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Christian Ministries Report
Christian Union (CU), under the leadership of Mrs Kate Stanton and led by student leaders Jemima Mellado and Molly May began to thrive again. Often the Christian Studies room was packed to capacity. Girls were very eager to come together and open the Bible, learn more about God and encourage one another in their faith.
Mrs Sharon Catchpoole continued to do a fantastic job in leading CE in the Junior School, assisted by Mrs Debbie Juchno at Year 6. Sharon did another wonderful job in taking more than 100 girls on the JOYCE camp.
Isaiah 43:19
Isaiah 43 contains a great verse that reminds us that even in the desert, or a dry and painful experience that we may go through, God can do a new thing. In the verse God reminds us that He will make a way and that He is doing a ‘new thing’ –life-giving rivers in the desert.
Coming out of two terrible years, 2022 provided us with a way to reconnect with one another, something that was missing from our extended lockdowns. Though there had been much damage done, we now had the opportunity to rebuild and reconnect.
Our Connect Nights and Prayer Breakfast were well attended and had some encouraging speakers. In Term 1 we were fortunate to hear from Steve and Annie Lawrence on the topic of ‘Faith, Family and Footy’. Steve was a former AFL footballer and together with his wife Annie, encouraged us to consider how we can nurture faith in our families.
At our Prayer Breakfast we had Allison Troth come and share. Allison spoke in her capacity as a managing partner at Destiny Rescue, an organisation that helps free children caught up in the slave trade. In Term 3 we heard from Dr Graham Stanton, lecturer in Practical Theology at Ridley Melbourne and Director of the Ridley Centre for Children’s and Youth Ministry, also husband to Mrs Kate Stanton. Graham spoke on the topic, ‘Who Will Tell Your Children’s Grandchildren about Jesus?’. In Term 4 we also had our Christmas-themed Connect Night, a time of great fellowship.
School Chapels are an important part of our Christian foundation here at the school. After a period of holding Chapels via Zoom, we were once again able to hold in-person year level Chapels. It was great to be able to meet again and we were fortunate to be able to use the newly renovated DDT. Weekly Boarders’ Chapels continued on a Monday night with the book of Jonah being one of the books covered throughout the year. Chapels were led by Rev Nick Curtis, Mrs Winter-Barry and Mrs Kate Stanton.
Parent prayer groups were very well supported, led by Dr May Loh, Mrs Heather Newhook and Mr Ian Mann. Assistance was also provided by Ms Madelaine Nguyen, Dr Michael Theophilos and Mr Adrian Spencer. It is wonderful to have such a committed group of parents upholding the school in prayer. The parents’ prayer group also blessed the girls with hot cross buns at Easter and helped cook at significant BBQbased events.
Finally, we finished the year on a high, returning to a packed church for our PLC Carols Service at Scots’ Church. We were blessed by the beautiful music and the reading of the Christmas story through the Bible. We were reminded of God’s faithfulness in Jesus: Immanuel, God is with us. And if that wasn’t enough, after the service the boarders walked through the city to see the Myer Christmas windows, then sang Christmas carols both at the windows and at the Christmas tree in Fed Square.
No matter what you go through, know that God is not that far away. In Jesus, God is with us; may you know that biblical truth in all that you do.
Rev Nick Curtis Director of Christian Ministries