Bold vs Familiar MATILDA ALMOND I have noticed - as you may have - the
difference. But when push comes to
growing “trend” of being bold among
shove, most of us would have to
teenagers within our society. This
choose familiarity over boldness-
trend of boldness could be simply
because if everyone was completely
exercised by watching movies from
and utterly bold in their decisions we
different decades that no one else
would all be quite disorientated by the
your age watches, or discovering a
overwhelming difference of day-to-
hidden rock band and devoting all
day life, until being bold once again
your time listening to their music and
becomes familiar. If we lost familiarity
only their music because it is yours -
we would lose the familiar rhythms of
you discovered it after all. That bold
humanity that bond us and allow us to
impulse to ride any train to where it
re l a te and c re a te re l a t i o n s h i p s
might take you.
between one another.
Whether it be your “unique” fashion
I’ll be the first young person to admit I
sense, music taste or lifestyle, the
love familiarity; this may be a boring
irony is that boldness is becoming a
fact but it is true. I also love boldness;
commonality; so really, it isn’t that
but if I were to lose the familiar things
bold to be bold anymore. I know for a
I ta ke f or g ra n te d I woul d b e
fact in the past I too have dreamed of
completely lost!
being the first to discover a band, or running away on the train at night, but now I realise that I wouldn’t know what to do when I got to my foreign
So I am going to leave you with this thought and if you agree, don’t be scared to say you love familiarity!
While others may think it’s a bit
This is why I have realised that we all
likely dive a little deeper and discover
need some aspects of familiarity in our lives. I am not sa ying th at boldness is a bad thing; it suggests excitement, self-expression, and
the bold issue
strange at first, eventually they will that they love it as well. Each and every one of us needs a balance of familiar patterns and some boldness to keep life exciting so that every day doesn’t feel the same.