science clearly showsthathumanlife Modern lt is therefore entitled begins at conception. therestof usenjoy. to alltheprotections
thebaby'sheartis beating. 18daysafterconception At I weekseverything to befoundin a fully grownpersonis formed. andfingernails At 11weeksfingerprints appear. Atlzweeksthebaby'slipsopenandclose. It turnsits headandcanleaparound thewomb.
to sound,sucks, At 16weeksthebabyreacts swallows andyawns. feelthebaby'smovements. At 18weeksmostmothers withitsfeetandhead, Bypushing thebabyexercises muscles. thedeveloping Thebabynowsucksitsthumb. At 20weeksthebabysleeps andwakes likea bornbaby. At24weeksthebabycontinues moving, hearing andperhaps evendreaming, At 30-40 weeksthebaby,if leftundisturbed, will grow untilit'stimeto beborn. stronger
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a similar amazing Wealltravelled journey birth.Howcan towards wesaytheunborn childis notone in its to protection of usentitled aseveryoneof us vulnerability in ourlives? moments is atvulnerable