamara Roberts is adapting to the pandemic
Top tips for a lockdown
Dr Philippa Roles on going it alone
Annabel Dunstan, CEO of Question & Retain
How Amey’s Nicola Blake made the switch from army life
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Christine Johnson CEO of KiTe SURF & SUP Co.
ONE WOMAN ARMY Nicola Blake adapts to civilian life
43 27
welc ome Welcome to the fourth issue of Europe’s only business magazine for women
Welcome to this very odd new world we inhabit and the first issue of Dynamic during the ‘hostage crisis’. We all know that things will get back to normal eventually but we are all unsure of what that ‘normal’ will look like. What we do know is that countries with some of the lowest infection rates are run by women! Recently l saw a headline that said that as men are harder hit with the virus than women, perhaps women should be allowed back to work and men can stay at home and watch what happens.
Maybe that is exactly what should happen. I hope you enjoy this issue and we pray that by the next issue, we all return to thinking that corona is a beer that tastes great after a long day at the office. Stay safe
Maarten Hoffmann Publisher
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Our illustrious steering committee guide the editorial tone of the magazine
JULIE KAPSALIS CEO Chichester / Crawley College Group
EMMA LANE Director Allied Irish Bank
ALISON ADDY Community Officer Gatwick Airport
MAARTEN HOFFMANN CEO/Publisher The Platinum Group
VICTORIA KERTON ROSEMARY FRENCH OBE Regional Director Executive Director NatWest Gatwick Diamond Initiative
ABIGAIL OWEN Corporate Partner DMH Stallard
LOUISE PUNTER CEO Surrey Chamber of Commerce
LESLEY ALCOCK Commercial Director The Platinum Group
MAXINE REID Partner Quantuma
FIONA GRAVES Events Director The Platinum Group
ANA CHRISTIE CEO Sussex Chamber of Commerce
ALISON JONES Partner Kreston Reeves
IAN TREVETT Publications Director The Platinum Group
LYDIA BUNYARD Events Executive The Platinum Group
welc ome FROM ROSEMARY FRENCH OBE Chair of the Dynamic Steering Committee ROSEMARY’S OBE WAS AWARDED FOR SERVICES TO WOMEN IN BUSINESS A new phrase has arrived, ‘the new normal’. This does not only represent the current position but will describe how working life will have changed after this crisis. We will have learned that work can be delivered as effectively and efficiently from home. More productively too, as we recover additional hours of work previously used up through wasteful commuting. We will have learned that we do not really want to squeeze up next to a sniffling commuter on rail, tube or bus and instead the new normal will be to choose to travel less and during quieter hours. We will have learned that meetings and training can be delivered very well online. We will probably log into more conferences and events which we would never have considered travelling to, many global. All of which brings savings to the budget and a reduction in office size while contributing
enormously to the environment and to wellbeing. I am not suggesting that we will only work from home, simply that it will be a larger percentage of the work mix. We may work three days at home, or at a local co-working/ hot desking hub paid for by our employer and travel longer distances to head office on two days. We will still meet colleagues and clients on a one to one basis, and to make new contacts, but a larger proportion of our time will be spent networking online, sharing information, keeping up to date - indeed having a prearranged ‘water cooler or coffee’ break. Women’s adaptability, flexibility and multi-tasking strengths position us well to take advantage of the new normal. Employers are already changing their views of working life in this new era and I would go as far as to say that the traditional 9 to 5 commuter will be left behind.
WOMEN IN GOLF Golf has been accused of being too white, male, elderly, expensive, time-consuming, and generally out of step in an increasingly inclusive world. “A number of clubs in the UK have tried to change and attract more women,” says Alistair Dunsmuir, editor of magazine The Golf Business. “They have introduced women-only golf courses and coaching sessions, and have looked to attract more female coaching staff. They have also tried to create a more sociable environment, where women can stay behind for a glass of wine afterwards. “Other clubs have introduced creches, so that mothers can have a relaxing round of golf or meet with friends in the clubhouse. The sport has realised if it wants to have growth it can’t rely just on older white men.” Meanwhile, participation programmes such as Girls Golf Rocks and Love.Golf, are looking to encourage women to give the sport a try.
{up f r o n t } All the latest bulletins from the world of business
Virgin 100%
Virgin Money is on course to be the only FTSE 350 firm with an all-female leadership cast after the bank confirmed it is in talks to appoint Irene Dorner as chairman. The lender said in a stock market announcement that it is in “advanced discussions” with Ms Dorner, who ran HSBC’s US arm for three years until 2014, as a replacement for outgoing Glen Moreno.
ADVOCACY Women in business should be themselves and not try following male culture, the IT entrepreneur and philanthropist, Dame Stephanie Shirley has said. She says that in order for the world to be a fairer place, men needed to start advocating for women and understand the skills, different value systems and approaches women have.
FEMTECH The meteoric rise of the label “femtech” to describe technology products, apps and hardware addressing women’s health and wellbeing issues divides opinion. While some say it helps the sector secure vital funding from male-dominated venture capitalists, others argue that it unnecessarily pigeonholes women’s health. So, does it help or hinder? Elvie has launched a smart pelvic-floor trainer, a vaginal device that syncs with an app via Bluetooth, so you can follow work-outs on your phone. The start-up’s chief executive, Tania Boler, says, “One in three women deal with bladder problems. And then there are prolapse problems, lower-back problems, sex problems…” The British start-up has become a poster child for the rise of femtech. From period trackers to breast pumps, the term encompasses menstruation, menopause, pregnancy, breastfeeding and fertility. One often-quoted report predicts femtech could become a £40bn industry by 2025.
Alison Jones, book publisher and host of The Extraordinary Business Book Club podcast has selected her top 10 business books by females. The Multi-Hyphen Method by Emma Gannon: £18.99, Hodder & Stoughton The Working Woman’s Handbook by Phoebe Lovatt: £14.99, Prestell Purpose: Find Your Truth and Embrace Your Calling by Jessica Huie: £12.99, Hay House Mumboss by Vicki Psarias: £13.99, Piatkus Secrets of Successful Sales by Alison Edgar: £14.99, Panoma Press How to be a Virtual Assistant by Catherine Gladwyn: £10, Catherine Gladwyn
Facebook Board Facebook has appointed Tracey Travis, the chief financial officer of Este Lauder, and longstanding McKinsey executive Nancy Killefer to its board of directors. The additions, effective immediately, mean that women will make up 40% of Facebook’s board, which has in the past been criticised for a lack of diversity. The company now meets a new requirement under California law that companies have at least three women on their board by 2021 if they have a board of at least six people.
Strip Naked and Re-dress With Happiness by Maria Hocking: £10.99, Practical Inspiration BETA: Quiet Girls Can Run the World by Rebecca Holman: £18.99, Hodder A Good Time to be a Girl by Helena Morrissey: £14.99, William Collins The Invisible Revolution by Nicola Huelin: £14.99, Practical Inspiration
GET A WOMAN TO LEAD What Do Countries With The Best Coronavirus Responses Have In Common?
Looking for examples of true leadership in a crisis? From Iceland to Taiwan and from Germany to New Zealand, women are stepping up to show the world how to manage a pandemic affecting our human family. Add in Finland, Iceland and Denmark, and this pandemic is revealing that women have what it takes when the heat rises. Many will say these are small countries, or islands, or other exceptions. But Germany is large and leading, and the UK is an island with very different outcomes. These leaders are gifting us an attractive alternative way of wielding power. What are they teaching us?
New Zealand
The German Chancellor, Angela Merkel stood up early and calmly told her countrymen that this was a serious bug that would infect up to 70% of the population. “It’s serious,” she said, “take it seriously.” She did, and so did they. Testing began right from the get-go. Germany jumped right over the phases of denial, anger and disingenuousness we’ve seen elsewhere. The country’s numbers are far below its European neighbours, and there are signs it may be able to start loosening restrictions relatively soon.
Among the first and the fastest responses was from Tsai Ing-wen in Taiwan. Back in January, at the first sign of a new illness, she introduced 124 measures to block the spread without having to resort to the lockdowns that have become common elsewhere. She is now sending 10 million face masks to the U.S. and Europe. Tsai managed what CNN has called “among the world’s best” responses, keeping the epidemic under control, still reporting only six deaths.
Deaths *
Mette Frederiksen
Katrin Jakobsdottir
Sanna Marin
Angela Merkel
Jacinda Ardern
Erna Solberg
Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand was early to lockdown and crystal Taiwan Tsai Ing-wen 6 clear on the maximum level of alert she was putting the country under – UK Boris Johnson 21,092 and why. She imposed self-isolation on people entering New Zealand USA Donald Trump 56,634 astonishingly early, when there were * Hospital deaths. Numbers collated from information available on 28th April 2020 just six cases in the whole country, and banned foreigners entirely from entering soon after. Clarity and decisiveness are saving New Zealand from the storm. As of crisis. Recognising that not everyone reads the press, they mid-April they have suffered only four deaths, and where are inviting influencers of any age to spread fact-based other countries talk of lifting restrictions, Ardern is adding information on managing the pandemic. to them, making all returning New Zealanders quarantine in designated locations for 14 days. Norway’s Prime Minister, Erna Solberg, had the innovative idea of using television to talk directly to her Iceland, under the leadership of Prime Minister Katrín country’s children. She was building on the short, 3-minute Jakobsdóttir, is offering free coronavirus testing to all press conference that Danish Prime Minister Mette its citizens, and will become a key case study in the true Frederiksen had held a couple of days earlier. Solberg spread and fatality rates of Covid-19. held a dedicated press conference where no adults were Most countries have limited testing to people with active allowed. She responded to kids’ questions from across the symptoms. Iceland is going all the way. In proportion to its country, taking time to explain why it was OK to feel scared. population the country has already screened five times as many people as South Korea has, and instituted a thorough The originality and obviousness of the idea takes one’s tracking system that means they haven’t had to lock down breath away. How many other simple, humane innovations or shut schools. would more female leadership unleash? Sanna Marin became the world’s youngest head of state when she was elected last December in Finland. It took a millennial leader to spearhead using social media influencers as key agents in battling the coronavirus
How many other simple, humane innovations would more female leadership unleash?
Generally, the empathy and care which all of these female leaders have communicated seems to come from an alternate universe than the one we have gotten used to. It’s like their arms are coming out of their videos to hold you close in a heart-felt and loving embrace. Who knew leaders could sound like this? Now we do. There have been years of research timidly suggesting that women’s leadership styles might be different and beneficial. Instead, too many political organisations and companies are still working to get women to behave more like men if they want to lead or succeed. Yet these national leaders are case study sightings of the seven leadership traits men may want to learn from women. It’s time we recognised it – and elected more of it.
Tamara Roberts, CEO of Ridgeview Wine Estate, on facing the extreme challenge of surviving the invisible enemy
In less than six months, our world has changed beyond recognition. It is fairly surreal trying to write this article in the midst of all the chaos. The world has gone into battle against an invisible enemy who seems very much to have the upper hand right now - schools closed and exams cancelled, industries closed down, loved ones isolated from their families, mortuaries overwhelmed and the best and worst side of human nature portrayed in the news daily. It’s impossible to predict what the situation will be when this is published in a few weeks from now with changes to Government advice and support packages occurring daily.
long this economic crisis could go on for nor the long-term repercussions of the pandemic on our lives and businesses. This is serious stuff. Planning and regular re-forecasting are now critical in order to have the data upon which to make the right decisions at the earliest opportunity. Now is not a time to ‘wait and see’.
This scenario has really brought home to me one of the earliest lessons I learnt in business, which is neatly summed up by the mantra ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’. It is a rule I have followed diligently and it is this that
One of the earliest lessons I learnt in business is neatly summed up by the mantra ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket’
Overnight my focus on the business changed from growth to survival, two very different mindsets. I am no longer thinking of where the business will be in the next five years but how we can survive the next three months. We currently have no indication how
has hopefully given us a life-line. Our business is fairly evenly split between the on-trade (hotels, restaurants, pubs) and the off-trade (supermarkets, wine retail outlets and on-line wine retail companies). The latter are currently booming, the former were closed down overnight and some of these businesses have the odds set against them for long-term survival. But, despite this, we are not immune. We have still lost a significant arm of our business which cannot be easily replaced or itself fully rebuilt until this pandemic is over. We took the difficult decision to furlough employees and cut all working hours to 80% for April and May in order to preserve cash-flow, defer more permanent decisions and take advantage of the support being offered by the government staff
retention scheme which may or may not be extended. This can be a bitter pill for those employees still required to come to work whilst they know some of their colleagues are being paid to be at home, so open communication of these decisions to the whole team in a timely fashion is critical. A videoed message from myself followed up by senior management and HR remote meetings with each employee was our solution in the current environment.
Perhaps one of the positives to come from this otherwise awful situation has been how our team has embraced the use of technology to enable us to continue to work together remotely. This was not a necessity for our business in the pre COVID-19 era, but I can certainly see it being regularly utilised moving forward. It is technology that will keep us all sane over the coming weeks and months and I look forward to all the new and exciting developments and innovations in this area that are reassuringly inevitable. Now is a time to unite and appreciate those in your team who are prepared to rise and face the challenge with you. Together we will thrive.
â—— Tamara Roberts is CEO of Ridgeview Wine Estate, producers of the award-winning English sparkling wine.
A year on from its launch in March 2019, the Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship has released a progress report, and with it, proof the Review has already led to positive change for women in business. Last year, the Government-commissioned Review, led by NatWest Group’s Chief Executive Alison Rose, identified eight practical recommendations to address the barriers facing female entrepreneurs in the UK. The 2020 Progress Report highlights the real, tangible action that has been taken over the year as private and public organisations have come together to address the disparity which exists between female and male entrepreneurs, a gap that the Review identified as being worth £250 billion in untapped potential for the UK economy.
With access to capital still being identified as the biggest barrier, the progress report came with the announcement that Coutts, NatWest’s private banking arm, has launched a new UK Enterprise Fund. Through this private investment fund, Coutts and the Business Growth Fund (BGF) will bring additional funding, growth capital and support to female entrepreneurs, allowing them to scale up and grow. The partnership will identify and address equity gaps across the whole of the UK entrepreneurial ecosystem, with specific initiatives and programmes focused on female-led businesses and increasing the diversity of management teams.
THE ROSE REVIEW HIGHLIGHTS The Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship March 2019 ◗ Women do not lack ability or ambition, yet only 1 in 3 UK entrepreneurs is female: a gender gap equivalent to 1.1 million missing businesses.
◗ Female-led businesses are only 44% of the size of maleled businesses on average, in terms of their contribution to the economy, and male SMEs are five times more likely to scale up to £1million turnover than female SMEs.
◗ Only 6% of UK women
The ambition was this would galvanise real action through a series of recommended practical steps.
run their own businesses, compared to 15% of women in Canada, almost 11% of women in the US, and over 9% of women in Australia and the Netherlands.
The Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship Advancing female entrepreneurship represents a £250 billion opportunity for the UK economy.
Less value foregone from other economic activity
£165 billion
Existing businesses that scale PLUS
£124 billion
New business
Potential new available value
£158 New businesses that scale
Female entrepreneurs are underrepresented in the most productive, high value sectors.
Fewer UK women choose to become entrepreneurs than in best practice peer countries. 18
Financial services
I.T. & Communications
92% 8%
86% 14% 82% 18% 88% 12%
◗ Only 13% of senior people on UK investment teams are woman, and almost half (48%) of investment teams have no women at all. Less than 1% of UK venture funding goes to all-female teams and just 4% of deals.
Alison Rose, CEO NatWest, commented: “When we launched the Rose Review 12 months ago, the ambition was this would galvanise real action through a series of recommended practical steps. Over the course of the last 12 months we have seen real action. I am proud to be able to show a raft of examples of the tangible and targeted support that has been implemented for the UK’s female entrepreneurs. “Announcing that Coutts is working with BGF to develop The UK Enterprise Fund, is a pivotal moment for the Rose Review and represents the great progress made in addressing the biggest barrier to women-led businesses, that of access to capital.
“Throughout the year, NatWest has also announced £1 billion of Female Entrepreneurship Funding, launched Back her Business, the UK’s only female crowdfunding platform, developed and launched a number of Family First banking products, and successfully rolled out the financial Expert in Residence programme across all 38 LEPs. “And I know that other banks and institutions are equally committed to making a difference and have activity underway - together we have established The Rose Review Board and the Council for Investing in Female Entrepreneurs. “The progress that has been made in a relatively short period of time, whilst impressive, is just the beginning. I look forward to continuing to work
The progress that has been made in a relatively short period of time, whilst impressive, is just the beginning.
◗ Women typically have higher
risk-awareness than men and are more cautious about starting or scaling a business, limiting their willingness to risk their livelihood on an uncertain venture. In our survey, women were 55% more likely than men to cite fear of going it alone as a primary reason for not starting a business.
◗ Women are less likely to believe they possess entrepreneurial skills: Only 39% of women are confident in their capabilities to start a business compared to 55% of men. This is a perceived gap in ability, rather than an actual gap in skill sets. In addition, many of the women we interviewed often credited other people for their success and dismissed their own achievements.
The Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship Looking across the entrepreneurial journey, UK women are less likely to go from intention to starting a business and half as likely to scale their businesses.1 POPULATION
(18-64 YEAR OLDS)
8.6% START UP3
2 Intention of setting up a business in the next 3 years 3 Running a business that is less than 3.5 years old
1 Calculated based on data from Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2016 data, YouGov Banking Survey 2017
4 Running a business that is older than 3.5 years
5 Running a business with a turnover of £1m-£50m
Three opportunities to help more women succeed as entrepreneurs. 1
Increase funding directed towards female entrepreneurs.
Provide greater family support for female entrepreneurs.
Make entrepreneurship more accessible for women and increase access to support.
Women are more risk averse…
Women’s average starting 20 capital is 50% less than men’s.
Women spend 60% more time than men on family care.
Are more likely to think they lack necessary skills and experience… And are less likely to have a relatable sponsor or mentor.
those individuals who are devoting their time and energy to the cause of helping female entrepreneurs – as we look to achieve the Government’s target to increase the number of female entrepreneurs by half by 2030.” Improving access to capital has been an absolute priority for all involved in driving the Rose Review’s recommendations, and other progress over the year also saw the announcement from NatWest of £1 billion of ringfenced debt funding for female-led businesses, the largest intervention yet by a UK lender. And through Back Her Business, the UK’s only female crowdfunding platform, NatWest has supported female-led businesses to raise over £3 million across the UK since it launched last April.
Another key finding from the Rose Review was the need to improve access to expertise and local support for female entrepreneurs. Following a successful pilot, all 38 Local Enterprise Partnerships throughout England now have access to a financial Expert in Residence – with NatWest dedicating specific time each week to helping local entrepreneurs tackle challenges identified in the Rose Review. This dedicated and targeted support is having a tangible impact in the LEPs, with Coast to Capital increasing the number of applications from women for its 2019 Growth Grant programme by 50%. To help in promoting greater transparency, The Investing in Women Code was formally launched last year and
◗ Women are less likely than men to know other entrepreneurs or to have access to sponsors, mentors or professional support networks. While 31% of women surveyed highlighted the importance of networking as a business skill, compared to 21% of men, only 30% of women said they already knew an entrepreneur versus 38% for men. A lack of professional networks was perceived as a particularly important barrier by newer female entrepreneurs.
◗ Across all opportunity
areas, these barriers were, for many women, intensified by their perception that there is an underlying attitude among some men that women do not really belong in the entrepreneurial world.
◗ Women from minority ethnic
The Rose Review has already made a huge impact in just one year.
groups experience all the same barriers, but to a greater extent than for other women. Such cultural and societal barriers will take a long time to overcome.
The Alison Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship
Eight recommendations to accelerate change. Increase funding towards female entrepreneurs.
Promote greater transparency in UK funding allocation.
Provide greater family care support for female entrepreneurs.
Launch a new investment vehicle to increase funding going to female entrepreneurs.
Create new banking products aimed at entrepreneurs with new childcare responsibilities.
Encourage institutional and private investors to further support and invest in female entrepreneurship.
Improve access to expertise by expanding the entrepreneur and banker in residence programmes.
Accelerate the development and roll-out of entrepreneurship-related courses to schools and colleges.
Create an entrepreneur digital first-stop shop.
7 Expand existing mentorship and networking opportunities.
Make entrepreneurship more accessible for women and increase access to support.
now has 22 signatories* from the finance and investor community. The Code is a commitment to support female entrepreneurship in the UK by improving women’s access to the advice, resources and finance needed to build a business. HMT has been working closely with industry to agree the data requirements and Supporting Guidance for the Code which will be published in Spring 2020. Small Business Minister Paul Scully said: “We are committed to closing the gap between male and female entrepreneurs, equipping women with the tools they need to start and grow their own businesses. There is still work to do to remove the barriers faced by women, but the Rose Review has already made a huge impact in just one year.” The Economic Secretary to the Treasury, John Glen, said: “We must continue to do everything we can to support female entrepreneurs and ensure there are no barriers blocking their paths to success. I’m delighted the Review has made such significant progress in closing the disparity between male and female entrepreneurs in such a short space of time - but it’s vital we do more.” Stephen Welton, CEO of BGF said: “We’re delighted to join forces with Coutts, who share our ethos and passion around inclusive entrepreneurship. That needs to be about more than just money. With the right focus, role models, support and capital we can and should do much better as an industry. This partnership will test both investor and entrepreneur appetite to do more.”
The Rose Review Conclusions Our first priority was to fully understand the barriers which hold UK women back from starting or scaling businesses. By analysing barriers at each stage, we identified the three most significant opportunities to help more women succeed as entrepreneurs: 1. Increase funding directed towards female entrepreneurs. 2. Provide greater family care support for female entrepreneurs. 3. Making entrepreneurship more accessible for women and increasing support locally, through relatable and accessible mentors and networks.
Key learnings from global best practice To inform our thinking on ways to overcome the barriers in the UK, we analysed the policies and practices adopted in other countries that have succeeded in increasing their numbers of female entrepreneurs in the last 20 years. In addition, based on their experiences, we identified some key learnings at national or programme level that should be considered by any country seeking to advance female entrepreneurship: 1. Governments need to adopt large-scale policies to genuinely transform the landscape for female entrepreneurs 2. A central body to coordinate resources and efforts is crucial to achieve large scale impact coupled with local delivery 3. Initiatives to foster a culture of entrepreneurship for all can deliver better results than interventions targeted solely at female entrepreneurs 4. Centralising information for entrepreneurs in an easy to access format will level the playing field between cities and rural areas 5. It is essential to track and evaluate the impact of all policies and initiatives, and build these processes into every intervention from the start.
YOUR OLD PENSION POTS In the December issue of Dynamic I talked about the Pensions Gender Gap, and lots of women in business have answered my clarion call to take greater responsibility for their finances and future planning. As such, I’m now calling on women to investigate their old pensions. Tracking down and reviewing your existing pots can improve your retirement prospects – and now is the perfect time to ‘spring-clean’ your pensions!
Few people know how much they will receive when they retire. By Samantha Kaye, Chartered Financial Planner and Adviser at Wellesley Wealth Advisory
If you’ve had a number of jobs over the years, or if your address (or surname) has changed, you may therefore have pensions that you have lost track of. According to recent research from Profile Pensions, there are approximately 1.6 million unclaimed pension pots in the UK worth £37 billion.1 While I’m not suggesting there’s a pot of gold waiting for you, finding out what you have will help you plan for your retirement. Tracking down a lost pension can be as simple as going through that ‘miscellaneous paperwork’ drawer, or making sure any old pension providers have current details for you. You can also use the government’s ‘Find your Pension’ tool:
Once you have tracked down all of your pensions, it’s important to review them to get an idea of what your
pension could be worth at retirement – and what you should be aiming for. According to the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association, just two in five workers know roughly how much they have saved so far for retirement – we need to change this!2 It’s also important to review the features of each plan – for example: how you can access the funds, charges, fund choices, death benefits etc.
After you’ve tracked down and reviewed your existing pensions, it may be a good idea to combine them into one pot. This could help you keep track of your overall savings, help avoid dealing with multiple providers, and can even make it easier to diversify your investments. Bear in mind that some pensions have high exit fees, or include guaranteed annuity rates that may be lost, so it’s
There are approximately 1.6 million unclaimed pension pots in the UK worth £37 billion1. Sources 1 Profile Pensions, ‘The Lost Treasures of Pension Pots’, accessed 27 February 2020 2 This is Money, ‘More than half of workers don’t know the size of their pension pot’, 7 February 2020
important to understand the risks of transferring out of your scheme. This is where professional financial advice can help.
DISCLAIMER The value of a pension with St. James’s Place will be directly linked to the performance of the funds you select and the value can therefore go down as well as up. You may get back less than you invested. The level of income from pension drawdown is not guaranteed. There is
◗ Wellesley House, 50 Victoria Road, Burgess Hill,
West Sussex RH15 9LH
a very real chance that you may need to reduce your drawdown income in the future, in particular if the performance of your investments is lower than expected, or you live to a greater age than originally anticipated when choosing your initial income level.
for a financially secure future. If you have a question about pensions or would like more information about my services, please contact me today.
Wherever you are on your business journey, it is important that you’re getting the right advice on planning
St. James’s Place guarantees the suitability of advice offered by Wellesley Wealth Advisory when recommending any of the services and products available from companies in the Group. More details of the Guarantee are set out on the Group’s website Wellesley Wealth Advisory is a trading name of Wellesley Investment Management Ltd. The Partner Practice is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James’s Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the Group’s wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the Group’s website The ‘St. James’s Place partnership’ and the titles ‘Partner’ and ‘Partner Practice’ are marketing terms used to describe St. James’s Place representatives. Wellesley Investment Management Ltd: Registered Office: 44 The Pantiles, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England TN2 5TN. Registered in England & Wales, Company No. 06530147.
S u rv i v i ng l o c k d ow n Michelle Mone’s Top Tips Ask for Help If you are struggling speak to your accountant, business adviser or peers and ask for advice. I welcome the package the Government has proposed, make use of it if you can. Here’s the link:
Don’t be embarrassed Communicate to your clients or customers, tell them that you would really appreciate their help and to be paid on time. Small businesses can ask bigger businesses for support. Ask for exposure and shout out’s online and chase up some good reviews. If you don’t ask you don’t get!
Communication is key with your team and customers. You can still have meetings using Zoom, Blue Jeans, Teams and Skype. I recently had a very productive meeting with five people using Zoom.
You may now have some time to think about the future, focus on innovation and reassess your goals. Sometimes on the day to day hamster wheel of work you don’t get time to think about the future or your goals. You should also plan how to come back after this is over, especially if you predict a bounce in your industry, will you be ready?
Organise Are you able to stockpile your products? Use this time to get your office, warehouse or workspace clean and organised. For example do a stock check, organise your files, move your office around. Think about the things you would love to do but are always too busy. Use this time effectively as this crisis will be over soon..
Diversify Think of other valuable skills that you have. Ask customers if there is any other type of service you can provide. We all need to be as creative as we can.
CHANGE We all have to change how we work now. Whether we work remotely or not, it’s all hands on deck without your usual company hierarchy. If necessary consider a staggered approach to going in to the office, warehouse or depot to ensure social distancing. Can you sell online or via social media? Just think about new ways you can still trade.
Be Responsible and Kind Be kind to your employees if you have them, and employees be kind back.You all need to work as a team so think about how you can all help the company in order to survive. We need to change the way we work now, stick together and stay caring.
NATURAL HEADACHE RELIEF During these trying times, self-care is of the utmost importance, and all of a sudden we find ourselves with space and time to be kind to ourselves. Let’s use it! It’s easy to pop a pill for every ache and pain but that quickly adds up and can put unnecessary strain on the liver and kidneys. Instead, try these 7 pressure points to relieve the next nasty headache that threatens to ruin your day. BY TESS DE KLERK
HE A DACHES A ND PR ESSUR E POINTS Pressure points have been used for millennia in eastern and ayurvedic healing and masseuses and physios in the west have definitely caught up. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, pressure points are sensitive areas that lie along energy lines in our bodies. The practice of releasing energy by applying pressure to these points is called acupressure. This type of energy manipulation has been shown to release endorphins and other chemicals that ease tension and relax the body. Anecdotal evidence and studies have shown that acupressure can relieve migraines and headache pain. One study found that one month of acupressure treatment was more effective in reducing chronic headaches than one month of treatment with muscle relaxants, and that the effects were longer lasting than the chemical treatment and with no harm to your body.
So next time a pounding headache threatens try gently massaging your jaw, from cheekbones down to jawbones. Don’t be afraid to get into the crevices formed by your facial bones. Next, massage behind both ears. You may be surprised to find just how much tension is stored on the scalp, behind the ears. Move downwards, down the neck, and towards the shoulders. You are now ready for your acupressure treatment...
1 THIRD EYE POINT Located between the eyebrows. Use your index finger to massage the area and then press down for 15 -30 seconds. Pressure should be firm but comfortable. This point is especially effective for headaches triggered by eye strain or staring at a screen for too long. 2 DRILLING BAMBOO POINTS Located on either side of the bridge of the nose, just below the start of the eyebrows. These points are frequently quite sensitive. Use the index fingers to apply firm pressure for 30 seconds. Repeat 3 times. Especially effective for eye strain and sinus headaches. 3 BONE HOLE POINTS Place both index fingers at the bottom of the cheekbones, alongside the nostrils. Feel around a bit for the most sensitive area. Press and hold for 30. Repeat 3 times. Instant relief for sinus pressure and pain. These points are also known as the Facial Beauty Points and have a decongestant effect on the face. 4 GATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS POINTS Place your index and middle fingers of either hand on the base of your skull, find the hollow area between your two neck muscles. Massage and press firmly for 15 seconds. Repeat at least 3 times. A great way to relieve tension headaches. 5 WIND MANSION POINT Place your hand on the back of your head and use your thumb to find the hollow under the base of the skull. Press and hold for as long as you can. Repeat as needed.
6 SHOULDER WELL POINTS Place your thumb on the top of the shoulders, halfway between the shoulder joint and the base of the neck. Apply firm, circular pressure until a feeling of release is felt. Now switch and do the same on the other side. Repeat as needed. These points help to relieve headaches by easing shoulder and neck tension. 7 UNION VALLEY Using the opposite hand, explore the webbing and muscle between your thumb and index finger. You will find an indentation close to the area where the metacarpal bones come together. Massage the area and press firmly into the depression for 10 - 30 seconds. Repeat on the other hand. These points are used to reduce tension throughout the body and to support the immune system
It has become so easy to pop a pill for general aches and pains, especially headaches, but this in not the best route to relief the pain. Traditional Chinese Medicine has been around for over 3500 years and it is proven to work with zero side effects 29
RELIEF BY POST Medical marijuana has become more readily available, even during the lockdown What other forms of cannabis derivatives can be utilised to improve your wellbeing during isolation? Simon Manthorpe, CEO of Eos Scientific discusses the benefits of utilising CBD oil during lockdown.
The commencement of postal deliveries of medical cannabis has come as welcome news to those who suffer from chronic pains and epilepsy. Alleviating pressure on the NHS, the move has provided an outlet for those to treat their symptoms without placing further strain on the existing infrastructure. Similarly, as a wave of anxiety has swept across the UK as the COVID-19 crisis continues to grip the nation, surges in popularity for cannabis derivatives, such as CBD oil, have become prevalent as Brits look for ways to alleviate anxiety. Balancing homeostasis in the body by stimulating the endocannabinoid system, CBD oil has proven benefits for relieving ailments such as stress, anxiety and insomnia. Whilst antianxiety prescriptions in the United States rose by 34.1% over the month of March, it would seem that Britons are deciding to take a more holistic approach. Research commissioned by Eos Scientific has found that a quarter of Brits would rather use holistic remedies than medical prescriptions to treat their mental health.
With a versatile array of applications, pharmacies are expanding their CBD oil offerings. Simon Manthorpe, CEO of Eos Scientific - the UK’s leading CBD oil testing service - discusses why holistic remedies, such as CBD oil have become more prevalent in the UK: “It is well documented that CBD usage in the UK has risen exponentially over the past two years, with users increasing by over 100%, and we are witnessing another boom in popularity over the last two months. As a robust compound, CBD oil can be taken in many different forms, ranging from edibles that are ingested directly, to topical serums such as muscle balms. With such versatility, people have found that there are endless ways to enjoy the benefits of CBD. “Studies into CBD have shown that it can help with stress and anxiety relief and can also help promote better sleep, making the compound all the more relevant right now. CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system and helps to reduce the effects of anxiety, helping those of us experiencing stress during these difficult times with a little more peace of mind.”
The Birth of Fertility Telemedicine by Dr Carole Gilling-Smith, founder of the Agora Clinic
A lockdown we never predicted. A time we never imagined possible. Hopes and dreams placed on the backburner while we wait for our lives to return to normal.
The lockdown and ceasing of fertility treatments by the fertility watchdog, the HFEA has had a brutal impact on all those who were on a fertility journey, at whatever stage that happened to be.
But how can you keep acting like everything is okay when your hopes of a family are being plucked from your grasp? As a doctor, I listen to my patients expressing this pain every day as I speak to them in our Zoom Consultations.
I often find myself explaining to those who have never had difficulty conceiving that infertility is a disease, and classified by the WHO as such, and that IVF is for many, a very effective treatment.
Those struggling to conceive are already an emotionally vulnerable group, socially isolated by the painful stigma of not being able to have children naturally and often financially stretched to afford the treatment that will bring them what they so desperately hope for. Many have faced the misery of long NHS queues only to find that when they are finally seen at the infertility clinic, they are turned away because they don’t fit the ‘criteria’ for NHS funding.
However, it is extremely time sensitive. For every month that goes by, the chances of an IVF treatment succeeding reduces, as a woman’s ovarian reserve decreases. The older you are, the greater the impact of even a short two or three month delay. That is why my patients yearn to be doing something as they sit this whole lockdown nightmare out. The Agora Clinic has always been at the forefront of new technology and putting patient’s needs first. So when a chance meeting with a Danish research group last year introduced
The Agora Clinic has always been at the forefront of new technology and putting patient’s needs first
me to the concept of home sperm testing, I was immediately excited by the possibilities this created. Whilst initially sceptical, I decided to explore the science behind this further to see if such a test could be accurate and, more importantly, feasible. I often find men are either simply too busy or just reluctant to attend the clinic for a sperm test, yet the male partner is responsible for at least half of all fertility problems we see in couples. Some men also feel much more comfortable with testing themselves in the privacy of their own home where it is unobtrusive and controllable. Offering the convenience and comfort of testing at home seemed like the perfect solution to a post COVID-19 lockdown society, where there can be little or no face to face contact with your patients unless you are dealing with an emergency.
I was pleasantly surprised at how patient friendly and scientifically reliable the home test was and felt that right now it had its place to help those couples wanting to explore their fertility health at a time when social distancing restrictions were still in place. Alongside the male test, I also researched home hormone testing for the woman, knowing that the two combined would create the perfect initial fertility screen for couples struggling to conceive. With female hormone testing also available from the comfort of your home, now is the perfect time to get the scores on your fertility. The best part is it is so easy to use and only takes a few days to get the results!
COVID-19, ‘Fertility Telemedicine’ and our ‘virtual fertility MOTs’ were born at the Agora. A post lockdown phenomenon, where home testing is followed up with a Zoom Medical Consultation with a fertility expert, who reviews your medical history and fertility tests and guides you through your treatment options. Our home fertility MOTs are proving to be more popular than Joe Wicks exercise classes! Why? From the comfort of your own home, and in complete privacy, produce your sperm sample when it suits you, perhaps with the assistance of your partner. You can then check your result,
So this is how, during the era of
The lockdown and ceasing of fertility treatments by the fertility watchdog has had a brutal impact on all those who were on a fertility journey there and then, through the phone app that comes with the device. The app even offers you lifestyle advice to improve your sperm health. As a woman, you can neatly unpack your blood test kit onto the kitchen table, and a bit like a diabetic, do a simple finger prick test to collect your blood sample. Within just a few minutes, that small blood sample will have been squeezed into a tiny bottle which you pack in a labelled prepaid jiffy bag and post to the laboratory. Is this for the faint hearted I hear you say? Probably not but I would hope that if you are a bit squeamish and needle phobic, there is a gallant
knight in shining armour in the form of your partner who can give you a bit of a helping hand! Whether Fertility and other forms of Telemedicine are just a lockdown phenomenon or the future of medical diagnostics in the UK we shall see, but I for one have my money on this being the preferred option for many when we are released from the restrictions imposed on us by the current social distancing measures. At the Agora, we have also been able to offer home hormone testing to women with a variety of other problems such as menopausal symptoms and irregular cycles, again cutting the waiting time and stress in trying to get a doctor’s appointment.
◗ To find out more about how you can
have your own ‘Virtual Fertility MOT’ visit our website: www.agoraclinic. or call 01273 229410
LADIES LUNCH CLUBS GO VIRTUAL At the current time with lockdown imposed and social distancing enforced, businesses are being forced to innovate. Director of Consortium – more than marketing and the Founder of www., Lara Squires has embraced technology to take the Ladies Lunch clubs online. The ladies lunch clubs are a not for profit group set up back in 2005. With the current situation of lockdown and social distancing Lara instantly took the decision to keep the group going but take it online. Lara said, “Social interaction is really important to me. I love my networking and could appreciate how isolating suddenly working remotely would be for me along with many others! Having
not experienced online networking before I joined a 4networking group (well worth trying btw). This was a great experience and showed me how straight forward and valuable an online network could be.
far, Eastbourne, Brighton, London and Worthing. The other unexpected bonus of being virtual is that you can attend them all as many of our ladies have and, in doing so, they have managed to expand their networks!”
“As a not for profit group we toyed with whether we should be charging something for running the events but decided that we would leave it up to the attendees to make a donation to the local food bank instead.
Due to the success of taking the ladies lunch clubs virtually, Lara has now gone on to set up a Professionals Virtual Lunch which launched on April 24th (these will be held monthly whilst we are socially distancing). This event is open to both men and women who work in the professional services sector. Yet again the event will be free of charge with voluntary donations to Turning Tides who are Consortiums charity partner.
We have been really fortunate to keep our wonderful sponsors who contribute to the running costs of the lunch and as a result have enabled us to continue. A quick mention to Harvey John, Humphrey & Co Accountants and Sarah Hurst Skin Clinic. “We have now held several lunches so
◗ For more info: https://www.eventbrite.
c o . u k/e/p r o f e s s i o n a l s - v i r t u a l networking-may-tickets-103440481264
Annabel Dunstan, CEO and Founder of Question & Retain offers some practical advice on dealing with change and working from home.
As we tackle week five of lockdown during COVID-19 with at least another three weeks to go, there will be a range of emotions and responses among employees. From the work we have been doing running Mental Health and Wellbeing Pulse Checks among employees working from home, and those that are furloughed, it is clear that good communication is at the heart of maintaining stability and a cohesive culture.
talk about it and support one another. Happily, the stage that takes people from depression or low mood to acceptance can and often is incredibly creative and collaborative. Draw on your team for their ideas about how to make things better – listen carefully to everyone’s viewpoints. They all count. As a company you may find changes you make during the crisis will be ones that you wish to keep in place as we emerge.
It may be useful to refer to the KublerRoss Change Curve which helps explain the stages we pass through when dealing with change.
Here are some of things we find help and are advising our clients to do to support their teams:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Denial Anger Bargaining Depression Acceptance
Though principally describing the five stages of grief, Kubler-Ross observed that these also apply equally well to changes in the workplace. As a business leader it is really helpful to understand that at any time, we will be on the change curve and the journey is not always linear. In other words, we may slip back and feel low energy and even depression before we move forward again. You can help your team by acknowledging that everyone is on the change curve and that the key is to
1. Honesty, empathy and consistency in your communication Nothing breeds more anxiety than being in the dark about what the future might hold in terms of job security and pay. Whilst non-one really knows what is going to happen, it is important to share what you can and reassure your team on what steps you are taking to mitigate against potential business losses. Communicating well includes not being a victim of panic or hype and laying out clear actions for what to do and when. The 10x10x10 rule applies here: Say something 10 times in 10 different ways for people to retain 10%. 2. Ship shape technology Forbes published an excellent round up at the end of March 2020 with the best technology service providers.
Breaks fuel your creativity and motivation when you do return to your desk. 36
So if you feel that the wheels are falling off and communication and access to shared drives etc. are not as slick as they need to be, then dive in here: moorinsights/2020/03/30/the-bestwork-from-home-wfh-tips-from-thetop-wfh-providers/#277faa6c2ea7 3. Stick with your routine Clearly delineate work from home life and so on work days, create a routine that mimics pre lockdown, albeit without the commute! So get up early, shower, get dressed (don’t stay in your PJs) and work from a workspace you have set up. Your bed or the sofa may be appealing at first, but ultimately not conducive to productivity or posture. 4. Do not sit all day Really important to move around during the day – take breaks to drink water, make a cuppa and stretch. Time clawed back from not having to travel to work means you can take
more exercise, practise a musical instrument, meditate etc. Breaks fuel your creativity and motivation when you do return to your desk. 5. Get some fresh air. Open your windows, exercise outdoors if possible and ensure you have some sunlight each day. 7. Stay connected with your colleagues. Use the wider variety of channels to stay in touch with colleagues and make time for virtual water cooler moments, e.g. Zoom coffee and chat, Slack banter etc. This helps to maintain and build morale. As a leader, a call-out for the heroes of the week at a Friday afternoon winddown Zoom call can act as a preweekend boost.
without children to be always on with emails etc. No-one can do their best work sat in the same spot for 8 hours. Encourage team members to say the core hours that work best for them to be contacted that work around home demands. We will emerge from this crisis, and leaders that have communicated well and shown empathy and understanding to their teams will reap the rewards in terms of loyalty and work ethic in the recovery phase. Bring it on!
◗ • m. 07790 216 441 • e. annabel@ • https:// • @ qandr • Skype annabeldunstan1
8. Kids or no kids at home Flexibility is the key word here. Do not expect team members with or
Business solicitors, the Jonathan Lea network, work with several consultant solicitors on a remote and flexible basis. Here we meet one of their success stories, Dr. Phillipa Roles
Dr Philippa Roles began her career working for an international law firm in the City. “I found myself assigned to the tax department for part of my training and discovered I really enjoyed it so when I qualified I chose to specialise in tax.” When Philippa was expecting her first child she made the decision to move out of London. “I tried commuting for a while when I returned from maternity leave but the journey left me too tired, so I took voluntary redundancy. I was fortunate enough to then be offered an opportunity by a forward-thinking firm in Reading where I spent 10 years building a tax team. I was made a partner and was responsible for running the firm’s corporate social responsibility programme. I also became involved as a non-executive director for different companies which helped me develop a more pragmatic approach to advising clients. “As my three children grew up they were increasingly missing out on opportunities because I was constrained by the requirement to always be in an office at prescribed times. I was also losing two hours a day to commuting. Unfortunately, due to the supervisory nature of the role it’s not possible to be a law firm partner and not be physically present, so I eventually took the decision to leave the safety of employment and walk off the cliff edge into the world of self-employment.”
After doing a lot of research Philippa approached the Jonathan Lea Network. “Although based in Sussex which is a considerable distance from where I now live on the Isle of Wight, Jonathan has set up his firm so efficiently that it feels as though I am working closely alongside him and the rest of his team, while their comprehensive understanding of how best to market and deliver legal services has led to a constant stream of new instructions.
I eventually took the decision to leave the safety of employment and walk off the cliff edge into the world of self-employment’ 38
“The whole team have done so much to support me in starting up, while the work has been wonderfully varied and comes from all around the UK as well as overseas. I have so far assisted clients with IR35 concerns, employee share plans, Enterprise Investment Scheme tax reliefs and corporate restructurings. Although much of my involvement has been focused on corporate tax, the breadth of my previous experience means I can also advise on property taxation (including joint venture structuring and VAT). Similarly there is also the expertise to do more cross border work, such as advising on international group restructuring and repatriation of assets overseas.
“The volume of UK tax law and regulation increases year on year, and becomes ever more complex and harder to navigate. The demand for advice and assistance from specialist tax solicitors is increasing all the time and working with Jonathan’s team I feel well placed to help do this in a cost effective and value-added way. “Alongside my tax work, not only am I now spending more time with my children while enjoying life in the countryside, I have also founded a company called Arson Fire with my partner and his daughter. Arson Fire is a range of chilli based condiments and liqueurs that we currently make and retail out of Adgestone Vineyard on the Isle of Wight.”
◗ The Jonathan Lea Network is a SRA regulated firm of solicitors who focus on advising businesses, helping clients pragmatically protect themselves from risk, reduce and resolve disputes and successfully capitalise on opportunities. The team consists of employed trainees and solicitors in their Mid-Sussex office, who combine seamlessly with a remote network of trusted, specialist consultant solicitors.
Nicola and her colleague stand by the office appreciation wall, which includes letters of thanks from the Surrey community following Amey’s response to Covid-19
Amey, the UK’s infrastructure specialist and waste collection contractor for four Surrey districts, has a proven track record in attracting the brightest and best former Armed Forces personnel. Nicola Blake is no exception. The Account Director for Amey’s Waste Collections Services Team in Surrey explains why she swapped barracks for bins, and how supporting the local community is as rewarding as supporting her country. ‘I’ve always been incredibly driven’, explains Nicola, who runs a team of 370 people at Amey responsible for collecting the waste of 168,000 homes across Surrey. ‘Even as a teenager,
By day three, our accommodation had been blown up. By day five, two of my soldiers had been seriously injured. curve. What I learned most of all was just how much I enjoyed it.’ Instead of working towards a degree, Nicola decided to pursue the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants qualification in tandem with her passion for the Reserves. Halfway through her training she received some news. ‘It was 2003 and the Reserves had been mobilised’, continues Nicola. ‘As part of my commitment, I found myself flying out to Iraq.’ As an army driver, Nicola spent seven months transporting food, water, and ammunition from the main operating base in Kuwait to smaller operating bases where frontline troops were stationed; a job she relished from day one. ‘It was a great experience. Although it made me realise that a life behind a desk was not for me.’ I would focus on what I wanted and stop at nothing until I got there.’ On leaving school, Nicola wanted to attend university. Her parents, however, were not in a position to support her financially. Exploring her options, she discovered that by joining the military she could apply for university sponsorship. Within weeks, Nicola had enrolled onto the Army Reserves programme – formerly known as the Territorial Army – as a driver. ‘I had no military experience whatsoever, so it was a huge learning
Fortunately, whilst in Iraq, Nicola had received a recommendation to apply to Sandhurst to attend selection for officer training. Deciding to leave accountancy behind for a career in the military, she passed the selection process and embarked on a training programme alongside fellow Sandhurst trainees including Princes William and Harry. In 2010, long after passing out as a Commissioned Officer, she was called upon for a tour of Afghanistan, where she ran force protection for the capital of Kabul during the elections – a politically charged and unstable time. ‘By day three our accommodation had
been blown up’, recalls Nicola. ‘By day five, two of my soldiers had been seriously injured; it was a very tense time.’ Following six months in Kabul, Nicola immediately started training a new unit for another tour of Afghanistan in 2012, planning and leading combat logistic patrols throughout Helmand Province. However, this second tour would be very different. Not long after arriving, her friend – an explosives expert – was killed by a rigged device. She was the first female officer to be killed in Afghanistan. ‘It was a huge shock’, reflects Nicola. Returning home, Nicola took advantage of the Armed Forces’ training package, gaining a qualification in project management - a step that would land her a management role at Woking’s Royal Mail delivery office. ‘Whilst very different to the Army, it wasn’t without its challenges. Royal Mail employees are a difficult crowd to win over and the organisation is heavily unionised. You quickly learn how to get the best from a diverse range of people.’ After five years, during which time she was promoted to Area Manager, running 22 delivery offices across South East London, she decided it was time to move on. It wasn’t long before she secured a position at Amey. Since her appointment, she has reduced lost time through injury by 80%, increased employee engagement
Nicola Blake manages a team of 370 people at Amey, who are responsible for collecting the waste of 168,000 homes across Surrey
by 82% and restructured the team, which has seen an increase in the number of female employees. ‘I take great pride in delivering results, which is undoubtedly rooted in the resilience and leadership I developed during military training’, explains Nicola. ‘Another advantage of working at Amey is that it’s as committed to delivering social value as it is to collecting waste. Since I started in 2018, me and my team have delivered 50 volunteer days, which has seen us mentor exmilitary personnel across Surrey through a partnership with SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity, which is close to my heart.’ Nicola’s social value work, which supports Amey’s Social Value Plan, also extends beyond SSAFA. Earlier this year she helped 1,500 Surrey schoolchildren become
‘Junior Citizens’ by holding a series of interactive workshops to engage young people on the importance of recycling. She is also establishing partnerships with charities including Dorking Refugee Support, which could see Amey provide opportunities for refugees and other vulnerable people in the business. Although her days of military are over, Nicola and her keyworker team now face a different type of war in the form of Covid-19, which is attracting support from the Surrey community. ‘We’ve been really moved by the volume of letters and beautifully designed pictures from people as young as three, all of whom live on our collection rounds’, continues Nicola. ‘To see our appreciation wall grow every day has brought us close to tears.’ Amey’s response to Covid-19 doesn’t
end there. Her team have also doubled as delivery drivers, transporting critical medication to vulnerable adults. So, what’s next for someone so motivated? ‘I’m very happy where I am’, laughs Nicola. ‘There’s so much to do and this, combined with Amey’s commitment to supporting the communities in which it operates, means that there are endless opportunities for me and my team to do good things.’ Nicola, we salute you.
◗ To find out more information about a career at Amey and its commitments to social value, visit
>> GI R L
Ooh, La La! “Ooh La La” were the first words I uttered when climbing into the Jaguar F-Pace SVR. As well I might, given the history of Jaguar’s 85 years iconic and beautiful car design.
By Motoring Editor, Fiona Shafer, MD of MD HUB
Prior to receiving the car, expectations were very high of the F Pace range in general given that this mid - sized SUV has become the fastest selling model ever for Jaguar.
Winning both World Car of the year and World Designed car of the year in 2017. Enzo Ferrari famously described the classic 1962 Jaguar Mark 1 as “the most beautiful car in the world “, a really tough design legacy for Jaguar to uphold when designing SUV’s in particular and for any other car manufacturer for that matter.
In addition, I have never had the privilege of driving a car designed by a Special Vehicle Operations (SVO) team ……they are the super clever people who take the luxury, performance and technology to the highest levels to create unique Jaguar brands. This was becoming more like a James Bond adventure by the mile. I was half expecting Q to be sitting in the back seat. Marvellous. As a Land Rover Discovery Sport driver in my everyday grown up world, I was curious as a mere mortal to compare the F Pace range, born and manufactured out of the same stable. The F-Pace ranges in price from £41,530 for the standard F Pace and is on a par with the Audi Q5, BMW X3 and the Porsche Macan with the price then rising to £75,335 for the SVR model. The F-Pace SVR is a slightly larger model than the standard and if I were to purchase one, I would probably go for the standard F Pace as the SVR felt a little too big both inside and out. That all said, it holds the road incredibly well
I was half expecting Q to be sitting in the back seat. Marvellous.
in part due to 80% of the car being manufactured from aluminium which also assists significantly with the fuel efficiency. As a passenger commented - it would be great for driving in the outback in Australia - with the inference being it would be the perfect car for long trips on wide open roads where you can truly experience the
acceleration of the exhilarating power of the V8 engine taking you from 0 – 60 in 4.1 seconds. Talking of exhilarating power, I also had an unexpected 24 hours to drive the ridiculously fast F-Type Convertible 575ps SVR. Starting at a cool £118,575. 0 – 60 in 3.5 Secs with a top speed of 195 mph. Rather a lot of responsibility to be
honest and whilst roaring (literally as you have no choice in the matter due to the active sports exhaust system) through a sleepy village – I found myself slinking low in my seat, dark glasses on trying to go incognito, half expecting a member of Extinction Rebellion to impale themselves onto the bonnet. A car best left to the enthusiasts who I am sure will adore it.
It would be great for driving in the outback in Australia 45
>> GI R L
◗ The F -Pace is a goodlooking looking car. ◗ The technology is easy to use with great connectivity. ◗ Simple dials (like that of a Land Rover). ◗ Fantastic acceleration. ◗ Fabulous upholstery (remembering the design legacy). ◗ Cavernous space – 40:20:40 split fold rear seat - you can even fit a set of skis in. ◗ 3 Adults will fit comfortably into the backseat. ◗ Lots of leg and head room.
◗ 360 degree parking. ◗ Traffic speed sign and speed limiter recognition. ◗ Available in 10 colours – including Fuji White, Portofino Blue and Firenze red.
◗ The overall design did not stand out from other SUVs as I had hoped it would. ◗ It feels just a little too big. ◗ It is a little too noisy due to the exhaust system for me.
◗ When the seats get hot, they get very hot… Ooh La La!
8 /10 If you don’t go into this purchase expecting the F Pace to have overtones of iconic Jaguar design and finesse, then you will not be disappointed. This is a solid, top of the range family car which is a pleasure to drive and feels very safe.
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Q&A with Christine Johnston, founder of The KiTE, SURF & SUP Co. - which offers lessons in kitesurfing
Who doesn’t want to feel like they are flying through the air, free as a bird?
Why Did you Start The KiTE, SURF & SUP Co.? My background is in professional windsurfing, I was competing for Great Britain for around 20 years, I did a few Olympic campaigns and represented Great Britain at the 2000 Olympics. I was Formula Windsurfing World Champion in 2003 and have eight national windsurfing titles. So it was a natural progression when I saw this new, exciting watersport take off to want to get involved. I waited a while from when it was first invented in around 2002, as I kept hearing horror stories about people getting towed along behind kites, so I waited until my friend told me they had massively improved the safety releases in about 2007 before I learnt to kitesurf. Whilst I love sport and I do quite extreme sports, I’ve always been quite risk averse in terms of wanting to preserve my body into old age and not wreck myself! I also played contact rugby for 10 years (as carefully as you can!) and I now play touch rugby for the south east of England, we’ve won two national titles in recent years.
What Attracted you to Kitesurfing? What attracted me to kitesurfing is probably the same for many people
now as it was for me then, I simply saw lots of brightly coloured kites up at the beach, going back and forth, looking like they were having the best time ever! I also liked the fact that the kite was right up in the sky above your head, so I figured it was going to be pretty natural in kitesurfing to get into jumping high, as the kite was already naturally pulling you up quite a lot and that idea has always excited me. Who doesn’t want to feel like they are flying through the air, free as a bird? That turned out to be true, you can get some really high jumps in kitesurfing, the record is about 30 metres up, that’s a long way down if you drop! My jumps are a bit more modest than that, but still give me a great buzz.
What My Business Offers? We started in 2014. I’ve been qualified as a kitesurfing instructor since 2012. We now have a small team of instructors in the season. We offer kitesurfing and stand up paddle lessons and windsurfing
coaching in Worthing, although we do move to other locations if we need to to get the best conditions. Mostly we teach kitesurfing and it seems that that is what everyone still wants to learn, it’s still a growing sport. We sell equipment and sports gear via our online store and directly to students. We sell kitesurfing gear, stand up paddle gear, power kites, wetsuits, harnesses, boots, safety gear and clothing. Foiling on both kitesurf boards and stand up paddle and surf board is a growing part of the sport and also ‘electric everything’ is growing, for example we sell electric motors for your Stand Up Paddle board, to save your arms on the paddle back! We also sell electric skateboards. I think electric powered sports equipment is going to become more and more popular.
◗ 01273 410580 07598 668574
Sophie Miller rockets to the corporate team of luxury US handbag maker BSWANKY. The moment they met, there was an instant business connection: Sophie Miller, a University of Leeds fashion marketing student, immediately understood the mission of Gretchen Bauer, founder of BSWANKY—a US handbag company focused on ethical manufacturing. The chance meeting happened at a barbecue while Sophie was living in Florida during her gap year. Bauer shared her belief that luxury fashion doesn’t have to come at the high cost of cheap labour. “She had a bag design, a group of women ready to produce products and the passion to shake up the US fashion industry,” Miller remembers. “I was ready to jump in and help.” Bauer invited her to join the BSWANKY team as an intern. “Sophie was determined and self-driven, two qualities I saw in myself,” said Bauer.
Sophie got to work sourcing BSWANKY’s leather working machinery, leather and retailers. She visited dozens of potential boutiques within a 90-mile radius to see if their displays, décor and merchandising were a fit for BSWANKY, and to gather information on their culture and customer service. “It seemed like she was already a seasoned pro,” Bauer recalls. A year later, after the team invested hundreds of hours in the fashion start up, Bauer gifted her with a stake in BSWANKY. Bauer even named the company’s iconic
I’m seizing every opportunity because there’s no limit where we can take this.
signature-shaped handbag for her. “The ‘Sophie’ transforms effortlessly from handbag to backpack and, like Sophie, it stands out in a crowd,” Bauer says. Sophie went on to model for the BSWANKY photo shoot and fly across the pond for BSWANKY’s launch. Sales have been brisk ever since. Today Sophie has introduced BSWANKY to the UK, with a successful launch at Caragon Boutique in Sussex. And in response to the global pandemic, BSWANKY is giving 20% of its regional sales to FareShare Sussex, a non-profit focused on fighting hunger and food waste. “Just like our tag line, we want to ‘B’ the difference. And it’s just the beginning. I’m already getting the bags to UK influencers and even international merchandisers including Anthropologie. I’m seizing every opportunity because there’s no limit to where we can take this.”
Email: millersophie10@hotmail. Phone: 07771 977579 Gretchen Bauer & Sophie Miller
Self Growth Silver Branch Ring
Storm Repeller Rainbow Three Row Rose Gold Plated Silver Bracelet
I founded Yzill in February this year and design most of the jewellery myself, all of it in sterling silver, hand made in Turkey and many of the items are one offs. Yzill is a philanthropic jewellery brand with the aim to give back to women. Jewellery was our family business in Turkey and l wanted to do something about the struggle that women face in many aspects of life - I want to empower women and beautiful jewellery is my way to do it. Seda Pamuk. 52
Coloured Head Purr Meow Silver Cat Necklace
Energy Recharging Turquoise Circle Rose Gold Plated Adjustable Silver Ring
Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs Rose Gold Plated Crystal Silver Necklace
Dancing Circles Rainbow Rose Gold Plated Silver Necklace
Storm Repeller Rainbow Three Row Rose Gold Plated Silver Bracelet
My Inspiration Faiza Shafeek Managing Director, Carrot Events Ltd I often call myself “Woman of Egypt” as that is where I am from and has always been my inspiration. My parents instilled in me the belief that a woman can achieve anything she wants - she just has to believe that she can and no matter how hard the climb is to the top of the mountain, and no matter how many times she falls down, she must get up and climb back again and again. That has been my strength and determination throughout my life and I know that I have passed these very same traits to my three amazing daughters. I believe that nothing that is easily achieved in life or in business is ever memorable. I am often asked who my role models are but there are so many. These women are a few of the many that have inspired me and whom I feel are truly phenomenal... The Pharaoh Hatshepsut. The longest-reigning female pharaoh in Egypt, ruling for 20 years in the 15th century B.C. She was considered one of Egypt’s most successful pharaohs. She depicted herself in the traditional king’s kilt and crown, along with a fake beard and male body. This was not in any way an attempt to trick people into thinking she was male; rather that were no words or images to portray a woman with such status, it was her way of asserting her authority. She was considered one of Ancient Egypt’s most successful rulers, overseeing major building projects, military campaigns and the rebuilding of broken trade routes.
Theodora (500-548 AD). Was an influential Empress of the Byzantine Empire and a saint of the Eastern Orthodox Church. Her courage and sharp political skills, helped her wield enormous power over her husband Justinian, influencing his policies and actions during their joint rule of the world’s greatest existing empire. She controlled foreign affairs and legislation, violently put down riots, and, notably, fought for the rights of women, passing anti-trafficking laws and improving divorce proceedings. Nadia Murad. Was born in Kojo, Iraq and belongs to the Yazidi ethnic minority. Her extraordinary journey from suffering at the hands of Islamic State where she was held as a slave and experienced sexual and physical violence, to an incredible human rights campaigner and a prominent voice in the fight to help women and children affected by war after being kidnapped by the Islamic State. She is the first Iraqi, and first Yazidi, to receive a Nobel Prize. Maya Angelou. Born in 1928, in St. Louis, Missouri. She was a leading force in the American Civil Rights Movement alongside Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcom X, a poet and award-winning prolific author. This is one of my favourite quotes “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. So very true.