Besenzoni - Winning Ladders

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TITANIUMISSUE • n°32 • 2022

ontact with nature and the relationship with it is fundamental. Now more than ever yachts are a form of escape and adventure, and bringing the stylistic traits of a terrestrial home on board is no longer enough. Nowadays design and construction processes aim to make the yacht part of its surroundings, making as little environmental impact as possible. Even more so at a time when the industry has the wind in its sails. According to the Business Research Company, the global yacht market is expected to grow from $7.70 billion in 2021 to $8.22 billion in 2022, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.75%. The global yacht market is expected to reach $9.97 billion in 2026. What this means is luxury tourism with a demand for ever larger craft with spacious, versatile and open interiors. Customisation is at a maximum, comfort is a priority and new areas acquire importance: today’s owners demand extra space for a home theatre, gym, massage rooms, private spaces where they can work or hold online meetings and quiet, isolated areas. Designers and builders focus on introducing eco-friendly material, with ecodecking replacing natural teak and ecological paints and varnishes, linen panelling, bio-resins and recycled fabrics and leathers. A crucial factor in rendering yachts more sustainable is hull efficiency and weight limitation to generate consumption and emissions. The war between the Ukraine and Russia also means that fuel supplies can no longer be taken for granted, so serious consideration must now be given to alternative sources of power. Some in the yacht industry are investigating hydrogen generated from filtered, de-ionised sea water. The route towards this goal has been set. Discover all this in this special section of The One Yacht and Design, with the latest that the yacht industry has to offer!

Winning Ladders

ur greatest satisfaction is creating products that sim plify on-board life while remaining true to our core values, like stylistic research and technology”. These are the words of Giorgio Besenzoni, president of the Besenzoni company, in his acknowledgement speech after re ceiving the prize at September’s Design Innovation Award event during the 62nd Genoa International Boat Show. The product recognised in this way was the multifunction LaScala SPE 907. LaScala is part of Besenzoni’s BeElectric range, launched in late 2020 with the aim of replacing, where possible, hydraulically operated components with electrically-powered units that are exceptionally easy to use, install and maintain. “The BeElectric products consume much less power than the hydraulic systems we’ve been used to, providing significant energy savings. And we’ve only just started”. The range, which has grown rapidly, now includes LaScala, LaPasserella, IlSalpAncora and IlTenderLift. The result is an ability to combine technological innovation and a design whose refinement lies in its straightforward elegance.

“For us, technology and style go together”, says Giorgio Besenzo

The prize awarded to Besenzoni at the Design Innovation Award confirms that with its BeElectric range the Bergamobased company is moving in the right direction, with a favourable market response

ni. In the company these products are developed by our R&D team alongside our designers. Their aim is to make these components beautiful. The objective of the aesthetic research we carry out is to offer a sober design. Our products should be discreet, not showy, and always attractive”. Besenzoni never stands still, and BeElectric was followed by the launch of a new product family – Be Design. The first in the range is the Bella lounger, a freestanding element designed for beach clubs and main decks that’s a tribute to relaxation. “Bella sdraio is inspired by my strict standards and a desire to go beyond pure mechanics to create something beautiful”. Rounded shapes, high quality materials adapted for maritime use, leather details, bases designed to protect deck surfaces like teak and a series of features like the side stora ge pockets or the smartphone stand in the arm bear witness to an obsessive attention to detail shaping the design of every component”. “People who buy yachts are used to beautiful things, and that’s why we’ve enhanced a simple deck chair with details our clients will appreciate, like the leather armrests with double rows of contrasting stitching, the chamfered stainless steel elements and woven leather. These little things are the result of the research we carry out for all products, even a simple deck chair”.

The multifunction LaScala SPE 907. received the Design Innovation Award event during the 62nd Genoa International Boat Show (opposite page Giorgio Besenzoni with the award). LaScala is part of Besenzoni’s BeElectric range, products which consume less power than the equivalent hydraulic systems

La Bella lounger, left, is the first in the newly-launched range of Be Design products


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