by Paola Bertelli - ph. Courtesy by Volvo Penta
Volvo Penta’s innovative propulsion system developed for big boats is now operational. Late August saw the introduction of the first vessel equipped with the IPS Professional Platform, and the first two superyachts are set for launch in 2025, the SX120 by Sanlorenzo and Amer’s 41-metre custom. The official debut was celebrated with a gala dinner at the Yacht Club de Monaco
The IPS Professional Platforms took the stage at the Monaco Yacht Show. An exclusive gala dinner at the Yacht Club de Monaco was the setting for their official debut in the superyacht world. The revolutionary IPS Professional Platform system is Volvo Penta’s response to the technological transition and consequent decarbonisation taking place in the world of large pleasure and work boats. Based on the tried-and-tested IPS technology, the propulsion system is not only capable of operating with different energy sources – diesel, electric, hybrid or HVO – it can also mix them.
“We estimate that by around 2030-2035 we’ll have seen the appearance of a clear trend towards hybrid propulsion systems”, says Nicola Pomi, global yacht and superyacht vice president of Volvo Penta, “But so far owners ordering a new yacht must take an important decision regarding the propulsion system they want installing, also taking resell value into
account”. The great value of this platform in terms of mediumand long-term scenarios is linked to the versatility of the possible energy source. The system’s key technical feature is the dual power input, making it possible to connect two propulsors that can be fed by different energy sources to every pod.
In late August, after over 6,000 hours of bench testing and sea trials, the first vessel equipped with the IPS Professional Platform began operations. This was an NOS crew transfer vessel operating in northern waters. We’ll have to wait until 2025 for its introduction on superyachts with the launch of the new SX120 by Sanlorenzo and the 41-metre custom by Amer.
As Nicola Pomi explains, “During the development period of the IPS Professional Platform we adopted a strategy targeting superyachts, and we can regard the entry into service of the NOS
The Volvo IPS Professional Platform propulsion system is Volvo Penta’s response to the energy transition. It can operate using diesel, electric, hybrid and HVO energy sources.
The Amer 41 (left) and SX120 by Sanlorenzo (below, right) will be the first two superyachts to feature this solution.
Below left, the NOS crew transfer vessel currently operating in northern waters
crew transfer vessel as an extremely intensive final test before the launches in 2025. For the first time we’ve also involved a group of superyacht captains who have been able to try out our test boat at sea. The aim was for them to evaluate the IPS Professional Platform at sea and during manoeuvres and mooring, as well as receiving their valuable technical feedback. This turned out to be surprising – they especially appreciated the handling and maneuverability, the great ability of the electronic management system to optimize the forces that interact on the ship, the ability to stop the vessel at all times through the integrated dynamic position system, the low noise and lack of vibration. Sharing our work with superyacht captains shows the importance of the big boat sector to Volvo Penta”.