by Désirée Sormani - ph. courtesy by Cassetta Yacht Designers
in 1983, is one of the most eclectic contemporary designers. His signature appears on numerous designs by such brands as
with over 80 designs already under his belt
II have a degree in industrial design, but in reality I’m not a pure creative by nature – my first academic adventure began when I enrolled on a theoretical physics course”. We are a little confused at the beginning of our chat with Giorgio Maria Cassetta, one of the most eclectic designers of the moment, but things eventually became clearer. “My move to industrial design wasn’t the result of a disaffection for the subject, it was considered decision regarding my career path”. The Roman designer’s attitude to mathematical models and the abstract nature of physical systems may be regarded as the key to his future vision – not forgetting that calculation and research have close links to the field Cassetta now operates in. “My passion for designing yachts was something I carried inside me. I began designing them at nursery school and I’ve never stopped, so really I’ve just transformed a hobby into a career. After graduating, in 2013 Cassetta got down to business, joining the Zuccon International Project studio and then working with Andrea Vallicelli. He went on to open his own studio, designing a series of magnificent megayachts for Benetti. Two years later he began to build the team in Rome. “Our studio is growing. Everyone has their own seniority and experience, contributing to a shared pool of expertise that enables us to approach projects with a certain freedom and creative ability, offering an all-round service. Six months from now there will be three more of us, and in 2025 we’ll be celebrating our first ten years!”
Passion and work combine to achieve a single goal. “I’ve always designed yachts because I love the sea and everything involved with it, and I go sailing whenever I can. As designers of floating objects, we must make them safe and
These pages: B.Loft is the new project by Giorgio Maria Cassetta for Benetti. It brings a contemporary residential feel to a megayacht. B.Loft combines the volumes of a villa with the luminosity of a loft. The interiors are characterised by ceilings that are about four metres high. This new project also introduces a new feature, the “Cabana” on the lower deck (right, bottom), which redefines the beach club concept. This panoramic area provides a 270-degree view. Fold-down wings expand the space still further
aesthetically appealing. An ugly yacht is a crime against the environment – it’s like an eco-monster wallowing in the sea off the Sicilian coast”. But a good designer also adopts a global approach and knows how to question their beliefs. “When I opened my studio I sought to maintain our identity as yacht designers with a limited range of services to ensure quality. Then new opportunities came along and in 2017 the studio took its first tentative steps in yacht interior design (I also had experience in designing home interiors). Now we’ve carried out about thirty interior design projects for yachts between 30 and 80 metres in length”. And Cassetta has designed a hundred or so yachts over a period of only eleven years. The aspect that links them all is a close attention to proportions. “And clean lines. We’re very careful not to over-decorate, we avoid the use of elements that aren’t useful to the design. We’ve made classic motor yachts and hyper-modern yachts that are almost like spaceships, but I think that successful execution of the design means
treating it with great dignity, and I think a good designer filters the information communicated to him by the owner. Real luxury comes from the work of the artisans, their know-how and manual skills, not from the materials. But I have one obession, independently of the style, language and colours chosen – to create interiors that where you can relax immediately”. Unique works, developed to reflect the style of yard and owner. “Otherwise it would be the designer celebrating him- or herself, which would be crazy. Successful yachts all have their own distinctive character”. Just like the BLoft for Benetti and Raw
for Cantiere delle Marche: two different yachts with a shared ratio. “With BLoft I wanted to reinvent the yacht. I know that sounds a little arrogant, but I thought, let’s make a spaceship, let’s evolve, try to leap forward twenty years. What is a yacht, basically? An instrument for using leisure time through the pleasure of the voyage and discovery. Objectively, the language of BLoft is different from the usual. Starting with the Cabana club, an evolution of the beach club and the heights in the loft area, and then the layout (deliberately still unveiled) where there’s everything you need, but it’s all integrated in an
These pages: RAW is an explorer yacht designed for Cantiere delle Marche.
The first model in the RAW series is a three-decker 105-footer (the firstone has been recently sold) with expansive outdoors and welcoming interiors.
RAW profile’s is imposing, characterized by a geometrical, contemporary aesthetic.
A high bow conceals tenders and water skis on the upper deck forward. RAW stands for R for Recreation, A for AllWeather, W for Watercraft
unusual way. Its underlying conception is based on how to ensure that guests stepping on board will immediately feel at ease”. The spirit of Raw by Cantiere delle Marche is not so different. “The yard wanted to create an entry level yacht and be competitive in the 30-meter segment of the market. But how can a model be new in a sector where CdM is the unquestionable leader? We’ll re-invent the wheel! We sought innovation on two fronts – from the point of view of layout, optimising centimetre by centimetre, and in the context of aesthetics we tried to create something
disruptive but beautiful. As I said before, a yacht has to be beautiful. We created a stylistic language that could become an identifying feature of this Explorer line. We achieved it through a mix of taut lines with full, sculpted curves and surfaces, a combination of “straight” and “curved” in the style of Kandinsky. The challenge was to find the perfect equilibrium of proportions. We also wanted to be playful, like the crow’s nest you access by climbing the vertical steps. Here you can observe the horizon or squabble with the seagulls. All in all, it was important for it to have a rather provocative element!”