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In the past several years, Temple has begun a holistic transformation of its downtown core. By setting clear goals and having high standards, the City has deliberately created and invested in a vibrant Downtown. Elected officials, City staff, residents, business owners, and employees have all been heavily involved in this process through various meetings, events, and surveys. The commitment to the revitalization of Downtown is reflected in the recent investments leading up to this planning effort. The public improvements made have attracted new businesses and residents, which in turn has created new jobs and additional activity, all leading to gains in the social and economic contributions of Downtown.
The Downtown District Plan strives to provide organized and implementable recommendations that further the desired character and role for Downtown. Additionally, this plan is used to communicate a unified vision for Downtown to promote confidence and certainty needed to capture private investment and its resulting growth. As a part of the Places and Spaces Initiative, the Downtown District Plan aims to foster a distinct, safe, and attractive neighborhood where citizens take pride and are engaged with their community. This plan examines the topics of as mobility, safety, land use, housing, public space, and infrastructure and there relationship to creating a healthy and happy community. The end result is a list of actionable items that identify programs, strategies, initiatives, and capital improvement projects that will help achieve the plan goals.