With enhanced interiors and range, the twinturboprop Piaggio Avanti Evo Plus is more than just a business aircraft, offering peerless passenger comfort and a unique experience for pilots. This is one private plane that will never go unnoticed

With enhanced interiors and range, the twinturboprop Piaggio Avanti Evo Plus is more than just a business aircraft, offering peerless passenger comfort and a unique experience for pilots. This is one private plane that will never go unnoticed
In the spirit of full disclosure, I’ll admit that I spent a short but happy period in my career in the experimental division of the Piaggio Aerospace company, so I was bound to fall in love with the P180 Avanti Evo Plus, the latest version of a genuine aviation icon. I could start by mentioning the fact that it combines the top speed of a jet with the running cost of a turboprop and that it’s more comfortable than its rivals, or simply point to its unmistakeable three-surface configuration. To pilots who have yet to write its name in their logbook I can only say that while it may not offer the highest level of avionics integration (although it’s Honeywell, not a simplified clone) and demands a little more work at the controls than a Citation, the Avanti Evo provides intense satisfaction and makes pilots feel that they’re really flying the aircraft.
But readers of this magazine are used to the finest yachts, so it’s best to concentrate on the 375 cubic feet of the eight-passenger cabin, which even at full load will give guests enough space to work, relax, remain fully connected or just sit back and enjoy the ride. The airconditioning system and lighting have been improved, and with an interior height of 5.9” ft (175 cm) passengers will travel on the only aircraft in this category providing this kind of headroom – greater, for example, than the Textron Beechcraft KingAir.
The Avanti Evo Plus doesn’t need particularly long runways. In special conditions (light load) I’ve been able to take it up in less than a thousand metres - although I don’t know if I’d do it again – and its performance means almost all European airports are within reach.
Noise levels have been reduced by 20% in this latest version, helped
Avanti Evo Plus provides exceptional performance. Its range of 1,809 nautical miles (3,350 km) puts almost all Europe’s airports within reach. The cabin interiors are elegant and comfortable, with a headroom of 5.9” ft (175 cm)
by the fact that the scimitar-blade props are mounted behind the cabin. For those on the ground this aircraft makes an unmistakable sound, and they will always look up to admire it, much as people will always turn their heads when they hear the distinctive sound of certain Italian cars speeding by.
The enlarged loading hatch means this aircraft can now be used for medical missions, as a stretcher can be loaded on board without tilting or excessive lifting. This feature also provides more general ease of use, enhancing the already excellent baggage handling performance.
The P180 Avanti Evo Plus boasts a range of 1,809 nautical miles (3,350 km) without refuelling, but a reserve tank can be installed to increase fuel capacity from 2,826 to 3,226 pounds and provide
a 17% increase in range. In simple terms, in the USA you can fly coast to coast and in Europe fly from Iceland to Corfu at a height of 41,000 feet burning 25-30% less fuel than a jet while maintaining a speed of around 400 knots. The plane features many advanced aerodynamic refinements, with its characteristic canard winglets, tapered shape and almost totally wet main wing carrying the fuel load. This structural complexity translates into a cost of around eight million dollars, more than a twin jet like the Phenom 100 (around five million) but no more than the KingAir 350, which also comes in at eight million dollars, although mentioning the KingAir and the Avanti Evo Plus in the same breath is like comparing a conventional aircraft to a work of art. It’s a question of style. avantievo.piaggioaerospace.it