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News from Branches Mornington Peninsula Old Collegians’ Friendship Group
The Mornington Peninsula Friendship Group now has over 100 Old Collegians on our database and this number is expanding all the time, thanks to the word being spread by current members and also thanks to the mail-out of the invitation by the school.
We had planned a lunch for 25th March, but unfortunately had to postpone this lunch due to the current Covid-19 Pandemic. At this stage we have not heard of any of our members contracting the virus and we pray that this may continue. Talking around the group, we are informed that most have gone into voluntary self-isolation. Many of us are at the age when we could be highly vulnerable to the virus, so this is a very wise move. If any Old Collegians need assistance, or even just to hear a friendly voice, Pam and I would be happy to chat. It has been timely also to think about what are the advantages of this period of enforced staying at home. It is a great time to catch up on household cleaning / repairs / tidying / sorting / needlework / crafts / learning new technology or a new language – all those things we can be too busy to do when our diaries are full!
Our next planned lunch – Coronavirus permitting – is set for Thursday 23 July at the Mornington Golf Club. It was great to see six members of the Class of ’63 at our last lunch – as shown in the photo below – there are around 16 from this year now in the database and later years are also increasing in numbers.
Contact Jan at lemonjam.lj@gmail.com /0418 550 446 or Pam at gagabooth4@ gmail.com /0438 907 701.
Pam Booth (1959) / Jan Kirchner (Morrison 1963)
The Helen Hailes Memorial Scholarship has been awarded since 1959 to relatives of Old Collegians who would not otherwise be able to attend PLC. This scholarship was set up to honour Miss Hailes, a greatly loved Vice Principal (1933-1954) and Acting Principal, after her sudden death in 1958. For many years Old Collegians have donated cash and cheques through the important Birthday League to support this scholarship, by sending donations to Lauris Murnane at 2/26 Kensington Road, South Yarra VIC 3141. We are now introducing online giving to make donating more convenient (in our busy lives). Donate now and help a girl to PLC. Details of the PLCOCA CBA account for those who with to complete an online bank transfer: • EFT Giving • Account Name: PLCOCA • BSB: 063 197 • Account Number: 00900486 Specify Purpose as: Helen Hailes Sch Payee: Specify name by which you would like to be acknowledged in PLC in Print as part of the Birthday League or anonymous. For further information email: plc.melb.oca@gmail.com
Helen Hailes
The following Old Collegians and members of the Birthday League are thanked for their contributions to the Helen Hailes Scholarship Fund: D. Williams, B. Steel, P. Randell, H. Bailey, A. Rechner, J. Garrow, K. Matthews, A. Smith, R. Muir, L. McClintock, A. Hoadley, OCA North East Group
North East Branch
The North East Old Collegians met again this year at the Uniting Church Shepparton where the Ladies Committee from the church catered for our lunch. Although there were only 18 members present, we had a very enjoyable day. We also welcomed a new member who has come to the NE – Helen Beanham (Quayle 1958).
We enjoyed cold meats and salads, along with fruit salad, cheesecake slice, cream and ice cream. Some Shepparton members made slices and biscuits to enjoy with our cuppa afterwards. Our thanks go to the Shepparton members who decorated the tables with blue and gold flowers and ribbons in PLC colours as well as making punch for each table.
President, Ailsa Wilson joined us again, the only representative from Melbourne - who was able to give us a report on school activities and Old Collegians’ events.
I trust we will be able to resume some normality in our lives sometime in the not too distant future.
I was very overwhelmed when presented with a beautiful bunch of flowers on the day from the members after the passing of my husband recently. I have appreciated all the love and support shown over the last few weeks. Thank you ever so much, I do enjoy keeping in touch with you all.
Judy Cuddon jcuddon@outlook.com