An incredible show of
'people power'
33 1 TO
Event Challenging Media Bias
“There is nothing fair or impartial about national newspapers publishing 33 pro-choice articles in the space of a fortnight recently with just 1 pro-life article published during the same period. It makes a complete mockery of genuine debate to suggest that one-sided coverage like this somehow sheds light on the abortion issue.” Wendy Grace, Journalist
“The settled media line at present is to blame the 8th Amendment for everything whenever abortion is in the news. It is easy for the media to accuse pro-life people of burying their heads in the sand for not accepting abortion while wilfully refusing to discuss what legalised abortion actually involves.” Cora Sherlock, Deputy Chairperson, Pro Life Campaign
HBS Media Bias A5 6pp.indd 1-3
Suite 60, Clifton House, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2 01 6629275
prolifecampaignireland @prolifecampaign
20/3/15 13:08:36
On 11th March, several thousand prolife people came together to call out the media over its bias on abortion. The evening event outside the DĂĄil was the first of its kind in Ireland. Media bias in favour of abortion is now so entrenched that the time for tiptoeing around the issue is over. Some journalists seem a little puzzled that for once we are asking the questions not them. But media balance is a basic feature of a healthy democracy. Without it a small clique of journalists end up wielding excessive power and setting the political agenda.
Our goal, as the speeches on the night made clear, is to get ordinary members of the public talking about media bias. We are not going to spend all our time talking about one-sided coverage but it deserves, and will receive, much more attention than it has in the past.
Baby Grace McBreen Martin and Sinead Mc Breen brightened up everyone’s day when they introduced their beautiful four month old daughter Grace to the crowd. Their personal story of how they were pressured by medical staff to abort Grace, but refused, is truly inspirational. But stories like this are being shunned and side-lined by the media as the relentless push for more abortion gathers pace. The huge turnout at the recent event challenging media bias represents a small but significant step in the right direction. Media groupthink is finally being exposed.
Martin McBreen telling the story of Baby Grace
Wendy Grace
Cora Sherlock
HBS Media Bias A5 6pp.indd 4-6
Baby Grace McBreen pictured with her sisters Clodagh and Annagh
20/3/15 13:09:09