TEEN PREGNACY.docx. i need a good thesis statement for teen pregnancy. Teen Pregnancy Essay. I have no idea how to write a thesis statement. My thesis paper is on how sex education can prevent teen pregnancy. This what I have so far(in the quotations) "Sex Education taught in the school system can help teens realize the consequences of having pre-martial sex and prevent teenage pregnancy.. Teen Pregnancy Essay Examples. 539.515.721.6.. thesis statement for teen pregnancy. Teenage Pregnancy Argumentative Essays Thesis Statement on Sex Education Preventing Teen Pregnancy. TEEN PREGNACY A Thesis.I'm doing a report on teen sex in general...and I need a good thesis that is for teen sex but only if it's done well. Can someone help me out with a thesis statement for my topic of teen pregnancy?. I need a good thesis statement for teen pregnancy - Teenage Pregnancy Essay Introduction I need a great Thesis statement...Teenage Pregnancy.