What kind of Society do we want for our Children and Grandchildren?

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€1000 will design, print and circulate Simple Truth leaflets to 10,000 homes. €500 will advertise the featured Month for Life graphic to 50,000 18-35 yr olds on Facebook I Enclose €1000






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What Kind of society do we want for our children and grandchildren? Read more about how we can work together to rebuild a culture of life

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PLC Mailer A5 6pp.indd 1-3

Pro Life Campaign, Suite 60, Clifton House, Lower Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2

We are steadfast in our determination to restore full legal protection to mothers and their unborn babies. We need your help to make this happen.

Pro Life Campaign Urgent Appeal - can you help us today? 07/11/2014 11:24

Dear Friend,

Speaking up in the Media

In countries like England and Holland the practice of abortion has become so deeply embedded, it is rarely spoken about publicly.

In recent weeks, Pro Life Campaign spokespeople appeared on numerous radio and TV programmes defending the right to life against well-funded national and international abortion activists. The programmes included RTÉ News, Prime Time, Tonight with Vincent Browne on TV3, Newstalk, along with many local radio interviews. We also had numerous articles published in the newspapers. In October, Cora Sherlock was named one of BBC’s 100 Women of 2014.It is important to acknowledge such achievements. However, the issue of media bias on abortion remains a huge obstacle. With your help, we can train more spokespeople to face this challenge head-on.

It’s a tragedy for Ireland that our Government introduced an abortion regime last year, but one positive sign is that the very many people opposed to it throughout the country have not weakened in their resolve. Pro Life Campaign spokespeople are taking every opportunity to present the case against the Government’s law, despite the heavy pro-abortion bias in much of the media. And we are holding large public meetings in every corner of Ireland at present to strengthen opposition to the new law. There is an extreme reluctance on the part of so many politicians and journalists to discuss the dark side of abortion. This shows a deep lack of confidence among abortion proponents in their case. It is a reason to be hopeful, not despondent. Our challenge is to work even harder to expose the glaring double standards in media and politics on this issue and to mobilise public opinion all over the country to rebuild a culture of life. The good news is that we are making progress. But we have to intensify these efforts. This is a moment of truth. How we respond to it will determine what kind of society our children and grandchildren grow up in. Please take a few minutes to read the short accounts in this leaflet of some of the vitally important initiatives we are currently undertaking and consider making a donation to our work. We are deeply grateful for your support. With heartfelt gratitude

Month for Life The Pro Life Campaign’s Month for Life is a fresh and creative new initiative designed to educate the public and motivate pro-life supporters all over Ireland. The beautiful online graphics that feature in this initiative have been viewed in recent weeks by hundreds of thousands of people through ‘likes’ and ‘shares’ on Facebook. One of the messages (see right) has a quote from Mother Teresa of Calcutta that she wrote in the Visitors Book, when visiting the Pro Life Campaign HQ in Dublin in 1993. So far, this particular graphic has reached 32,000 people on Facebook.

Grassroots Campaign

The Simple Truth Campaign

The Pro Life Campaign has developed the Grassroots Campaign to grow the pro-life message from the ground up. The initiative is already proving to be a big success and is responsible for the large public meetings taking place in towns across Ireland at present and smaller pro-life meetings in homes. Growing this initiative will be essential in the coming months as pro-abortion campaigners clamour for more abortion and the repeal of the 8th Amendment. To continue to expand, the Grassroots Campaign needs urgent financial help.

To counter the Government’s dishonest presentation of the new abortion law, the Pro Life Campaign recently launched the Simple Truth Campaign. It informs the public about what precisely the new law entails. We are distributing thousands of leaflets and running innovative social media campaigns to reach new audiences with the message. It is a costly but extremely worthwhile initiative.

Cora Sherlock Pro Life Campaign

PS: Without your financial assistance we will not be able to mount a big enough campaign to make the difference. Please make a donation however small.

PLC Mailer A5 6pp.indd 4-6

www.prolifecampaign.ie/simpletruth #simpletruth

07/11/2014 11:24

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