NAIA Athletic Trainers Manual

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Athletic Trainers Manual Updated November 2017

Table of Contents I. NAIA-ATA Important Dates to Remember ...................................................................................................2 II. General Information — History and Athletic Trainers Association .................................................................2 III. Risk Management ...................................................................................................................................3 IV. Awards ...................................................................................................................................................4 V. National Championships ............................................................................................................................5 VI. Bylaws of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Athletic Trainers Association ..........................5 VII. Constitution of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Athletic Trainers Association .................9 Appendix A ATA BOARD OF DIRECTORS...................................................................................................... 12 Appendix B 2017-2018 NAIA-ATA Committees & Liaisons Nominating Committee .......................................... 13 Appendix C ATA Conference Representatives ............................................................................................... 14 Appendix D NAIA-ATA Board of Directors Candidate Biography Form ............................................................. 15 Appendix E ATA Annual Meeting ................................................................................................................. 16 Appendix F NAIA National Championship Medical Information Sheet ............................................................. 20 Appendix G NAIA National Championship Athletic Training Evaluation Form ................................................... 21 Appendix H NAIA National Championship Athletic Injury Report Form ............................................................ 22 APPENDIX I NAIA Transgender Student-Athlete Participation at National Championships ................................. 23 APPENDIX J NAIA Official Medical Exemption Form ....................................................................................... 24 APPENDIX K NAIA Championship Concussion Policy ....................................................................................... 26

The NAIA Athletic Trainers Manual is published annually by the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics. Compiled and edited by the NAIA-ATA Board of Directors and Championships Department of the NAIA. For further information about the NAIA-ATA, contact: Leigh Schenck NAIA National Office 1200 Grand Ave Kansas City, MO 64106 Phone: (816) 595-8187 The name National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics, initials NAIA, logo, and other NAIA symbols and insignia are registered in the United States Patent and Trademarks Office. The name, initials, and marks are fully protected and are the exclusive property of the Association. Expressed, written approval by the NAIA President/CEO is required for the use of the NAIA initials, name or marks in connection with any items offered for commercial sale, awards, or promotion, including such use at NAIA event.


Last Modified: 11/15/2017

I. NAIA-ATA Important Dates to Remember November 14 NATA Award Nominations due to the NATA. Forms can be found On-line at January 14 Registration opens for NATA Annual Meeting April 15

Receipt Deadline for submitting Al Ortolani Undergraduate Scholarships Nomination.

June 15 June 26-29

Receipt Deadline to the conference office for submitting Athletic Trainer of the Year nominations. NATA Annual Meeting and NAIA-ATA Annual Business Meeting, New Orleans, LA

June 27

NAIA Business Meeting, New Orleans, LA

July 15

Receipt Deadline to the national office for submitting Conference Athletic Trainer of the Year nominations.

II. General Information — History and Athletic Trainers Association A. NAIA The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA), Kansas City, Mo., is a governing body of small athletics programs that are dedicated to character-driven intercollegiate athletics. NAIA members provide more than 65,000 student-athletes with opportunities to play college sports, earn $500 million in scholarships and compete in 25 national championships. Established in 1940 as the National Association of Intercollegiate Basketball (NAIB), the Association expanded to include other programs in 1952. The NAIA became the first intercollegiate sports governing body to provide championship opportunities for both men and women when the women's program was established on August 1, 1980. B. NAIA-ATHLETIC TRAINERS ASSOCIATION The NAIA Athletic Trainers Association (NAIA-ATA) is an organization of Certified Athletic Trainers at NAIA institutions. The NAIA-ATA membership dues are paid by the institution as part of its NAIA membership dues for all personnel who receive all or part of their salary for their responsibilities within the athletic department. The NAIA-ATA Annual Business Meeting is held each June in conjunction with the National Athletic Trainers Association (NATA) Annual Convention. The NAIA-ATA elects officers who serve three-year terms and provide the leadership for the Association. The NAIA-ATA studies and makes recommendations through legislation of actions affecting the organization and administration of the NAIA-ATA. All action items are forwarded to the NAIA Council for Student-Athletes for final approval. C. PAST PRESIDENTS 1995-97 Steve Curtis, Western Baptist (Ore.) 1997-99 Patrick Trainor, Malone (Ohio) 1999-01 Mike Stevenson, Southern Oregon 2001-02 Erica Zimmerman, Georgetown (Ky) 2002-04 Vince Diller, Sterling (Kan.) 2004-07 April Reed, Azusa Pacific (Calif.)


2007-11 Susan Ganz, Point Loma (Calif.) 2011-13 Gary Turbak, College of the Ozarks (Mo) 2013-16 Ryan“Pete” Manely, Sterling College (Kan.) 2016- Mike Livergood, Bellevue University (Neb.)


D. NAIA-ATHLETIC TRAINERS ASSOCIATION OBJECTIVES AND MEETINGS 1. The objectives of this Association shall be: The advancement, encouragement, and improvement of the athletic training profession, and to promote a better working relationship among those persons interested in the problems of athletic training. A. To develop and further the abilities of each of its members to function effectively. B. To better serve the common interest of its members by providing a means for an exchange of ideas within the profession. C. To enable members to become better acquainted personally through casual good fellowship. 2. Meetings A. The annual business meeting shall be held each year in conjunction with the NATA Annual Meeting and Symposium. A quorum consists of those voting members present. Proposed amendments to the Constitution of the NAIA-ATA must be presented in writing to the President before the business meeting of the NAIA-ATA. The President must see that the proposal is presented to the membership at the next annual business meeting. The amendment must have a majority vote of approval by current members of the NAIAATA. Approved amendments then must be submitted to the National Administrative Council (NAC) or Council for Student-Athletes (CSA) for appropriate action. B. The Board of Directors may call additional general business meeting as deemed necessary. C. All general business meetings shall be conducted according to “Roberts Rules of Order.” E. NATIONAL ATHLETIC TRAINERS ASSOCIATION The National Athletic Trainers Association was founded in 1950 by unified athletic trainers across the country to set standards for professionalism, education, certification, research, and practice settings. Since its inception, the NATA has been a driving force behind the recognition of the athletic training profession. National Athletic Trainers’ Association members strive to keep up with the latest treatment techniques, research and technological advancements. To obtain these goals, the NATA holds various types of national and district meetings, provides scholarship and research grants through the NATA Research & Education Foundation, provides education, on-line resources and other printed materials, and publishes the NATA News and the Journal of Athletic Training. More information on the NATA, membership and its programs may be obtained by contacting: NATA 2952 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, TX Phone: (214) 637-6862 Fax: (214) 637-2206.

III. Risk Management Each member institution is responsible for the conduct of their athletes, coaches and fans at all NAIA events. Students are expected to act responsibly and perform as a positive role model for the institution, community and the Association. The National Administrative Council recommends that one coach per team is CPR/AED certified, and that every institution has a written policy to address: 1) concussions and 2) emergency action plan at each venue. Institutions hosting NAIA events accept the responsibility to safeguard the physical well-being of all students and spectators. The competition facility shall be inspected prior to each day's competition to ensure that the safety of each competition and spectator is not placed at risk. Appropriate crowd supervision shall be provided. Specific requirements for each championship were approved June 2016 and are available in the NAIA Championship Medical Handbook.



IV. Awards A . ATHLETIC TRAINER OF THE YEAR The NAIA-ATA selects one Athletic Trainer from and NAIA institution to receive the NAIA Athletic Trainer of the Year Award each year based on the criteria and standards established by the NAIA-ATA Scholarship and Awards Committee. The procedure involves nomination of athletic trainers with appropriate support material. Selection is made by the NAIA-ATA Scholarship and Awards Committee. To find the link for the nomination form and additional details, please visit here. The form MUST be submitted with appropriate support materials. Forms are to be submitted to Conference Commissioner and overall conference award winner submitted nationally and forwarded to the National Office, who will then forward to respective Chair of Scholarship and Award Committee. B. AL ORTOLANI UNDERGRADUATE SCHOLARSHIP The NAIA-ATA selects one athletic training student from an NAIA Institution to receive the NAIA Al Ortolani Undergraduate Scholarship each year based on the criteria and standards established by the NAIA-ATA Scholarship and Awards Committee. The procedure involves nomination of athletic training students with appropriate support material. Selection is made by the NAIA-ATA Scholarship and Awards Committee. To find the link for the nomination form and additional details, please visit here. The form MUST be submitted with appropriate support materials. Forms are to be submitted to the National Office, who will then forward to respective Chair of Scholarship and Award Committee. C. PAST AWARD WINNERS Athletic Trainer of the Year

Al Ortolani Undergraduate Scholarship

2000 Daniel Dodson, Langston (Okla.)

1997 Jennifer Amborn, MidAmerica Nazarene (Kan.)

2001 Vince Diller, Sterling (Kan.)

1998 Jenny Atkins, MidAmerica Nazarene (Kan.)

2002 No candidate named

1999 Janelle Grow, Western Montana

2003 No candidate named

2000 Marie Monical, Southwestern (Kan.)

2004 Diane Lloyd, Southwest (NM)

2001 Jeff Fluty, Southwestern (Kan.)

2005 Jim Richards, Northwest (WA)

2002 Teresa Kircher, Central Methodist (Mo.)

2006 Jason Duroucher, Hastings (NE)

2003 Jane Tschetter, Si Tanka (S.D.)

2007 Adam J. Thompson (IN)

2004 Justin Gray, MidAmerica Nazarene (Kan.)

2008 Michael Livergood, Bellevue (NE)

2005 Jennifer Rambur, Mary (N.D.)

2009 Lynn Bott, Baker (KS)

2006 Chris Laubier, Urbana University (OH)

2010 Justin White, Embry-Riddle (FL)

2007 Lacey Troth, Point Loma Nazarene (CA)

2011 Ryan “Pete” Manely, Sterling (Kan.)

2008 Abigail Lillich, Azusa Pacific (CA)

2012 Jill Pratte, Central Methodist University (Mo.)

2009 Devin Jagow, Concordia (CA)

2013 Jeff Ward, Cal Maritime

2010 Jennifer Asberry, Missouri Valley

2014 Gary Turbak, College of the Ozarks (Mo.)

2011 Grace Savage, Texas Wesleyan

2015 William Dill, Lindenwood – Belleville (IL)

2012 Ben Snyder, Missouri Valley College

2016 Tracy Collins , Lewis-Clark State, Lewiston (ID)

2013 Robin Flowers, Sterling (Kan.) 2014 Marguerite Montjoy, Cal State San Marcos (CA) 2015 (No submissions) 2016 Sydney Rios, Langston (Okl.) 2017 Adriana Trost, Missouri Valley College



V. National Championships During a national championship, the athlete’s goal is to win the national title or an individual title. It’s the goal of an athletic trainer to allow the athletes to compete at their peak performance and to ensure a safe competitive environment. In order to ensure a safe environment for athletes qualified medical care has become the rule not the exception. Just as important is that there are basic standards that need to be met. With an increase in athletic training staffing in the NAIA there has been an increase in awareness in the areas of lowering athlete risk and lowering the legal liability of the hosting body. It is vital that the safety of the athletes is considered when planning a national championship. There is a basic standard of care for sports medicine that must be met to protect the student-athlete. In the NAIA-ATA Championships Handbook, information about the medical check-list can be found for each sport and what specifications are required to be met for each championship by the host medical coordinator, NAIA, and host site. The handbook also contains information about support staff athletic training responsibilities, emergency action plans, concussion return to play, and medical information regarding injury reports. To view the Championship Handbook, please visit:

VI. Bylaws of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Athletic Trainers Association (NAIA-ATA) ARTICLE I - MEMBERSHIP Any member who resigns athletic training duties at an NAIA member institution or whose institution cancels membership in the NAIA becomes ineligible to vote or hold office. Section 1. Certified Those members possessing current NATA-Board of Certification status, who are in good standing, and who are affiliated/employed by an NAIA member institution. Section 2. Associate Those members who are recognized by the NATA as being associate members and who are affiliated/employed by an NAIA member institution. Section 3. Retired Those members who are recognized as either Certified or Associate members who no longer are actively engaged in practicing athletic training or who are no longer employed by an NAIA member institution. Section 4. Honorary Any person who, by virtue of his/her actions, shows a profound interest in the advancement of the athletic training profession shall be eligible for membership in this classification. Nominations shall be made by Certified or Associate members and shall be directed to the Chairperson of the Scholarship and Awards Committee. Section 5. Allied Those members who by virtue of their profession or occupation have an interest in furthering the health care of athletes. This includes physicians, physical therapists, nurses or others who work with injured athletes at NAIA member institutions. Section 6. Student Those members who are full-time undergraduate or graduate students at an NAIA member institution who are pursuing a career in athletic training.



ARTICLE II - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Section 1. Qualifications Only Certified and Associate members in good standing may be elected to positions on the Board of Directors. The President and President-Elect must be a certified member of the NATA. Section 2. Duties and Responsibilities: The Board of Directors shall carry out the mandates and policies of the NAIA-ATA as determined by its membership. The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to perform all acts and business transactions for and on behalf of the Association within the provisions of these By-Laws. The Board of Directors shall make a report to the membership at each general meeting for the purpose of providing information, seeking opinions, and/or taking a vote. ARTICLE III - OFFICERS Section 1. President Selection: Automatically moves to this office from President-Elect. Term: Three years. May serve consecutive term with membership vote of confidence. Duties and Responsibilities: Serves as Chairperson of the Board of Directors. Calls all meetings of the Board and/or Association as deemed necessary. Serves as official spokesperson for the Board. Implements the mandates and policies of the Association. Possesses full power and responsibility to transact all business for and on behalf of the Association. Presides over all association meetings. Appoints standing and ad hoc committee chair-persons and/or committee members, and liaisons with the approval of the Board. Serves as ex-officio member of all committees. Serves on National Administrative Council Section 2. President-Elect Selection: Elected by eligible voting membership. Term: Three years. May serve consecutive term. Must be NATA certified. Duties and Responsibilities: Serves as a member of the Board of Directors. Serves as President pro-tempore in the absence of the President. Serves on the National Drug Testing and Education Committee Serves as Chairperson of the Public Relations Committee. Serves as Chairperson of the Nominating Committee and conducts the election. Performs other duties as assigned by the President. Section 3. Vice President Selection: Elected by eligible voting membership. Term: Three years. May serve more than one term, but not more than two terms consecutively. Duties and Responsibilities: Serves as a member of the Board of Directors. Serves as NATA Convention Contact Liaison. Coordinates updates/revisions to the NAIA-ATA Constitution & By-Laws Serves as Chairperson of the Scholarship and Awards Committee. Performs other duties as assigned by the President. Serves on Council for Student-Athletes.



Section 4. Immediate Past-President Selection: Automatically moves to this position following the term of office as President. Term: 3 year term but may serve consecutive terms. Duties and Responsibilities: Serves as a member of the Board of Directors. Serves as parliamentarian for Board meetings and general business meeting. Serves on the Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine. Chairs the Championships Committee Performs other duties as assigned by the President. Section 5. Secretary Selection: Elected by eligible voting membership. Term: Three years. May serve more than one term consecutively. Duties and Responsibilities: Serves as a member of the Board of Directors. Coordinates updates/revisions of NAIA Athletic Trainers’ Manual. Records minutes of all Board meetings and general business meetings and distributes necessary information to the membership. Conducts all official correspondence as directed by the Board. Performs other duties as assigned by the President. ARTICLE IV - ELECTIONS Section 1. Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the President-Elect. The Committee shall be comprised of the Board and two other voting members appointed by the President. Section 2. Election Process Return your response with this biography form and an updated resume to the PresidentElect 60 days prior through 15 days after the NAIA-ATA Annual Business Meeting. Ballots emailed from the national office and due by July 15. New term begin August 1. All candidates shall have declared willingness to accept office by submitting an officer candidate biography to the President-Elect. APPENDIX D Candidates elected by a majority vote (plurality of more than two (2) candidates) of the membership casting ballots. If only one nominee exists for a position, approval of the nominee via electronic ballot. The President shall notify all candidates for elected positions of the outcome of the election. ARTICLE V - STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1. Nominating Committee Chairperson – President-Elect Term: length of office Duties and Responsibilities: Coordinates development of slate of candidates for each elected office. Coordinates balloting process. Submits annual report. Committee – Board members Term: length of office Duties and Responsibilities: Develops slate of at least two (2) candidates for each office during election years. Creates, dispenses, and collects ballots for tabulation to determine new officers.



Section 2. Professional Education and Research Committee Chairperson – Appointed by the President Term: Three years Duties and Responsibilities: Acts as communicator between the committee and Board. Facilitates the development of annual goals and the committee. Assists in the planning of annual education program. Committee – Appointed by the Chairperson Term: Three years, may serve consecutive terms Duties and Responsibilities: Assists in the development of the educational portion of the annual meeting. Sets goals for development of professional education of the Association membership. Seeks, supports and encourages scholarly research by the members of the Association on topics inherent toward the advancement of athletic training. Select at least one (1) research project for presentation at the annual meeting. Section 3. Scholarship and Awards Committee Chairperson – Vice President Term: length of office Duties and Responsibilities: Appoints members of the subcommittees. Receives and reviews all applicants for Al Ortolani Student Athletic Trainer Scholarship. Schedules meeting of subcommittee for the purpose of discussing and selecting recipients of the scholarship award. Submits report and budget request to Board of Directors. Committee Term: one (1) year at discretion of Chairperson Duties and Responsibilities: Meets to review all nominations for scholarship awards. Recommends candidates for award to Board of Directors. Submits names of candidates for Honorary Membership Section 4. Public Relations Committee Chairperson – President-Elect Term: length of office Duties and Responsibilities: Selects subcommittee members. Gathers information, news, etc. for publication of newsletter three (3) times per year. Submits report and budget request to the Board of Directors. Committee Term: one (1) year, may serve consecutive terms Duties and Responsibilities: Gathers NAIA-ATA news and information for publication. Seeks to encourage good public relations with media, other organizations and interested public. Encourages applicants for membership. Section 5. Championship Committee Chairperson – Past-President Term: three (3) years at discretion of the Board Duties and Responsibilities: Appoints members of committee. Serves as editor of Medical Aspects Handbook. Submit report and budget request to the Board of Directors.



Committee Term: three (3) years, may serve consecutive terms Duties and Responsibilities: Seeks to identify specific problems dealing with medical aspects of athletic training in NAIA institutions. Proposes policies and procedures dealing with medical aspects at NAIA championship events. Prepares and updates Championship Handbook. ARTICLE VI - LIAISON POSITIONS Section 1. NAIA Liaison Selection of Liaison is by official appointment by NAIA. Liaison attends Board of Directors and general business meetings. Liaison acts as resource person to disseminate information between both Associations. Liaison assists with arrangement of budget dispersal and general meeting arrangements. Section 2. Intercollegiate Council for Sports Medicine (ICSM) Liaison. Served by the Past-President and one other NAIA AT selected by the ICSM Chair. Section 3. Conference Representative Conference Representatives appointed by the Conference Commissioners Duties and Responsibilities Maintain and update a Conference database of NAIA athletic trainers. Coordinate activities to ensure that all conference and national tournaments held in their area are adequately covered by athletic trainers. Act as a liaison for their members to the NAIA and NAIA-ATA. Gather news items that would be appropriate for the NAIA-ATA newsletter and forward to the NAIA liaison. Section 4. NATA Liaison Liaison to be appointed by the President. NATA Liaison attends Board of Directors and general business meeting. Liaison acts as a resource person to disseminate information between the NATA & NAIA. This is an appointed position by the President after approval from the NATA and the candidate's NATA district representative. Section 5. Conference Representative Coordinator Appointed by the Board of Directors Duties and Responsibilities To act as a liaison between the Conference Representatives, the NAIA-ATA Board of Directors, and the NAIA liaison to the NAIA-ATA. To provide leadership to the Conference Representatives as to their duties and roles. To compile a national database of NAIA institutions’ athletic trainers and update it annually. ARTICLE VII - FISCAL AND MEMBERSHIP YEAR The fiscal and membership year shall be August 1 through July 31 of each year.

VII. Constitution of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics Athletic Trainers Association (NAIA-ATA) ARTICLE I-NAME The name of this organization shall be the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletic - Athletic Trainers Association. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS


ARTICLE II-OBJECTIVES The objectives of this Association shall be:  The advancement, encouragement, and improvement of the athletic training profession, and to promote a better working relationship among those persons interested in the problems of athletic training.  To develop further the abilities of each of its members to function effectively.  To better serve the common interest of its members by providing a means for an exchange of ideas within the profession.  To enable members to become better acquainted personally through casual good fellowship. ARTICLE III-MEMBERSHIP Section 1. There will be six (6) classes of membership as follows: 1. Certified 4. Student 2. Associate 5. Allied 3. Retired 6. Honorary Section 2. Qualifications for membership, rights and obligations of members shall be as indicated in the By-Laws. ARTICLE IV-ELECTION OF MEMBERS Each applicant for any classification of membership shall sign an application stating his/her desire to become a member and to accept its Constitution and Bylaws. ARTICLE V-CANCELLATION OF MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Membership cancellation may be recommended by any voting member of the association for cause. Cause may be violation of the Constitution, By-Laws, or Code of Ethics. The membership of any member can be caused to cease by a two-thirds vote of the ballots cast by member at the annual business meeting. It is the duty of the members of the NAIA-ATA to submit to the Board of Directors all motions for cancellation. Written notice of cancellation shall be sent by the Secretary/Treasurer within fifteen (15) days following action. Section 2. A person whose membership is canceled in accordance with Section I shall be allowed to appeal, in writing, to the Board of Directors. Such appeal must be received within thirty (30) days of receipt of written notification of cancellation. The Board of Directors shall determine, by a majority vote, to accept or reject the appeal. The decision shall be made and the individual shall be notified in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of the appeal. ARTICLE VI-ORGANIZATION Section 1. Board of Directors The governing body of this organization shall be the Board of Directors. This body shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Vice President, Immediate Past President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Duties and responsibilities of the Board and Committees as a whole are as specified in the Bylaws. Section 2. Elections Election procedures are as specified in the By-Laws. Section 3. Vacancy in Office Any vacancy in office of President shall be filled by the President-Elect for the unexpired term and shall also continue as President for the duly elected term. Any vacancy in the office of President-Elect shall be filled by the Vice President for the unexpired term. At the next general business meeting, this office shall be filled by general election. Any other vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President with the approval of the Board. Any vacancy in the office of Immediate Past President shall not be filled.



Section 4. Absence of President In the absence of the President during a scheduled Board of Directors meeting or general business meeting, the President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President protempore. Section 5. Removal from Office Any association officer may be impeached and convicted on the following grounds: embezzlement, malfeasance in office, and actions contrary to or in violation of the Constitution, By-Laws, or Code of Ethics. A brief containing the charges, with the name(s) of the person preferring charges shall be presented to the Ethics Committee. The brief must be adopted by a majority vote of the Ethics Committee. The committee shall notify the President of the decision who shall notify the officer in writing within fifteen (15) days following action. ARTICLE VII-COMMITTEES AND LIAISONS Section 1. Appointments All committee members and liaisons shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors. Section 2. Standing Committees Standing committees are as specified in the By-Laws. ARTICLE VIII-MEETINGS Section 1. Board of Directors Meetings The Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year, just prior to the annual business meeting. A quorum shall consist of four (4) members present. The President may call additional meeting of the Board as deemed necessary. The president may submit emergency items of association business that are appropriate for Board action by a vote by telephone. The President shall first secure a “second” to the proposal and the call each member of the Board for his/her vote. Board approval of such items shall become part of the official minutes. The President may submit appropriate items of association business to the Board for a vote by mail. For such voting the President shall first secure a “second” and then submit the proposal to each Board member for his/her vote. A “yes” or “no” vote shall be returned via electronic ballot. Board approval of such items shall become part of the official minutes. Section 2. General Business Meeting The annual business meeting shall be held each year in conjunction with the NATA Annual Meeting and Symposium. A quorum consists of those voting members present. The Board of Directors may call additional general business meeting as deemed necessary. All general business meetings shall be conducted according to “Roberts Rules of Order”. ARTICLES IX-AMENDMENTS Section 1. Constitution All proposed amendments to the constitution shall be submitted in writing to the President at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual business meeting. The President shall inform the membership of all proposed amendments at least thirty (30) days prior to the annual business meeting. Proposed amendments shall be read and two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the voting membership present shall be necessary for adoption. Section 2. By-Laws The By-Laws may be amended at any official meeting of the Board of Directors by majority vote. ARTICLE X-FISCAL AND MEMBERSHIP YEAR Fiscal & Membership Year shall be as specified in the By-Laws.



Appendix A ATA BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Michael Livergood Bellevue University 1000 Galvin Road South Bellevue, NE 68005

office fax email

(402) 557-7057 (402) 557-5407

PRESIDENT-ELECT Derek Port Campbellsville University One University Drive Campbellsville, KY 42718

office fax email

(270) 789-5544 (270) 789-5199

VICE PRESIDENT Michael Nolan Missouri Baptist University One College Park Dr St. Louis, MO 63141

office fax email

(314) 392-2281 (314) 744-5379

SECRETARY Lacey Martinez McPherson University 1600 E. Euclid St McPherson, KS 67460

office fax email

(620) 242-0584 (620) 242-0515

PAST PRESIDENT Dr. Ryan “Pete” Manely Sterling College 125 West Cooper Sterling, KS 67579

office fax email

(620) 278-4393 (620) 278-4319

NAIA-LIAISON Leigh Schenck NAIA National Office 1200 Grand Ave Kansas City, MO 64106

office fax email

(816) 595-8189 (816) 595-8200



Appendix B 2017-2018 NAIA-ATA Committees & Liaisons Nominating Committee NOMINATING COMMITTEE Chair: Mike Livergood, Head Athletic Trainer, Bellevue University, Committee: Tony Gambill , University of Saint Francis (IN), Committee comprises the President-Elect as chair, the Board of Directors as the committee members, and one appointee assigned by the President for a minimum two-year term. PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION & RESEARCH COMMITTEE Chair: Tom Reilly, Athletic Trainer Midlands University, Committee: Tyler Kometscher, Bellevue University April Daniels, Cardinal Stritch University, Committee comprises the chair, approved by the Board of Directors, and committee members recommended by the chair and approved by the Board of Directors for a minimum two-year term. SCHOLARSHIP & AWARDS COMMITTEE Chair: Michael Nolan, Associate Athletic Trainer Missouri Baptist University, Committee: Raeann Bromert, University of St. Mary; Kristine Farrell, Mid-America Nazarene University; Lock Schnelle, Southwestern University; Seth Bell, Ottawa University. Committee comprises the Vice-President as chair and committee members recommended by the chair and approved by the Board of Directors for a minimum two-year term. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Chair: Derek Port, Head Athletic Trainer Campbellsville University, Committee: Robin Johnson, Head Athletic Trainer Friends University, Adam Thompson, Program Director, Indiana Wesleyan University, Committee comprises the President-Elect as chair, the NATA/CATS liaison, and committee members recommended by the chair and approved by the Board of Directors for a minimum two-year term. CHAMPIONSHIP COMMITTEE Chair: Dr. Ryan “Pete” Manely, Sterling College, Committee: Eric Gillberg, Kansas Wesleyan University, Jeff Ward, California Maritime Academy, Committee comprises the chair, approved by the Board of Directors, and committee members recommended by the chair and approved by the Board of Directors for a minimum two-year term. SECTION REPRESENTATIVES: Coordinator: Raeanne Brommert, University of St. Mary’s, LIAISONS NAIA Leigh Schenck, NAIA National Office, ICSM Dr. Ryan “Pete” Manely, Sterling College, NATA Darin Voigt, Vanguard,



Appendix C ATA Conference Representatives American Midwest Conference – Steven Sloan, Lindenwood University-Belleville (IL), Appalachian Athletic Conference – Clay Bulter, Union College (KY), Association of Independent Institutions California Pacific Conference – Jeff Ward, California State University-Maritime Academy, Cascade Collegiate Conference – Tony Walther, Corban University, Chicagoland Collegiate Athletic Conference – BJ Geasa, Olivet Nazarene University, Crossroads League Conference – Mary Jacobs, Indiana Wesleyan University, Frontier Conference - Brian Coble, Carroll College, Golden State Athletic Conference – Spenser Bowers, The Masters College, Great Plains Athletic Conference –Stacy Dahlkoetter, Concordia University (NE), Gulf Coast Athletic Conference - Demond Walker, Talladega College, Heart of America Athletic Conference – Lynsey Payne, Baker University, Kansas Collegiate Athletic Conference - Robin Johnson, Friends University, Kentucky Collegiate Athletic Conference – Andrew Bolt, Asbury University, Mid-South Conference – Peggy Haus, University of the Cumberlands, Midlands Collegiate Athletic Conference – Chad Karcher, York College, North Star Athletic Conference – Tim O’Brien, Mayville State University, Red River Athletic Conference – Lance Champagne, Louisiana State University-Shreveport, Sooner Athletic Conference – Kat King, Oklahoma City University, Southern States Athletic Conference – Melissa Thomas, University of Mobile, The Sun Conference – Cookie Guadalupe, Ave Maria University, Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference - Matt McWilliams, Aquinas College, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS


Appendix D NAIA-ATA Board of Directors Candidate Biography Form Name: Affiliated College/University:


1. Position for which you are applying (check one) President-Elect Vice President Secretary/Treasurer 2. Please describe below why you would like to serve on the NAIA-ATA Board of Directors in the office you have selected.

3. Return your response with this biography form and an updated resume to the President-Elect 60 days prior through 15 days after the NAIA-ATA Annual Business Meeting. Ballots emailed from the national office (July 12th) and is due by July 15th. New term begin August 1st.



Appendix E ATA Annual Meeting NATA 2017 Houston, TX Institution Athletic Trainer Bacone College Devon Bryant Bacone College Sara Steria Baker University Lynsey Payne Baker University Austin Hills Baker University Lyn Bott Bellevue University Jordan Henthorne Bellevue University Mike Livergood Campbellsville University Kaitlin Niemiec Campbellsville University Kaitynn Sanfilippo Campbellsville University Scott Boughmen Campbellsville University Colleen Beminski Campbellsville University Josh Hawkins Campbellsville University Derek Port Cenral Christian College Maggie Burnette College of the Ozarks Gary Turbak Cramner Products Chad Stephens Cramner Products Jackie Church Cumberland University LaKiesha Fair Freed-Hardeman University Pernell Knox Friends Unviersity Adam Koch Georgetown College Randy McGuire Graceland University Erin Lundy Graceland University Dylan Hogan John Brown University Todd Bowden La Sierra University Brian Murphy Langston University Ross McMulloh Langston University Melissa Wergeles Lindsey Wilson College Christpher Miller Martin Methodist College Grant Fairchild Marygrove College William Pugh Mayville State University Tim O'Brien McPherson College Lacey Martinez McPherson College Philip Schoenwatter MidAmerica Nazarine University Brendon Powers Mission Baptist University Meredith Dill Missouri Valley John Bartholomew Missouri Valley Diane Bartholomew Oklahoma Wesleyan University Curtis Williams Our Lady of the Lake University Casey Hebenstreit Our Lady of the Lake University Corey Beechner SAGU Stuart Dunn Southeastern University Jem Sirrine Sterling College Allen Jeter University of Northwestern Ohio Aron Downey University of Northwestern Ohio Erica Anderson University of Saint Mary Raeann Bromert University of the Cumberlands Jennifer Wake-Floyd University of the Cumberlands Brina Strebeck Vanguard University Darin Voigt NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS


1. Welcome/call to order 1:05 a. Board of Directors b. Member Roll Call i. Hall of Fame 2. Awards- Michael Nolan and Chad Stephens a. NAIA Athletic Training of the Year Award i. Tracy Collins b. Al Ortolani Undergratuate award i. Adriana Trost (Vince Fedorowich accepting the award on her behalf) c. CUATC/ICSM Head athletic training i. Tom Riley Midland University 3. Sponsor Recognition a. Cramer (Chad Stephens) i. 100 Anniversary ii. Cramer Blitzes- To try and reach more schools iii. Partnered with Gatorade 4. Approval of 2016 minutes at 1:16- Motion –Motion by Phil Schoenwetter Confirmation by Josh Erikson. 5. Committee Reports a. CATS/CUATC/ICSM-Pete 1:18 i. Introduction of Murphy from Kansas ii. Murphy there are now 32 members iii. The Unchallengeable Rule that is in NCAA is now coming to the NAIA level. The rule is that coaches are not allowed to pressure or challenge an athletic trainer on either team with their recommendation to sit an athlete iv. How many times will they meet- meetings conference calls and a preconference meeting before NATA convention. b. NAIA National Report-John Leavens 1:30 i. Increasing voice of student athletes (CSA) 35 members who reports to a counsel that advocates for the students. ii. Looking to fill a position that focus on health and wellness for students (Focus on professional experience) Hiring here in the next couple months iii. Review of championships1. Review the administration 2. Review the structure 3. Set a standard to support athletes in a championship structure c. NAC-Mike Livergood 1:39 i. Women’s soccer play their whole season and then play the championship in 5 days. Is that the best for our athletes? ii. Drug testing will be starting this year- first round championship level iii. Weather issues at the national championships- get unified d. Council of student-athletes-Mike Nolan-Met in April NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS


i. ATA Survey was send out last fall-most important topics (One of the main things that the student athletes concern for their wellness (Physically and Mentally) including practice limit that the NCAA implemented and would like to see that at the NAIA level ii. Datalys center injury surveillance primary survey results 1. Is it worth going forward? 2. A lot of information drugfreesport/wellness iii. Football e. Scholarship and Awards i. Looking to add to the committee f. Championship committee 1:50-Pete i. Medical checklist for each sport ii. Manual is getting updated iii. Changing injury report updated- where does it go to afterwards g. Professional Education and research committee h. NATA- Darin Voigt i. They plan on using a professional in that field to be able to help make the policy ii. It also gives a professional to talk to 6. Committee Vacancies and Board Recruitment a. Conference contact i. To make sure that everyone is getting emails from the NAIA office b. Professional education i. We are going to start drug testing ii. We’re trying to make sure there is always 2 people in the committee iii. Approved current manual at the NAIA website 1. When you are a host institution, the responsibility of drug testing is written so that the athletic training cannot fill that position. 7. Old Business 8. New Business a. Drug education b. Experience of athletic trainers at NAIA championships i. Marathon-Is this a risk for our athletes? 1. First they run a half marathon to qualify 2. Then they have to run a marathon a. Josh-There was part of the course that you couldn’t even get to an athlete c. Motions 2:05 i. Inclement weather canceling play. Power outage? Legislation for power outage? ii. Cutting fingernails-reduce the risk of transporting blood 1. For men’s and women’s basketball iii. Talking about future of athletic training with the elimination of GA’s 1. Pete 2:08 21-22- We’ll put together a statement of a letter on the frontend so that we can give to the administration. The letter will say



things like here what is coming, here is how it is impacting the school and athletic training and here is what would should do about it. 2. Communicate it now so that schools may be able to plan it into the budget if necessary. iv. Mike Nolan 2:14-Open it up for thoughts about the football statement that was passed by NCAA in April. We are going to follow the current guidelines. 1. ICSM going to increase policy? a. One time waver with the football change start a week earlier b. Reductions from 29 to 25 practices c. 14 week model was in the football season because of money was going to allow games Saturday or two Saturday’s prior to Memorial Day. 2. Drug testing extra comments- John 2:20 a. Have your athletes introduced to drug education b. Talk to your students about the NAIA banned substance list c. Student consent forms-signed form or they will not be allowed to participate d. Medical exemption i. In the event that a student test positive, they’re okay, it will not cause them to be ineligible as long as they are using the drugs according to the doctors. ii. Anabolic steroids or peptide are allowed 1. The exception forms have to be completed before participation in the beginning of the season. NOT when the testing occurs. iii. Athletic Trainers who are working the host competition should not be the ones doing the helping the drug testing team iv. Visiting teams will also have a representative- but not necessarily to be at the testing site v. Student consent form will be uploaded online just needs to be done before the initial rounds 1. Scott Harold 816-595-8126 d. Announcements: Job opportunities i. Martin Methodist Full time ii. Vanguard Full time Assistant iii. University southwest full time iv. Lady of the lake full time v. Sterling Full time- football only Motion to close Katie Arnold Second Bart Campos



Appendix F NAIA National Championship Medical Information Sheet Coaches: Please forward this form to your head athletic trainer. Please bring this form to the coaches meeting at the National Championship and forward to the Sport Manager at the NAIA before you leave for the Championship. In addition to basic athletic training supplies, the athletic training room will be equipped with ultrasound, electric stimulation, hydro collator and hot and cold whirlpools. TEAM:




Do you have a team physician with you? Physician's name:











Do you have a certified athletic trainer with you? Athletic trainer's name:



Do you have an athletic training student with you? Athletic training student’s name:


Do you have any athletes with a medical condition we need to be aware of before the tournament starts? If yes, please state athlete(s) and condition(s):

Do you have any athletes on regular medication that we need to be aware of before the tournament starts? If yes, please state athlete(s) and medication(s):



Appendix G NAIA National Championship Athletic Training Evaluation Form Please evaluate the following categories in regard to athletic training services for the championship event. Please include positive and negative aspects and suggestions for improvement. Sport:

____Evaluator (AT):



For each performance category, check the number which indicated you rating of the Athletic Training coverage for the championship event. Use the following rating system, 5- excellent, 4- good, 3average, 2- below average, 1- poor. Please fill in the explanation/comments box fully so that we know the details of the evaluation and ranking. Thanks so much. CATEGORY Pre-Event Meeting- Meeting for athletic trainers to explain venue set up, EAP, Emergency medical facilities, maps, contact information etc. Distribution of Medical Packet. Athletic Training “Room”- Treatment tables, electrical muscle stimulation, ultrasound, hydrocollator, whirlpool, ice and bags, biohazard supplies, basic medical supplies, emergency equipment. Athletic Training “Room” AvailabilityAvailability of the athletic training room before and after practices and games. Medical Staffing- Certified Athletic Trainer coverage of both the athletic training room as well as the court/field coverage. Access to Medical Specialists- On site or easy, quick access to Physicians (general medical and or orthopedic physicians), or other medical specialists. Field/Court Set-Up- Medical supplies set up for each field/court including: water, injury ice, biohazard supplies, emergency equipment, or any other venue specific supplies.

RATING 5 4 3 2 1


5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1

Return to ATA Liaison, fax 816-595-8200,



Appendix H NAIA National Championship Athletic Injury Report Form Event: ___________________________________________ Host Institution:___________





Name:_________________________ DOI:________ Time of Injury:_____

- DOB:____

School:_________________________________________Sport:___________________ Address:_______________________________________ Phone:_________________ Male Female Location of Injury:

Field/Gym Off Site

Injured During:


Body Part:_________________________________________


Practice L

Other:__________ B

Injury:____________________________________________ SOAP:_____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Action Taken

__Called EMS

__Parent/Coach taken to Hospital

__Returned to Sport

__Withheld from Sport

__Transferred to Hospital


Evaluator (Print):_______________________________


Evaluator (Sign):______________________ Credentials:______ Date_______ Phone:____________



APPENDIX I NAIA Transgender Student-Athlete Participation at National Championships Council for Student-Athletes under the authority granted in Article IV. F. approved this policy to begin in 2017-18. A medical exemption form will be available for students at the beginning of the season for institutions to file on campus. A transgender student-athlete may participate in sex-separated NAIA approved postseason under the following conditions: 1. A male-to-female (MTF) transgender student-athlete who is taking medically prescribed hormone treatment related to gender transition may participate on a men’s team at any time, but must complete one year of hormone treatment related to gender transition before competing on a women’s team. 2. A female-to-male (FTM) transgender student athlete who is taking medically prescribed testosterone related to gender transition may not participate on a women’s team after beginning hormone treatment. A female-to-male (FTM) transgender student-athlete who is taking medically prescribed testosterone may compete on a men’s team only after the student receives a medical exception from the NAIA [Committee TBD] to allow the use of medically prescribed testosterone. 3. Any transgender student athlete who is not taking hormone treatment related to gender transition may participate in sex-separated sports activities or mixed team competition in accordance with his or her assigned birth gender.



APPENDIX J NAIA Official Medical Exemption Form The NAIA recognizes that some banned substances are used for legitimate medical purposes. Accordingly, the NAIA allows exemptions to be made for those student-athletes with documented medical history demonstrating the need for regular use of such a drug. Exemptions may be granted for substances included in the following classes of banned drugs: stimulants, anabolic agents, beta blockers, diuretics, peptide hormones, anti-estrogens, and beta-2 agonists.


Case # (for national Office use Only) Name of Athlete:

Sport(s) :




2. 3.

List all doctor proscribed medications currently being taken by student. Include diagnosis and date medication was begun.



Date Rx Began

I hereby certify that the above information is complete and accurate:

Student-Athlete Signature

Name (please print)


Parent Signature (if student-athlete is a minor)

4 .

In the event that the student tests positive for a banned substance, the following information is required to be completed by the student-athlete’s physician: :

________________________ _____

_______________________ _____

_______________________ _____

Current Treating Physician


Date of Clinical Evaluation

________________________ _____ ________________________ _____ ________________________ _____

_______________________ _____

_______________________ _____

Physician Signature

Today’s Date

Physician Office Address and Phone



Required Materials:

______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______

Diagnosis Medications(s) and dosage Blood pressure and pulse readings and comments Note that alternative non-banned medications have been considered, and comments History of treatment (previous/ongoing) Laboratory/testing results (if applicable) ADHD rating scale (if applicable)

_______________________________________ Athletic Director Signature


Attach current transcript.

_______________________________________ Athletic Trainer Signature

Send this form and transcript to: NAIA National Office, Attn: Legislative Services All 5 areas of this form must be completed before the request can be considered by the National Office, Legislative Services Dept.



Denied. The request does not meet criteria established by membership.




NAIA Championship Concussion Policy

Concussions can be serious and potentially life threatening injuries in sports. Research indicates that if concussion symptoms are appropriately managed, an individual is very unlikely to have a prolonged recovery or long term issues. In an effort to manage these relatively common injuries, a concussion management protocol/policy has been developed by the NAIA championships committee for athletes participating in NAIA championship events. Recognition of Head Injuries A concussion is a brain injury that is caused by a bump, blow, or jolt to the head, or by a blow to another body part with the force transmitting to the head. They can range from a mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), which can disrupt the brain briefly (hours or days), whereas the severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result in more permanent disruption. A concussion may present itself differently for each student-athlete and occurrence. Coaches and fellow teammates can be helpful in identifying those who may potentially have a concussion, because a concussed athlete may not be aware of a concussion or potentially try to hide the injury to stay in the game, on the field or court and even stay in swimming/diving events. Signs and symptoms of concussion may show up right after an injury or can take hours or days to fully appear. Symptoms may include one or more of the following (reported by the athlete) Headaches Brief loss of consciousness (LOC) Fatigue/Vomiting/Nausea Poor recall for events prior to injury or after injury “Pressure in head” Difficulty with memory Sensitive to light or sound Feeling sluggish More emotional Difficulty concentrating/confusion/feeling“foggy” Change in sleep patterns Neck pain Balance problems or dizziness Irritability Repeating the same question/comment Balance problems or dizziness Blurred, double or fuzzy vision Report they “don’t feel right”. * Not all symptoms have to be present for a concussion. Each concussion will present itself differently for each individual. ** A student does not have to be withheld from competition when a headache is the only symptom reported. A student shall be withheld from competition in accordance with RTP protocol when (a) the student reports a headache, (b) there is a mechanism of injury and (c) one other symptom is present.

Signs observed by teammates, parents, coaches Appears dazed/stunned/exhibits confusion Balance problems or moves clumsily Vacant facial expression Personality change Unsure of game, score, or opponent Memory changes Responds slowly to questions Slurred speech Loss of consciousness (LOC) Seizures or convulsions Can’t recall events prior to hit Can’t recall events after hit Same Day Return-to-Play (RTP)  A student-athlete playing in an NAIA championship event who exhibits any signs or symptoms of concussion or potential brain injury shall be withheld from the competition or practice and will not return to any activity for the remainder of that day.  The athlete will be evaluated by the athletic training staff immediately following the injury episode. A determination of the student-athlete’s medical status will be made by the on-site championship venue physician.



  

If an institution is traveling with an athletic trainer, the team’s athletic trainer will evaluate the injury episode per the institution’s concussion management policy and request a determination of the student-athlete’s medical status by the on-site championship venue physician. The student-athlete will be reassessed 24 hours after the injury event by the host athletic trainer, athletic training staff, or team’s athletic trainer to determine his or her medical status. This post-event assessment will be documented by the host athletic trainer, athletic training staff or team’s athletic trainer. The host athletic trainer, athletic training staff or the team’s AT will implement recommendations made by the on-site championship venue physician for the athlete diagnosed with a concussion.

On-the-Field/Court Immediate Referral Upon initial evaluation, activation of the appropriate Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and immediate transport/referral to an appropriate hospital is warranted with any of the following findings:  Extended loss of consciousness (LOC)  High index of suspicion of spinal or head injury  Seizure activity  Deterioration of vital signs Off –the- Field/Court Immediate Referral Should the student-athlete present any of the findings in the athletic training room (ATR)/athletic training areas/bench or sideline, activation of the appropriate Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and immediate transport/referral to an appropriate hospital is warranted.  Deterioration of neurological signs such as motor, sensory and cranial nerve deficits subsequent to initial on-field/court assessment.  Extended loss of consciousness  Persistent vomiting  Post-concussion symptoms that worsen Non-Immediate Referral  All student-athletes who have been diagnosed with a concussion will be evaluated by the on-site championship venue physician prior to return to unrestricted activity.  Student-athletes may be referred to specialists if necessary and host athletic trainer or on-site championship venue physician may arrange this. Follow-Up Care  In the event of a concussion, follow-up care and proper education is critical. The studentathlete will be released under the care of the team’s athletic trainer, coach, and/or parents/guardians.  The concussion take home instructions will be explained and given to the concussed studentathlete as well as the coach or parents/guardians.  The host athletic trainer should communicate what happened and care given to the student-athlete and the student-athlete’s athletic trainer. (This may be electronically, verbally or written methods)  The NAIA’s responsibility ends at the conclusion of the tournament.



Return to Play Guidelines Most NAIA championship venues have a limited time frame for practice and competition. A return to play guideline may not always be practical. It is important to note that a return to play timeline could last over a period of days, weeks, months and ultimately result in potential medical disqualification from participation in the championship venue. There are numerous yet similar return to play guidelines available. This policy cannot recommend one return to play guideline versus another. This will be left to the discretion of the on-site championship venue physician, host athletic trainer, athletic training staff, or the team’s athletic trainer. A sample return to play guideline is provided here as an example: Rehabilitation Stage Functional Exercise Objective of Stage Criteria to Advance 1. No Activity Complete Physical & Recovery No symptoms at rest, Cognitive Patience neurocognitive and (rest) physical tests normal 2. Light Aerobic Walking, swimming Increase Heart Rate No return of symptoms Exercise or stationary bike @ 2 days of activity <70% MHR 3. Sport-specific Running drills, Add movement No return of symptoms exercise shooting drills, etc… @ 1 day No Head impact activities 4. Non-contact Progression to more Exercise, coordination, No return of symptoms training complex training drills, cognitive load start resistive training 5. Full contact Following medical Restore Confidence, No return of symptoms practice clearance, normal assessment of functional training activities skills 6. Return to Play Normal Game play Full participation 

 

Any student-athlete diagnosed with a concussion may not return to full activity or competition until they are asymptomatic in limited, controlled, and full-contact activities and cleared by the on-site championship venue physician prior to returning to play. The on-site championship venue physician has the final say regarding whether a studentathlete may return to competition in a NAIA championship venue. In the event that the championship venue does not have an on-site physician, the athlete’s college/university team’s athletic trainer will determine athlete’s return to competition in a NAIA championship venue. However; the host medical coordinator (athletic training staff) may assist in stabilizing and treating the athlete if requested until appropriate care is secured. This may consist of calling an on-call physician for the championship or referral to a medical facility.

Second Impact Syndrome Athletes with the signs and symptoms of a concussion should be removed from play immediately. Continuing to play with the signs and symptoms of a concussion leaves the student- athletes especially vulnerable to a greater injury. There is an increased risk for a period of time after a concussion occurs, particularly if the athlete suffers another concussion, before completely recovering from the first concussion. This can lead to prolonged recovery, or even to severe brain swelling (second impact syndrome) with devastating and even fatal consequences.



It does not require a strong blow to the head to cause the effects of second impact syndrome. The student-athlete may receive a minor blow to the head, chest, or back that snaps the head (a minimal force causes irreversible damage). The second impact may often go undetected because it is not directly or under reported by the student-athlete. Rule will permit an unlimited amount of time to examine wrestlers June 15, 2016 3:19pmGreg Johnson The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel approved a rules change that allows medical personnel an unlimited and unimpeded amount of time for concussion evaluation of wrestlers, beginning in the 2016-17 season. Additionally, in cases of uncertainty, the medical staff will have the ability to remove participants from the wrestling area to perform a concussion evaluation. Panel members have asked that these medical evaluations be tracked in order to determine how often this rule is applied and the time it takes to perform an adequate evaluation. During the evaluation, the match will be suspended until a decision is rendered by the medical professional. The referee, the coaches of both participants and the noninjured wrestler are required to remain on the mat during the evaluation. A concussion evaluation timeout will not count as an injury timeout or recovery timeout. Coaching of the wrestler being evaluated is not permitted. In a separate rules change, injured wrestlers will not be permitted to be coached during all other nonbleeding injury timeouts. In the case of a severe or traumatic situation, medical personnel may request that the wrestler’s coach assist in calming the injured wrestler. However, coaches are required to remove themselves from the situation during any assessment period related to the injury or concussion evaluation.



Concussion Home Instruction Sheet Athlete: __________________________________Date:________________________________ This athlete has sustained or is suspected to have sustained a head injury/concussion. Quite often signs of a head injury/concussion do not appear immediately after trauma. The purpose of this sheet is to alert you to the symptoms of significant head injuries/concussions that may occur several hours after the initial head injury. Please follow the instructions listed below: Keep careful watch over the athlete and observe overall physical and mental health. Contact the athlete’s primary care physician or take the athlete to the nearest hospital emergency department IMMEDIATELY if any of the following symptoms persist or worsen: Increasingly severe headaches Repeated vomiting Dizziness, poor balance or unsteadiness Convulsion / Seizures Persistent ringing in the ears Slurred speech Neck pain

Difficulty in waking the athlete Blurred vision Weakness or numbness in arms or legs Unusual or bizarre behavior Any discharge from the ears or nose Pupils that are dilated, unequal in size More emotional

It is OK to Use an ice pack on head and neck as needed Eat a light diet

Do Not Do not exercise or lift weights Do not take aspirin or ibuprofen unless directed by a physician Go to sleep Do not use sedating medication or alcohol Rest (no strenuous exercise or sports) Do not drive while you have symptoms Consult your physician about prescription meds Do not lie about or minimize your symptoms, be honest Special Instructions: • Follow up with the Athletic Trainer / Physician the next day or as soon as possible to discuss signs/symptoms and receive directions for post-concussion care and treatment. • Keep all medical paperwork about your concussion for your records and give instructions or medical clearance forms from your physician to the athletic trainer for guidelines for return to participation. Recommendations provided to: ________________________ phone# __________________ Recommendations provided by: _____________________________ phone# ____________ Take Home Instructions This link from the CDC should be distributed to concussed student-athlete, coach, and/or parents/guardians.



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