Naia eligibility workshop aacrao 2017

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NAIA Eligibility Workshop NAIA Registrars, FARS, or others interested in learning more about the eligibility process for the NAIA, this workshop is for you! Join the NAIA Registrar Association Executive Board and representatives from the NAIA Eligibility Center for an eligibility roundtable and an update on requirements and legislation. ECP/Play NAIA software tools and tips will be presented. You will return to your institutions equipped for the upcoming eligibility season.

Presented by:

Jessica Cason, Mgr. Eligibility Services, NAIA Eligibility Center Dennis Hicks, Registrar, Indiana University East

Day: Sunday, April 2, 2017 Time: 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Session ID: 6002

Session Rules of Etiquette • Please silence your electronic devices. • Please complete the session evaluation using the AACRAO mobile app or the paper form in your registration packet, drop boxes are available throughout the convention center. • If you must leave the session early, please do so as discreetly as possible

• Please avoid side conversation during the session

Thank you for your cooperation!


• NAIA Eligibility • International Credential evaluation • NAIA Legislation

Eligibility 101 – The Basics Fundamentals of Eligibility and the Bylaws     

Academic Eligibility

Athletic Experience Transfer Situations Campus Responsibilities

Eligibility Forms & Documents

Academic Eligibility Bylaw V.B.19

 Terms of Attendance (TOA)  Limit of 10 semesters; 15 quarters Athletic Eligibility Bylaw V.B.18

 Seasons of Competition (SOC)

 Limit of 4 seasons of competition in a given sport

 All first-time NAIA participants must register at and receive an eligible determination prior to participating in any contest (scrimmage, exhibition or regular season). EC Reviews: EC Does Not Review:  Terms of Attendance  Amateurism  Seasons of Competition  Transfer Releases  Academic Eligibility  Suspension Residency  Graduation  Eligibility Certification

Academic Eligibility

Academic Eligibility: Terms of Attendance

Article V, Section B, Item 19 Article V, Section B, Item 8

An NAIA student may only compete during the first 10 semester terms of attendance or 15 quarter terms of attendance.

 TOA is any term (excluding summer sessions) in which the student becomes identified with an institution.

Identification: An association between the student and institution recognized by the NAIA.

 Participation in an intercollegiate contest  Enrollment in 12 institutional credit hours as noted on the student’s official transcript (Freshman Exception)

Academic Eligibility: 12-hour Enrollment

Article V, Section C, Item 3

To compete, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 institutional credit hours.  At least 9 institutional credit hours must be at the NAIA institution  Up to 3 institution credit hours from another institution - with prior permission from NAIA registrar – will count toward satisfying this rule.  If a student drops below 12 hours at any time, student must immediately stop competing.

Article V, Section C, Item 2 Academic Eligibility: Entering Freshman Requirements

A student is considered an entering freshman until he/she has identified with a post-secondary institution of higher education for at least 2 semesters/3 quarters (or equivalent). Freshmen must meet 2 out of 3 requirements:  2.0 Cumulative GPA  Finish in top half of the student’s graduating class  Minimum standardized test scores of:  18 on the ACT; or  860 on the SAT (Math & Reading only) Early determinations are available after a student’s 6th and/or 7th semesters of high school.

Academic Eligibility: Freshman Exceptions Home Schooled Students:

 Test score requirement: 20 ACT / 950 SAT; OR  Individualized review by the NAIA Homes School Committee Students with Learning Disabilities:

 Meet entering freshman eligibility requirements; OR  Individualized review by the LDAC and NEC For more information on how to submit Home School Waivers & Exceptions for students with learning disabilities… see process workshop PowerPoint at NAIA Rules Education website.

Academic Eligibility: 2nd Term Freshman

Article V, Section C, Item 5

To participate in the student’s second TOA, the student must:

 Have met entering freshman requirements (2 of 3); and  Have earned at least 9 institutional credits prior to the second term  Hours earned prior to identification at the NAIA school will not count.  CLEP hours will count if taken after school starts. Quarter School Note: To participate in the student’s third quarter TOA, the student must have earned 24 credits over the students first 2 TOAs.

Academic Eligibility: Continuing Eligibility

Article V, Section C, Item 6 Article V, Section C, Item 9

24/36-Hour Rule:  Passing coursework and earning credits in a manner consistent with the expectations of a full-time student.  Considers terms of attendance and earning expected credits over previous 2 semester/3 quarter TOAs Progress Rule:  Earning credits so that one’s academic achievement aligns with one’s athletic experience  Considers seasons of competition and earning expected credits prior to the start of the next SOC

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 6

To compete, a student must have earned:

 24 credits during the student’s previous two semester TOAs; or  36 credits during the student’s previous three quarter TOAs. This calculation may include:  “Non-term” hours earned after the student’s 2nd most recent TOA.  No more than 12 non-term hours can apply to the calculation.

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule

1st Academic Year: Fall – 12 credits Spring – 12 credits

Meets 24/36-Hour Rule for Fall of the 2nd Academic Year

Article V, Section C, Item 6

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 6

4th academic year

1st Academic Year: Fall – 12 credits Spring – 12 credits

Meets 24/36-Hour Rule for Fall of the 3rd Academic Year

Summer – 3 credits

2nd Academic Year: Fall – 15 credits Spring – 6 credits

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 6

3rd Academic Year: Fall – 12 credits Spring – Did not Identify (0 credits)

1st Academic Year: Fall – 12 credits Spring – 12 credits Summer – 3 credits

2nd Academic Year: Fall – 15 credits Spring – 6 credits

Does not meet 24/36-Hour Rule for Fall of the 4th Academic Year

Academic Eligibility: Progress Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 9

To compete in a student’s 2nd SOC:  24 semester / 36 quarter institutional credits accumulated. To compete in a student’s 3rd SOC:  48 semester / 72 quarter institutional credits accumulated. To compete in a student’s 4th SOC:  72 semester / 108 quarter institutional credits accumulated.  48 semester / 72 quarter general education and/or major institutional credits accumulated.

Academic Eligibility: 2.0 GPA Requirement  

Article V, Section C, Items 8 & 9

Junior academically and/or 3rd Season of Competition, or Senior Academically and/or 4th Season of Competition

Calculating GPA  First TOA at your institution: cumulative GPA from all transcripts

Cum GPA = Total Quality Points achieved Total GPA Hrs. attempted

After initial TOA at your institution: use institution's cumulative GPA policy for all students  Retention/Graduation GPA is only used if it is the only GPA  If multiple “cumulative GPAs” appear, use whichever GPA institution uses to determine honors, graduation, etc.

Athletic Eligibility: Seasons of Competition

Article V, Section B, Item 18

Athletic Eligibility: Intercollegiate SOC

Article V, Section B, Item 18

A student is charged one season of competition for any participation in an exhibition or intercollegiate contest

 One pitch, one play, one second  A student may be awarded a season back if they meet the criteria listed in the Medical Hardship bylaw (Article V, Section M). For more information on Medical Hardships… see processes workshop PowerPoint

Article V, Section B, Item 18(b) Athletic Eligibility: Non-Collegiate Competition

Who is subject to a competitive experience review?  Eligibility Center Determinations  Any student who will enroll at an NAIA institution a year or more after high school graduation.

 Campus Certification  Any student with a break in full-time enrollment.  Any student who, while at a non-NAIA institution, was not charged seasons of competition for every year of full-time enrollment.

Athletic Eligibility: Directory of Competition Article V, Section B, Item 18

The Directory of Competition within PlayNAIA Manager allows institutions to see if a league/event is chargeable as elite-level competition. NOTE: The Directory is not exhaustive and only contains those leagues evaluated by the Eligibility Center.

Article V, Section F-H

Transfer Rules

Transfer Rules

Article V, Sections F-H

Definition of a Transfer  A student who becomes identified with an NAIA school after having been previously identified with another institution. General Transfer Residency Rule  A student with prior participation at a 4-year institution must serve a 16-week residency period prior to NAIA participation.  Residency Rule Exceptions:  Most recent intercollegiate participation was at 2-year institution  Did not participate at the most recent 4-year institution  Has both a 2.0 GPA and written release

Transfer Rules

Article V, Sections F-H

 Transfer student who represents 2 institutions in one academic year can be charged 2 SOCs in a 12-month period

 JuCo Exception: JuCo grad who participated at JuCO, transfers to NAIA school in same sport season and is otherwise eligible

 Mid-Year Transfers and Spring Events  Student must be certified as eligible to participate in next SOC  Applies even for spring scrimmages, where student won’t be charged a SOC

Tying it All Together

Eligibility Certification Forms Required: NAIA Official Eligibility Certificate NAIA Certificate of Clearance When applicable: Transfer Eligibility Statement Eligibility Certificate for Entering Freshmen Competitive Experience Form

Article V, Section J

Students may not compete until all necessary forms are completed and sent to conference eligibility chair

NAIA Forms and Processes

Come to our workshop on processes… Coming up NEXT!

Article V, Section L; Article VI, Section B&E


Eligibility 2.0: Advanced Applications

Focus: Applications and Intricacies     

Academic Eligibility Athletic Experience Transfer Situations Campus Responsibilities Eligibility Forms & Documents

 From our Eligibility Basics Presentation we learned:  Who needs to register with the Eligibility Center  What the EC reviews  What the EC does not review

Eligibility Center: Reactivation Reactivation: The process by which the NAIA Eligibility Center provides an updated eligibility determination. Reactivation is determined based on the NAIA Eligibility Center Situation Analysis. Reactivation is required:

    

“Not eligible” determination “Eligible”, no competition, break in enrollment “Eligible”, no competition, transfer Registration, no NAIA enrollment “Eligible” in sport A, subject to Competitive Experience Rule, competition in sport B before competition in sport A.

Term of Attendance, Identification, and everything in between‌

Article V, Section B, Item 19 Academic Eligibility Article I, Section M Terms of Attendance vs. Inter-Term

 TOA is any term (excluding summer sessions, inter-terms) in which the student becomes identified with an institution.

Inter-term  Not a term of attendance  Student can identify by enrolling in 3/4 of normal academic load Note: use 2/3 if inter-term courseload is divisible by 3  Participation  Establishing residency

 Things to think about when choosing Inter-term certification  The time in which you certify is important to consider!

Academic Eligibility Inter-term & Recertification

Article I, Section M

Option a. Stand Alone  Inter-term is not attached to a term of attendance.  Recertify at end of Fall term and inter-term Option b. Attach to First Term  Recertify at end of inter-term  Ineligible Fall students cannot gain eligibility until end of inter-term Option c. Attach to Spring Term  Recertify at end of Fall term  Students who become ineligible at end of Fall terms cannot gain eligibility until end of Spring term Default = Option a: Stand Alone

Academic Eligibility: Identification

Article V, Section B, Item 8

Identification: The association between the student-athlete and institution as recognized by the NAIA. Two ways to identify with an institution:  Participation in an intercollegiate contest  Enrollment in 12 institutional credit hours as noted on the student’s official transcript  There is a Freshman Exception for courses that do not meet institutional credit hour definition.

Academic Eligibility: Institutional Credit Hours

Article V, Section B, Item 9

Definition: Any credit hour attributed to a course that is recorded on the transcript with a grade and credit hours earned.

Note (16-B-06):which will not allow for earned credit hours with a grade of an F or equivalent to be applied to 24/36 Hour Rule or Progress Rule.

Identification: Freshman Exception

Article V, Section B, Item 8

An entering freshman will identify with an institution during the student’s first two semesters/ three quarter terms:  Participation in an intercollegiate contest  Enrollment in 12 credit hours as noted on the student’s official transcript.  Exception allows for remedial/ developmental courses

Article V, Section B, Item 8

Academic Eligibility: Identification & Prospective Students

Prospective Student: A student-athlete remains a prospective student until they meet the definition of Identification. A Prospective Student-Athlete must identify first with an institution to allow for:  Practice and compete with an institution’s team during the summer (May 16th- July 31st).  Practice and compete prior to the start of the institution’s academic term or between regular academic terms (inter-term).

Identification: 21 Day Withdraw

Article V, Section F, Item 3

 If a student identified with an institution officially withdraws from that institution within 21 calendar days and returns at a later datestudent will not be charged a term of attendance for the term in which the student originally withdrew.  21 calendar days as defined by the official opening date of classes as stated in the institutional catalog  Student cannot become identified with another institution during this time period

 21 Day withdraw period can apply to any institution of higher education (not just NAIA institutions)

Identification: 21 Day Withdraw & Academic Eligibility

Article V, Section F, Item 4

 Student identifies with institution and totally withdraws within 21 calendar days and subsequently becomes identified at an NAIA institution after remaining out of school for two full consecutive semesters (or equivalent)  The term will not count in application of Nine-Hour Rule or 24/36-Hour Rule  But if student participates during the 21 days before withdrawing- the transfer rule will apply and the term will be counted in application of the NineHour Rule or 24/36-Hour Rule  Student will be charged a TOA regardless

Academic Eligibility Benchmarks

Academic Eligibility: 12-Hour Enrollment

Article V, Section C, Item 3

To compete in any term, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 institutional credit hours.

Article V, Section C, Item 2 Academic Eligibility: Entering Freshman Requirements

A student is considered an entering freshman until he/she has identified with a post-secondary institution of higher education for at least 2 semesters/3 quarters (or equivalent). Freshman must meet 2 out of 3 requirements:  2.0 Cumulative GPA  Finish in top half of the student’s graduating class  Minimum standardized test scores of:  18 on the ACT; or  860 on the SAT (Math & Reading only) Early determination are available after a student’s 6th and/or 7th semesters of high school.

Article V, Section C, Item 2 Academic Eligibility: Entering Freshman Requirements

2.0 Cumulative GPA Requirement

Multiple GPAs:  If multiple GPAs exist on the transcript, the Eligibility Center will use the GPA used to determine class rank  If multiple ranks exist, the EC will use the rank for determining the valedictorian  If the selection for a valedictorian does not exist, the EC will use weighted over unweighted rank  If the school does not rank their students but offer Academic GPA vs. Overall GPA:  Use Overall GPA (Academic GPA: typically does not include activity or elective classes)

Article V, Section C, Item 2 Academic Eligibility: Entering Freshman Requirements

Class Rank Requirement  Accept final class rank used for graduation Multiple Class Ranks:  If there are multiple variations of class rank:  Use rank used to determine valedictorian  If no class rank appears on the transcript:  Can accept a letter from the principal/vice principal/counselor certifying student graduated in top 50%

Article V, Section C, Item 2 Academic Eligibility: Entering Freshman Requirements

Standardized Test Scores  “Super Scores” not accepted

 SAT: Critical Reading and Math section only; Writing section not applicable

 Must be earned prior to start of semester to be used for eligibility  Vacated Scores:  No longer count toward eligibility requirement  If student has already participated, does not constitute ineligible participation

Academic Eligibility: 2nd Term Freshman

Article V, Section C, Item 5

To participate in the student’s second TOA, the student must:  Have met entering freshman requirements (2 of 3); and  Have earned at least 9 institutional credits prior to the second term

Academic Eligibility: Continuing Eligibility

Article V, Section C, Item 6 Article V, Section C, Item 7 Article V, Section C, Item 9

24|36-Hour Rule:  Intention of bylaw- passing coursework and earning credits in a manner consistent with the expectations for a full time student.  Bylaw focuses on terms of attendance and earning required credits over previous 2 semester/3 quarter TOA. Progress Rule:  Intention of bylaw- earning credits so that one’s academic achievement aligns with one’s athletic experience.  Bylaw focuses on seasons of competition and earning expected credits prior to the start of the next SOC.

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule Exceptions

Article V, Section C, Item 6 Exceptions on page 53

Exception 1. Student participation and withdrawal  Student identifies with institution by participating before school begins.  TOA will not apply to 24/36 hour rule if enrollment does not show on transcript after leaving institution. Exception 2. AA Degree from a Junior College  No more than 5 semester/7 quarter TOAs used at Junior College  Passed all hours required for graduation in term of graduation  Less than 24 hours needed in last 2 semesters/3 quarters

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule Exceptions

Article V, Section C, Item 6 Exceptions on page 53

Exception 3. First term student initially competes in any intercollegiate sport  Provided the student has not previously participated in any intercollegiate sport at any institution.  If student is within first 4 semester/ 6 quarter TOAs: freshman eligibility requirements may be used instead.  If student completes 4 semesters/ 6 quarter TOAs: cumulative 2.0 GPA on 4.0 scale based on all transcripts for all schools attended may be used instead

Academic Eligibility: 24|36-Hour Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 6

Transfers/Mixed-Terms: If a student has mixed terms (quarter and semester): Credits always taken at face value Never convert Always based on original transcript Unless student has three consecutive quarter TOAs, always use the two most recent TOAs For previous two terms, students needs 24 hours Example:

Semester / Quarter / Quarter

Academic Eligibility: Progress Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 9

To compete in a student’s 2nd SOC:  24 semester / 36 quarter institutional credits accumulated To compete in a student’s 3rd SOC:  48 semester / 72 quarter institutional credits accumulated To compete in a student’s 4th SOC:  72 semester / 108 quarter institutional credits accumulated.  Of the total credits: 48 semester / 72 quarter credits must be general education and/or major institutional credits accumulated

NOTE: Progress hours are converted to the most recent calendar system

Academic Eligibility: Progress Rule

Article V, Section C, Item 9

Incoming Transfers

 First term of identification  Take all past transcripts at face value  Calculations are based on cumulative totals  Second term of identification  Hours will be determined based on NAIA institution’s transcript  Credits will depend on what the institution allowed to transfer  Tip: Think ahead to prevent problems from loss of hours

Academic Eligibility: 24/36 Hour & Progress Rule: FAQ’s

Article V, Section C, Item 6 Article V, Section C, Item 9

Timing of Credits  Credits must be earned prior to the term in which the student wishes to compete  Cannot use mini-course within a TOA to earn eligibility  (For 24/36 hour rule) Cannot use summer credits if credits earned are prior to the first of the two terms of attendance. Summer Credits  Student who first transfers to NAIA institution has 3 credits of D work taken over the summer from JC- can these be used to satisfy requirement? YES- even if school will not accept them as transfer credit  Student who attended NAIA institution, took 3 credits at JC over the summer and received a D, can he use these to satisfy requirement? ONLY if the institution accepts D work as transfer credit

Academic Eligibility: Repeat Course Rule 

 

Article V, Section C, Item 12

A repeat course is defined as a course previously passed with a grade of “D” or better in any term, summer or non-term, and subsequently retaken. Repeat courses previously passed with a grade of “D” in the initial attempt and retaken, earning a grade of “C” or better, shall be considered toward satisfying the 24/36-Hour Rule. Repeat courses previously passed with a grade of “D” in the initial attempt and retaken, earning a grade of “D”, cannot count towards 24/36-Hour Rule. Only the initial attempt shall be considered. Excludes:  Failed classes  Classes for which student did not receive any credit One repeat course earned with a “D” may be counted towards 12-Hour Enrollment Rule.

Academic Eligibility: 2.0 GPA Requirement

Article V, Section C, Items 8 & 9

 Junior academically and/or 3rd Season of Competition, or  Senior Academically and/or 4th Season of Competition Calculating GPA  First TOA at your institution: cumulative GPA from all transcripts Total Quality Points achieved Total GPA Hrs. attempted

 After initial TOA at your institution: use institution's cumulative GPA policy for all students  Retention/Graduation GPA is only used if it is the only GPA  If multiple “cumulative GPAs” appear, use whichever GPA institution uses to determine honors, graduation, etc.

Academic Eligibility: Military Service Exception

Article V, Section C, Items 8 & 9

When released from military service, immediately eligible if enroll in 12 institutional credit hours  Minimum 1+ year of continuous active duty  Applies first 2 semester/3 quarters terms following release from active duty To retain eligibility in 2nd term:  24/36 hours in last 2 semester/3 quarter TOAs, OR  For 2nd term students, earn 9 hours in immediately previous TOA SOC Exception: No SOC charged if representing military (base or intramilitary team) in non-intercollegiate competition

Academic Eligibility: Suspensions

Article V, Sections D, Item 5

Student dismissed/expelled or suspended for any reason, including athletic dept. policy:  Student must sit 2 semesters/3 quarters of residency at a four-year institution  Or at a two-year institution if dismissal/expulsion or suspension occurred in the students first two semester/three quarter terms of attendance at a two-year institution  Fulfill terms/period of original suspension Exception: Not required if:  Suspension was academic but student-athlete meet NAIA rules at the time of the suspension, AND  not played college sports for 1 calendar year from suspension

Athletic Eligibility: Seasons of Competition

Article V, Section B, Item 18

Athletic Eligibility: Seasons of Competition

Article V, Section B, Item 18

A student may compete in 4 SOC that include a combination of:  Intercollegiate competition  Varsity and subvarsity (JV and/or freshman)  Transfer students’ SOC are determined by previous association

 Non-collegiate competition (elite-level)  Participation in leagues or experiences that meet the 

evaluative criteria for determining a chargeable league. PSAY – 12 month “grace period” after high school.

Athletic Eligibility: Seasons of Competition

Article V, Section B, Item 18

A student may compete in 4 SOC that include a combination of:  Intercollegiate competition  Varsity and subvarsity (JV and/or freshman)  Transfer students’ SOC are determined by previous association

 Non-collegiate competition (elite-level)  Participation in leagues or experiences that meet the 

evaluative criteria for determining a chargeable league. PSAY – 12 month “grace period” after high school.

Athletic Eligibility: Non-Collegiate Competition

Article V, Section B, Item 18(b)

 12-Month Window  In general, a student cannot be charged two seasons of 

competition in a single 12-month period  Exception: Mid-year transfer In-progress Season: participation after May 15th  Non-collegiate participation after May 15th (summer or fall) will be charged with participation occurring in the subsequent academic year.  Exception: If a student is identified with an NAIA institution in the Spring and following Fall terms without a break in enrollment will not be subject to competitive experience review for competition occurring over the summer

Transfer Rules

Article V, Sections F-H

Transfer Rules

Article V, Sections F

Definition of a Transfer  A student who becomes identified with an NAIA school after having been previously identified with another institution. General Transfer Residency Rule  A student with prior participation at a 4-year institution must sit a 16-week residency period prior to NAIA participation.  Residency Rule Exceptions:  The student’s most recent intercollegiate participation was at 2-year institution  The student did not participate at the most recent 4-year institution  The student has a 2.0 GPA and written release from AD

Transfer Rules: Release vs. Permission to Contact

Article V, Sections F

Permission to Contact  This concept is particular to NCAA- not recognized in the NAIA  Per NAIA Bylaws, contact refers to the requirement when a student makes contact with institution- institution must notify home institution within 10 days of first contact Release  This concept per NAIA bylaws refers to the exception to Transfer Residency requirement  Release must be signed by Athletic Director of students former institution

Additional Eligibility Rules: Emerging & Invitational Sports

Eligibility Certification: Emerging and Year 1 Invitational Sports Emerging Sports and Year 1 Invitational Sports:  Not governed by NAIA rules  The sport’s national governing body determines eligibility rules  Certification is required  Contact eligibility chair on specifics of to certify Year 2 Invitational Sports:  All NAIA eligibility rules apply, including the requirement of an Eligibility Center determination

Invitational Sports Eligibility Center Determinations 

First-time NAIA participants require a determination before they will be eligible to play beginning in the 2nd year of invitational status

Students who participated in NAIA competition and were properly certified for such the previous year do not need to have EC determinations

Students may be charged SOC’s for past club and/ or intercollegiate experience.


Thank You! Jessica Cason, Mgr. Eligibility Services, NAIA Eligibility Center Paula Avery, Registrar, Marymount California University Dennis Hicks, Registrar, Indiana University East Please complete the session evaluation using the AACRAO mobile app or the paper form provided in your registration packet. Session ID 6002

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