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Staff Wellbeing
We began 2022 with the hope that we might avoid the disruptions of the previous two years and conduct College and staffroom life in a relatively normal manner. This was possible to some extent with a return to limited staffroom use. Briefings and meetings happened in a hybrid fashion with some staff present in person and some connecting via Zoom. We were able to recapture some of the collegial interactions that we had missed so much over the previous couple of years, but with some protocols still in place to protect student and staff wellbeing.
The Pandemic Team which met regularly through the previous two years did not need to continue in its previous form, but senior staff always had an eye on the wellbeing of staff and the impact on them of the now modified protocols. Much had been learned from the previous two years and staff had responded with extraordinary flexibility and professionalism. The demands of this period have been extreme and so a concerted effort to ensure that staff welfare was considered in decision making remained very important.
In 2022, classroom practice and staff and student interactions returned to more normal routines, uninterrupted by any lockdowns but with protocols still in place. PLC’s staffroom culture of collegiality, celebration and social interaction was still severely hampered, but able to return in a limited way. Staff briefings were limited to twice per week and only half the staff were present in the staff room on any given day at morning tea.
Staff still found ways to celebrate, collaborate and socialise within the parameters of the COVID protocols that were in place, and staff wellbeing has certainly benefited as a result.
The Senior School Staff Association introduced some Friday activities several times a term and end-of-term get-togethers were conducted in a manner that was responsive to the circumstances at the particular time. Friday morning tea in the Senior School Staffroom has become something of an institution and the provision of barista coffee once a week was appreciated by staff.
As the year progressed protocols eased somewhat and staff very much enjoyed the wellbeing activities on the last school day that allowed them to unwind and interact informally.
Staff are very much looking forward to a 2023 that provides for safe and even more unhindered opportunities for teaching and learning, interactions with colleagues and wellbeing opportunities.
Anne-Marie Williams Deputy Principal