Journey into Beauty

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Journey into Beauty Leaning in | Patty Bowman Kingsley Durham




Table of Contents Photo | Soldering Torch on Wood ......


Table of Contents ............................

Page 2

Sacred – All of Us – Or None of Us ....

Page 3

Behold, I Make All Things …..............

Page 4

Reflections – Light a Candle .............

Page 5

The Story of Glory – Image II ............

Page 6|7

Remembering ..................................

Page 8|9



Page 10|11

New Horizon – Lake Superior.............

Page 12|13

Gilded Form ...................................

Page 14|15

Catching Ash – The Edge of Grief.......

Page 16|17

Sombrio Beach Trailhead (Qwa:qlis)....

Page 18|19

ARC – Encounter Durham ..................

Page 20|21

When Heaven Meets Earth ................

Page 22|23

Life is Beautiful …………..................

Page 24|25

Glory Net – To the Ends of the Earth..

Page 26|27

Domestic ……………………………………

Page 28|29

Context is Everything …………………...

Page 30|31

Triple Ash Source

Page 32|33

Beauty ……………………….................

Page 34

Thank You…………………………………..

Page 35

Contact Information ……………………..

Page 36


Personal Land and Living Acknowledgement “All of us, or none of us”. That is what I hear when I acknowledge the land on which I live, create, and write. Below my known history, below the history of the apple orchard on which my family home was built, before that time, before my ancestors occupied prairie lands, before we destroyed plants, waterways and peoples, this land and First Peoples were here. Bowmanville, where I live, is situated within the traditional and treaty territory of the Mississaugas and Chippewas of the Anishinaabeg, known today as the Williams Treaties First Nations. These lands are also home to a significant Metis population. To the creators of symbol, signal systems, metaphor, meaning, and care through creativity and innovation of every kind—I thank you for the known and unknown heritage my being has yet to comprehend, as I seek to release life within these lands. I ask for your continued blessing and favour—that I may rest here for a season and behave wisely in this space, on the globe we share. Thank you for offering pathways of peace that I may enter on this journey. I am white settler of deep privilege and responsibility for historic genocide. May I recollect and remember my life according to this knowing.

Photo by Patty Eugenia Bowman Porechenskaya Kingsley

Personal Note to Reader: I am a maker, and currently a Thesis student at OCAD U. One of my professors,

Tannis Nielson, introduced a term to us that she called artistic sovereignty. My understanding of that term is to be responsible for owning and communicating with integrity and clarity, as the foundation upon which one creates, while respecting the responsibility of all persons to do likewise. Within the breadth of this document, you will read my thoughts and experience the visual voice that emerged from my exploration of beauty from ash, amidst

these deeply held convictions of both belief and applied learning. This experience has been transformative for me. I desire that each of us seek after what it is we believe in, or on whom we base our beliefs and convictions. As you come to know and understand your life, your history, your beliefs, your convictions, and your story, I will endeavour to provide a space in my heart and in my work that offers you mutual respect and regard. I thank you in advance for the privilege of sharing from mine. My responsibility as a Christian believer, engaged in culture mapping, marking, and making, is to examine and create from what I believe, while not diminishing, shaming, or shunning anyone should our beliefs and convictions not align. You may not understand or agree with mine, and I may not understand yours, yet I believe we can walk miles together for the common good, as we seek to nurture

and release the fullness of life within and on behalf of one another. Within my personal journey into beauty, through ash, these words wrapped my haggard being in hope, and held me steady: “B e h o l d , I m a k e a l l t h i n g s n e w … ”

The Bible

Photo by Patty Eugenia Bowman Porechenskaya Kingsley

“Light a candle in my darkness tonight…that I might see tomorrows dawn…” This cry from my heart, written in a journal many years ago, has come back to guide and

lead me through the journey of being made new… ~Patty Bowman Kingsley

Story of Glory Created ‘live’ at the launch of the Story of Glory – Part III by Bev Foster. As I created, the title track of this musical production resonated with my story. “The story of glory and love …about healing and forgiveness”. This gold panel is representative of our lives together in community. Individually one 33/8’s square reflects a small amount of light and gilding – yet when we align ourselves collectively, we fit together as one, and create a panel of gold that reflects the light of the Creator in spectacular ways. Every person in attendance that day was given a feather and asked to leave a mark in the colour they bring to the community.

Gold Leave on Canvas with Acrylic 18”x40”x1.5”

The Story of Glory – Image II

R e membering There is no north, south, east, or west in this work. It is a circle, with no dominant position. As we move on from here, from the place where we have advantaged ourselves one over another, may we shift to a heart for each other.

For me, unlearning has been a process of recollecting understanding, reflection, reconciling my responsibility, and reminding my ‘self’ that I can become a different soul, that I can and must be remembered into community in a new way. I want to be part of a community table of remembering wherein each one lays themselves beside another and collectively we create a place of abiding where the absence of one part of that assemblage would be a loss to the collective work of humanity.

Charcoal on Wood Panel Circle with Aluminum Edge 36” x 2”


HOME Created ‘live’ at City WIDE 2023 “Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself – where she may have her young – a place near your altar, LORD Almighty, my King, and my God” Psalm 84:3 This text reminds me of what H O M E is, and where H O M E is. A nest, a place of woven protection, a cradle of sorts, that is personal to each of us. This ancient text describes it as a nest for her ‘self’. A place for the ‘self’ to rest, and release life from within. A place near, or in proximity to the altar of God where His presence is, where His rest is, where His peace is, and where His truth lives. HOME – the place to abide in a safety that is personalized for each of us, as we release life into the planet

Acrylic on Wood Circle Panel 48”x1”


New Horizons – Lake Superior If you have stood on the shores of Superior alone, with copious driftwood strewn artistically around you – then I need not explain the ‘breath’ or ‘life’ within this artist’s proof image of New Horizons. Printed on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper

Digital Print on Hahnemühle Bamboo paper Varying Sizes Available

New Horizon – Lake Superior

Gilded Form This paintng of a mask, pulled apart, laid flat, and painted gold before it was painted on a canvass is a symbol of exponential creativity and care. May we continue to choose life for the common good and the benefit of all. May peace be a hallmark in our lives and may blessing be our trademark. May we continue to regard one another with dignity and respect when varying opinions and applications of personal conviction abound.

May innovation and applied creativity that develop life-giving solutions abound. Even if some of us choose not to avail ourselves of what others create.

Acrylic on Canvas 36”x36”x1.5”

Gilded Form

Catching Ash – The Edge of Grief When we experience loss, we experience fire. A consumptive process that reduces all we were to a new form, as the raging fire consumes us, and those we love. The burn marks show in our being, alongside the beauty of the refined gold we have become. Gold that is visible during and after the fire stops. What we may also notice, is that there are pockets of our being where the rim, or residue of ash is caught and hangs on in some parts of our being. These fragments of the journey remind us of where we have come from.

Torching, Gold Leave, Ash on Wood Panel, 24”x48”x1.5”

Catching Ash -- The Edge of Grief

Guardian -- Sombrio Beach Trailhead Qwa qlis

Often, we walk tenderly when present on lands, with reverence for the creation and the Creator. There is a beauty and a healing balm that touches our souls and lifts the weight of life, off our shoulders. This guardian is seeking direction while stewarding the protection of the easterly side of Turtle Island North. Sombrio Beach Trailhead (Qwa:qlis)

Acrylic and Oil on Canvas 24”x30”x1.5”

Sombrio Beach Trailhead (Qwa:qlis)

ARC Created with the colour that best represented the individual people within this faith community In the Older Testament - the presence of God was carried in the Ark of the Covenant. In the Newer Testament it is carried in the ARC of His presence in people — joined in common unity — set as a living display of His presence. Hence, the ARC of God

Acrylic on wood panel circle 40”x 1”

ARC Encounter Durham

When Heaven Meets Earth There are times in nature, when heaven meets earth, when mist lays so heavy and so close that it refreshes the ground without rain, and we walk through places where the sky touches the earth. In times of prayer, joy, hope, faith, pursuit, inspiration, and creativity – it is there I touch transcendence as I experience the moments When Heaven Meets Earth,

Acrylic on Canvas 48”x30”x1.5”

When Heaven Meets Earth

Life is Beautiful Life is Beautiful and that is all I know and what I feel when I create plein air. This piece was created at the Oshawa Peony Festival 2022 with the Oshawa Art Association

Acrylic on Canvas 30”x15”x1.5”

Life is Beautiful

Glory Net, To the Ends of the Earth The Angel of the Lord stands above the earth releasing His net around the globe, transmuting the Glory of the Lord through His being, as it cascades around the earth in prismatic colours. As people respond and engage in the great work of God, the 'windows' of each section of this great net fill with the unique colouring of believers partnering with the God of gods in His prismatic Glory Net.

Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Canvas 48”x48”x1.5”

Glory Net – To the Ends of the Earth Acrylic and Gold Leaf on Canvas 48”x48”x 1.5”


I would consider this a domestic “ashet”(asset). A blessing from the reality and limitations of third-party assistance in the journey through domestic abuse. This artwork is an exchange of paper filings, and restraining orders, as I exchanged my two feet on the ground– historic reality -- for this ethereal velveteen galactic image that hearts yearn to touch on sight. Beauty from ash – indeed.

Ash on Wood Panel with Gold Leaf Edge 36” x 1.5”


Context is Everything I first titled this piece The Bully in My Backyard, yet that title gave it too much power and weight. Conquering what has conquered us -- is to place it appropriately amid new boundaries.

Recognizing that what historically consumed every moment, thought, and breath will no longer be front and center in our story is key to moving beyond the limitations that mired the visage of our forms, for a season. A fugitive released from time past – set in time present. It is not the absence or obliteration of that history – its reality is simply recontextualized into a new environment that redefines the historic seasons set for our destruction.

Ash, Elements, Powdered Pigment 24”x48”x1.5”

Context is Everything - Unfinished

Triple Ash Source

Expeditions require understanding about the terrain one wishes to travel upon or through. Triple Ash Source is an exploration within the realms of fire, ash, stabilizers, and finished images. Teaching me the wherewithal of where and how to create with an ephemeral substance. Navigating how one captures and sustains a visual voice from fleeting material form, in a manner that restores colour as coded language, is an experimental journey. This form employs Lexan as the substrate, along with pouring medium, plastic tubing, nonaerosol fixatives, encaustic, and powdered pigments, assembled using molds and a heat gun. It is finished off with copper leaf edging under a charcoal acrylic wash

Ash, encaustic, powdered pigment on Lexan with cooper leaf edging under charcoal wash 12”x30”x1.5”

Triple Ash Source

Beauty for me is in my heart, rather than my form. Heart change is what I have pursued all these years. Shaping it, and letting it be shaped by you and for you. Seeking the hand of God to form and transform me. Loving God, loving you – this is my superpower – this is my journey into beauty -- my heart for yours.

Thank you ~ from my heart to yours, and let there be Light


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