4 minute read
Old Collegians Golf Day
Alison Davies (Potts 1972), Cate Monahan (Littlejohn 1973), Rosie Batten (Walker 1969) and Robin Collier (Wilson 1969).
Alison Davies and Cate Monahan, after being fabulous PLC Golf Convenors for the past 8 years, have handed over to Rosie Batten (Walker 1969) and Robin Collier (Wilson 1969).
Rosie and Robin have agreed to be the new 2020 organisers of the PLCOCA golf day taking over the reins from the very capable Alison and Cate, but retaining them as vital consultants.
The sad news is that Rosie and Robin, despite both being GPs, have failed to save the PLC Golf Day. Their arrangement to hold the event on May 18th 2020 at Royal Melbourne Golf Club has had to be postponed.
Meanwhile they would like all prospective golfers to commence online lessons during isolation. Your swing can be practised in your bedroom, living room or garden, after checking no one is in the vicinity. Exercises to improve golf including squats, leg swings, whooshing the club through the air, and four hour walks are recommended.
Rosie and Robin are anticipating seeing all the loyal die-hards and many more keen, but not necessarily experienced, players when they announce the new date for our golf get- together.
Watch this space and keep your chins up! Contact: robinjcollier@gmail.com
Dear Lampas Members,
You won’t be surprised to learn that our planned tour of the Heritage Centre has been postponed indefinitely. Many of you, will like me, have been looking forward to it. Our diaries are full of cancellations are they not? I trust that all of you are finding many good things, often unexpected good things, happening in your lives, and I trust that all of you are finding the support you need. It is a particularly hard time for those of you who don’t have friends or family nearby, or who are in residences which are in lockdown.
I am including my contact details at the end of this paragraph. I won’t be able to do shopping for any of you as our children, the two medical ones especially, have banned us from going to shops. However, I can offer a listening ear, which sometimes helps, and may be able to think of someone who can help.
Let’s hope and pray that the efforts of our leaders to navigate the ship of state through this crisis are successful and the efforts of the scientists and medicos’ working day and night to help the sick, find a vaccine, and also the best treatment.
My very best wishes to you all,
Christine cgbradbeer@gmail.com

Past Staff Member Ms Lien Lee
This month the Victorian Indonesian Language Teachers Association (VILTA) acknowledged the work of Lien Lee by presenting her with a Service Award at its annual conference.
Lien taught at PLC for 26 years and was a pioneer for the language inspiring both students and colleagues with her passion for excellence. Many PLC students took part in Lien’s study tours to Indonesia or were examined by her at VCE level.
Congratulations ! Lien is nearly 80 and living in Hawthorn.
Vale Past Staff Member and Old Collegian, Jenny Waugh (1969)

Jenny passed away on 20 April 2020 after a long illness.
Jenny was an inspirational and highly respected Biology and Science teacher, becoming Head of Biology and then Head of Science at PLC. Jenny was passionate about Biology and in particular the environment, conservation and farming sustainability. She was a strong proponent of the scientific method and encouraged student learning through selfreflection, good-learning behaviours, critical thinking and active participation. Jenny’s enquiry teaching style was ahead of her time and her integrity, quiet determination and strong leadership made for a very happy Science Department.
After retiring at a young age from PLC, Jenny continued to share her deep love for the environment and learning, initiating ecology programs at Newham Primary School and then within the local community and the Garden Club, propagating for annual community fundraising events.
Jenny was highly intelligent and well informed on a wide range of subjects, with a quick wit and great sense of humour. She was a warm, generous and treasured friend to many and left a lasting impression on her colleagues and students.
Provided by Angela Hurley, Anne Starkey and Andrea Skinner
PLC Community News

Alison Davies (Potts 1972), Cate Monahan (Littlejohn 1973), Rosie Batten (Walker 1969) and Robin Collier (Wilson 1969).
Alison Davies and Cate Monahan, after being fabulous PLC Golf Convenors for the past 8 years, have handed over to Rosie Batten (Walker 1969) and Robin Collier (Wilson 1969).
Rosie and Robin have agreed to be the new 2020 organisers of the PLCOCA golf day taking over the reins from the very capable Alison and Cate, but retaining them as vital consultants.
The sad news is that Rosie and Robin, despite both being GPs, have failed to save the PLC Golf Day. Their arrangement to hold the event on May 18th 2020 at Royal Melbourne Golf Club has had to be postponed.
Meanwhile they would like all prospective golfers to commence online lessons during isolation. Your swing can be practised in your bedroom, living room or garden, after checking no one is in the vicinity. Exercises to improve golf including squats, leg swings, whooshing the club through the air, and four hour walks are recommended.
Rosie and Robin are anticipating seeing all the loyal die-hards and many more keen, but not necessarily experienced, players when they announce the new date for our golf get- together.
Watch this space and keep your chins up! Contact: robinjcollier@gmail.com