Annual Report 2011

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Making History Again

Plimoth Player, Phillip Beaupre, instructs a young guest in the art of swordfighting for the stage.

“There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance; pray you love, remember...”

Plimoth Plantation offers powerful personal encounters with history built on thorough research about the Wampanoag People and the Colonial English community in the 1600s.



Catherine Brawer Stephen Brodeur Thomas Gloster III Robert Graff Gordon Harris Linda Hart Joanne Nikitas Martha S. Mugar John Peters, Jr. David R. Pokross, Jr. Jane K. Reardon Edward T. Russell Richard H. Sgarzi Richard W. Thaler, Jr. Edward J.Vilandrie Darice Wareham Barbara Weidlich J. Cedric Woods

Shirley W. Amory Malabar Hornblower Brewster William S. Brewster Holbrook R. Davis Margaret Fenston Douglas E. Hart Donald A. Greenlaw K. Prescott Low David A. Mittell Anne M. Morgan Milton L. Penn Lavinia M. Underwood Richard C. Walton

OVERSEERS Laurance Allen Carol Anzuoni Margery Atherton Frances Burnham Patricia Ellis Marianne Ellison Steven S. Fischman Harry P. Folger III Henry Clay Gibson III Frank W. Harris III Wayne Holm Breton Hornblower Henry Hornblower IV Ralph Hornblower Richard Hornblower Christopher Hussey Judith T. Kohn Gregory C. Ladd Ruth Gardner Lamere Joan Lester

Norma K. Lockwood Douglas A. Muir Peggy Page Wigmore A. Pierson Keith J. Pratt Donald P. Quinn Keith A. Quinn Mary B.Reynolds Charles N. Robinson Powell Robinson, Jr. Thomas Rogerson Geoffrey T. Stewart Edward D. Sullivan Judith Swan Alice C. Teale Lydia Toll Charles F. Vandini, Sr. Berta Welch Barbara Wheaton

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