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Figure 12.1: Types of Projects

Figure 12.1: Types of Projects

Intersection Improvement Projects

Complete Streets Projects Roadway and Corridor Projects

Operations & Maintenance Projects Active Transportation Projects

Safety Projects


The MMP prioritization process used performance measures identified in the CSA and scenario-based planning analysis to develop the prioritized program of projects. The process scored intersection improvements and roadway capacity projects using crash rates for fatal and severe injury crashes, AM and PM peak levels of service, connectivity, and linkage to other projects, plans and programs. The prioritization process scored active transportation and complete-streets projects using pedestrian and bicycle crash rates, level of demand, level of traffic stress scores, proximity to schools, network connectivity to existing active transportation infrastructure and activity centers, and linkage to other plans and programs. The prioritization process also included work sessions with the City project team to score projects based on their impact on overall mobility, economic vitality, quality of place, and social equity based on reported findings of the previous analysis and input from community stakeholders, the public, and other parallel planning processes. The first step in the prioritization process was to review the projects selected for inclusion in the MMP program of projects and rank each project based on the reported performance measures for that category of project. This stage of the screening process revealed the projects that addressed the most severe deficiencies and the projects that addressed deficiencies across multiple performance categories. The process also reviewed whether the projects intersected or interacted in a way that warranted combining certain projects. For example, combining a recommend intersection project with a roadway project on the corridor containing the intersection, or combining sidewalk or bicycle improvements with a proposed roadway project to create a complete-streets concept for the corridor.

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