NAIA ADA Newsletter - May 2017

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Summer 2017 Newsletter From the President Colleagues, It was great seeing you all in San Diego for convention. After you unpacked your sunblock and Huarache sandals, I hope you slid right back into a successful spring and are now seeing things wind down. It’s been a year of interesting developments for NAIA athletics directors, from the advent of ESports to the sunset of DII release requests. The ADA Board of Directors is making sure the needs of ADs is taken into consideration on a wide range of topics. ADA representatives are integral in the discussions regarding basketball divisions, drug testing, scholarship levels, post-season travel reimbursement, a stronger presence with NACDA, and a response to the active recruitment of our student-athletes by our friends from the other association. We’ll meet again at NACDA in June to discuss these issues and set a course for the 2017-18 school year. The honorable Quin Monahan from USCB will begin his tenure as ADA President at that time, assisted by Vice President Mike McCaffrey of St. Francis, 2nd Vice President Kiki Barnes of Dillard, and Secretary Joe Glover of Indiana South East. We look forward to seeing you there. Have a great summer. Matt

NACDA Preview NACDA is quickly approaching and there are many topics to be discussed. The ADA meeting will be held on June 14, 9-11 a.m. Areas of focus include: • NACDA partnership and schedule • ADA BOD sponsorship opportunities • NAIA scholarship levels • Postseason Reimbursement Task Force • DIL legislation response • Divisions in basketball • Sport Sponsorship 360 demonstration


Two Questions for Three ADs What is your current policy and approach to granting releases to student-athletes who want to transfer? (TY) My stance is that if a student-athlete is no longer happy at our institution, I will release him/her to pursue another opportunity. However, I always consult with our head coach before finalizing the release paperwork. (JG) Our general approach is that we want student-athletes who are invested in what we are doing. If they aren’t, it doesn’t benefit us or the student. So as long as they are open, honest, and timely with us, we do everything we can to help

Theresa Yetmar Baker University

them find somewhere they can succeed, including granting releases. In rare cases where trust and unethical behavior have occurred, we’ve withheld releases. (JL) Granting releases to student-athletes is a timing issue. If a coach has sufficient time to replace the S/A, the release will be granted. Each of our programs operates on their own policy regarding the timing of the request. For example, if an S/A contacted us for a release to transfer in July, they probably will not receive the release. Requests made immediately after a season ends are granted. Why they want to leave could affect the decision to grant the release. Another factor is if the transfer is to a conference school. How are you encouraging and engaging women in leadership roles in your department? (JG) We believe the best administrative decision-making process includes

Josh Gleason Goshen College

multiple voices and that must include female representation. We also created a senior woman administrator position to solidify that to our process and are being intentional about professional development opportunities for growth. (JL) All of our assistant coaches are graduate assistants. We like our womens’ teams to have female graduate assistants, especially if the head coach is a male. Each program is responsible for engaging with another sport. The assistants contact the head coach from their assigned team and determine how their team can provide assistance to this program. For example, our volleyball team female graduate assistants are assigned to men’s basketball. Then they organize their players to meet the basketball team’s needs during game events. (TY) Patti Phillips, Baker University Athletic Hall of Fame member, is the CEO for Women Leaders in College Sports, the premier leadership organization dedicated

Jeff Lanham University of Rio Grande

to empowering, developing, and advancing the success of women. We partner with the organization and take advantage of its professional development opportunities.

New ADA Board of Directors

PRESIDENT Quin Monahan University of South Carolina Beaufort

VICE PRESIDENT Mike McCaffrey University of St. Francis

2nd VICE PRESIDENT Kiki Barnes Dillard University

SECRETARY Joe Glover Indiana University Southeast

NAIA Convention Recap •

ADA approved investing $7,500 in NACDA sponsorship and $75 dues for NAIA-ADA members.

ADA approved the ADA-BOD to sponsor legislation on behalf of members.

Discussion was held on how to react to NCAA-DII legislation. NAIA will collect feedback throughout the

year and reconvene discussion over the next few months.

National playoff travel expenses were discussed. GPAC Commissioner Corey Westra is chairing a

committee to look at this issue. Football playoffs are significant concern for members.

Basketball divisions was discussed multiple times throughout the convention. The feeling is that one

division is going to happen, but details around scholarship limits and post-season qualifications need


Congratulations to the Conference ADs of the Year

AAC Bill Popp Reinhardt

AII Darin Wilson Georgia Gwinnett

AMC Jason Vittone William Woods

Cal-Pac Javier Krumm La Sierra

Cascade Matt Sayre Southern Oregon

Chicagoland Ray Shovlain St. Ambrose

Crossroads Mark DeMichael Indiana Wesleyan

Frontier Christian Oberquell Montana State Northern

GPAC Curt Hart Dakota Wesleyan

GSAC Steve Waldeck Master’s

GCAC Wilberto Ramos Talladega

Heart of America Kevin Steele MidAmerica Nazarene

KCAC Arabie Conner Ottawa

Mid-South Willis Pooler Lindsey Wilson

North Star Mike Moore Mayville State

Red River Joseph Morale Wiley

River States Mark Perdue Asbury

Sooner Jim Abbott Oklahoma City

Sun Drew Watson Southeastern

WHAC Terry Bocian Aquinas

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