You Need to Know Your Mutual Fund

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There are some basic things you should know about mutual funds in general and about the specific fund in which you are about to invest. Mutual funds with a bad track record are dissolved. The fund assets are absorbed by another fund and the fund manager is given a new fund to manage. Also, an average fund manager has limited experience. A mutual fund company does not want to keep a poorly performing fund in its fund family for very long. A poor performer brings down the average performance of its funds. Also, when the financial media makes comparisons between funds in the same fund category, new assets go to the best performer rather than to one near the bottom of the list. For example, if you were looking at the relative performance of 50 large-cap growth funds, and saw that fund ABC returned an average of 19% a year for the last 5 years and that fund XYZ had lost 2% a year over the same period, where would you invest your money? The company that owns XYZ would not be blind to the fact that their offering in that fund category is not attracting new investors and that it is likely to lose the investors it already has. The company would want a stronger and more attractive offering in that fund category. Therefore, after a few years of poor performance, the poorly performing fund will disappear completely as the fund is dissolved and its assets are combined with those of another fund. The fund manager will often be given another fund to manage. If you are an owner of shares in the receiving fund, your account will receive the toxic assets transferred over from the poor performer. Your fund manager will then try to unload those assets quickly. When the poorly performing fund vanishes, the average performance of the funds in the family increases. The toxic assets are placed in a larger fund where they are less conspicuous and they are sold off quickly so that they simply add assets to the receiving fund. They do no harm to the receiving fund (they actually serve as a bonus to that manager), and they no longer harm the reputation of the company. On the other hand, you may have bought a small fund that has performed very well for three years. The company that owns the fund will want to place that manager in a more conspicuous place so he can attract more money to the fund family. It is in the company's best interest to promote the manager by rewarding him with a larger fund to manage (and with a bigger paycheck). Your fund may then end up getting the manager who performed so poorly that his fund was buried to save face for the fund-company. If you follow the high-performance manager to the new fund, you may discover that he cannot perform as well as he did before because of the larger size of the fund. However, he will probably do a better job than the poorly performing manager you would have inherited had you stayed put. Keep this switch and merge procedure in mind when you compare the performance of mutual fund

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