Playweb #2 on line newspaper

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On-line newspaper #2 April’14

“A safe use of internet” This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Plagiarism is:


Le Plagiat, c’est : - Utiliser le travail de quelqu’un d’autre et de le présenter

- Using the work of someone else and presenting it as yours;

comme le nôtre

- Taking snippets of texts, images, data, etc ... that come from

- Prendre des extraits de texte, des images, des données, etc

external sources and integrate them into your work without

… qui viennent de sources externes et les intégrer à son travail

saying where they come from;

sans dire d’où ils viennent.

- Paraphrasing: Taking the ideas of someone else using your

- Paraphraser : Reprendre les idées de quelqu’un d’autre en

own words, without citing the sources;

utilisant ses propres mots, sans en citer la source.

Exception: Citing a fact of common knowledge is citing a fact

Exception : Citer un fait de notoriété publique consiste à citer

(e.g.: a date) that everybody knows.

un fait (exemple : une date) connu de tous.

How to avoid it? : Always

Comment l’éviter ? : Il faut toujours citer sa source

mention the source when using

lorsqu’on utilise un document pour son propre

a document for your own work.

travail. Si c’est à l’écrit et que l’on souhaite citer

If it is a written work and you

des passages, il faut aussi les mettre entre

want to quote passages, you

guillemets. De même que si on paraphrase un

must also put quotation marks.

texte, il ne suffit pas de remplacer les termes par

Moreover, if you paraphrase a

des synonymes mais il faut exprimer les idées avec

text, it won’t be enough if you

ses propres mots sans oublier de citer la source.

replace the words with synonyms but you must express the

Le plagiat est un acte malhonnête, mais aussi une infraction

ideas using your own words without forgetting to cite the

qui peut entraîner des sanctions et on a plus de mérite à faire


son travail par soi-même.

Plagiarism is something dishonest, but also an offense that can result in sanctions and you have more merit if you do your work by yourself.

Les élèves de 3ème B

Identity theft on social networks

L’usurpation d’identité sur les réseaux sociaux

Here's a news story that happened in France in 2011. On a

Voici un fait divers qui s’est passé en France en 2011. Sur un

dating site, V.B. made an appointment with a young woman.

site de rencontres, V.B. donna rendez-vous à une jeune

But the meeting was a failure because the woman did not

femme. Mais la rencontre fut un échec

wish VB review. Man decided to take revenge by creating a

souhaita pas revoir V.B.. L’homme décida de se venger en

fake Facebook profile in the name of the young woman. He

créant un faux profil Facebook au nom de la jeune femme. Il

pretended to be a prostitute! Fortunately, a complaint was

la fit passer pour une prostituée ! Heureusement, une plainte

filed: V.B. was ordered to pay € 3,200 to the young woman

fut déposée: V.B. a été condamné à verser 3200 € à la jeune

and to stay four months in prison.

femme et 4 mois de prison ferme.

Protect yourself against identity theft: - Password: choose complicated with numbers and symbols - Never provide personal data by email or phone - Do not provide your bank details if the URL don’t start with https - Remember to protect your computer: anti -virus, anti -spyware...

car la femme ne

Protégez-vous contre l’usurpation d’identité : - Le mot de passe : choisissez le compliqué avec chiffres et symboles ; - ne fournissez jamais de données personnelles par mail ou téléphone ; - ne fournissez vos coordonnées bancaires que si l'url commence par https ; - pensez à protéger votre ordinateur : anti-virus, antispyware...

What to do in case of identity theft:

Que faire en cas d’usurpation d’identité :

- Before deleting words or pictures you harm, make "print screen" for evidence

- avant d’effacer les propos ou photos qui vous portent

- To report the theft to Facebook, click “Report”

- pour signaler l’usurpation à Facebook, cliquez sur «Signaler»

Phone: 0820.200.000 - Web:

préjudice, faites des « impr. écran » pour preuves Téléphone : 0820.200.000 - Web : Groupe 3ème DP3

The dangers of internet - Plagiarism We are often asked to make exposes and online research is by far the most common practice now. It takes only a few seconds to copy and paste a passage from an online source into a paper and of

Les dangers d’internet: Plagiat Nous sommes souvent amenés à faire des exposés et la recherche sur internet est de loin la solution la plus commode. Cela ne prend que quelques minutes pour copier et coller un texte entier sur une feuille et cela nous fait gagner du temps bien sûr !

course it saves us a lot of time!

Mais premièrement, nous ne savons pas si nos

But first, we don’t always know if the sources

Besides, if we get caught plagiarizing, we can get a very bad mark or we can be pursued just like it is shown on our video.



produire notre propre texte.

we must learn how to produce our own text.


deuxièmement, nous devons apprendre à sélectionner les informations et

are reliable and secondly, select the informations and


De plus, si nous nous faisons attraper à plagier un texte, nous pouvons avoir une mauvaise note et même être poursuivi par la police comme cela est montré dans notre vidéo. L’utilisation d’internet est punie par la loi.

Illegal use of internet is punished by the law. La classe de 4ème B

Copy and Paste

Le copier-coller

One of the dangers of internet is « Copy and Paste ». We have

Un des dangers d’internet est le copier-coller. Nous l’avons

shown it in our video. In the video, Sandra had to do a research

montré dans notre vidéo. Dans la vidéo, Sandra a eu un travail

work about Christopher Columbus for the History class. She

de recherche sur Christophe Colomb à faire pour le cours

went to the school library and found information on the first

d’histoire. Elle est allée à la bibliothèque et a trouvé des

proposed site. She printed it without checking its accuracy.

informations sur le premier site qui lui était proposé.

Back in class, she presented her work to the class and everyone laughed at her because there were some mistakes: Christopher Columbus was a French pastry cook!!! She got 0/20.

Elle les a imprimés sans vérifier leur exactitude. De retour en cours, elle a présenté son travail à la classe et tout le monde s’est moqué d’elle parce qu’il y avait des erreurs : Christophe Colomb était un pâtissier français !!! Elle a eu 0/20. Lorsqu’on fait des recherches sur internet, il faut toujours vérifier si les informations sont vraies en consultant plusieurs When doing research on internet, always check if the

sites, en regardant dans une encyclopédie ou un dictionnaire

information is true by referring to several sites, looking up into

par exemple.

an encyclopaedia or a dictionary for example.

Toutes les informations qui circulent sur internet (Wikipedia

All the information that circulates on internet (Wikipedia for

par exemple) ne sont pas forcément vraies.

example) is not necessarily true. Sana, Eva, Morgane, Chloé et Clémence de 4AB

Online lingo: solve the crossword!

Il gergo di internet: risolvi il cruciverba!

Cyber vocabulary allows us to express a sentence in one word. Have fun playing with “online lingo“.

Il vocabolario informatico permette di formulare frasi sintetizzate in una parola. Con questo si possono realizzare simpatici giochi.

Solve the crossword finding the English words and writing them from left to right and up and down. Down: in squares n.14 and n.10 you'll read two new interesting words.

Per risolvere lo schema, trova la parola corrispondente in inglese e scrivila in orizzontale da sinistra verso destra. Nelle caselle verticali 14 e 10 comparirà una definizione.

1. Compress file 2. Copy a picture/text into a file 3. Skip from one subject to another 4. Find and correct mistakes 5. See and use each other's file 6. Let’s have a titbit 7. Give an answer to someone 8. Start a game a configuration 9. Short message service 10. Rubbish 11. Divide 12. Write someone's nickname 13. Connection

10 1






13 4

5 6 7 8 9

1. Comprimere file, oggetti quotidiani 2. Scannerizzare immagini con uno scanner 3. Saltare da una situazione all' altra 4. Ricercare e correggere errori 5. Scambiarsi un file e informazioni 6. "Bocconcino" equivalente e 4 bit 7. Dare una risposta a qualcuno 8. Riavviare un hardware o una situazione 9. Servizio di messaggi brevi 10. Posta elettronica indesiderata 11. Dividere 12. Aggiungi il mio nikname alla tua chat 13. Collegamento ad una risorsa

Visiting the web we can find several sites about cyber vocabulary and dictionaries by which it's possible to learn the Internet language.

Cercando nel web possiamo trovare diversi siti di dizionari tecnico-informatici che ci permettono di imparare il linguaggio rapido della rete.

We can suggest you some of them:

Ne suggeriamo alcuni:

Class 2A

What can you do, if you are being cyber-bullied? Cyberbullying means to use technology to harm or harass people in a deliberate, repeated, and hostile manner. A cyber-

Che cosa puoi fare, se sei vittima di bullismo online? Bullismo cibernetico significa usare la tecnologia per nuocere alle persone in

bully publishes materials to defame, or humiliate the

modo deliberato, ripetuto e ostile. Un bullo cibernetico

victim .Unfortunately cyberbullying has become increasingly

pubblica materiali per diffamare, o umiliare la vittima.

common, especially among teenagers.

Sfortunatamente il cyberbullying è diventato sempre più

Many teenagers have got profiles on social networks and they

frequente, specialmente tra gli adolescenti.

chat and post photos or videos without any problems, but

Molti ragazzi hanno profili sui social networks, chattano e

some of them get into trouble, as we heard, a girl created a

postano immagini senza problemi, ma alcuni sono stati vittime

profile for her musical band, but some of the members started

o accusati di bullismo. Ad esempio una ragazza ha creato un

to post offensive songs about a boy. The

profilo per la sua band musicale, ma qualcuno ha postato

girl wasn't guilty but she was the creator

canzoni offensive verso un compagno di classe. La ragazza non

of the profile so she was accused of

era responsabile, ma è stata accusata di bullismo, in quanto


creatore del profilo.

It is necessary to follow simple rules

E' necessario seguire semplici regole per usare i social

while using a social network:


1) Don’t delete offensive messages or emails.

1) Non cancellare messaggi o e-mail offensive

2) Save the message on your mobile and print the emails

3) Non rispondere ai messaggi e rivolgiti a un adulto

3) Never reply to messages and apply to an adult

4) Chiama la polizia se ricevi messaggi minacciosi o se sei in serio pericolo.

4) Call the police if you receive threatening messages or you are in physical danger.

2) Salva i messaggi sul tuo telefono e stampa le e-mail

Class 2L

ONLINE PHOTOS: is it always safe???

FOTO ONLINE: è sempre sicuro???

It’s not safe posting photos on the web.

Non sempre può essere sicuro postare foto sul web.

Have you ever thought about the risks that can occur?

Avete mai pensato ai rischi che si possono correre?

An innocent photograph posted on the internet (on any social

Una semplice foto innocente postata su internet (su social

network: Facebook, whatsapp, Instagram…) can be seen by

network come facebook, whatsapp, instagram…) può essere

anyone at any time, so the photo can be taken and edited.

vista da moltissime persone rapidamente, quindi può essere

A teacher did an experiment: she posted a photo in which

presa da chiunque e venire modificata.

she’s holding a sign, and inviting anybody to click “like” and

Un’insegnante ha fatto un esperimento: ha postato sul web


una foto che la ritrae con un cartello in mano invitando a

And so she demonstrated to her students that in a short

cliccare “mi piace” e a condividerla.

amount of time that photo had been shared over 30,000 times

Così ha dimostrato ai suoi alunni che nel giro di poco tempo

and over 400,000 people had

l’immagine è stata condivisa da oltre

clicked “like”.

30.000 persone e ha ottenuto più di

You should be more careful when

400.000 “mi piace”.

publishing your photos online,

È opportuno stare più attenti nel

maybe limiting your account to be

rendere pubbliche le proprie foto,

visible by only your friends and family.

magari limitandosi a conoscenti e amici. Class 2F

About the Net and electronic devices

A proposito di Internet e oggetti tecnologici

We surveyed our class, interviewing 22 pupils aged from 12 to

Abbiamo analizzato come campione la nostra classe,


intervistando 22 alunni dai 12 ai 14 anni.

Everybody owns electronic devices: TV sets and computers

Tutti possiedono oggetti tecnologici: TV e PC appartengono a

belong to the family; smartphones and game

tutta la famiglia; smartphone e consolle sono

consoles are personal and nearly all students

personali e quasi tutti i ragazzi possiedono

have got them both.

entrambi. Tutti usano internet per ascoltare

The kids’ survey reveals that the Internet is

musica, giocare e chattare, meno per studiare e

much more used to listen to music, play and

fare i compiti. Vengono molto utilizzate le app,

chat, than to study, and do homework. The

poco i software per creare immagini e video. Tutti

Apps are popular among teenagers, more than


the software to create pictures and videos.

pubblicare foto, controllare lo stato degli amici e

Everybody uses social networks to chat, publish

condividere video e musica. La maggior parte ha

photos, see friends’ posts and share music.

un profilo personale su Facebook, altri accedono

Most pupils have a personal profile on

attraverso un genitore o un fratello grande.






Facebook, other kids can access thanks to a parent or a sibling.

Internet è considerato utilissimo per rimanere in contatto con

The Internet is useful to keep in touch with friends and search

gli amici e cercare informazioni. Sappiamo che Internet

information. However we know that there are risks surfing the

presenta anche rischi e aspetti negativi: introduce virus nel pc,

Net: it can introduce viruses into our computer, spread

diffonde immagini non adatte alla nostra etĂ , fa conoscere

unsuitable pictures, and let us know ill-intentioned people.

persone malintenzionate.

Class 2G

How to have a safe computer

Como ter um computador seguro

In order to keep the security of your computer you should every now and then upgrade its operating system and the

Para ter um computador seguro é necessário realizar

Windows Firewall must be active to ensure a greater security.

periodicamente a atualização do sistema operativo, a Firewall

We must then use an antivirus and antispyware programme to

(parede de fogo) do Windows deve estar ativa para garantir

prevent spyware and viruses accessing your computer.

uma maior segurança no nosso computador. Devemos instalar

We must also use safe passwords with at least 8 characters, and these should consist of numbers,


We should have different accounts


prevenir a entrada de espiões e vírus no nosso computador. Devemos possuir palavras passe seguras com 8 caracteres no mínimo, e estas deverão ser

lowercase and symbols.


posteriormente um programa antispyware e antivírus, para


computer if it is used by more than one person. We shouldn’t also use the same password to login on all websites we visit, in our accounts or social networks.

constituídas por números, maiúsculas, minúsculas e símbolos. Devemos ter várias contas de utilizador no computador se este for utilizado por mais que uma pessoa. Não devemos utilizar a mesma palavra passe para entrar em todos os sites que frequentamos, nas nossas contas, nas redes sociais entre outros. Devemos sempre fazer login e logout quando utilizamos as nossas contas.

We must always login and logout when using our accounts. João Rocha, 8ºE

Online chatting

Conversando nos chats

Never personalize your MSN account with your photo because

Nunca personalizes a tua conta MSN com a tua foto, pois a

data exposure is discouraged, one can find who you are and

exposição de dados é desaconselhada, alguém pode descobrir

hurt you.

que és e pode fazer-te mal.

Don’t use video when chatting with people you don’t know,

Não faças conversas de vídeo com pessoas que não conheces,

they can record your conversations and images.

podem gravar as tuas conversas e imagens.

Never give your real name, use a nickname that is not traceable, or involve one of your names, so that no one can figure out who you are. EXAMPLES OF Nicknames: Footballfan ; Borntobewild

Nunca dês o teu nome verdadeiro, usa de preferência um nickname que não seja percetível, nem que envolva um dos teus nomes, assim ninguém consegue descobrir quem tu és. EXEMPLOS DE NICKNAMES: Fãndefutebol; Borntobewild

If by any chance you give personal information, be sure not to give your mobile number / phone number , your address, real name, physical characteristics ... You can for example provide data that do not put your identity in danger e.g.: your favourite band , your favourite food tastes, your favourite colours, among others . Do





Se por algum acaso forneceres algumas informações tuas, tem a certeza de que não dás o teu número de telemóvel/telefone, a tua morada, o teu nome verdadeiro, as tuas características físicas… Podes, por exemplo fornecer dados que não colocam a tua identidade em perigo como por exemplo: a tua banda favorita, os teus gostos alimentares favoritos, as tuas cores preferidas, entre outros.



Não penses que as tuas conversas estão a salvo de os outros



terem acesso, mesmo que estejas protegido com alguns

others having access to them, even if you are protected with

programas que protegem os teus dados.

some program that protects your data. Mariana Alexandre, Ricardo Joia, 8ºA



To avoid Cyberbullying you should have no personal information such as address, email address, phone number.








informações pessoais como por exemplo morada, correio

People who suffer from cyberbullying are threatened through

eletrónico, número de telefone.

email, social networks and other forms carrying out

As pessoas que sofrem de cyberbullying são ameaçadas através

psychological violence i.e. creating fear. People that make

de email, páginas sociais entre outras formas levando a cabo
















acquaintance who send messages of hate, false statements,

Normalmente as pessoas que fazem cyberbullying são pessoas

publish private photos on social networks or humiliate the

conhecidas ou pessoas do nosso dia-a-dia levando o

victim on social networks.

cyberbullying com discursos de ódio, declarações falsas,

The most common victims of cyberbullying are girls and

publicação de fotos privadas em redes socias e humilhação da

teenagers in general and this type of bullying can lead to

vítima em redes sociais.



As vítimas mais comuns de cyberbullying são as meninas ou

and in some cases even

adolescentes e este tipo de bullying pode levá-los à

death. Therefore, to avoid

loucura, depressão e em alguns casos ate à morte. Por isso,

cyberbullying, you should

para evitarmos o cyberbullying temos de ser cuidadosos


com as informações que pomos nas redes socias e outros



with you


the on


social networks and other

Se formos vítimas de cyberbullying temos de alertar aos


nossos pais e as entidades competentes como por exemplo

If you are a victim of cyberbullying,


a polícia.


parents or teachers and the authorities such as the police.

Eduardo Lopes 8ºB

Am I addicted to online gaming? The dangers of online gaming and consoles. "Wanting to be

Tenho o vício de jogar online? Os perigos dos jogos online e das consolas. “Querer ser o

the best" in the kind of games we play can

melhor” no tipo de jogos que jogamos











competition. Offline games are not as

guerra/competição abusiva. Os jogos

dangerous and addictive as online games

offline não são tão perigosos e viciantes

because these involve confronting real

como os jogos modo online, pois são

players and not "bots".

nestes que se confrontam jogadores reais

The games of violence or war, in which you have to kill your opponents are the ones that mostly cause addiction and the worst is the time players spend in front of the screen. Online games are a way to release energy without harming anyone, but there are always those who do not think that way. The best way to let go this addiction is engaging in new hobbies that replace the time you used to spend playing.

e não “bots”. Os jogos de violência ou guerra, em que se tem que matar o adversário são os que maioritariamente provocam tais situações e o pior não é isto mas sim o tempo que os jogadores passam em frente ao ecrã. Os jogos online são uma forma de libertar energia, sem prejudicar ninguém, mas há sempre quem não pense assim. A melhor forma de perder esse vício, é arranjar novos hobbies, que substituam o tempo que se perde a jogar.

In short ... online games are

Resumindo… os jogos online viciam e podem ser perigosos para

addictive and can be dangerous to

os jogadores, mas joguem com moderação e conscientemente,

the players, but when playing them

lembrem-se sempre que este é apenas um mundo virtual.

occasionally and consciously, always remember that this is just a virtual world.

Tiago Pavanito, Sara Silva 8ºE


Acoso en la red

11.6% of Spanish teenagers between 12 and 18 years

El 11.6% de los adolescentes españoles entre 12 y 18 años

have suffered psychological abuse through the Social Media

han sufrido abusos psicológicos en la red y el 8.1% a través

and 8.1% have suffered it through the phone.

del teléfono móvil.

Many Spanish teens use social media daily, but they do

Muchos chicos españoles utilizan a diario las redes sociales,

not really know the dangers of the Internet. If you post a

pero en realidad no saben los peligros de internet. Si cuelgas

picture of you on any social network, although you erase the

una foto tuya en cualquier red social, aunque la borres tu

picture your digital fingerprint remains on the Internet,

huella digital permanece en internet, otras cosas también

another danger is to provide personal information to know

como poner información personal para que no solo la vean tus

people. The main use that for Spanish teens is cyberbullying

amigos es

through the Internet or mobile phones.

internet es el cyberbulling muchos chicos españoles lo han

This does not mean that the Internet is a danger but you should use it carefully, because the Internet makes life easier for everyone.

peligroso y arriesgado .Lo que más ocurre en

vivido, cuando un o una menor amenaza o molesta a otro mediante Internet, teléfonos móviles… Esto no quiere decir que internet sea un peligro solo debemos utilizarlo con cuidado, porque internet nos facilita la vida a todos.

María Ángeles Campillo Rodríguez

Dangers of Social Networks

Peligros de las redes sociales

Anyone who surf the Internet may have privacy and security

Cualquier persona que navega en internet puede tener


problemas de seguridad y privacidad.

Let's see some of the main dangers that we can suffer in social networks: Cyberbullying: It is a harassment through the Internet where victims receive humiliating messages while the stalker is having fun. False rumours can appear and people’s reputations can be ruined. Grooming: It refers to a series of actions done by an adult in order to gain the friendship of a minor for the purpose of sexual abuse, creating an emotional connection. Digital Identity: It is very important because people can get to know where we live. Privacy Issues: For some people, social networks have become a source of information files about people’s lives. Sometimes this may turn against you ... ¡be careful when you post anything! Digital Fingerprint: It appears everywhere you surf and usually leaves our trail, such as photos, information or videos and once you post they will remain there for ever..

Vamos a ver algunos de los principales peligros que podemos sufrir en las redes sociales: Cyberbullying: es un acoso a través de internet donde las víctimas reciben mensajes humillantes mientras el acosador se divierte. Pueden aparecer rumores falsos, reputaciones arruinadas… Grooming: hace referencia a una serie de acciones hechas por un adulto con el fin de ganarse la amistad de un menor de edad para abusar sexualmente de él, creando una conexión emocional. Identidad digital: es algo muy importante ya que con esto se puede llegar a saber hasta donde vivimos. Problemas de privacidad: para algunas personas, las redes sociales se han convertido en archivos con mucha información sobre sus vidas. A veces esto puede volverse en tu contra… ¡cuidado con lo que publicas! Huella digital: aparece en todos los sitios por los que navegamos y solemos dejar nuestro rastro, ya sean fotos, información o videos y una vez que los publiques siempre se quedará aquí. Marta Oliva Sánchez

Internet Safety Tips for Children and Teens In this document there are some very useful tisp that you can use when you are using the Internet. Since the beginning of this century the use of Internet by people under than 18 years old has grown hastily. For this reason we offer you some advices or suggestions to be safer regarding the Internet's use by children and teens, although they can help to older, too. These advices can be repeated warnings but if you follow them, they will help you and prevents from the scams and dangers that you can suffer. These are our 6 recommendations: 1. Do not provide personal information, like names, surnames, ages, births places, addresses, phones numbers or anything related to yourself. 2. Do not post photos; it is difficult because of the use of socials networks but we advise you your parents should control its use. 3. Your passwords must be complex, so nobody can guess them and close the session of any programme before switching your computer off. 4. Be careful when you download any document, because it can have a virus or something dangerous for your PC. 5. At blogs, forums or social networks do not contact with strangers, and be careful about the information you share. 6. Keep your privacy at all times.

Remember that everything you read at the Internet is not true, and you can't trust in it.

Consejos de seguridad en Internet para niños y adolescentes En este artículo hay algunos consejos útiles para cuando navegues por Internet. A principios de este siglo el uso de internet por parte de menores de 18 años ha aumentado exponencialmente. Por esta razón les ofrecemos unos consejos o sugerencias para poder tener mayor seguridad en cuanto al uso de internet por parte de niños y adolescente, aunque también pueden ayudar a mayores. Puede parecer que son avisos muy repetidos, pero que si se siguen pueden ayudar y salvar de muchos fraudes y peligros que se pueden sufrir. A continuación se presentan 6 recomendaciones: 1. No proporcionar información personal, como nombres, apellidos, edad, lugar de nacimiento, vivienda, números de teléfono y todo aquello que influye en tu vida. 2. No publicar fotografías; es difícil por el uso de las redes sociales pero se aconseja que por lo menos los padres tengan un control sobre ellas. 3. Tener contraseñas complejas para que no la puedan descubrir, no las compartan con nadie y al terminar de usar el programa asegúrese de salir o cerrar cesión. 4. Tener cuidado al descargar cualquier documento, ya que puede poseer virus o entes peligrosos. 5. En los blogs, foros o redes sociales no aceptar ni contactar con desconocidos, tener cuidado con la información que se da. 6. Mantener su privacidad en todo momento. Recuerden que todo lo que se lee en internet no es verdad, ni se puede confiar plenamente en ello. Marta Bonilla Jiménez 4ºA

Safe Internet use You can use the Internet in a lot of cases but it is not always safe.

Uso seguro de Internet Siempre puedes usar internet pero no siempre es seguro.

Internet es un medio de comunicación muy extenso en el que The Internet is a widespread media where we can find any kind of information, and we can do a rewarding use of it. However, we have to take preventive measures when we use it. For example, when we share information with the other net users we must take care considering that these data will be shown to everyone. Moreover, when we shop online, we must ensure that if the web pages are safe. When visiting a web page appears an advert assuring you a prize, you must ignore it, given that it can be fraud.

podemos encontrar información de todo tipo, y del que podemos hacer un uso enriquecedor. Ahora bien, hay que tomar precauciones a la hora de usarlo. Por ejemplo, cuando compartimos información con el resto de usuarios de la red debemos tener cuidado puesto que esos datos podrán ser expuestos a todo el público. Por otra parte, al realizar una compra online debemos asegurarnos de que las páginas son seguras. Si en algún momento, aparecen anuncios en los que te aseguran un premio, deben ser ignorados, puesto que puede,

There are a lot of cases in which we must have a special care

llegar a ser una estafa.

with the things we post and with the data we give, because if

Hay muchos casos en los que debemos tener un cuidado

we don’t think carefully before doing it, we can have very

especial con lo que publicamos y con los datos que damos, ya

negative consequences.

que si no pensamos detenidamente antes de actuar, podemos tener consecuencias muy negativas.

Esperanza Rodríguez Morillo

This newspaper is the result of the work of many students and teachers from the four schools involved in the PLAYWEB project:

 Collège Privé St. Charles, Feillens, FRANCE

 Scuola Media Felice Casorati, Pavia, ITALY

 Escola Secundária de Emídio Navarro, Almada, PORTUGAL

 Instituto ES Profesor Juan Bautista, El Viso del Alcor, SPAIN April 2014

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