ontact with nature and the relationship with it is fundamental. Now more than ever yachts are a form of escape and adventure, and bringing the stylistic traits of a terrestrial home on board is no longer enough. Nowadays design and construction processes aim to make the yacht part of its surroundings, making as little environmental impact as possible. Even more so at a time when the industry has the wind in its sails. According to the Business Research Company, the global yacht market is expected to grow from $7.70 billion in 2021 to $8.22 billion in 2022, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.75%. The global yacht market is expected to reach $9.97 billion in 2026. What this means is luxury tourism with a demand for ever larger craft with spacious, versatile and open interiors. Customisation is at a maximum, comfort is a priority and new areas acquire importance: today’s owners demand extra space for a home theatre, gym, massage rooms, private spaces where they can work or hold online meetings and quiet, isolated areas. Designers and builders focus on introducing eco-friendly material, with ecodecking replacing natural teak and ecological paints and varnishes, linen panelling, bio-resins and recycled fabrics and leathers. A crucial factor in rendering yachts more sustainable is hull efficiency and weight limitation to generate consumption and emissions. The war between the Ukraine and Russia also means that fuel supplies can no longer be taken for granted, so serious consideration must now be given to alternative sources of power. Some in the yacht industry are investigating hydrogen generated from filtered, de-ionised sea water. The route towards this goal has been set. Discover all this in this special section of The One Yacht and Design, with the latest that the yacht industry has to offer!
Désirée Sormani Managing Director

For Garmin, research and development never stop. The rapid pace of development in electronics now means the company can offer integrated systems with exceptional technical value, increasing ease of use and safety while creating functional consoles that are proof a focus on aesthetics is also relevant on yachts where attention has been paid to even the smallest detail, no matter how small the craft. “Even yachts below 70 metres in length have consoles where everything can be integrated”, says Pontus Fernstron, EMEA Marine Segment Marketing Director for Garmin. “The many on-board systems provide a vast amount of information, not just map displays but also integrated management of equipment and domotics”. This is made possible by the EmpirBus system and integration with Garmin’s Surround View, making it

Opening: the Surround View system. On the screen below, the references the system provides to make mooring easier. Right, the Surround View charts and images with graphic representation of the reference data. Below, a panoramic view from above of the yacht and its surroundings

possible for skippers or owners to have all the useful information at their fingertips, where they can manage them actively. “We have scenarios where even if the person in command makes an error an accident can be avoided” Fernstron continues. “For example, the automatic activation of the Surround View system to display real-time images from the six cameras on board, measuring distance, indicating alarms and providing visual references. This scenario comes into operation automatically when you’re mooring”. The generator also cuts in automatically if the battery power drops, or to control transmissions when at anchor with the aft platform lowered, and much more besides. “Integrating means making it easier to use displays and manage systems. At the same time we want to make consoles that are much more attractive”. Another important element is that all the functions are managed in a user-friendly setting, with a single logic, making operations rapid and efficient. “In fact, users can construct their own scenarios, which come into operation automatically depending on the use the yacht is being put to. If you’re at anchor it will manage automatically the various systems like running and mooring lights, generators and everything the owner intends using in that situation”, says Fernston. The same will apply when the yacht is under way, with pre-determined parameters and functions that can always be managed by the user, including lighting, music and adjusting levels. It’s an almost magical way of making on-board life easy! But the list of new features doesn’t end there. “We have an important collaboration with Volvo Penta for managing their systems and developing our equipment. This has enabled us to make significant progress in creating valuable solutions. We dialogue with a lot of systems suppliers and producers we want to interact with so we can have everything displayed and managed in a single unit. Beautiful and functional!” garmin.com