==== ==== For More Tips Step by Step How to Get Leads from Facebook Visit Our Link http://tinyurl.com/82qeogu ==== ====
Facebook can tremendously help your business especially if you're a start-up business. It can be a free advertising medium if you know how to utilize your Facebook account. Here are some things you can do: 1. Invite your friends; High school friends, college friends, and relatives. 2. Classify your friend's list. If for example you are selling clothes for women, you should invite women friends. Go through your friends' list. Start inviting other people you know that you and your friend have in common. It will be nice to have an introductory message so the person you are inviting would know your intention not just another Facebook spammer. You have to be careful in doing this as Facebook do not like spam and only wants you to add people that you really know. If somebody marks you as spam, Facebook can ban you for two days or more. Start inviting in small numbers then just increase it day by day as more and more people approved your friend requests. 3. Don't just tag anybody. Not all people want to be tag by your products or services photos. Carefully examine your friends' wall and see if they allow tags. Compile a list of people who approves tags. 4. Write a very enticing photo description and album description as this will appear in your tags. Don't just write, Album 1 or worst leave it blank. Write a very short but catchy phrase that when people see they will click the link. 5. Like your friends wall post as well. This is easy to see. Facebook has a feed section where you can see what your friends are posting in their wall. If you have something good to say, comment as well. People love interaction and they like their posts to be liked and commented. Be active and you will see that they will visit your profile as well. 6. Post something worthwhile. It can be a link to a blog post that relates to your product. This can be seen in your friend's feed so they can read your post as well. But do not excessively promote your product as they might be fed up and will decide to block your posts in their friend's feed. There are a lot of ways to use Facebook for your business. If you need help on how to generate leads in Facebook. If you do not have an account yet, just visit Facebook website and register. Set your profile to "everyone" so everybody can see your account information.
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