Neven Iveša Neven Vojnić Darko Komšo
Under water
Neven Iveša Neven Vojnić Darko Komšo
Under water
Carstvo podmorja južne Istre Underwater Realm of Southern Istria
Sigurnost u morskim dubinama / Safety in the Sea Depths Edukacija – prije svega! / Education – First and Foremost! Opreza nikada dosta / You Can Never Be Too Careful Odabir lokacije za ronjenje / Selection of the Diving Location PREPORUČUJEMO / WE RECOMMEND
1. Rt Marlera / Cape Marlera 2. Uvala Lokvica / Lokvica Cove 3. Otok Bodulaš / Island of Bodulaš 4. Šeka Levanić / Šeka Levanić 5. Uvala Debeljak / Debeljak Cove 6. Velika Kolumbarica / Velika Kolumbarica Cove 7. Otok Fenoliga / Fenoliga Island 8. Olupina »Luana« / »Luana« wreck 9. Olupina »Flamingo« / »Flamingo« wreck 10. Olupina »Draga« / »Draga« wreck 11. Uvala Njive / Njive Cove 12. Uvala Polje / Polje Cove 13. Crvene Stijene / Red Rocks 14. Fraškerić / Fraškerić 15. Svjetionik Verudela / Verudela Lighthouse 16. Galebove stijene / Seagull Rocks 17. Podmornica »Medusa« / »Medusa« Submarine 18. »Varese« / »Varese« 19. »John Gilmore« / »John Gilmore« 20. »Josephine« / »Josephine« 21. Rt Peneda / Cape Peneda 22. »Hans Schmidt« / »Hans Schmidt« 23. »Marija« / »Marija« 24. »Maona« / »Maona«
19 19 20 23 24 24 25 25 25 25 26 28 28 29 29 29 30 31 31 31 33 34 34 34 34 34 35 35
More priča priče The Sea – The Greatest Storyteller
Podvodna arheologija južne Istre Underwater Archaeology of Southern Istria
Popis ronilačkih centara / List of diving centers Klubovi ronilačkog saveza Istarske županije Diving clubs of the Region of Istria Diving Association
115 118
6 33
Brodska olupina Shipwreck Dubina mora Sea depth
1. Gilda 2. Adriana 3. Coriolanus 4. Numidia 5. Romagna 6. Giuseppe Dezza 7. Maona 8. Marija 9. Baron Gautsch 10. Hans Schmidt 11. Podmornica 12. Remorker 13. Varese 14. John Gilmore 15. Josephine 16. Draga 17. Flamingo 18. Luana 19. Torpedo 20. Cesare Rossarol 21. Argo 22. Lina 23. Vis
Najveća dubina Greatest depth
Dužina Length
Najmanja dubina Smallest depth
Širina Width
Trieste Muggia Ankaran
Umag Buje
Brtonigla M
11 31
3 3
Kotli Draguć Viæinada
Kaπtelir Labinci
Mošćenička Draga
Pićan Krπan Sv. Petar u Šumi
Sv. LovreË
6 38
38 43
20b 20a
21 47
15 42
30 38
16 42
17 45 UNIJE
47 50
18 48
Ova je knjiga nezaobilazno štivo svakom koga zanima ronjenje u Jadranskom moru. Pored informativnih opisa lokaliteta pogodnih za ronjenje sadrži i podatke zanimljive onima koji se prvi put susreću s morem. Podmorje južne Istre opisano je u tančine. Detaljno, ali na jasan i čitatelju dopadljiv način opisan je morski okoliš – niz raznolikih staništa s pripadajućom florom i faunom. Najveći doprinos ove knjige su podaci o životinjama, arheološkim lokalitetima i ronilačkim aktivnostima, ispričani kroz kratke zabavne priče.
For anyone interested in the subject of scuba diving at the Adriatic Sea, this is essential reading. Beyond informative description of diving places the book is of interest for those who first encounter sea. The underwater world of Southern Istria is introduced in detail. Marine environment: a diverse array of biotopes together with inhabiting flora and fauna are thoroughly and readably outlined. The strong point of the book is that facts about animals, archaeological sites and diving activity are embedded in amusing, short stories. Tibor Béres
Carstvo podmorja južne Istre More od davnih vremena impresionira i nadahnjuje ljude. Nepregledno morsko plavetnilo je dinamičan svijet, uvijek u pokretu, neistražen i slabo poznat, a opet tako blizak svima nama. More je blago, izvor hrane, prostranstvo kojim se putuje, ali i mjesto puno tajni i opasnosti u kojem su nestali mnogi koji su se odvažili njime zaploviti. Strah i poštovanje prema moru utkani su u našu kolektivnu svijest, ali je strast za njime jača od straha. More neodoljivo privlači čovjeka raznovrsnošću svoje ponude: od obale preko otvorenih voda do mističnog podmorja i tajni koje skriva morsko dno. Istarski se poluotok kupa u zagrljaju najljepšeg i najčišćeg mora svijeta –Jadranskog mora. Jadran se u Istri šepuri svim svojim čarima. Pitoreskni gradići i naselja južne Istre, poput Šišana, Ližnjana, Medulina, Pomera, Premanture, Banjola, Vinkurana, Pješčane Uvale, Pule, Štinjana, Valbandona, Fažane, Peroja, Vodnjana i Barbarige, skrasili su se kraj ove riznice života te i danas, kao i oduvijek, svoj razvoj temelje na suživotu s morem.
Svake godine morske dubine južne Istre pohodi sve više zaljubljenika u more. Oni koje privlače tajne istarskog podmorja mogu uživati u njegovom šarenilu. Podmorje južne Istre predstavlja bogat i raznovrstan mikrokozmos. Podmorski travnjaci južne Istre satkani od morskih cvjetnica dom su brojnih biljnih i životinjskih vrsta. U morskim dubinama možemo sresti mnoge ribe, školjke, spužve, rakove, ježince – organizme neobičnih oblika i boja, one ljupke i one opasne po život. Na kraju dana pješčane pustinje morskog dna postaju mjesta odmora brojnih stanovnika podmorja, a noćno ronjenje predstavlja poseban doživljaj za ljubitelje morskog svijeta. Morsko dno južne Istre krije brojna svjedočanstva svoje burne povijesti. Odvažnima koji zarone i posjete arheološke lokalitete skrivene pod morskom površinom ovi tragovi prošlosti otkrivaju svoje tajne i pripovijedaju zanimljive priče. To su priče o histarskim piratima, rimskim moreplovcima, mletačkim trgovcima te vihoru Prvog svjetskog rata koji je na posljednji počinak povukao brojne vojne i civilne brodove u blizini Pule, glavne austrougarske vojne luke. Za mnoge ljude ronjenje predstavlja razonodu i rekreaciju te kvalitetno utrošeno slobodno vrijeme. Istovremeno, ono potiče težnju čovjeka za otkrivanjem nepoznatog podvodnog svijeta. Da bi se istražio svijet ispod površine mora, potrebni su sigurno ronjenje i kvalitetna edukacija. Njih nude brojni ronilački klubovi. Cilj ove knjige je zainteresiranim pojedincima ponuditi ključne informacije, koje će im olakšati upoznavanje čarobnog podmorja južne Istre. Da bismo razumjeli podvodni svijet istarskih morskih dubina, moramo naučiti njegov jezik tišine i prepustiti se njegovim čarima da bismo mu se uvijek iznova mogli vraćati. Zaronimo sada u njega. Milena Joksimović
Underwater Realm of Southern Istria Since long ago, the sea has impressed and inspired people. The never-ending blue sea is a dynamic world, always on the move, unexplored and little known, and yet so close to all of us. The sea is gentle, it is a source of food, a space to travel by, but it is also a place full of mysteries and dangers that claimed the lives of many who ventured to sail upon it. Fear and respect for the sea are deeply set into our collective mindset, but our passion for the sea is stronger than our fear. The sea is irresistible and alluring to the mankind due to its diversity, ranging from its coastline, across the open waters, all the way to the depths and secrets of the sea bed. The Istrian peninsula bathes in the waters of the most beautiful and clearest sea in the world – the Adriatic Sea. The coastline of this sea is at its best in Istria. The picturesque towns and settlements of Southern Istria, such as Šišan, Ližnjan, Medulin, Pomer, Premantura, Banjole, Vinkuran, Pješčana Uvala, Pula, Štinjan, Valbandon, Fažana, Peroj, Vodnjan and Barbariga, are located next to this treasure trove of life. Today, as it was always the case, they still grow and develop in coexistence with the sea. Every year, the sea depths of Southern Istria are visited by a growing number of sea enthusiasts. Those who are drawn to the secrets of the underwater world of Istria are free to enjoy its vibrancy. The underwater world of Southern Istria is a rich and diverse microcosmos. The underwater meadows of Southern Istria are covered with sea grass and are home to many plants and animals. In the depths of the sea, we can often see many species of fish, shells, sponges, crabs, sea urchins – organisms of unusual colour and shape, both lovely and life-threatening ones. At the end of the day, the vast sandy seabed becomes a place where numerous underwater inhabitants rest, and night diving is a special experience for sea world enthusiasts. The seabed of Southern Istria hides numerous testimonies to its turbulent history. The bold ones, those who are willing to dive and visit archaeological sites hidden under the surface of the sea, will reveal clues to the secrets of the past that tell riveting stories. These are legends of the pirate tribe of Histri, of the Roman sailors, Venetian merchants, as well as the tempest of World War I during which numerous military and civilian ships went to their final rest off the coast of Pula, the main Austro-Hungarian military port. Diving is a leisure and recreational activity for many people, as well as a way of spending quality time. At the same time, it inspires human interest in discovering the unknown underwater world. To explore the world that lies under the surface of the sea, it takes safe diving and high-quality education. These are offered by many local diving clubs. The aim of this book is to offer some key pieces of information to those who are interested in diving. These data would help them in familiarising themselves with the magical underwater world of Southern Istria. To understand the underwater world, we must learn to speak its language of silence and give in to its charm, so that we could always come back to it. Let’s dive into this world. Milena Joksimović
Zašto je more plavo? / Who Dyed the Sea Blue? Odgovor na to pitanje krije se u Suncu. Sunčeva svjetlost se sastoji od elektromagnetskih valova različitih duljina, a ono što ljudsko oko može vidjeti su boje vidljivog dijela spektra, i to: crvena, narančasta, žuta, zelena, plava, indigo i ljubičasta. Kada svjetlost dođe do površine morske vode, crvena, narančasta i žuta se većim dijelom apsorbiraju, dok se plava, koja ima najmanju valnu duljinu, reflektira u atmosferu i kao takva dolazi do našeg oka. 16
The answer to this question is the Sun. Sunlight consists of electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths. The human eye can see the colours of the visible part of the spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo blue and purple. When the light hits the surface of the sea water, the red, orange and yellow colours are mostly absorbed, whereas the blue, with the shortest wavelength, is reflected into the atmosphere and as such reaches our eye.
Zlato svuda oko nas / Gold is All Around Zlato se u ogromnim količinama nalazi i u morskoj vodi. Procjenjuje se da mora i oceani sadrže više od 20 milijuna tona zlata čijom bi se ekstrakcijom dobila tri kilograma zlata po svakom stanovniku Zemlje. Nažalost, ni jedna poznata tehnologija ne omogućava isplativu ekstrakciju tog zlata. Sea water contains large quantities of gold. It is estimated that there is over 20 million tons of gold in the seas and oceans of the world. The extraction of this amount would result in three kilograms of gold per every person on Earth. Unfortunately, no known technology enables a profitable extraction of this amount of gold.
Ronjenje nam omogućuje upoznavanje jedinstvenog podmorskog svijeta. Zahvaljujući unaprjeđenju ronilačke vještine posljednjih stotinjak godina ljudi su spoznali mnogo novih i važnih činjenica vezanih za more, fiziku i fiziologiju ronjenja. Ronjenje kakvo poznajemo datira iz pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Nekad je bilo rezervirano isključivo za vojne potrebe, a danas može roniti gotovo svatko. Usavršavanje opreme omogućilo je da se ronioci mogu spuštati u veće dubine i ostati duže pod vodom. Za razvoj ronjenja je najzaslužniji francuski istraživač Jacques-Yves Cousteau koji je patentirao regulator na zahtjev, uveo podvodnu kameru i mikrofon, istražio dekompresijsku bolest i pijanstvo velikih dubina. Zahvaljujući njemu započela je nova era u ronjenju. Uslijedio je razvoj tehničkog ronjenja. To je napredna vrsta ronjenja u kojem se koriste plinske mješavine za disanje. Prije 30 godina javlja se sportsko-rekreativno ronjenje tj. ronilački turizam. Kvalitetnija oprema i pristupačna cijena dovele su do sve većeg broja rekreativnih ronilaca. Ronjenje se komercijaliziralo, osnivaju se ronilački centri koji nude široku paletu usluga – tečajeve ronjenja, najam i servis opreme, organizaciju ronjenja i ronilačke izlete.
Diving enables us to get to explore unique underwater worlds. Due to the advancements in diving equipment that were achieved during the last hundred years or so, people were given the chance to learn many new and important facts related to the sea and to the physics and physiology of diving. Diving as we know it dates back to the 1950’s. It used to be practiced exclusively for military purposes, but today nearly anyone can dive. Improvements of equipment have enabled the divers to go deeper and to stay submerged for a longer period. The French explorer JacquesYves Cousteau is the person who has done the most to promote diving. He patented the demand valve, introduced the use of underwater camera and microphone, and explored the decompression sickness and nitrogen narcosis. Thanks to him, a new era in diving had begun. Then there was the development of technical diving. That is an advanced diving discipline that relies on the use of gas mixtures for breathing. Thirty years ago, sport and recreational diving i.e. diving tourism, was established as a discipline. Higher quality and equipment that is more accessible led to a growing number of divers. Diving has become commercialised. Diving centres were founded, offering a wide range of services – diving lessons, renting and servicing of the equipment, organisation of diving and diving field trips.
Leonardov ronilački aparat Leonardo's Diving Apparatus Kroz povijest je bilo više entuzijasta koji su vjerovali u mogućnost boravka čovjeka pod vodom: među njima treba spomenuti Leonarda da Vincija koji je konstruirao prvu ronilačku opremu. Talijanski genij napravio je i nacrt ronilačkog aparata. Osim peraja za noge, Leonardo je predvidio i peraje za ruke. Posebno je zanimljiva kaciga za ronjenje s oštrim bodljama za zaštitu od morskih nemani kojih je nekada bilo puno više nego danas. Throughout history, there were many enthusiasts who believed in the possibility of people spending time under water. Leonardo da Vinci is one of them. He constructed the first piece of diving equipment. This Italian genius had also designed a diving apparatus. Apart from foot fins, Leonardo also envisaged hand fins. The diving helmet is particularly interesting. It has sharp daggers aimed to protect the diver from sea monsters who used to exist in much larger numbers than today.
SIGURNOST U MORSKIM DUBINAMA SAFETY IN THE SEA DEPTHS Čovjek se evolucijski prilagodio životu na kopnu, pa je voda za njega strano okruženje u kojem ne vidi, ne čuje i ne kreće se onako kako je navikao na kopnu. Dugo se tragalo za načinom kako omogućiti siguran boravak čovjeka pod vodom. Zahvaljujući mnogim entuzijastima i napretku tehnologije, danas raspolažemo opremom i mnogim saznanjima koja nam omogućavaju kvalitetno ronjenje.
Mankind has evolved and adapted to a life on mainland. Water is an alien environment where people cannot see, hear or move the way they are used to on mainland. A way for people to spend time under water in a safe manner was sought after for a long time. Owing to the work of many enthusiasts and to technological advancement, we now have at our disposal the equipment and knowledge that provides us with high-quality diving.
EDUKACIJA – PRIJE SVEGA! EDUCATION – FIRST AND FOREMOST! Svi ronioci polažu ispit na tečaju ronjenja. Tečaju se pristupa ozbiljno i zahtjevna je aktivnost za polaznike i instruktora. Tijekom tečaja polaznici stječu osnovno znanje u rukovanju ronilačkim aparatom te smiju roniti do 20 metara dubine u pratnji starijeg ronioca. Postoji više ronilačkih kategorija; za svaku se polaže ispit, a nakon toga se dobivaju i određene ovlasti. Najveća dubina u sportskom ronjenju je 40 metara. Standardi škole ronjenja nalažu da se roni organizirano. Organizacija ronjenja se povjerava klubovima ili ronilačkim centrima koji određuju voditelja ronjenja. Voditelj je odgovorna osoba koja izrađuje plan ronjenja te koordinira i nadzire njegovo odvijanje. Ronjenje je zabranjeno u lukama, na plovnim putovima i zaštićenim potopljenim olupinama. Za ronjenje na ovim područjima potrebna je suglasnost nadležnog tijela.
All divers must take a test at the end of their diving course. The courses are taken very seriously and they are demanding for both, the attendees and the instructor. During the course, the attendees will obtain basic knowledge of handling the diving equipment and they are allowed to dive up to 20 meters in depth accompanied by a senior diver. There are several diving categories; each one requires a special test, after which certain authorisations are obtained. The maximum depth in recreational diving is 40 metres. According to the diving school standards, it is required that the diving be undertaken in an organised manner. Organisation of diving is trusted with diving clubs or diving centres that appoint a dive master. The dive master is the person responsible for drawing up a diving plan and for coordination and supervision of the diving process. Diving is forbidden in ports, on waterways and protected underwater wrecks. To dive in such areas, you need to obtain the consent of a competent authority.
OPREZA NIKAD DOSTA YOU CAN NEVER BE TOO CAREFUL Poznato je da je ronjenje potencijalno opasna aktivnost. Moguće su ozljede, pa i one s teškim posljedicama. Svi sudionici ronjenja moraju poznavati osnove pružanja prve pomoći i spašavanja unesrećenog ronioca, a takvo znanje može pomoći da nekom spasimo život. Posebno moraju biti obučeni voditelji ronjenja i instruktori. It is well known that diving is a potentially dangerous activity. Injuries are possible, including some severe ones. All who take part in diving must know the basics of giving first aid and of assisting an injured diver. Such knowledge may help save someone’s life. Dive masters and instructors must be specially trained in this field.
Iako predstavlja omiljenu rekreaciju u ljetnim mjesecima, ronjenje na dah nije bezopasno, a mišljenje većine instruktora je da je opasnije od ronjenja s ronilačkim aparatom. Za ozbiljno ronjenje je svakako potrebno pohađati tečaj kod licenciranog instruktora. Nužno je upoznati fiziologiju tj. što se dešava s organizmom tijekom ronjenja.
Although it is a popular recreation during the summer months, free-diving is not harmless, and most instructors believe that it is actually more dangerous than scuba diving. If you wish to practice diving in a proper manner, you should definitely attend a course with a licensed instructor. It is necessary to become familiarised with the physiology of diving, i.e. what happens to the body while we are diving.
HIPOKSIJA Najčešći uzrok stradavanja ronilaca na dah je hipoksija (nedostatak kisika). Poneki ronioci precjenjuju svoje mogućnosti. Neposredno prije zarona hiperventiliraju (višekratno duboko udahnu i izdahnu) i na taj način izbacuju iz pluća dobar dio ugljikovog dioksida (CO2) čija je količina regulator disanja. Tijekom boravka pod vodom ne osjeća se »glad za zrakom«, a kisik potreban za život se troši. Standard hrvatske škole ronjenja je da se uvijek roni u paru, a poznata ronilačka poslovica glasi: U ronjenju nisu najvažnija pluća, već bistra i mudra glava.
HYPOXIA The most common cause of injuries while free-diving is hypoxia (oxygen depravation). Some divers overestimate their abilities. Immediately before the diving, they hyperventilate (breathe in and out several times), ejecting from their lungs a significant amount of carbon dioxide (CO 2) that regulates breathing. While they are under water, they do not feel the need for air, and oxygen required to sustain life is gradually consumed. According to the standards of the Croatian school of diving, diving must always be undertaken in pair. There is a famous divers’ proverb that says: »Diving is not about the lungs, but about a clear and prudent mind«.
Ronilački aparat je sustav za disanje pod vodom. Omogućava nam dugotrajno i komotno razgledavanje podmorja. Međutim, i dok ronimo pomoću aparata moramo biti tjelesno i duhovno zdravi i pridržavati se strogih pravila.
Scuba is an apparatus that allows underwater breathing. It enables us to take our time while sightseeing around the underwater world. However, scuba diving also requires physical and mental health, as well as strict adherence to the rules.
Simptomi dušikove narkoze su slični alkoholiziranosti: ronilac nije sposoban normalno rasuđivati pa se ova situacija naziva i »pijanstvo dubina«. Javlja se zbog povećanog parcijalnog tlaka dušika (N) u zraku koji udišemo tijekom ronjenja. Kod osjetljivijih ronilaca može se javiti već na 30 metara dubine. Tijekom višegodišnjeg ronjenja ronioci razvijaju otpornost pa se kod nekih narkoza ne javlja ni na 80 metara dubine. U slučaju narkoze, odmah je potrebno smanjiti dubinu ronjenja. Za smanjenje dubine potrebna je asistencija jer ronilac to nije u stanju sam učiniti.
Symptoms of nitrogen narcosis are similar to those of drunkenness: the diver is unable to judge clearly, so this condition is sometimes called »raptures of the deep«. It is caused by the rise of partial pressure of nitrogen (N) present in the air that we breathe while diving. In sensitive divers, symptoms may appear as early as 30 meters of depth. Over the course of years, divers develop resilience, so some do not experience narcosis even in depths of 80 metres. In the event of nitrogen narcosis, the depth should immediately be reduced. To reduce your depth, you will need assistance, since the diver is not in the condition to do it on one’s own.
Barotrauma je ronilačka nezgoda koja se javlja kod ekspanzije volumena zraka koji udišemo tijekom ronjenja u nekoj šupljini u tijelu.
Barotrauma is a diving condition that occurs when the amount of air we breathe in while diving expands inside a certain body cavity.
Kod zadržavanja zraka tijekom ronjenja te istovremenog brzog izranjanja nastaje barotrauma pluća. Zbog naglog pada okolnog tlaka (manja dubina) dolazi do povećanja volumena stlačenog zraka te zarobljeni zrak tako oštećuje pluća.
When we hold our breath during diving and then during an abrupt assent, pulmonary barotrauma may occur. Due to the sudden drop in the ambient pressure (lesser depth), the compressed gas expands in the lungs, causing injuries to the lungs.
Dekompresijska bolest nastaje kod osoba s povišenom količinom otopljenog dušika u organizmu. Dušik je na atmosferskom tlaku inertan plin, međutim tijekom ronjenja ga udišemo pod pritiskom i on se otapa u organizmu ronioca. Zbog prebrzog izranjanja i (ili) propuštanja izvođenja dekompresijskih zastanaka stvaraju se mjehurići dušika koji se kreću krvotokom. To može imati mehaničke i biokemijske posljedice, ovisno o mjestu nastanka mjehurića.
Decompression sickness is frequent in people with higher levels of dissolved nitrogen in their body. At atmosphere pressure, nitrogen is an inert gas. However, while diving, we breathe compressed nitrogen that dissolves in the diver’s body. Due to abrupt assent and (or) failing to perform decompression pauses, nitrogen bubbles are formed that travel along the bloodstream. This can cause physical injuries or biochemical consequences, depending on the spot of bubble formation.
Kesonska bolest / Caission Disease 22
U početku se dekompresijska bolest nazivala caission disease, jer je bila učestala među kesonskim radnicima koji su iskopavali temelje za most ili gradili tunele. Ovi radnici su radili u kesonima (francuska riječ za sanduk) koji su konstantno ispunjavani komprimiranim zrakom, a omogućavali su im u osmosatnim ili dužim smjenama suhe uvjete za rad pod vodom. Francuski je fiziolog Paul Bert 1878. godine proveo opsežno istraživanje dekompresijske bolesti i otkrio njen uzrok te način kako smanjiti broj nesreća. Otkrio je i da se utjecaj dekompresijske bolesti može otkloniti povećanim tlakom, i to je otkriće 1922. godine uvjetovalo konstrukciju prve dekompresijske komore koja je bila korištena pri konstrukciji tunela ispod rijeke Hudson između New Yorka i New Jerseyja. At first, decompression sickness was called caisson disease because it was very frequent among the caisson workers who dug the foundations for bridges or built tunnels. These people worked in caission (crate in French) that were constantly filled with compressed air, enabling the men to spend eight or more hours working underwater in a dry environment. In 1878 a French physiologist, Paul Bert, conducted a vast research into the decompression sickness and discovered its causes and ways of reducing its occurrences. He discovered that the effects of decompression sickness can be eliminated by enhancing the pressure. In 1922, his discovery led to the creation of the first decompression chamber that was used during the construction of the tunnel that goes under the Hudson River, connecting New York and New Jersey.
ODABIR LOKACIJE ZA RONJENJE SELECTION OF THE DIVING LOCATION Lokacija na kojoj se planira roniti važan je dio ronilačkog plana, a pri njenom izboru potrebno je uzeti u obzir nekoliko stvari. The planned diving location is an important segment of the diving plan, the selection of which should rely upon several factors.
KARAKTERISTIKE LOKACIJE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE LOCATION Misli se na dubinu, mogućnost pristupa lokaciji i konfiguraciju obale. Ronjenje zahtijeva dobru organizaciju jer ronilac za sobom vuče tešku opremu i nije svejedno koliko daleko će je nositi. Pristup moru je važan čimbenik, i to prije svega da bi se izbjegle ozljede. Strma i hridinasta obala nije nikako dobar izbor. These include depth, accessibility of the location and coastline configuration. Diving requires thorough planning. It involves heavy equipment, so the distance to carry it is not irrelevant. Access to the sea is an important factor, first and foremost to avoid injuries. Steep and rocky coastline is under no circumstances a good choice.
BROJ SUDIONIKA / NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS Ronioci se raspoređuju u parove i grupe. Prevelike grupe mogu otežati nadzor. Divers are divided into pairs and groups. Excessively large groups may make supervision more difficult.
ZAHTJEVNOST OBUKE / COMPLEXITY OF TRAINING S obzirom na karakteristike lokacije, određuje se složenost ronjenja i raspoređivanje ronilaca u parove. Given the location’s characteristics, the complexity of diving is determined and divers are divided into pairs.
HIDROMETEOROLOŠKI UVJETI HYDRO-METROLOGICAL CONDITIONS Mora se voditi računa o valovima, struji, vidljivosti, temperaturi mora i sličnom. Divers need to pay attention to the waves, currents, visibility, water temperature and so on.
CILJEVI RONJENJA / GOALS OF DIVING Ciljevi ronjenja se razlikuju ovisno o motivima pojedinca – od fotografiranja do istraživanja. Goals of diving differ depending on the motives of individuals – ranging from taking photographs to research.
N 44° 48' 282'' E 014° 00' 141''
Do lokacije se dolazi autom ili plovilom. Na svega sedam do osam metara dubine dolazi se do ostataka davno potonulog remorkera. Na 20 metara dubine preporučuje se ronjenje u desnu stranu gdje se dolazi do »sireva« – šupljih podvodnih stijena u kojima se često skrivaju ribe. Može se doći do dubine od 40 metara gdje završava kameni dio podmorja. Na lokaciji mogu roniti sve ronilačke kategorije. PAŽNJA! Na ovoj lokaciji primijećena je invazivna alga Caulerpa racemosa.
The location is accessible by car or by vessel. Already at seven to eight metres of depth, you can see the remains of a long sunken tow boat. At 20 metres of depth, we recommend diving to the right where there are cheese-like hollow underwater rocks that often serve as hiding places for fish. At 40 metres of depth, the rocky part of the seabed ends. This location is suitable for all diving categories. ATTENTION! An invasive species of algae, sea grapes (Caulerpa racemosa), was spotted at this location.
2. UVALA LOKVICA / LOKVICA COVE N 44° 48' 282'' E 014° 00' 141'' Lokacija se nalazi u Medulinskom zaljevu između kampa Kažela i rta Marlera. Do pozicije se dolazi autom bijelim putem iz pravca Ližnjana. Radi se o malim dubinama pa je lokacija idealna za početna ronjenja. Dno je različito, kamenito, pjeskovito, obraslo vegetacijom. Ova lokacija idealna je za noćno ronjenje.
The location is situated in the bay of Medulin, between camp Kažela and cape Marlera. It can be accessed by a road from Ližnjan. The water is not too deep, so this location is perfect for beginners. The seabed is diverse: rocky, sandy, grassy. This location is ideal for night diving.
3. OTOK BODULAŠ / ISLAND OF BODULAŠ N 44° 47' 440'' E 013° 56' 983'' Otok okružuje plitko more. Roniocima je zanimljiva vanjska strana otoka te rt Špija. Pozicija je bogata morskim životom i omiljena je lokacija za noćno ronjenje.
The island is surrounded by shallow waters. The outer side of the island and cape Špija are interesting to divers. The location is rich in sea life forms and it is a very popular destination for night diving.
N 44° 46' 795'' E 013° 59' 466'' Pozicija je udaljena 3,3 nautičke milje od Medulina. Ronjenje započinje zaranjanjem po špagi do dubine od 22 metra gdje se nalazi podvodni plato. Kreće se dalje u obilazak podvodnog zida visine od sedam do osam metara. U pukotinama se skrivaju ugori, škarpine, jastozi. Najveća dubina je 38 metara. Ronjenje se organizira samo za napredne ronilačke kategorije.
This location is at 3.3 nautical miles away from Medulin. The first dive is straight downwards to the depth of 22 metres where an underwater plateau is located. From there you can dive around an underwater wall seven to eight metres in height. In the cracks you can see European congers, red scorpion fish, lobsters... The greatest depth is 38 metres. Diving is organised only for advanced categories.
5. UVALA DEBELJAK / DEBELJAK COVE N 44° 46' 327'' E 013° 55' 015'' Nalazi se nešto južnije od uvale Školjić i jedna je od najposjećenijih uvala na Kamenjaku. Pretežno je pjeskovita s atraktivnim oazama morskih cvjetnica posidonije i sviline. Lokaciji se pristupa autom ili brodicom. Najčešće se organizira noćno ronjenje, a pogodna je za sve ronilačke kategorije.
It is situated south of the Školjić cove and it is one of the most visited coves at Kamenjak. It is mostly sandy, with attractive oases of Mediterranean tape weed and sea wrack. You can access the location either by car or by boat. Night diving is often organised and it is suitable for all diving categories.
N 44° 46' 078'' E 013° 54' 940'' 26
Velika Kolumbarica je uvala na samom jugu rta Kamenjak. Atraktivnost ove lokacije čine tri spilje i jedan mali tunel. Donedavno je ondje bio moguć susret sa sredozemnom medvjedicom. Lokacija je popularna pa se tu viđa i više ronilačkih grupa istovremeno. Spilje se nalaze na svega nekoliko metara dubine pa mogu roniti sve ronilačke kategorije. Velika Kolumbarica is a cove at the very southern tip of cape Kamenjak. It is attractive due to the three caves and a small tunnel. Until recently, you were able to see the Mediterranean monk seal in Velika Kolumbarica. This location is very popular, so several diving groups often dive at the same time. The caves are located at just a few meters of depth so all diving categories can dive here.
7. OTOK FENOLIGA / FENOLIGA ISLAND N 44° 46' 124'' E 013° 54' 087''
Interesantan je zapadni dio otoka gdje teren naglo pada do 30 metara. Teren obiluje rupama i procjepima te su mogući susreti s atraktivnim morskim životinjama. Dobri poznavaoci ove lokacije mogu pokazati okamenjene dijelove amfora. PAŽNJA! Na ovoj lokaciji moguće su izuzetno jake morske struje. Ronjenje se organizira samo za napredne kategorije.
The western side of the island is interesting because there is an abrupt slope of 30 metres in length. The terrain is covered with holes and gaps so you are likely to see some attractive sea creatures. Connoisseurs of this location may even show you some petrified parts of amphorae. ATTENTION! Very strong currents may occur at this location. Diving is organised only for advanced categories.
8. OLUPINA »LUANA« / »LUANA« WRECK N 44° 42' 117'' E 013° 59' 934''
Ronjenje se odvija na otvorenom moru sedam nautičkih milja jugozapadno od Medulina. Brod je potonuo nakon što je naletio na minu 1947. godine i leži na dubini od 48 metara, dok je paluba na dubini od 40 metara. Zbog ovakvih karakteristika lokacije ovdje mogu roniti samo iskusni ronioci s višegodišnjim ronilačkim stažem. Oko olupine obično plove sitne ribe, dok se u unutrašnjosti u pravilu viđaju ugori, tabinje, hlapovi i škrpine.
Diving takes place in the open sea, seven nautical miles to the South-West of Medulin. This ship sank after hitting a mine in 1947 and now it lies at 48 metres of depth, while the deck is at 40 metres. Due to these location characteristics, only experienced divers, with several years of diving experience, are allowed to dive here. Small fish are usually seen around the wreck, whereas inside you are likely to see European congers, forkbeards, European lobster and red scorpion fish.
9. OLUPINA »FLAMINGO« / »FLAMINGO« WRECK N 44° 43' 238'' E 013° 48' 668'' »Flamingo« je austrougarska torpiljarka koja je potonula u austrougarskom minskom polju 1914. godine. Leži na dubini od 45 metara i često na lokaciji imamo lošu vidljivost. Roniti mogu samo više ronilačke kategorije s iskustvom. PAŽNJA! Olupina je pod zaštitom i može se roniti samo uz posebno odobrenje.
Flamingo is an Austro-Hungarian torpedo ship that sank in the Austro-Hungarian mine field in 1914. It lies at 45 metres of depth and visibility is often poor at this location. Only advanced and experienced divers are allowed to dive here. ATTENTION! The wreck is under protection and you need special permission to dive here.
10. OLUPINA »DRAGA« / »DRAGA« WRECK N 44° 45' 984'' E 013° 49' 627'' »Draga« je pjeskar (brod za vađenje pijeska) koji je potonuo šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća zbog preopterećenja i lošeg vremena. Leži na dubini od 40 metara. Već na dubini od 28 metara dolazi se do vrha jarbola. Spada u manje zahtjevne olupine i pogodna je za početna ronjenja na olupinama. Lokacija je predviđena samo za napredne ronilačke kategorije.
»Draga« is a dredging ship (ship used to extract sand) that sank during the 1960s due to overload and bad weather. It is located at 40 metres of depth. The tip of the mast is at 28 metres of depth. This is a low complexity wreck so it is suitable for beginners in wreck diving. The location is used only for advanced diving categories.
11. UVALA NJIVE / NJIVE COVE N 44° 46' 656'' E 013° 54' 273'' Uvala Njive je popularno kupalište na Kamenjaku. Autom se dolazi do same obale. Sjeverna strana uvale idealno je mjesto za početna ronjenja. Kameni teren blago pada do 20 metara dubine, a mogući su nezaboravni susreti s raznim morskim organizmima.
Njive cove is a very popular bathing area at Kamenjak. You can get to the very coast by car. The northern side of the cove is ideal for diving beginners. The stony terrain has a gradual slope of 20 metres in depth, and you are likely to meet all sorts of sea creatures.
12. UVALA POLJE / POLJE COVE N 44° 47' 147'' E 013° 54' 173''
Uvala Polje je tradicionalno okupljalište ribara iz Premanture. Ostaci ribarske tradicije su kamene kućice u kojima se skladištila ribarska oprema. Uvalom dominira impozantan mol, koji je izgrađen još za vrijeme Austro-Ugarske Monarhije. Nekoliko je puta stradao pod utjecajem razornih valova. Danas je obnovljen i proširen, no nažalost izgubio je stari šarm. Zbog male dubine i jednostavnog pristupa podobna je pozicija za školu ronjenja. Vanjski, sjeverni dio uvale atraktivna je ronilačka lokacija. Prema samom rtu se roni iz pravca uvale Polje ili iz pravca uvale Pinižule. Teren je kamenit i naglo se obrušava do 38 metara dubine. U uvučenom dijelu uvale Polje nalaze se brojne livade posidonije u kojima je nažalost čest prizor bačeno sidro brojnih turista nautičara, čime se posidonija oštećuje.
Polje cove is a traditional gathering point for fishermen from Premantura. The remains that testify to this fishing tradition are the stone cottages where fishing equipment used to be stored. An impressive pier built during the Austro-Hungarian reign dominates the cove. It had been destroyed by strong waves on several occasions. It was rebuilt and expanded, but unfortunately, it has lost its old charm. Due to shallow waters and ease of access, the location is suitable for diving lessons. The outer, northern part of the cove is an attractive diving destination. You can dive towards the cape either from Polje cove or Pinižule cove. The terrain is rocky and with a sudden slope of 38 metres in depth. In the indented part of Polje cove there are numerous beds of Mediterranean tape weed, where, unfortunately, you can often see anchors of many tourist boats that damage the tape weed
13. CRVENE STIJENE / RED ROCKS N 44° 48' 340'' E 013° 52' 685'' Pozicija se nalazi na Gornjem Kamenjaku, koji je također dio zaštićenog područja u općini Medulin. Do mjesta ronjenja najbolje je doći autom. Ronioci se opremaju i ulaze u vodu u malenoj uvali zaštićenoj od bure, a roni se ravno prema otvorenom moru. Početne kategorije idu do 19 metara dubine gdje mogu vidjeti malu spilju u kojoj bude pokoja riba. Napredne kategorije mogu ići sve do 38 metara dubine. Na lokaciji često susrećemo ugore i hobotnice. Moguće je roniti desno paralelno s obalom gdje nakon 50 metara dolazimo do male spilje tik uz obalu. Tu se obično viđaju škrpine i pokoja kavala.
These are located at Upper Kamenjak, which is also a part of a protected area in the municipality of Medulin. It is best to access the location by car. Divers enter the water in a small cove sheltered from the Bora wind. From there they dive towards the open sea. Beginners may dive up to 19 metres where they can see a little cave usually inhabited by fish. Advanced categories may dive up to 38 metres in depth. European congers and shellfish are often seen at this location. It is possible to dive to the right, parallel to the coastline, where after 50 metres you will see a small cave just off the coast. Here you can see red scorpion fish and some brown meagres.
N 44° 49' 27'' E 013° 50' 27'' Fraškerić je otočić blizu Banjola. Roni se do 20 metara dubine te je lokacija pogodna za početne kategorije. Atrakcije su četiri spilje na maloj dubini i okomiti podvodni zid. Lokacija se često koristi za podvodno snimanje i fotografiranje.
Fraškerić is a small island near Banjole. Divers can dive up to 20 metres in depth so the location is suitable for beginners. Attractive features are the four caves located in shallow waters, as well as the steep underwater wall. The location is often used for underwater filming and photographing.
15. SVJETIONIK VERUDELA / VERUDELA LIGHTHOUSE N 44° 49' 986'' E 013° 49' 985'' Na ronjenje se ide autom i moguće je doći do same obale. Ronjenje započinje u maloj plitkoj uvali. Na dubini od osam metara dolazi se do okomite litice koja se spušta do 22, a onda postupno do 35 metara. Mnogi procjepi i rupe mogu skrivati razna iznenađenja. Postoji rupa u kojoj ronioce uvijek dočekuje veliki ugor. Ronjenje je moguće prilagoditi svim ronilačkim kategorijama.
The road leads to the very coast so you can reach the location by car. The diving begins in a small shallow cove. At eight metres in depth a steep cliff starts and goes down for 22 metres, and then gradually up to 35 metres in depth. Numerous crevices and holes may hide various surprises. There is a hole in which the divers are always welcomed by a large European conger. Diving is organised for all categories.
N 44° 51' 643'' E 013° 48' 352'' Najbolje je doći brodom iz Pule, a moguće je i autom preko Valovina. Ronjenje započinje u maloj šljunkovitoj uvali. Može se roniti lijevo prema rtu, gdje imamo atraktivnu poziciju na maloj dubini pogodnu za početnike. Moguće je roniti i desnom stranom uvale prema Muzilu gdje dolazimo do prekrasne spilje na maloj dubini. It is best to take a boat from Pula to here, or you can go by car via Valovine. Diving starts in a small gravelly cove. You can go left towards the cape, where there is an attractive position in shallow waters that is suitable for beginners. You can also go right, towards Muzil, where you will reach a beautiful cave in shallow waters.
17. PODMORNICA »MEDUSA« / »MEDUSA« SUBMARINE N 44° 45' 069'' E 013° 47' 008'' Nalazi se ispred autokampa Stoja relativno blizu obale. Podmornica nije kompletna, već je tu samo njen krmeni dio. Radi se o talijanskoj podmornici koju je potopila britanska podmornica 1942. godine. Na lokaciji je često loša vidljivost. Ronjenje se organizira samo za napredne kategorije.
It is located near Stoja auto-camp, relatively close to the shore. The submarine is not complete. Only its stern plane is here. It is an Italian submarine that was submerged by a British one in 1942. Visibility is often poor. Diving is organised only for advanced categories.
18. »VARESE«
N 44° 49' 934'' E 013° 41' 101'' Talijanski trgovački brod potopljen je 1915. godine kad je naletio na minu. Za vrijeme ronjenja moguće je ući u olupinu koja je dosta široka i sigurna cijelom dužinom. Brod je na dubini od 42 metra i ronjenje se organizira za napredne kategorije.
A Italian merchant ship went down in 1915 when it hit a mine. During diving, you can enter the wreck, which is pretty wide and secured throughout its length. The ship is located at 42 metres of depth and diving is organised only for advanced categories.
N 44° 50' 250'' E 013° 36' 950''
Dobro je očuvana olupina trgovačkog parobroda koji je potonuo početkom Prvog svjetskog rata. Olupina leži na 44 metra dubine, a moguć je ulazak u nju. Ronjenje je rezervirano samo za napredne ronilačke kategorije.
This is a well preserved wreck of a merchant steam ship that sank during World War I. It lays at 44 metres of depth and divers may even enter inside. Diving is restricted to advanced categories only.
N 44° 47' 000'' E 013° 39' 410'' Atraktivna olupina teretnog parobroda koji je naletio na minu 1915. godine i tako zaključio svoju sudbinu. Leži na 45 metara dubine u pravilnom položaju i moguće je ući u pojedine dijelove broda. Roniti mogu samo napredni ronioci.
This is an attractive wreck of a cargo steamboat that hit a mine in 1915 and was sent to eternal rest. It is located at 45 metres of depth in a fairly straight position, so it is possible to enter certain parts of the boat. Only advanced divers are allowed to dive here.
21. RT PENEDA / CAPE PENEDA N 44° 53' 15'' E 013° 45' 10''
Nalazi se na južnom dijelu otoka Veli Brijun podno svjetionika Peneda. Radi se o području Nacionalnog parka Brijuni, što lokaciju čini
It is located in the southern part of the island Veliki Brijun, at the bottom of Peneda lighthouse. It belongs to the area of Brijuni National
jako atraktivnom. Kameniti teren postupno pada do dubine od 40 metara. Moguć je susret s mnogim atraktivnim morskim stvorenjima. Ronjenje na ovakvim lokacijama dugo ostaje u sjećanju, a moguće ga je prilagoditi svim ronilačkim skupinama.
Park, which makes it a very attractive location. Rocky terrain is gradually sloping to 40 metres in depth. Many interesting sea creatures can be seen here. Diving at this location will be a memorable experience, and the activity can be adjusted to all diving categories.
N 44° 54' 264'' E 013° 35' 201'' Olupina se dugo nazivala »Istra« jer se pravo ime nije znalo. Radi se o teretnom parobrodu koji je prevozio naoružanje i streljivo. Potopljen je 1943. godine nakon što je eksplodirao naišavši na minu. Brod se prepolovio i u dva dijela leži na morskom dnu. Pravu zanimljivost i povijesni značaj olupini daje poseban tip sidra koji se ne proizvodi već više od 100 godina. Nalazi se na dubini većoj od 30 metara pa se ronjenje organizira samo za napredne kategorije.
The wreck was called »Istria« for a long time because its real name was unknown. It is a cargo steamboat that transported armament and ammunition. It sank in 1943 when it exploded after hitting a mine. It was split in two parts, both of which are now at the bottom of the sea. This wreck is even more interesting and historically valuable because of its special type of anchor that has not been produced for over 100 years now. It is at a depth of over 30 metres, so diving is organised for advanced categories only.
23. »MARIJA«
N 44° 54’ 785’’ E 013° 38’ 608’’ »Marija« je drveni jedrenjak s metalnim jarbolom potonuo prije 60 godina. Vidljivi su rebra broda s dijelovima oplate, kobilica i jarbol. Dio olupine prekriven je ribarskim mrežama. Brod je bogat različitim vrstama riba koje obogaćuju sveukupan doživljaj ronjenja. Pogodan je samo za napredne ronilačke kategorije.
»Marija« is a wooden sailing ship with a metal mast. It sank 60 years ago. You can see the sections of the ship with parts of the shell, as well as the keel and mast. Part of the ship is covered with fishing nets. The wreck serves as a home to various types of fish that further enrich the diving experience. The location is suitable for advanced categories only.
24. »MAONA«
N 44° 59' 993'' E 013° 37' 281'' »Maona« je mali teretni brod dužine 40 metara. Potopljen je nedaleko od svjetionika Sv. Ivan na pučini kraj Rovinja na dubini od 35 metara. Zbog blizine obale omiljena je ronilačka lokacija. Moguće je vidjeti puno sitne ribe, a uz samo dno ugore i hlapove. Lokacija spada u lakše olupine i preporučuje se za početna ronjenja na olupinama.
»Maona« is a small cargo ship, 40 metres in length. It sank not far from St. Ivan’s cliff near Rovinj, and it is now located at 35 metres of depth. Given its vicinity to the coast, it is a popular destination for diving. Here you can see plenty of small fish, and at the very seabed, European congers and European lobsters, too. The location is considered a low complexity wreck and it is recommended for beginners in wreck diving.
The Sea –
The Greatest Storyteller 36
Danas su ronioci obično u potrazi za velikim uzbuđenjima. Uvijek je imperativ vidjeti nešto veliko i spektakularno. Nerijetko budu razočarani jer nisu vidjeli neku veliku ribu ili impozantnog raka i zaron nije ispunio njihova očekivanja. Pješčane ravnice istarskog priobalja vrve životom i nude pregršt iznenađenja roniocima. No, za pretraživanje podmorja je potrebno izvježbati oko i odabrati pravo mjesto, jer se podmorski lokaliteti u Istri međusobno dosta razlikuju. Dok ronimo uglavnom niti ne primjećujemo čitav jedan mikrokozmos ispod nas u kojemu se isprepliću životi raznih organizama. Zato je vrijeme da more ispriča svoju priču o flori i fauni istarskog podmorja. 38
Nowadays, divers are usually seeking grand thrills. It is always important to see something great and spectacular. However, they often get disappointed for not seeing a large fish or an impressive crab. The dive doesn’t always live up to their expectations. Sandy plains of the coastline of Istria are brimming with life and offer a host of surprises to the divers. However, to explore the underwater world, one needs to be properly trained and to choose the right place, since underwater sites in Istria greatly differ. While diving, we are often not aware of the entire micro cosmos that is bellow us, in which lives of various creatures are intertwined. This is why it is time for the sea to tell its story of the flora and fauna of the underwater world of Istria.
Iako je na prvi pogled ekosustav jednoličan, razgledavanje morskih travnjaka može roniocima donijeti pregršt iznenađenja.
Although they may seem a monotonous ecosystem, sea grasslands can offer a host of surprises to divers.
Podmorski travnjaci istarskog akvatorija satkani su od strogo zaštićenih morskih cvjetnica: posidonije (Posidonia oceanica), čvoraste morske rese (Cymodocea nodosa), morske sviline (Zostera marina) i patuljaste sviline (Zostera noltii). U njihovim livadama razmnožava se, raste i skriva nekoliko stotina vrsta organizama zbog čega je njihova važnost za morski ekosustav neprocjenjiva.
Underwater meadows of Istria are made of highly protected sea flowering plants: Mediterranean tape weed (Posidonia oceanica), little Neptune grass (Cymodocea nodosa), sea wrack or common eelgrass (Zostera marina) and dwarf eelgrass (Zostera noltii). In these meadows, several hundreds of other species live and grow, making them priceless to the sea ecosystem.
Najposebnija među njima, posidonija, gotovo je nestala iz istarskog akvatorija. Nekad je bila prisutna duž čitave obale, a jedine preostale livade posidonije danas nalazimo u podmorju Nacionalnog parka Brijuni, u ližnjanskom i medulinskom akvatoriju te ponajviše u moru oko rta Kamenjak u Premanturi. Nije ni čudo što su u Istri upravo ta područja najbogatija biološkom raznolikošću.
The most special of them all, the Mediterranean tape weed, is virtually extinct in the aquatorium area Istria. It used to be present along the entire coastline. The only remaining Mediterranean tape weed meadows are situated in the seabed of the Brijuni National Park, in the Ližnjan and Medulin aquatorium and mainly around cape Kamenjak and Premantura. No wonder these exact areas in Istria are the richest ones when it comes to biodiversity.
Ne budu li se poduzimale mjere njihove zaštite, procjenjuje se da bi morske cvjetnice mogle nestati u idućih 50 godina.
It is estimated that sea grass could disappear in the next 50 years, if protective measures to preserve these meadows are not taken.
Rt Kamenjak – bogatstvo prirode primorja i podmorja Cape Kamenjak – Richness of the Coastline and of Underwater Nature Poluotok Kamenjak s pripadajućim akvatorijem perjanica je zaštićenih dijelova prirode u Istri. Ta najjužnija točka Istre poznata je po neobično razvedenoj obali s brojnim uvalama i uvalicama te je kao takva idealna za ronjenje. Kopneni botanički svijet Kamenjaka ima nešto manje od 600 biljnih vrsta, među kojima su i neke endemične vrste, a podmorje je posebno bogato životom, i to prije svega zbog prisutnosti morske cvjetnice posidonije koja pokriva njegov veći dio. Za više informacija o posjetu Kamenjaku i ostalim zaštićenim područjima u općini Medulin pogledajte stranicu Javne ustanove Kamenjak – Kuća prirode u Premanturi na jednom mjestu nudi važne informacije o pravilima ponašanja na zaštićenim područjima u općini Medulin. The peninsula of Kamenjak with its aquatorium is the jewel of protected nature environments of Istria. This southernmost point of Istria is well-known for its unusually indented coastline, with numerous coves and inlets, so it is ideal for diving. The terrestrial botanical world of Kamenjak includes less than 600 species of plants, some of which are endemic, and the seabed is especially rich in life, first and foremost due to the presence of the sea grass, Neptune Grass, that covers most of the area. For more information about visiting Kamenjak and other protected areas in the municipality of Medulin, please, visit the official web page of Kamenjak Public Institution, House of Nature in Premantura offers in one place all the important pieces of information about the rules of conduct in protected areas in the municipality of Medulin.
Monachus monachus
Sredozemna medvjedica The Mediterranean Monk Seal Sredozemna medvjedica je jedna od najugroženijih vrsta morskih sisavaca. Sreće se samo na obalama Sredozemnog mora. Procjenjuje se da danas u cijelom svijetu živi samo nekoliko stotina jedinki ove vrste. Jedna stara ženka se često mogla vidjeti na jugu Istre posljednjih godina. Nažalost, stradala je krajem 2014. godine, vjerovatno od ljudske ruke. Nadamo se da njezini potomci plivaju istarskim obalama. 42
Kazna za ubijanje, maltretiranje i uznemiravanje sredozemne medvjedice iznosi 100.000 kuna. Vikanje, bacanje predmeta i hrane, plivanje prema medvjedici ili približavanje plovilom smatra se uznemiravanjem. Svako viđenje medvjedice treba prijaviti udruzi Grupa Sredozemna medvjedica (GSM: 098 351 254, e-mail: i Javnoj ustanovi Kamenjak (e-mail: koji skupljaju informacije i dostavljaju ih Ministarstvu zaštite okoliša i prirode i Državnom zavodu za zaštitu prirode. The Mediterranean monk seal is one of the most endangered sea mammals in the world. They live along the shores of the Mediterranean. It is estimated that today there are only a few hundred specimens in the world. An old female could often be encountered in the South Istria during the last years. Unfortunately, it died at the end of 2014; it was probably killed by a human hand. We can only hope that her progeny is swimmin along the Istrian shores. The fine for killing and harassing a Mediterranean monk seal is 100.000 hrk. Shouting, throwing objects and food at the monk seal, swimming towards it or approaching it with a boat, disturbing it by lying on the sea shore, all this are classified as harassment. Anyone who sees a monk seal should report it to the Mediterranan Monk Seal Association (GSM: 098 351 254, e-mail: and the Public Institution of Kamenjak (e-mail: which gather the information and deliver it to the Ministry of Environmental and Nature protection and the State Institute for Nature Protection.
Centar za oporavak morskih kornjača Marine Turtle Rescue Centre Morske kornjače su već dugi niz godina zaštićene zakonom, međutim, njihov je broj i dalje u drastičnom opadanju, kako u svijetu tako i u nas. Stoga je spašavanje jedinki u centrima za oporavak, uz stalnu edukaciju stanovništva o njihovoj ugroženosti, od nužne važnosti za opstanak ove vrste. Centar za oporavak morskih kornjača osnovan je 2006. godine i prvi je takav centar na istočnoj strani Jadrana. Djeluje unutar Aquariuma Pula i udruge Morski obrazovni centar u Puli. Dosadašnje uspješno zbrinjavanje kornjača, od 2002. godine, stručnost osoblja te odgovarajući uvjeti za prihvat i skrb o jedinkama različitih veličina bili su glavni kriteriji da ga Uprava za zaštitu prirode Ministarstva zaštite okoliša i prirode proglasi takvim centrom. Aktivnosti Centra za oporavak morskih kornjača su liječenje i svakodnevna skrb o kornjačama da bi se one vratile u prirodno stanište, ali i podizanje svijesti javnosti o nužnosti njihove zaštite. Briga o kornjačama podrazumijeva njihovo redovito hranjenje, čišćenje bazena i pružanje zdravstvene njege. Godišnje se u Centru oporavi od 10 do 15 morskih kornjača koje se uz svečano obilježavanje Svjetskog dana morskih kornjača (16. lipnja) puštaju natrag u more. Although protected, number of marine turtles is rapidly declining, in Croatia as well as worldwide. For that reason the care provided in the Centre, along with constant education of the public regarding their status, is of vital importance to the survival of the species. »Marine Turtle Rescue Centre« was founded in 2006. as the first of its kind in the eastern part of the Adriatic. The Centre operates within »Aquarium Pula« and the NGO »Marine Educational Centre Pula«. A history of successful work on turtle care, professional competence and appropriate conditions for accepting and managing individuals of different sizes were the main criteria for establishing the Centre by the State Institute for Nature Protection. The activities of the »Marine Turtle Rescue Centre« are treatment and everyday care of turtles with the purpose of their release back to nature, but also raising public awareness on the necessity of their protection. Turtle care includes regular feeding, tank cleaning and providing medical care. The Centre recovers 10 to 15 turtles every year and marks World Sea Turtle Day (16 th June) by releasing them back into the sea.
Morske livade se razvijaju u plićem području zbog dostupnosti sunčeve svjetlosti potrebne za fotosintezu pa su izložene ugrozama. Najveća prijetnja za morske cvjetnice su usidrena plovila. Sidrima se uništavaju osjetljive podzemne stabljike morskih cvjetnica i tako nastaju »rupe« izložene eroziji, zbog čega travnjak propada. Bacanje sidra u livade morskih cvjetnica uobičajena je praksa jer ono lakše zapne i drži barku. Zbog toga je važno poznavati staništa i distribuciju morskih livada. Livade čvoraste morske rese bolje podnose promjene u ekosustavu, zauzimaju plitke lagune, nerijetko i uz samu obalu. Ondje se zadržava riblja mlađ koja u sigurnosti zaklona gustih listova ove morske cvjetnice nesmetano raste i nastanjuje okolna područja. Čvorasta morska resa dominira plitkom lagunom kraj Pomera u Medulinskom zaljevu na području koje se zove Šćuza. To je područje
Sea meadows thrive in shallow waters due to the accessibility of sunlight required for photosynthesis, so they are exposed to various threats. The biggest threats for sea grass are anchored vessels. Anchors destroy the sensitive underground stems of sea grass, creating »holes« exposed to erosion, which causes the meadow to deteriorate. Anchoring in sea grass beds is a common practice because the anchor is more stable and holds the boat more firmly. This is why it is important to know the habitats and distribution of sea meadows. Meadows of little Neptune grass are more tolerant to changes of the ecosystem; they occupy shallow lagoons and are often found next to the very coastline. Fish progeny seeks shelter in these meadows, because they can grow comfortably protected by the dense leaves of this sea flowering plant from where they can inhabit the surrounding areas.
zakonski zaštićeno kao posebno stanište u kojemu postoje pogodni uvjeti za mrijest, hranjenje, rast i skrivanje riba i drugih morskih organizama. Stoga je iznimno važno takva područja očuvati i štititi. Svako narušavanje takvog ekosustava posljedično će značiti smanjenje bioraznolikosti i manjak podvodnog bogatstva u okolnom moru.
Little Neptune grass dominates the shallow lagoon next to Pomer in the Medulin bay in an area called »Šćuza«. This area is protected by law as a special habitat with suitable conditions for spawning, feeding, growth and protection of fish and other sea organisms. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve and protect such areas. Any violation of these ecosystems will consequently lead to a reduction of biodiversity and shortage of underwater wealth in the surrounding sea.
45 Syngnathus tenuirostris
Oblikom tijela i bojom riba šilo se fantastično prilagodila životu u livadama morskih cvjetnica. U Jadranu ih živi nekoliko vrsta, a najčešće su šilo tankokljuno (Syngnathus tenuirostris) i šilo oblokljuno (Syngnathus typhle). Te su ribe srodnici morskoga konjica. I kod njih mužjak nosi mlade. Šila imaju na donjoj strani tijela strukturu sličnu kanaliću koji se poput patenta zatvara u trenutku kada ženka mužjaku preda jajašca. Nakon nekoliko mjeseci izvaljuju se mladi koji su spremni za samostalan život.
With its body shape and colour, the pipefish has adapted itself perfectly to a life in the sea grass meadows. There are several types of pipefish in the Adriatic Sea. The most common ones are the narrow-snouted pipefish (Syngnathus tenuirostris) and the broad-nosed pipefish (Syngnathus typhle). These species of fish belong to the same family as the seahorses. The male is the one who broods the offspring. Pipefish has a funnel-like brood pouch in the underside of its body that closes hermetically when the female deposits the eggs to the male. After several months, the progeny hatches and they are immediately ready to live independently.
Heartbreaking Story of the Delightful Seahorse
Hippocampus guttulatus
Morski konjici su zasigurno jedna od najpoznatijih morskih stvorenja. To su zapravo ribe koje po mnogočemu ne sliče ribama na koje smo navikli. Usta su im poput cjevčice, nemaju ljuske, a mužjaci kote žive mlade.
Seahorses are definitely one of the most famous sea creatures. They are actually fish, but ones that are nothing like the fish we are used to. Their mouth is like a tube, they have no scales and the males give birth to living progeny.
U Jadranu se morski konjici najčešće susreću u Istri i to u Medulinskom zaljevu i Vinkuranskoj vali. Najaktivniji su od početka proljeća do sredine ljeta te je vjerojatnost za susret s njima tada veća. No, brojni ronioci i nakon više godina promatranja nisu susreli konjica. Da biste primijetili vrhunski kamufliranu ribicu treba imati dobro uvježbano oko. Morski konjici su danas iznimno rijetka vrsta, imaju vrlo slab reproduktivni potencijal, jer od okoćenih 200-tinjak mladunaca samo nekoliko njih doživi dob kada može nastaviti vrstu.
In the Adriatic Sea, seahorses are usually seen in Istria, in the Medulin bay and Vinkuran cove. They are mostly active as of early spring until mid-summer, so they are likely to be seen during this period. However, even after years of exploration, many divers have never met a seahorse. It takes a trained eye to spot this master of disguise. Seahorses are nowadays a very rare species. Their reproductive potential is low, since out of approximately 200 youths, only a few of them reach the age to reproduce.
Konjic, simbol morske ljepote, polako nestaje zbog ljudskog nemara. Danas je zakonom strogo zaštićena vrsta.
The seahorse, a symbol of sea beauty, is gradu ally disappearing because of human negligence. Today, it is a strictly protected species.
Jedna od najopasnijih invazivnih vrsta u istarskom podmorju je grozdasta kaulerpa (Caulerpa racemosa). Brzim širenjem istiskuje autohtone vrste i utječe i na fizikalne i kemijske odlike podmorja. U njezinom smrtonosnom zagrljaju stradavaju morski stanovnici poput školjkaša, spužvi i koralja. Uspijeva na gotovo svim tipovima dna, na dubinama do 50 metara, uz malo svjetla te na temperaturama od osam do 28 °C.
One of the most dangerous invasive species in the underwater area of Istria is the sea grapes algae (Caulerpa racemosa). Its rapid spread is pushing against the autochthonous species and affects both physical and chemical characteristics of the underwater world. Sea creatures such as bivalves, sponges and corals die in its deadly embrace. It can grow on virtually any type of sea bed, in depths of up to 50 metres, with little light and in temperatures from 8 °C to 28 °C.
Njezino je iskorjenjivanje gotovo nemoguće, dapače čupanjem ove alge može se napraviti još veća šteta, jer odlomljeni fragmenti mogu nastaniti neko drugo područje.
It is practically impossible to eradicate it, and tearing up of this alga can cause an even greater damage, because the torn fragments can easily inhabit some other area.
SOS Ako se primijeti ova alga, potrebno je dojaviti informaciju o lokalitetu Centru za istraživanje mora u Rovinju na, tel. +385 (0)52 804 700 ili Državnom zavodu za zaštitu prirode na broj telefona +385 (0)1 5502 900, Should you notice this alga, please, notify the Centre for Marine Research in Rovinj of its location:, phone no. +385 (0)52 804 700, or the State Institute for Nature Protection, phone no +385 (0)1 5502 900,
Sandy Desert Uvučene uvale od Ližnjana do Budave poznate su kao »riblje spavaonice«, odnosno mjesta gdje se razne vrste riba dolaze odmarati tijekom noći. Zato je ondje preporučljivo zaroniti noću.
Cerianthus membranaceus
Secluded coves that stretch from Ližnjan to Budava are known as »fish beds«, i.e. places where many species of fish come to rest during the night. This is why it is best to dive here at night.
Condylactis aurantiaca
Slično je i s uvalama u okolici Pule poput Saccorgiane i Zelenike. Pješčane ravnice na potezu od Fažane do Barbarige su izuzetno bogate životom zbog blizine Nacionalnog parka Brijuni u sklopu čijih je morskih granica zabranjena bilo kakva lovna aktivnost. Ronilac može uživati u susretu s vrstama karakterističnim za pješčano dno. Tu su brojni beskralješnjaci, poput mekanih koralja kao što su zlatna moruzgva (Condylactis aurantiaca) i opnena voskovica (Cerianthus membranaceus). Opnena voskovica je endem Sredozemnog mora. Ova životinja je najbrža moruzgva u Jadranu, ima duge i tanke lovke, a u slučaju uznemirenosti, lovke brzo uvuče u cijev koja je zakopana u pijesku.
Coves around Pula, such as Saccorgiana and Zelenika, are similar. Sandy plains that stretch from Fažana to Barbariga are extremely rich in forms of life due to the vicinity of Brijuni National Park. Inside this park, all fishing activities are banned. Divers may enjoy meeting species typical of the sandy sea floor. There are many invertebrates, including soft corals such as the golden anemone (Condylactis aurantiaca) and cylinder anemone (Cerianthus membranaceus). Cylinder anemone is an endemic species of the Mediterranean Sea. This animal is the fastest coral in the Adriatic area. It has long and thin tentacles, and if it feels threatened, it will draw in its tentacles into a tube that is buried in the sand.
Rak mrtvačka glava (Ilia nucleus) i rak šestar (Derilambrus angulifrons) aktivni su isključivo noću, a danju su zakopani u pijesku. Katkada njihov dnevni počinak znaju prekinuti ribe ovčice koje kopaju po pijesku u potrazi za hranom. Pijesak je idealna podloga za ribe plosnatice. Njihovo je tijelo u potpunosti prilagođeno životu na pomičnoj podlozi.
Pebble crab (Ilia nucleus) and elbow crab (Derilambrus angulifrons) are active only at night, while they spend the day buried in the sand. Their daytime rest is sometimes interrupted by striped sea breams that dig the sand looking for food. Sand is an ideal habitat for flatfish. Its body is completely adapted to a life in movable terrain.
K R A K AT I S R A M E Ž L J I VC I THE LANKY SHY ONES Najpoznatiji krakati stanovnici podmorja su glavonošci: sipa, lignja i hobotnica. Sipe su posebno česte u istarskom podmorju zbog konfiguracije dna i tipa obale koja im odgovara za polaganje jajašaca. Najbrojnije su od sredine proljeća do kraja ljeta, i to na gotovo svim dubinama. Nerijetko se zakopavaju u pijesak iz kojega munjevitom brzinom izlaze u slučaju opasnosti. Lignje se rjeđe viđaju tijekom ronjenja jer danju borave na većim dubinama, a tek se navečer približavaju obali zbog hranjenja. Ipak, često se viđaju njihova jaja, bijele duguljaste želatinozne strukture obješene na razne morske objekte.
Hobotnice uvijek izazivaju divljenje i radost ronilaca. Interakcija s roniocima odraz je njihove znatiželje i inteligencije. Iako se odlično kamuflira na dnu, hobotnicu možemo lako uočiti ako pratimo neke podmorske znakove. Najčešće ih odaju ostaci užine, poput ljuštura pojedenih školjaka ili kliješta rakova – njihove omiljene poslastice. Hobotnicu u pohodima često prati i pirka – ako uočite nekoliko pirki jednu do druge, znajte da je hobotnica blizu.
The most famous gangling sea inhabitants are the cephalopods: cuttlefish, squid and octopus. Cuttlefish are numerous in the area of Istria because of the favourable sea bed and type of coastline that is suitable for them to lay their eggs. Their numbers are highest as of mid-spring until the end of the summer, and they live in almost any depth. The often bury themselves in the sand, prepared for a quick escape in case of danger. Squids are more rarely seen while diving, since they spend the day in greater depths and only in the evening they approach the coast to feed. However, their eggs are often spotted. They are white jelly-like shapes hanging from various sea objects. Octopuses always cause admiration and joy among divers. Their interaction with the divers is a reflection of their curiosity and intelligence. Although it can camouflage itself very well into the sea floor, the octopus can be easily spotted if you follow some underwater signs. The remains of their lunch – shells of eaten clams or claws of crabs – their favourite treats, usually give them away. Octopus is often accompanied by painted combers – so if you spot several painted combers next to each other, be sure that an octopus is somewhere nearby.
Sepiola rondeletii
Symphodus mediterraneus
Sličnost između riba i ptica u tome je što obje skupine polažu jaja, a neke ribe i svijaju gnijezda, naravno podmorska. Usnače su otišle još korak dalje – kod njih su mužjaci živopisno obojeni, a ženke neupadljivih boja, baš kao kod ptica. Te su ribe ujedno i jedne od najčešćih u našem priobalju. Naseljavaju gotovo cijelo priobalno područje, a obično žive na dnu obraslom algama i morskim cvjetnicama.
Fish are similar to birds in a way that both of them lay eggs, and some species of fish also form nests that are, of course, underwater. Wrasses have made a step further – the males are in vibrant colours while the females are inconspicuous, just like birds. At the same time, these are one of the most common fish in our coastal area. They inhabit nearly the entire coastal area, and they usually live on sea beds covered in algae and sea flowering plants.
Mužjak podujke (Symphodus mediterraneus) u proljeće sakuplja alge i pijesak od kojih svija gnijezdo u koje ženka polaže jaja, dok ih mužjak vjerno čuva.
In the spring, the axillary wrasse male (Symphodus Mediterraneus) collects algae and sand that it uses to form a nest in which the female lays its eggs. The male then guards the eggs until hatching.
Hobotnica ima otrovan ugriz / Octopus Has a Toxic Byte Hobotnica (Octopus vulgaris) nema zube, već kljun sličan papagaju kojim komada svoj plijen. Slina koju izlučuju njezine žlijezde sadrži otrov kojim paralizira plijen. Octopus (Octopus vulgaris) has no teeth. Instead, it has a parrot-like beak that it uses to tear its prey. The mucus excreted from its glands contains a toxin that paralyses the prey.
Mullus surmuletus
Trlja kamenjarka (Mullus surmuletus) i ovčica (Lithognathus mormyrus) naše su najpoznatije ribe kopačice. S donje strane glave trlje imaju dva mesnata brka kojima kopaju po morskom dnu u potrazi za hranom. Ronioci se uglavnom susreću s trljom kamenjarkom koja obitava na manjim dubinama. Ovčica koristi tehniku kopanja ustima i izbacivanja sedimenta kroz škrge. U moru ih odaju dimni oblaci koje te ribe stvaraju dok iskapaju svoj ručak.
Striped red mullet (Mullus surmuletus) and striped sea bream (Lithognathus mormyrus) are our most famous species of burrowing fish. At the down side of their head they have two barbels that they use to riffle through the sediments looking for food. Divers usually see the striped red mullet that inhabits more shallow waters. The striped sea bream riffles the sediment with its mouth and ejects it through its gills. The smoke cloud that they leave behind while digging up their lunch is what gives them away.
PLANKTON – POČETAK SVEGA PLANKTON – THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING Plankton je zapravo skupni naziv za sve biljke i životinje u moru koje se ne mogu aktivno kretati već su prepuštene na milost i nemilost morskih struja. To dakako ne znači da se radi isključivo o mikroskopskim bićima. Naime, razni meduzoidni oblici žarnjaka, rebraši i pelagični plaštenjaci koji su itekako vidljivi golim okom pripadaju zajednici planktona.
Plankton is actually a joint name for all the plants and animals that live in the water co lumn and cannot swim against a current. This, of course, does not mean that all of them are microscopic organisms. Namely, various medusa-like forms of Cnidarians, Ctenophores and Thaliaceans, that are clearly visible to the naked eye, also belong to the plankton group.
Svijeće u moru / Marine Candles Sposobnost organizama da proizvode svjetlost naziva se bioluminscencija. Radi se o kemijskoj reakciji u kojoj se molekula, tzv. luciferin, spaja s kisikom (oksidira) i pritom se oslobađa svjetlost. Neki svjetleći bičaši koji nisu veći od pola milimetra pojedinačno stvaraju svjetlost koja je vidljiva na udaljenosti od pet metara. To je kao da ljudi međusobno komuniciraju na udaljenosti većoj od 20 kilometara. The ability of an organism to produce light is called bioluminescence. This is a chemical reaction, during which a molecule called luciferin is combined with oxygen (it oxidises) thus releasing light. Some of the Pyrrophyta, which are not larger than half a millimetre, individually create light that is visible from up to five metres. It is as if people could communicate with each other from over 20 kilometres of distance.
Mali i veliki morski vukovi SMALL AND LARGE SERRANIDAE
Serranus scriba
Vučić (Serranus hepatus), pirka (Serranus scriba) i kirnja (Epinephelus marginatus) pripadaju porodici vučica. Najmanji među njima – vučić – naraste do svega 10 cm, dok je kirnja pravi div među ribama. Pojedini primjerci kirnji mogu narasti i više od metra i težiti više stotina kilograma. Nažalost, takve kirnje danas su prava rijetkost, jer je ova trofejna riba često na meti podvodnih ribolovaca. Pirka je naš najčešći morski vuk. Na glavi ima šare i pjege koje podsjećaju na arapsko pismo.
Brown comber (Serranus hepatus), painted comber (Serranus scriba) and the Dusky Grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) belong to the Serranidae family. The smallest of them – the brown comber – grows up to 10 cm in length, whereas the Dusky Grouper is a true fish giant. Some specimens of the Dusky Grouper can reach over one metre of length and weigh several hundreds of kilograms. Unfortunately, such specimens are nowadays extremely rare, because this trophy fish is often a target of underwater fisherman. Painted comber is the most common of the Serranidae in this region. Its head is covered in stripes and spots that look like the Arabic alphabet.
ŠTO SU ZAPRAVO MEDUZE? WHAT IS THE JELLYFISH ACTUALLY? Žarnjaci iz skupine režnjaka i obrubnjaka imaju dva razvojna stadija: polip i meduzu. Meduze su, dakle, razvojni oblici žarnjaka. Polip je statičan oblik žarnjaka iz kojega se pupanjem razvija mala meduza koja život provodi u planktonskoj zajednici. Periodički se pojavljuju najezde meduza opasne morske mjesečine čije lovke mogu jako opeći.
Cnidarians from the Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa class have two basic body forms: the polyp and the medusa. So, the jellyfish is a stage in the development of Cnidarians. Polyp is a sessile form of Cnidarians from which a juvenile jellyfish is developed by a process called strobilation. Such jellyfish live in the plankton community. From time to time, an invasion of a species of jellyfish called Pelagia noctiluca may occur. The tentacles of this jellyfish cause serious stings.
Rhizostoma pulmo
Diviti se izbliza ljepoti oblika i boji morskih cjevaša nije nimalo jednostavno. Te oprezne životinje na najmanji znak opasnosti brzo uvlače svoje osjetljive šarene škrge u zaštitnu cijev. To admire from close to the beauty and colour of polychaetes (annelid sea worms) is not simple. At the slightest hint of danger, these cautious animals will quickly draw in their sensitive colourful gills into a protective tube.
Sabella spallanzanii
Sea Architects
Eunicella cavolini
Jedni od najuspješnijih arhitekata u životinjskom svijetu su mahovnjaci i gorgonije. Te životinje stvaraju kolonije i izgrađuju strukture najrazličitijih oblika i boja. Mahovnjaci vole zasjenjena morska područja jer se za prostor natječu s algama koje na svjetlu brzo rastu. Neki mahovnjaci grade kolonije slične koraljima poput vrste Myriapora truncata, a kod nekih kolonija izgleda poput uzorka čipke (Reteporella beaniana). Gorgonije su zadružni koralji koji izgrađuju prava morska stabla bijele, narančaste i ljubičaste boje. Nastanjuju podmorske litice gdje je izraženo strujanje morske vode bogate planktonom. Among the most successful animal architects are the moss animals (Bryozoa) and the sea fans. These animals create colonies and build structures of different shapes and colours. Moss animals prefer shady sea areas, since their main rivals in the struggle for sea space are algae that grow quickly in the light. Some moss animals build colonies that resemble to those of the corals, for example of the Myriapora truncata (the false coral), while other colonies resemble the lace, like the ones of Reteporella beaniana. Sea fans are colonial corals that build genuine branching structures of white and purple colour. They inhabit the underwater cliffs with strong currents and abundance of plankton.
Plove crnih ribica – crneja (Chromis chromis) apsolutno su neizostavan podmorski prizor. Tata crnej je izuzetno požrtvovan roditelj. On vjerno brani ikru položenu u plićacima od brojnih grabežljivaca. Sredinom ljeta iz jaja se izvaljuju mladi crneji koji su obojeni fluorescentno plavom bojom. Kako rastu, sve su manje plave, a sve više crne boje. Prekrasnom plavom bojom cijeli svoj životni vijek obojen je modrak (Spicara maena). Flocks of small black fish – the Damselfish (Chromis chromis) are a very common underwater sight. Male Damselfish are very devoted parents. They are committed to protect from numerous predators the eggs that they lay in shallow waters. In mid-summer, the eggs hatch and juvenile Damselfish, coloured in a fluorescent blue, are born. As they grow, they become less blue and more black. On the other hand, the blotched picarel (Spicara maena) is characterised with a beautiful blue colour throughout its entire life.
Dobro došli na tržnicu pod morem Welcome to the Underwater Market Katkada se zaron čini kao da smo navratili na tržnicu jer neki morski organizmi zbog svojih boja i oblika toliko podsjećaju na voće i povrće da su po njima dobili i imena. Spužva morska naranča (Tethya aurantium) svojim okruglim narančastim tijelom i veličinom podsjeća upravo na naranču. Strogo je zaštićena vrsta. Morski kupus je meduzoidni oblik žarnjaka vrste Cotylorhiza tuberculata. Morski krastavac ili trp je životinja iz skupine bodljikaša, srodnik ježinaca i zvjezdača. Vrlo je važan za morski ekosustav jer čisti more hraneći se raspadnutom organskom tvari. U Jadranu su svi trpovi strogo zaštićeni. Poznato morsko jaje (Microcosmus sabatieri) najpoznatiji je izvor joda među morskim organizmima. The dive may sometimes seem as if we were at a market, since due to their colours and shapes, some sea creatures remind us of fruits and vegetables to such an extent that their names come from this similarity. With its round, orange shape and size, the orange puffball sponge (Tethya aurantium) reminds us exactly of orange. It is a highly protected species. The sea kale is a medusa-like form of Cnidarians, belonging to the species Cotylorhiza tuberculata (the Mediterranean jelly). Sea cucumbers are animals belonging to the class Holothuroidea. They are related to sea urchins and starfish. They are very important to the sea ecosystem because they clean the sea by feeding on the decomposed organic mater. All sea cucumbers in the Adriatic Sea are highly protected. A very famous species, sea fig (Microcosmus sabatieri), is the best known source of iodine among all the sea creatures. 62
Tethya aurantium
Plemenita periska (Pinna nobilis) div je među školjkašima. Ljušture pojedinih primjeraka mogu narasti i do 70 cm u dužinu. Od 1994. godine je zakonom zaštićena te su sakupljanje, izlov i trgovina ove vrste strogo zabranjeni. Novčana kazna za ubijanje plemenite periske iznosi 500 kuna. Pojedina periska izgrađuje specifičnu životnu zajednicu te je uz nju vezan život brojnih drugih organizama. Razne sjedilačke životinje poput spužvi, mahovnjaka, plaštenjaka i cjevaša nastanjuju vanjske ljušture periske, a lignje ondje nerijetko polažu jaja. Očuvanjem periski sačuvali smo čitav jedan mali podvodni grad.
The noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) is a large species of clam. Its shells may sometimes reach up to 70 cm in height. Since 1994, it has been a legally protected species, so collecting, fishing and trade in this clam are strictly forbidden. The penalty for killing a noble pen is 500 HRK. Some noble pens create specific communities that include other organisms, as well. Various sessile animals such as sponges, moss animals, tunicates and tube-building worms inhabit the outer shells of the noble pen, while squids often lay their eggs in there. By preserving noble pens, we also preserve a small underwater city.
Echinaster sepositus
Morske zvjezdače podmukle su podvodne ubojice. Iako spore, prava su pošast za školjkaše, mahovnjake i ostale spore i nepokretne organizme. Hrane se tako što na svoj plijen izbacuju probavilo koje svojim enzimima ubija žrtvu i razgrađuje njezino tijelo. No, nije svaka zvjezdača ista, kvrgava križalina (Marthasterias glacialis) najgrabežljivija je među njima, a na uzgajalištima školjkaša čini veliku štetu. Neke školjke mogu pobjeći grabežljivim zvjezdačama plivanjem, kao primjerice jakopska kapica (Pecten jacobaeus). Naša najmanja morska zvijezda Asterina gibbosa živi na listovima posidonije i vrlo se teško uočava. Ispod kamenja žive zmijače, imaju duge i savitljive lovke, a hrane se noću raznim mekušcima. Prevrtanjem kamenja pronaći ćemo veliku zmijaču (Ophioderma longicauda). Starfish are a devious underwater killer. Despite moving slowly, they are a real menace to clams, moss animals and other slow and sessile organisms. They feed by paralysing their prey with an excretion full of enzymes that kill the victim and decompose its body. However, not all starfish are the same. The spiny starfish (Marthasterias glacialis) is the greatest predator among them that causes significant damage to the clam farms. Some clams, like the Saint James’ Scallop (Pecten jacobaeus), can escape the menacing starfish by swimming. Our smallest starfish, the starlet cushion star (Asterina gibbosa), lives on the leaves of the Mediterranean tape weed and it is very hard to spot. Brittle stars live under the rocks. Their tentacles are long and flexible; they feed at night, eating various molluscs. If we turn over some few rocks, we will probably come across a smooth brittle star (Ophioderma longicauda).
Drhtulje su prave morske baterije. Veći primjerci proizvode struju i do 80 volti, ali su zabilježena električna pražnjenja i do 220 volti. Struju proizvode prsni mišići koji su preobraženi u električne organe. Drhtulja je noćni grabežljivac, a danju miruje zakopana u pijesku; tada je odaju dva otvora koja služe za disanje. 66
U Jadranu živi drhtulja šarulja (Torpedo marmorata) koja obitava na dubini od pet do 50 metara, a naraste do 10 kilograma. Stari Grci koristili su drhtulje kao vrstu narkotika jer su njezinim elektrošokovima smanjivali bol bolesnicima i olakšavali porođaj. Torpedo rays are true electrical batteries of the sea. Larger specimens produce electricity up to 80 volts in strength, but electrical charges of even 220 volts have been recorded. The electricity is produced by their chest muscles that have evolved into electrical organs. Torpedo rays are night predators. During the day, they rest buried in the sand; two breathing holes are the only thing that gives off their location. Marbled electric ray (Torpedo marmorata) lives in the Adriatic Sea. They inhabit the depths ranging from five to 50 metres, and they can weigh up to 10 kilograms. The Ancient Greeks used torpedo rays as a kind of narcotic, applying its electroshocks tor reduce pain of the ill ones and to facilitate labour pain in women.
Zubi na koži T E E T H - COV E R E D
Često roniocima ljudi upućuju pitanja o susretima s morskim psima, no malo ronilaca ih je uistinu i vidjelo. Morski psi su iznimno ugroženi i njihov broj se posljednjih desetljeća drastično smanjio. Od morskih pasa češće se viđaju morske mačke, i to ponajviše morska mačka mrkulja (Scyliorhinus stellaris). Danju nisu aktivne, već se zavlače u procjepe, u livade posidonije i spilje, a noću su aktivne zbog potrage za hranom. Njihova je koža u potpunosti prekrivena ljuskama, tj. zubićima koje sačinjava i dentin – tvar od koje se sastoje i naši zubi. Morsku mačku ne treba dodirivati, jer se zna oviti oko ruke i izderati nam kožu. Za razliku od ostalih vrsta morskih pasa, morske mačke ne kote žive mlade, nego polažu jaja.
Scyliorhinus stellaris
Divers are often asked about encounters with sharks, but few of them have actually seen one. Sharks are extremely endangered and during the last decade, their numbers have been drastically reduced. More often than sharks, divers can see cat sharks, and most frequently the largespotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus stellaris). They are not active during the day and spend time hidden in underwater crevices, Mediterranean tape weed meadows and caves. They go out at night looking for food. Their skin is completely covered in shells, i.e. teeth made of dentine – the substance that makes up our teeth, as well. You should not touch a cat shark, because it may wrap itself around your arm and tear your skin off. Unlike other sharks, cat sharks do not give birth to their progeny but lay eggs instead.
Kuća glavu čuva
Thylacodes arenarius
Puževi za razliku od školjkaša uvijek imaju jednu asimetričnu ljušturu. Uglavnom su biljojedi, no ima i mesojeda. To su puževi pupkari (rod Naticarius), volci (obitelj Muricidae) i bačvaši (rod Tonna).
Unlike clams, snails always have one asymmetric shell. They are predominantly herbivores, but there are some carnivores, such as moon snails (genus Naticarius), rock snails (family Muricidae) and the cask shells (genus Tonna).
Pri ronjenju nam često pažnju odvraća bliješteća struktura na dnu mora. To je zapravo ljuštura uginulog puža – Petrovog uha. Nakon razgradnje njegovog mekanog tijela otkriva se svjetlucavi sedefni sloj. Puž Thylacodes arenarius izgrađuje kućicu koja izgleda poput tube i jedini je nepokretni puž u Jadranu!
While diving, we are often distracted by a flashing structure at the bottom of the sea. It is actually a shell of a dead snail – abalone. After its soft body was decomposed, a shiny nacre layer appeared. Thylacodes arenarius worm snail builds a house that looks like a tube and it is the only sessile species of snail in the entire Adriatic Sea!
Nije puž, već slonov zub Not a Snail, but an Elephant’s Tooth Zakopani u sedimentu žive koponošci (Scaphopoda) i nerijetko ih ronioci zamjenjuju za puževe ili školjkaše. U Jadranu je čest slonov zubak (Antalis dentalis). Tusk shells (Scaphopoda) live buried in the sediment and they are often mistaken for snails or clams. Common tusk shell (Antalis dentalis) is quite common in the Adriatic Sea.
Felimida luteorosea
Puževi golaći su zbog svojih oblika i živopisne obojenosti neizostavan motiv podvodnih fotografa. Većinu vrsta teško je primijetiti zbog veličine, no treba znati gdje ih tražiti. Budući da nemaju kućicu, moraju se nekako braniti, a to neki čine hraneći se žarnjacima i na taj način u svoje tijelo ugrađuju otrovne žarne stanice. Neki se kamufliraju, neki pak ispuštaju zbunjujuće kemikalije.
Due to their shape and vibrant colours, slugs indispensably feature in underwater photographs. Most species are difficult to spot because of their size, but only if you don’t know where to look. Given that they do not have a shell, they need another system of defence. Some species protect themselves by feeding on Cnidarians, thus ingesting toxic cnidocyte. Some camouflage, while others release intoxicating chemicals.
Boja kao obrana / Colour Code as Defence Kada je uznemiren, morski zekan (Aplysia fasciata) radi obrane ispušta ljubičastu kemikaliju koja blokira mirisne receptore njegovih grabežljivaca (najčešće rakova), što mu daje dovoljno vremena za bijeg. When frightened, the depilatory sea hare (Aplysia fasciata) protects himself by releasing purple chemical that blocks the olfactory receptors of its predators (usually crabs), which gives him time enough to escape. Aplysia fasciata
Zeus faber
Jedna od najzanimljivijih riba u moru je svakako morska lastavica ili kokot. Njezine prsne peraje tijekom evolucije preobrazile su se u nožice i krila. Nožicama pretražuje dno u potrazi za hranom, a krila služe za zastrašivanje neprijatelja. Kokot je dobio ime po glasanju, naime ima sposobnost ispuštanja zvukova sličnih glasanju kokota. Zvukove slične roktanju proizvodi riba kovač (Zeus faber). Kovača se najčešće susreće noću kada se manji primjerci približavaju obali radi hranjenja. Susret s kovačem čest je u akvatoriju Pule.
One of the most interesting species of sea fish is definitely the sea robin or gurnard. Its pectoral fins have evolved into legs and wings. It uses its legs to rifle the sea bed searching for food, and the wings are there to intimidate the enemy. The gurnard got its name for the croaking noise it makes that is similar to a cock. John Dory (Zeus faber) fish produces sounds that resemble grunting. Usually they can be seen at night when smaller specimens approach the shore to feed. Encounters with John Dory fish are fairly common in the aquatorium area of Pula. Trygloporus lastoviza
Anemonia viridis
Koralji (Anthozoa) su žarnjaci kod kojih izostaje meduzoidna faza života. Jedan od najčešćih pripadnika iz skupine koralja u Jadranu je smeđa vlasulja (Anemonia viridis). Ona pripada skupini tzv. mekanih koralja koji ne izgrađuju zaštitne vapnene strukture. Iznimno je opasna životinja za morske stanovnike jer svaki dodir njezinih lovki izaziva ispaljivanje žarnih stanica koje se poput strelica zabijaju u tijelo žrtve i ispuštaju otrov.
Sea anemones and corals (Anthozoa) are cnidarians that do not have a medusa stage in their development. One of the most common members of the Anthozoa class that lives in the Adriatic Sea is the snakelocks anemone (Anemonia viridis). It belongs to the class of so called soft corals that do not form protective chalky structures. It poses a major threat to other sea creatures because even the slightest contact with its tentacles will cause an ejection of the Cnidocytes that, like darts, penetrate the skin of the victim and release toxin.
Jedina riba u Jadranu koja je otporna na otrov vlasulje je glavoč bjelčić. Koža te ribe izlučuje sluz kojom se štiti od otrovnih vlasuljinih strelica i pri najmanjem znaku opasnosti bježi u vlasuljine lovke. Iznad vlasulje često se mogu vidjeti oblaci sitnih prozirnih račića – mizidnih kozica roda Mysidopsis. One lebde iznad vlasulja i hvataju planktonske organizme, no istovremeno moraju paziti da ih vlasulja ne dotakne. Prozirna kozica čistač (rod Periclimenes) živi na ustima vlasulje. Toliko je sićušna da ju se vrlo teško može primijetiti. The only fish in the Adriatic Sea that is resilient to snakelocks anemone’s toxin is the Bucchich’s goby. The skin of this fish excretes slime that protects it from the toxic cnidocytes of the snakelocks anemone. At the first sign of danger, this fish will hide itself among the anemone’s tentacles. Above the snakelocks anemone one can often see a cloud of tiny transparent shrimps – the mysis shrimps from genus Mysidopsis. They float above the anemones and grab plankton organisms, but at the same time they must be careful, or else the snakelocks anemone will touch them. Spotted cleaner shrimp (genus Periclimenes) lives on the snakelocks anemone’s mouth. It is so tiny and transparent that it is very hard to notice it.
FEARLESS GOBIES Gobius cruentatus
Neatraktivni glavoči možda i ne bi bili tako neupadljivi kada bi se pobliže poznavala njihova biologija, a među njima ima i pravih manekena. Glavoči provode samački život i dosta su agresivni prema pripadnicima svoje vrste, ali i drugim ribama. Vrlo su radišne ribice i uvijek su u nekoj akciji. Većina ima prsnu peraju pretvorenu u prijanjalku sličnu pipcima hobotnice koja im služi za stabilnost na vertikalnoj površini. Ta tajanstvena skupina riba naseljava raznolike ekosustave, od zone plime i oseke do polutamnih špilja. The unattractive gobies might not be considered so inconspicuous if one would get to know more about their biology. The truth is that there are some genuinely beautiful specimens among them. Gobies spend their lives in solitude and they are rather aggressive towards other members of their species, but also towards other fish. They are very active and are always up to something. Most gobies have a pelvic fin that has evolved into a sucker similar to the octopus’ tentacles. They use this sucker to maintain stability on vertical surfaces. This mysterious class of fish inhabits diverse eco-system, ranging from the tidal areas to semi-dark caves.
the Sparidae
Kraljica i car riba pripadaju skupini ljuskavki (Sparidae), a njima se pridružuje niz ribljih manekena i manekenki. Mediteran je kolijevka sparida koji su zauzeli gotovo sve ekološke niše u podmorju, od obalnih plićaka do podmorskih litica. Uz istarsku su obalu sparidi posebno česti, naročito u zaštićenim morskim područjima poput Nacionalnog parka Brijuni i morskog rezervata Limski kanal te u njihovoj okolini. Unutar tih zaštićenih područja sparidi se mogu nesmetano mrijestiti, a njihovu mlađ morske struje raznose duž svih obala Istre. Brojne znanstvene studije pokazale su da su takva zaštićena područja žarišta biološke raznolikosti i od neprocjenjive su važnosti za morski ekosustav. 74
The gilt-head (sea) bream and the common dentex belong to the family of sea breams (Sparidae). Many other beautiful species of fish also belong to this group. The Mediterranean Sea is a true treasure trove of sea breams that inhabit nearly all the underwater ecological niches, ranging from the shallow waters near the coast to underwater cliffs. In the region of Istria, sea breams are fairly common, especially in the protected sea areas such as the Brijuni National Park, the sea reservation Lim Channel and in the surrounding areas. Inside these protected areas, sea breams can freely spawn, and the sea currents carry their progeny along the entire coastline of Istria. Numerous scientific studies have shown that such protected areas are biodiversity hotspots and are extremely valuable for the sea ecosystem.
Pagellus erythrinus
Orade mijenjaju spol The Gilt-Head Breams Change Sex Neki sparidi mijenjaju spol pa su tako sve mlade orade mužjaci koji po odrastanju mijenjaju spol. Some sea breams can change sex. Namely, all the gilt-head bream juveniles are males that change sex when they grow up.
Nacionalni park Brijuni / National Park Brijuni Otočje Brijuni predstavlja pravi biser istarske obale. Morski prostor zauzima gotovo 80 % ukupne površine nacionalnog parka. Fauna riba je ono po čemu je brijunsko podmorje izuzetno i različito od svih ostalih dijelova sjevernog Jadrana. Brijunski akvatorij značajan je i kao mrijestilište riba. Dublji i mračniji dijelovi dna nastanjeni su predkoraligenskim i koraligenskim zajednicama. Osnovu ovih zajednica čine zelene i crvene alge. Od skupine koralja najčešće se susreću dvije vrste kamenih koralja, žuta čaška (Leptopsammia pruvoti) i busenasti koralj (Cladocora caespitosa). Brijuni Islands are a true perl of the Istrian coast. Sea surface makes up as much as 80% of the overall surface of the National Park. Fish diversity makes the Brijuni submarine world unique and different from any other part of the Northern Adriatic. The Brijuni waters are a significant spawning area. Deeper and darker parts are inhabited by pre-coraligenic and coraligenic communities primarily made up of green and red algae. The most frequent coral species are sunset cup coral (Leptopsammia pruvoti) and pillow coral (Cladocora caespitosa).
Alcyonimum acaule
Najveća dubina, 50 metara, izmjerena je južno od rta Peneda. Na ovakvom dnu najviše obitavaju ježinci, zmijače i zvjezdače. Od zakonom zaštićenih vrsta u akvatoriju parka česti su školjkaši periska (Pinna nobilis) i prstac (Lithophaga lihtophaga) te spužve mekana rogljača (Axinella cannabina) i morska naranča (Tethya aurantium). U podmorju Brijuna postoji nekoliko endemičnih jadranskih vrsta – najpoznatije su smeđa alga jadranski bračić (Fucus virsoides) i mješčićnica jadranski ciganin (Polycitor adriaticus). Od zaštićenih vrsta morskih kralješnjaka u brijunskom akvatoriju često viđamo morske kornjače (najčešća vrsta je glavata želva) i dupine (najčešća vrsta je dobri dupin). NP Brijuni je, u suradnji s Centrom za oporavak morskih kornjača Aquarium Pula, aktivno uključen u rehabilitaciju ozlijeđenih morskih kornjača, koje su ujedno i zakonom zaštićene životinje. Zahvaljujući toj suradnji, nakon oporavka u Centru, dosad se već nekoliko kornjača uspješno vratilo u svoje prirodno stanište. The greatest depth of 50 metres has been measured south of Cape Peneda. The sea bottom is mostly inhabited by sea urchins, brittle stars and starfish. The most common species that can be found in Brijuni aquatorium and that are also protected by law are the bivalves noble pen shell (Pinna nobilis) and date shell (Lithophaga lihtophaga), the marine sponge Axinella cannabina and the golf ball sponge Tethya aurantium. The Brijuni submarine world also features several endemic Adriatic species such as the brown algae Fucus virsoides and Polycitor adriaticus, a species of ascidian. When it comes to protected sea vertebrates, in the Brijuni aquatorium can be found numerous sea turtles (the loggerhead sea turtle) and dolphins (the most common species being the bottlenose dolphin). In collaboration with the Sea Turtle Rescue Centre »Aquarium Pula«, Brijuni National Park actively takes part in the rehabilitation of injured sea turtles which are also protected species. It is owing to this collaboration that several turtles successfully returned to their natural habitat after their recovery at the Centre. 76
Acetabularia acetabulum
Podvodna poučna staza / Underwater Educational Trail Prirodne i arheološke znamenitosti iznimno bogatog i sačuvanog podmorja NP-a Brijuni mogu se obići na podvodnoj poučnoj stazi s istočne strane otoka Veli Brijun, u uvali Verige. Staza je duga oko 500 m, nije zahtjevna i namijenjena je posjetiteljima svih dobnih skupina koji znaju plivati i koristiti se maskom i disalicom. Obilazak traje 45 minuta i obuhvaća podvodno razgledavanje na malim dubinama uz audiovodiče i edukacijske ploče na odabranim točkama. Prezentirani su iznimno vrijedni sadržaji koji se mogu vidjeti isključivo uranjanjem u more, poput dijela potopljene raskošne rimske vile iz 1. stoljeća. Mogu se vidjeti i brojne ribe, trpovi, ježinci, alge, morske spužve, rakovi i školjkaši. Pored vizualne percepcije, posebnosti obilaska doprinosi audiodoživljaj u moru. Pomoću posebnih disalica s ugrađenim prijemnikom posjetitelji tijekom razgledavanja u moru slušaju stručno vodstvo s kopna. Audiovodstvo je dostupno na hrvatskom, talijanskom, engleskom i njemačkom jeziku, a popraćeno je i glazbenom podlogom. Radi očuvanja flore i faune podmorja te arheoloških lokaliteta, obilazak podmorske poučne staze provodi se isključivo u malim skupinama. Djeca do 12 godina starosti trebaju biti u pratnji odrasle osobe. Posjetiteljima je osigurana potrebna ronilačka oprema (maske i disalice), uz mogućnost najma fotoaparata za podvodno fotografiranje. Ovisno o vremenskim prilikama, staza je otvorena od polovice travnja do polovice listopada. Predbilježbe i informacije na Underwater and archaeological sites of the extremely rich and preserved underwater world of the Brijuni National Park may be visited along the underwater educational trail that leads around the east side of the Veliki Brijun island, in the Verige cove. This trail is 500 metres long; it is not demanding and it is suitable for visitors of all age who can swim and use a diving mask and a snorkel. The tour lasts 45 minutes and it includes underwater sightseeing at small depths with audio-guide and information boards at selected spots. During this tour you can see highly valuable sites that are visible only by diving, such as the submerged luxurious villa from the 1st century AD. You can also see many species of fish, sea urchins, algae, sponges, crabs and clams. Apart from the visual experience, the underwater tour is supplemented by audio content. Using special snorkels with inbuilt receivers, the visitors of this underwater tour will listen to a professional audio-guide via signal that is transmitted from dry land. Audio-guide is available in the Croatian, Italian, English and German language and it is accompanied by music in the background. To preserve the flora and fauna of the underwater world and its archaeological sites, the tour along this underwater educational trail is organised for small groups only. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult. Visitors are provided with the necessary diving equipment (masks and snorkels), with the possibility of renting cameras for underwater photography. Depending on the weather conditions, the trail is open from mid-April to mid-October. Booking and information at
Misteriozni zmijoliki ugor je halapljivi noćni grabežljivac. Naoružan izvanrednim njuhom skenira podmorje i lovi gotovo sve što može uloviti: rakove, glavonošce i ribe. Njegova srodnica murina rijetko zalazi u istarsko podmorje, a neki pulski ronioci ljubomorno čuvaju tajne lokalitete na kojima se može vidjeti. The mysterious snake-like European conger is a voracious night predator. Owing to its remarkable sense of smell, it scans the underwater surroundings and hunts everything that it can prey on: crabs, cephalopods and fish. Its close relative, the muraena, is a rare guest of the underwater area of Istria, but some divers from Pula jealosly keep the sites where it can be spotted a secret.
Conger conger
LOVAC Devious Night Hunter
Škaroruki čistači
Homarus gammarus
Rakovi su morski čistači, hrane se životinjskim i biljnim ostacima. Njihovi mekani organi zaštićeni su vanjskim kosturom od kalcijeva karbonata. Međutim, takva zaštita ima jednu manu – s vremenom oklop postaje tijesan. Tada se rak mora presvući, a novi oklop u početku je poput kože mekana ovojnica te tek s vremenom otvrdne. Populacije velikih rakova poput hlapa ili jastoga danas su tek blijeda uspomena u usporedbi sa stanjem proteklih desetljeća. Jastog je u Istri rijedak gost, više voli toplije dalmatinsko more. Za razliku od hlapa, jastog nema kliješta, već dugačke nazubljene antene.
Crabs are sea cleaners. They feed on the remains of animals and plants. Outer shells, made of calcium carbonate, protect their soft organs. However, such protection has a flaw – over time, their armour becomes too tight. The crab needs to »change«, and the new shell is initially just a soft skin that will only later harden. Populations of large crabs, such as the common lobster or the langouste, are now just a vague memory compared to their numbers in the previous decades. The langouste is a rare guest of Istria. It prefers the warmer waters of Dalmatia. Unlike the common lobster, the langouste does not have claws, but long and spiny antennae instead.
Svojom brojnošću velika rakovica (Maja squinado) dominira podmorjem. Na proljeće zbog parenja grupira se u velike piramidalne skupine koje mogu imati više stotina jedinki. Mala rakovica (Maja crispata) je poznata po kamuflaži. Nerijetko na gornji dio svog oklopa »lijepi« alge i spužve među kojima obitava. Sramežljivi strigljač (Galathea strigosa) skriva se u predvorjima spilja i ispod većeg kamenja. Rak spužvonoša (Dromia personata) je debeljuškasti morski dlakavac. Stražnje noge mu služe za pridržavanje spužvi ili plaštenjaka koje nosi na gornjoj strani oklopa, najvjerojatnije zbog zaštite. Kanoća (Squilla manthis) živi u prokopanim hodnicima na pješčanom i muljevitom dnu. Na bodljikavom repu ima dvije pjege nalik na oči kojima zbunjuje neprijatelje.
The European spider crab (Maja squinado) is the predominant crab species in the area. For reproduction purposes, in the spring it forms large pyramid-like groups that can include several hundreds of crabs. The lesser spider crab (Maja crispata) is known for its ability to camouflage. On top of its shell it often »glues« the algae and sponges in which it lives. The shy squat lobster (Galathea strigosa) hides itself in entrances of caves and under larger rocks. The sponge crab (Dromia personata) is a plump hairy creature of the sea. It uses its hind legs to support sponges or tunicates that it carries on top of its shell, most likely for protection. The spot-tail mantis shrimp (Squilla manthis) lives in dug out hallways at sandy and muddy sea beds. On its spiky tail it has two eye-like spots that it uses to confuse its enemies.
Galathea strigosa
OKRUGLI MORSKI BODLJIKAVCI SPHERICAL SPINY CREATURES OF THE SEA Morski ježinci poput zvjezdača i trpova pripadaju skupini bodljikaša, a kod njih su bodlje najrazvijenije. Usta ježinaca nalaze se s donje strane tijela, a na gornjoj strani nalaze se spolni i mokraćni otvor. Crni ježinac (Arbacia lixula) i hridinasti ježinac (Paracentrotus lividus) naseljavaju plitka priobalna područja. Boja bodlji hridinastog ježinca varira od smeđe, zelene i ljubičaste do crvenkaste. Jestive su njegove gonade – ženski spolni organi – te se na Mediteranu ovaj ježinac čak i uzgaja. Ljubičasti ježinac (Sphaerechinus granularis) ima znatno kraće bodlje čiji je rub bijele boje. Najčešće ga nalazimo u livadama posidonije.
Along with starfish and sea cucumbers, sea urchins belong to the class of Echinoderms. Their spines are the most developed ones. The mouth of sea urchins are on the lower (oral) side of the body, while the genital plate and the anus are on the upper (aboral) surface. The black sea urchin (Arbacia lixula) and the common sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) inhabit shallow waters near the coastline. The colour of the common sea urchin’s spines may vary from brown, green to purple and reddish. Its gonads – female reproductive organs – are edible, so this sea urchin is even cultivated in the Mediterranean. The purple sea urchin (Sphaerechinus granularis) has significantly shorter spines whose ends are white. It is usually seen in the tape weed meadows. 81 Arbacia lixula
Posebno je zanimljiv patuljasti ježinac (Psammechinus microtuberculatus) koji živi na listovima posidonije. Kao i svi ježinci kreće se pomoću izduženih cjevčica nalik na lijane, kojima se prebacuje s lista na list. Kuglasti ježinac (Echinus melo) ima svijetle bodlje različitih dužina. Živi na ljušturastom dnu, najčešće na većim dubinama gdje se hrani crvenim algama.
The green sea urchin (Psammechinus microtuberculatus) is particularly interesting. It lives on the leaves of tape weed. As all other urchins, it moves around with its elongated tubes resembling vines that it uses to move from one leaf to another. The melon sea urchin (Echinus melo) has bright spines of different length. It lives on a shell-covered sea bed, usually at greater depths where it feeds on red algae.
Za k o p a n o u p i j e s k u ž i v i m o r s k o s rce (Echinocardium cordatum). Njegove su bodlje nježnije i slične dlakama, a boja varira od bijele do ružičaste.
The sea potato (Echinocardium cordatum) spends its time buried in the sand. Its spines are delicate and resemble hairs, while its colour may vary from white to pink.
Ježinci su bliski srodnici kralješnjaka
Morski ljiljani su bliski srodnici ježinaca
Ježinci i ostali bodljikaši su bliski srodnici kralješnjaka. Njihov rani embrionalni razvoj je uvelike sličan ljudskom.
Morski ljiljani izgledaju poput cvijeta. Nerijetko, kada su uznemireni, izvode prekrasan podmorski ples.
Sea urchins are close relatives of vertebrates
Feather stars are closely related to sea urchins
Feather stars are closely related to sea urchins. They look like flowers. Often, when they are distressed, they perform a beautiful underwater dance.
They look like flowers. Often, when they are distressed, they perform a beautiful underwater dance.
kamen na naglo NA JELOVNIKU –
Cliona celata
U moru i na obali često se susrećemo sa šupljikavim i rupičastim stijenama raznih veličina. Za to su krivi jedna spužva i jedan školjkaš!
Both in water and on dry land we often see honeycombed and perforated rocks of all sizes. This is all doing of a sponge and a clam!
Kamen s brojnim sitnim žućkastim otvorima je zapravo spužva roda Cliona. Ona izlučuje jednu vrstu kiseline kojom rastvara kalcijev karbonat i tako se širi po kamenu.
A stone with numerous tiny yellow holes is actually a sponge from genus Cliona. It excretes an acid that it uses to dissolve calcium carbonate and to spread across the stone.
Prstaci su prave morske bušilice. Njihov je znanstveni naziv Lithophaga što doslovce znači »proždirač kamena«. Prstaci izlučuju kiselinu kojom dube vapnenačke stijene i u izdubljenim rupama skrivaju svoje ljušture. Što je prstac stariji, to je rupa veća i dublja. Procjenjuje se da je prstac dugačak 10 cm star oko 80 godina.
The date mussels are true sea drills. Their systematic name is Lithophaga, which literally means »stone-eater«. The date mussels excrete an acid they use to perforate the limestone. In those perforated holes they hide their shells. The older the date mussel, the deeper and larger the hole will be. It is estimated that a 10 cm old date mussel is approximately 80 years old.
Prstac je strogo zaštićena vrsta te se njegovom zaštitom ujedno štiti i integritet milijunima godina stvaranog ekosustava hridinaste obale.
The date mussel is a strictly protected species. Its protection also helps save the integrity of the rough and rocky coastline ecosystem that took millions of years to create.
Prstac živi i do 100 godina! The date mussel can live up to 100 years
Spužve općenito nalazimo na mjestima gdje su izraženije morske struje. U dobro osvijetljenom sloju živi promjenjiva sumporača (Aplysina aerophoba), dok neke vrste više vole zasjenjena mjesta, poluspilje i spilje.
SPONGES (Porifera)
Aplysina aerophoba
Svojim bojama i raznolikim oblicima uvelike doprinose doživljaju morskog svijeta.
Sponges are generally seen in places with strong sea currents. The gold sea sponge (Aplysina aerophoba) lives in well lit waters, whereas some other species prefer shady places: caves and semi-caves. With its colours and diverse shapes they greatly contribute to the experience of the sea world.
Neprijatne iglice Unpleasant Needles Kostur spužvi sastoji se od elastične bjelančevine spongin i sitnih iglica. Površina velike kremenjače (Geodia cydonium) prekrivena je silicijskim iglicama koje pri dodiru iritiraju ljudsku kožu. Skeletons of sponges consist of a collagen protein called spongin and of small spicules. The surface of the encrusting sea sponge (Geodia cydonium) is covered in siliceous spicules that on contact cause irritations to the human skin.
Spužva mesojed Carnivorous Sponge U Jadranu obitava bizarna spužva mesojed. Ona stvara niti poput paukove mreže u koje se zapliću sitni morski organizmi, a svojim enzimima razgrađuje ih i probavlja. A bizarre carnivorous sponge lives in the Adriatic Sea. It weaves strings resembling a spider’s web. Tiny organisms get caught in the web, and the sponge excretes enzymes that disintegrate and digests it victims.
Asbestopluma hypogea
Oprez, ne diraj!
Jadransko more je za razliku od mora tropskog pojasa relativno sigurno po pitanju otrovnih riba. Ipak, s nekim vrstama se ne treba šaliti. Bodeljke su skupina riba u koje spadaju škarpina (Scorpaena scrofa), škrpinica (Scorpaena notata) i škrpun (Scorpaena porcus), a zajednička im je osobina tijelo naoružano otrovnim bodljama. Ove ribe ubadaju vrlo rijetko, jer obično pobjegnu prije nego što ih uočimo, ipak ubod može biti vrlo bolan i u kontaktu s njima se preporučuje oprez. Ubod pauka bijelca (Trachinus draco) je prava noćna mora. Riba pauk gotovo je neizostavni dio pješčanog dna pa pri istraživanju pješčanih ravnica treba biti oprezan. Otrov ovih riba je po kemijskoj strukturi protein pa je termolabilan, odnosno, razgrađuje se na visokim temperaturama. Ubodeno mjesto potrebno je izložiti izvoru topline. 86
Compared to the tropical seas, the Adriatic Sea is relatively safe when it comes to poisonous fish. However, there are some species that are to be avoided. The scorpion fish are a class of fish that includes the red scorpion fish (Scorpaena scrofa), the small red scorpion fish (Scorpaena notata) and the black scorpion fish (Scorpaena porcus). They all have bodies covered in toxic spines. These species of fish stab people very rarely because they usually run away before we even spot them, but their sting can be very painful, so it is advised to be careful around them. The stab of the greater weever (Trachinus draco) is a true nightmare. The greater weever is a very common inhabitant of the Adriatic Sea bed, so one should be very careful while exploring the underwater sandyplains.
Opasne mehaničke ozljede putem nazubljenih bodeža na repu mogu zadati žutulja (Dasyatis pastinaca) i morski golub (Myliobatis aquila).
The poison of this fish is chemically a protein, so it is thermo sensitive, which means it disintegrates in higher temperatures. The spot of the sting should, therefore, be exposed to a heat source.
Trachinus draco
Spiny daggers on the tail of the common stingray (Dasyatis pastinaca) and the common eagle ray (Myliobatis aquila) may also cause dangerous mechanical injuries.
Bothus podas
Balistes capriscus
U posljednje vrijeme često se spominje globalno zagrijavanje čiji se efekt osjeća i u podmorju.
Lately there has been an increasing mention of the global warming, the effects of which are felt in the underwater world, as well.
U sjeverni Jadran su počele pristizati toploljubive vrste s juga. U Istri se tako udomaćila agresivna riba strijelka skakuša (Pomatomus saltatrix) koja je prava pošast za populaciju cipala.
Species from warmer southern waters have gradually been arriving into the Adriatic Sea. An aggressive species of fish, the bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix), has settled down in Istria and it has become a real menace to the flathead grey mullet population.
Osim nje u Istri se viđa i jadranska barakuda škaram (Sphyraena sphyraena), posebno nedorasli primjerci u plićim uvalama gdje tamane riblju mlađ. I srodnik pirke kanjac (Serranus cabrilla) počinje se sve više šepuriti istarskim podmorjem, a napada mlade hlapove. Od riba iz porodice usnača pojavljuje se pešnjić crnorepi (Symphodus melanocercus), koji je specijalizirao skidanje nametnika s drugih riba. Simpatični razroci (Bothus podas), male plosnice s izraženim teleskopskim očima, sve su češća pojava na pješčanom dnu. Kostorog (Balistes capriscus) je već postao stalni gost u Istri.
Apart from the bluefish, the European barracuda (Sphyraena sphyraena) is now also seen in the area of Istria, especially its juveniles who feed on fish progeny in shallow coves. A relative of the painted comber, the gaper (Serranus cabrilla) is also beginning to strut more and more around the underwater area of Istria, preying on juvenile common lobsters. From the family of wrasses, the black-tailed wrasse (Symphodus melanocercus) also appeared in the area. This species specialises in removing parasites off of other fish. Adorable wide-eyed flounder (Bothus podas), small ray-finned fish with protruding telescopic eyes, is more and more common in the sandy sea bed of Istria. The grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) has already become a permanent resident of Istria.
Sciaena umbra
Danas se suočavamo s globalnom ekološkom krizom. Neke vrste nestale su iz Jadrana, neke su platile životom, a neke najvjerojatnije čeka slična sudbina.
Today we are facing a global ecological crisis. Some species have completely disappeared from the Adriatic Sea, some have become extinct and some are probably in for the same fate.
Drozda (Labrus viridis) posljednjih desetljeća gotovo da nitko u Istri nije susreo. Podvodni su ga ribolovci nemilice lovili dok doslovce nije nestao. Iako uživa trajnu zakonsku zaštitu, nema pomaka nabolje.
In the last decade hardly anyone has seen the green wrasse (Labrus viridis). Underwater fishermen had haunted it relentlessly until it has practically vanished. Although this species is under permanent legal protection, the odds of improvement are very little.
Tajanstvena kavala (Sciaena umbra) nastanjuje nešto dublja područja pa ju još uvijek, premda sve rjeđe, možemo vidjeti u njenom prirodnom staništu. Sličnu sudbinu dijeli vrana (Labrus merula), tamnoputa usnača koja je ranije znatno češće viđana. Ovu vrstu krasi izražena plahost i okretnost, što joj još uvijek dobro dođe za bijeg od oštrica harpuna.
The mysterious brown meagre (Sciaena umbra) inhabits somewhat deeper waters so we can still see it in its natural habitat, but this species, too, is growingly rare. The brown wrasse (Labrus merula) shares the same fate. This dark-coloured species of wrasse used to be seen much more frequently. It is characterised by extreme impulsiveness and agility, which still helps it escape the harpoon blades.
Underwater Archaeology of
Podvodna arheologija proučava materijalne ostatke i tragove ljudskih kultura ispod površine vode. Svi mi koji smo zaronili, na dah ili s bocama, našli smo bar jednom tragove drevnih vremena – ostatke amfora, keramike, lulica – i zamišljali priču o tome kako je taj predmet dospio na morsko dno, o rukama koje su ga držale, o sudbini njegovog vlasnika. Zanimanje ljudi za svijet ispod površine vode postoji još od davnina – navodno se i sam Aleksandar Veliki spustio u ronilačkom zvonu da bi uživao u ljepotama podmorja. Prve ronilačke akcije pokretane su uglavnom zbog spašavanja ostataka robe iz olupina nakon brodoloma. Počecima podvodnih arheoloških istraživanja smatra se potraga za rimskim brodovima u jezeru Nemi u blizini Rima 1446. godine. Prvo stručnije istraživanje podvodnog arheološkog lokaliteta provodi Magen 1870. godine da bi pronašao olupinu s blagom bogatog španjolskog broda na području Ria de Vigo u Galiciji. Unaprjeđuje se i ronilačka oprema. U 17. stoljeću u širokoj su uporabi ronilačka zvona u obliku naopako okrenute bačve. Početkom 19. stoljeća osmišljena su prva ronilačka odijela s bakrenom kacigom.
Prava revolucija u podvodnom ronjenju dogodila se 1940-ih, kada su Jacques-Yves Cousteau i Emile Gagnan usavršili aparate za autonomno ronjenje s komprimiranim zrakom, koji su roniocima omogućili brže i jednostavnije kretanje pod vodom. Underwater archaeology examines physical remains and traces that human cultures had left under the surface of the sea. Anyone who has ever dived, whether scuba or free-diving, has at least once came across traces of ancient times – remains of amphorae, ceramics, pipes – and has certainly imagined the story of how these objects got there, of the people who owned them and their fates. The interest for the underwater world dates back to a distant past. Supposedly, Alexander the Great himself had dived in a diving bell to enjoy the beauty of the underwater world. The first diving actions took place mainly as a way to salvage the remains of the goods from the boats after shipwrecks. The first underwater research is believed to have been carried out in 1446 during the search for the Roman boats in the lake Nemi near Rome. The first professional research of an underwater site was led by Magen in 1870 with an aim to find the treasure from the wreck of a Spanish ship in the area Ria de Vigo in Galicia. There were advancements in the diving equipment, as well. In the 17th century, diving bells shaped as an upside-down barrel were widely used. In the early 19th century, first diving suits with the copper helmet were invented. The true revolution in underwater diving took place in the 1940s when Jacques-Yves Cousteau and Emile Gagnan developed an apparatus for autonomous diving with compressed air, which enabled the divers to move under water in a faster and simpler manner.
POTOPLJENO BLAGO JUŽNE ISTRE Podmorje južne Istre skriva brojne ostatke potopljenih luka i lučkih objekata, kuća i gradskih bedema, cijelih naselja i brodoloma, odbačenog tereta ili balasta od prapovijesti do današnjih dana. Potonula arhitektura se obično nalazi u blizini današnje obale i na relativnoj pličini zbog podizanja razine mora i erozije tla tijekom vremena. Zanimanje znanstvenika za potopljene istarske gradove i građevine počelo je još davno. Tako 1540. godine Pietro Coppo, geograf i kartograf, spominje potopljeno antičko naselje Cissu i druge potopljene zgade i luke. Biskup Tommasini 1641. godine opisuje istarske antičke luke te piše o potopljenim antičkim zdanjima u podmorju Brijuna i Medulina. Posljednjih nekoliko desetljeća arheološka istraživanja podmorja Istre provode brojne znanstvene institucije u suradnji s lokalnim ronilačkim klubovima.
SUBMERGED TREASURES OF SOUTHERN ISTRIA The underwater world of Southern Istria hides many remains of submerged ports and port facilities, houses and city walls, entire settlements and shipwrecks, discarded cargo or ballast, dating from prehistory to modern days. Due to the rise in sea level and soil erosion that took place over time, the underwater architecture is usually near modern coast and in relatively shallow waters. Scientific interest in the submerged cities and buildings of Istria began a long time ago. In 1540, Pietro Coppo, a geographer and cartographer, spoke about a submerged ancient settlement of Cissu, as well as of other submerged buildings and ports. In 1641, bishop Tommasini described the ancient ports of Istria, and wrote about submerged old buildings in the underwater area of Brijuni and Medulin. In the last few decades, archaeological research of the underwater world of Istria has been carried out by many scientific organisations in cooperation with the local diving clubs.
POTOPLJENI LOKALITETI Najstariji istarski podvodni lokaliteti su dva potopljena neolitička naselja u zaljevu Veruda nadomak Pule i na rtu Gale, između Peroja i Barbarige, naseljena prije 6.000 godina. Zanimljiv je i zaljev Budava, koji je bio prapovijesna i antička luka obližnjeg lokaliteta Nezakcija. 92
Najviše potopljenih ostataka lučkih postrojenja i građevina potječe iz rimskog razdoblja. Najznačajniji su ostaci rimskog pristaništa i potopljenog naselja na Vižuli kod Medulina, rimsko pristanište kod Pomera, pulska antička luka, lučica maritimne vile kod Valbandona, lučica keramičarskog proizvodnog središta u Fažani, pristanište i rimska vila u zaljevu Verige i potopljeni ostaci solane u uvali Soline na Brijunima, dva rimska pristaništa i ostaci građevina na rtu Grgur u blizini Peroja, gospodarski sklop kod Dragonere te sklop antičke lučke operativne infrastrukture u uvali Marić.
SUBMERGED SITES The oldest underwater sites of Istria are the two submerged Neolithic settlements in the Veruda bay near Pula, and at cape Gale, between Peroj and Barbariga. They were inhabited over 6,000 years ago. Bay Budava is also interesting. It was a prehistoric and ancient port of the nearby town of Nesactium. The majority of the submerged remains of port facilities and buildings belong to the Roman era. Among the most important ones are: the remains of a Roman pier and a submerged settlement at Vižula near Medulin, a Roman pier at Pomer, an ancient port in Pula, a small port of a maritime villa next to Valbandon, a small port of a ceramics factory at Fažana, a pier and a Roman villa in the Verige bay, the submerged remains of a salt refinery in the Soline cove at Brijuni, two Roman piers and remains of buildings at Grgur cape near Peroj, agricultural complex near Dragonera, and the complex of ancient operational port infrastructure at Marić cove.
Vižula kod Medulina je jedan od najvećih antičkih kompleksa pod vodom na cijelom Jadranu. Nalazište je potopljeno podizanjem razine Jadranskog mora te se trećina vile nalazi pod morem. Lokalitet je poznat od kraja 19. stoljeća, kada je nazivan Isola del Vescovo / Biskupov otok, a vjerovalo se da je riječ o carskoj vili Krispa, sina Konstantina Velikog, koji je po legendi tu ubijen 326. godine po očevom nalogu zbog afere s maćehom. Podvodna istraživanja lokaliteta Vižula kod Medulina započela su 1995. godine i s prekidima traju do danas. Sačuvani su brojni objekti – dijelovi maritimne vile s luksuznim arhitektonskim elementima te lučka postrojenja koja govore o bogatoj trgovini i prometu raznih dobara koji se ovdje odvijao. Vila na Vižuli je nastala u 1. st., tijekom vladavine cara Augusta. Bila je stalno naseljena do vremena cara Konstantina u 4. st., a sporadično do 6. st. Građa vile i otkriveni arheološki nalazi ukazuju na to da je u njoj živjela tadašnja elita.
Vižula near Medulin is one of the larges ancient underwater complexes in the entire Adriatic Sea. The site has been submerged by the rise of sea level, so one third of this villa is now under water. The site was discovered in the late 19 th century when it was called Isola del Vescovo. It was believed to be an imperial villa of Crispus, son of Constantine the Great, who, according to the legend, was killed there in 326 upon his father’s orders because of an affair with his own stepmother. Underwater research of the Vižula near Medulin site began in 1995 and has, with pauses, continued until this very day. Numerous objects were preserved – parts of a maritime villa with luxurious architecture elements and port complexes that speak of a developed trade in various goods that took place here. The villa at Vižula was built in the 1 st century during the reign of Emperor Augustus. It was permanently inhabited until the time of Constantine the Great in the 4th century. Its architecture and archaeological discoveries indicate that the elite of the time lived here.
U Burlama, antičkoj nekropoli naselja na Vižuli, pronađeni su brojni grobovi, među kojima i grob iz 2. st., u kojem je otkriven srebrni prsten s gemom. Na gemi je urezan zanimljiv prikaz boga Glauka, zaštitnika pomoraca i ribara, kako izlazi iz ljušture nautilusa.
At Burle, an ancient necropolis of Vižula, numerous graves were found, including a grave from the 2nd century in which a silver ring with a gem was discovered. The gem shows an interesting carved depiction of the god Glaucus, the protector of sailors and fishermen, coming out of a nautilus shell.
Mit o Glauku Myth of Glaucus 94
Mit o Glauku svjedoči da su se ljudi od davnina zanimali za tajne morskog dna. U davna vremena ljudi su vjerovali da je Zemlja ravna ploča okružena beskrajnim vodama, kojima je vladao stari Ocean, bog mora. Ocean je čuvao ljude kada bi krenuli brodićima u ribolov, ali ih i kažnjavao iznenadnim olujama, velikim plimama i visokim valovima. Jednog olujnog dana Glauk, najvještiji među svim ribarima, lovio je udicom s obale i ulovio veliku ribu koja mu se obratila i nagovorila ga da skoči u more i postane besmrtan. Glauk baci ribu natrag u more, a potom, iako neplivač, i sam skoči i utopi se u slanim vodama. Iz dubina se pojavio bog Ocean, dodirom svog velikog prsta darovao Glauku besmrtnost i proglasio ga svojim morskim božanskim pomoćnikom. Tako je Glauk postao besmrtni zaštitnik ribara i pomoraca. The myth of Glaucus testifies to the ancient people’s interest in the mysteries of the sea bottom. Back in those days, people believed that Earth is flat and surrounded by infinite waters, ruled by the old Ocean, god of the sea. Ocean protected people when they went out on their boats to fish, but he also punished them by sudden storms, massive tides and destructive waves. On one stormy day, Glaucus, the most skilled of the fishermen, was fishing on the shore when he caught a large fish that spoke to him, and persuaded him to jump into the sea and become immortal. Glaucus returned the fish to the sea, and even if he could not swim, he jumped after it and drowned in the salty water. Out of the depth, the god Ocean appeared. He touched Glaucus with his mighty finger and gave him the gift of immortality, proclaiming him his divine sea helper. This is how Glaucus became an immortal protector of the fishermen and sailors.
BRODOLOMI / SHIPWRECKS Brodolomi su u Istri zabilježeni od prapovijesti do danas. Na području južne Istre za sada nemamo zabilježene ostatke prapovijesnih brodova, ali su brojni ostaci brodoloma iz rimskog razdoblja, kao i iz razdoblja Prvog i Drugog svjetskog rata. Srednjovjekovni brodolomi su rijetko zabilježeni, iako ih je nesumnjivo bilo, na što ukazuju nova otkrića posljednjih nekoliko godina. Iznimno veliki broj nastradalih brodova ukazuje na važnost istarskih trgovačkih i pomorskih putova, ali i na opasnosti koje krije more južne Istre.
In Istria there are records of shipwrecks dating from prehistory until modern period. In the area of Southern Istria there aren’t any records of prehistoric ships, but there are numerous remains of shipwrecks from the Roman era, as well as from World War I and II. Medieval ships are rare in the area, although undoubtedly there were many such shipwrecks, and recent discoveries support this idea. A substantially large number of shipwrecks testify to the importance of trade and sea routes in Istria, but also to the dangers of the Southern Istria sea.
Potvrđene lokacije antičkih brodoloma i ostataka odbačenih tereta poznate su na više od 30 pozicija. Uglavnom je riječ o devastiranim ostacima brodoloma, s nalazima nekoliko cijelih amfora i sidara ili još češće njihovih fragmenata.
Locations of ancient shipwrecks and remains of discarded ballast are confirmed at over 30 sites. These are mostly devastated remains of ships, with a few intact amphorae or anchors, but more often just their fragments.
Zaštita podvodnih arheoloških lokaliteta Protection of Underwater Archaeological Sites S rastom popularnosti slobodnog ronjenja povećava se i opasnost od nesavjesnog devastiranja podvodnih arheoloških lokaliteta. Brojna istarska podvodna nalazišta, zabilježena 60–ih i 70–ih godina 20. stoljeća, u potpunosti su opljačkana i uništena. Podvodne aktivnosti na zaštićenim kulturnim dobrima i njihovo vađenje bez odobrenja nadležnog tijela kažnjavaju se iznosima od 50.000 do 500.000 kuna. U slučaju pronalaska podvodnog arheološkog nalazišta pronalazač ga je dužan prijaviti Arheološkom muzeju Istre na tel. 052 351 301, odnosno na e-mail: As the popularity of free-diving grows, the danger of people unconscientiously devastating underwater archaeological sites is also on the rise. Numerous underwater sites in Istria, registered in the 1960s and 1970s, have been completely plundered and destroyed. Underwater activities in protected cultural heritage sites and their exploitation without the consent of competent authorities are punishable with fines ranging from 50,000 to 500,000 HRK. In case of discovery of an underwater archaeological site, the finder should notify the Archaeological Museum of Istria, phone no 052 351 301, or by email arheoloski-muzej-istre@
Amfora / Amphora Amfora je keramička posuda dugačkog i uskog vrata s dva drška i, najčešće, špicastim dnom. Javlja se u staroj Grčkoj, preuzimaju je Rimljani, a proizvodi se sve do 11. st. na području Bizanta. Koristila se za prijevoz i čuvanje vina, ulja, meda, usoljene ribe, datulja, žitarica i drugoga. Njen specifični oblik nastao je prilagodbom potrebama brodskog prijevoza. Oblik amfora ovisi o mjestu proizvodnje pa se razlikuju grčke, sjevernoafričke, španjolske, istarske, italske i rimske amfore. Često se pronalaze prilikom podmorskih arheoloških istraživanja u svim dijelovima Jadrana i Sredozemlja. Amphora is a ceramic container with a long and narrow neck, two handles and usually a pointed base. It first appeared in ancient Greece. It was adopted by the Romans, and it was manufactured all the way until the 11 th century in the Byzantine Empire. It was used to transport and store wine, oil, honey, salted fish, date palm fruit, grain and so on. It owes its specific shape to the adjustment to the needs of ship transport. The shape of amphorae depends on the place of production, so there are Greek, North African, Spanish, Istrian, Italian and Roman amphorae. They are often found during underwater sea explorations in all parts of the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea.
Antički brodolomi zabilježeni su na punta Uljevi, na rtu Marlera i kod rta Kamenjak. Potvrđene su lokacije brodoloma u uvali Polje južno od Premanture, u uvali Valun sjeverozapadno od Premanture, na rtu Školj od Volam, u uvali Valmižeja, ispod Monte Kopa, pred ulazom u luku Volme jugoistočno od Pule, na rtu Bumbište, kod otoka Veliki i Mali Frašker, u podmorju otoka Veruda, na rtu Verudica, na rtu Sv. Ivan u Paklu, na rtu Stoja i u uvali Valovine južno od Pule. Sjeverozapadno od Pule lokacije brodoloma potvrđene su na rtu Krišto, u uvali Zonki kod rta Krišto te u podmorju otočića Kotež u sredini ulaza u Fažanski kanal. Među najznačajnije nalaze spadaju ostaci drvenog histarskog broda, jednog od najstarijih na Sredozemlju, koji je pronađen u Zambratiji kod Umaga. Od velikog su značaja i ostaci dvaju rimskih brodova potopljenih u antičkoj pulskoj luci, u kojima su pronađeni brojni drveni predmeti.
Ancient shipwrecks have been recorded near cape Uljeva, cape Marlera and cape Kamenjak. Shipwreck locations are also confirmed in Polje cove south of Premantura, in Valun cove north-west of Premantura, at cape Školj od Volam, in Valmižeja cove bellow Monte Kope, before the entrance to the port Volme south-east of Pula, at cape Bumbište, near the islands of Veliki Frašker and Mali Frašker, in the sea around the island of Veruda, at cape Verudica, at cape St. John in Hell (Sv. Ivan u Paklu), at cape Stoja and in the Valovine cove south of Pula. North-west of Pula, known locations of shipwrecks are at cape Krišto, Zonki cove near cape Krišto, and in the sea, next to an islet of Kotež, which is in the middle of the entrance into the Fažana channel. Among the more important findings are the remains of a wooden Histrian ship, one of the oldest ones in the Mediterranean. It was found in Zambratija near Umag. The remains of two Roman ships submerged in the ancient port of Pula are also very important. Numerous wooden objects were retrieved from these ships.
Rimski brodovi u pulskoj luci Roman Ships in the Port of Pula U pulskoj luci su 2012. godine otkriveni ostaci dva rimska broda. Veći brod dimenzija 20 metara datiran je u 1. stoljeće, a manji brod od osam metara nalazio se ispod njega, što ukazuje na veću starost ili bar ranije potonuće. Brodovi su bili potopljeni na dno pulske luke vjerojatno uslijed starosti te se na njima nagomilao mulj, koji je u potpunosti sačuvao drvene ostatke brodova. Prikupljeni su i dijelovi opreme broda (užad, drveni klinovi, smola), kamena skulptura delfina, kockice za igru, potplate rimskih sandala, amfore, keramičke i staklene posude te brojni organski nalazi (pinjoli, žitarice, koštice breskvi, orasi i šišarke). Istraživanje i vađenje brodova je bilo izuzetno teško i tehnički zahtjevno. Radi restauracije i konzervacije brod će provesti dvije godine na desalinizaciji te još dvije na konsolidaciji u velikom bazenu. Uz restauraciju i prezentaciju originalnog broda, planira se izraditi i kopija – identičan brod koji bi se nalazio u pulskoj luci za razgled i plovidbu u turističke svrhe. In 2012, the remains of two Roman ships were discovered in the port of Pula. The larger ship of 20 metres in length dates back to the 1st century. The smaller ship, eight metres long, was discovered beneath the bigger one, which indicates that it is older, or at least that it sunk earlier. The ships were submerged at the bottom of the port of Pula, probably due to their old age, and they were covered in mud, which helped preserve the wooden remains of these ships. Parts of the ship equipment were also found (ropes, wooden wedges, raisin), a stone sculpture of a dolphin, dices, soles of Roman sandals, amphorae, ceramic and glass containers, and abundant organic evidence (pin nuts, grain, peach stones, walnuts and conifer cones). Exploring and retrieving these ships was extremely difficult and technically demanding. For the purposes of restoration and conservation, it will take two years for a ship to get desalinised, and then two more to consolidate in a large pool. Along with restoration and presentation of the original ship, the plan is to make a replica – an identical ship that would be placed in the port of Pula, making it available for sightseeing and tourism sailing.
Punta Uljeva kod Ližnjana Cape Uljeva near Ližnjan Punta Uljeva kod Ližnjana krije ostatke dva antička broda Uljeva A i Uljeva B, nasukana na ulazu u luku. Riječ je o trgovačkim brodovima, jednom iz 1. st. prije Krista i drugom iz 4. stoljeća poslije Krista, koji su potonuli na škrapama na dubini od šest metara, udaljeni 180 metara jedan od drugog, oko 70 metara daleko od obale. Na nalazištima nisu očuvane konstrukcije brodova i tereta na jednom mjestu. Nalaze se samo fragmenti po škrapama. Očuvani su tragovi samo tri srednjovjekovna brodoloma. Kod rta Kamenjak zabilježeni su ostaci drvenog jedrenjaka s topovima iz 17. / 18. stoljeća. Nedavno su otkriveni ostaci još dva brodoloma. Na hridima punte Uljeva pronađeno je mnoštvo ručno izrađene opeke, manji ulomci keramike te brojni nalazi staklenih posuda. Vjerojatno je riječ o ostacima tereta manjeg drvenog jedrenjaka koji je služio za lokalnu plovidbu tijekom 17. i početkom 18. stoljeća. Kod otoka Verude su 2013. godine pronađeni ostaci brodoloma, vidljivi pod većom količinom balastnog kamenja na morskom dnu, i to ostaci drvene konstrukcije broda iz druge polovice 16. stoljeća. Cape Uljeva near Ližnjan holds the remains of two ancient ships, Uljeva A and Uljeva B, stranded at the entrance to the port. These are merchant ships. One is from the 1st century BC, and the other from the 4th century AD. Both sank upon hitting the rocks at 6 metres of depth. They are 180 metres apart, and approximately 70 metres from the shore. There are no preserved ship constructions or cargo on one spot. Instead, there are only fragments scattered around the rocks.
Remains of only three medieval shipwrecks are preserved. At cape Kamenjak, there are remains of a sailing ship with cannons that dates to the 17 th or 18 th century. Remains of two other shipwrecks have been recently discovered. On the islet of cape Uljeva, plenty of hand-made brick, smaller ceramic fragments and many glass containers were found. These are most likely the remains of a cargo of a smaller wooden sailing boat that was used for local navigation in the 17th and early 18 th century. In 2013, near the island of Veruda, archaeologists found the remains of a shipwreck hidden under a large amount of ballast rocks, identified as a wooden construction of a ship dating to the second half of the 16th century.
Bitka u Fažanskom kanalu U Fažanskom kanalu se 1379. godine odigrala velika pomorska bitka između Venecije i Genove. Venecijanska flota od 21 lađe, pod vodstvom Vettora Pisana, isplovila je iz pulske luke i sukobila se s 22 galije Genove, koje su doplovile iz uvale Veruda. Flota Genove je pobijedila i zarobila čak 15 lađa s više od 2.000 ljudi. U borbi ili u moru poginulo je više od 1.700 ljudi. Pisano je s preostalih šest lađa pobjegao u Poreč i Veneciju. Potopljene galije se vjerojatno nalaze na potezu od Velog Brijuna prema Barbarigi.
Brojni su brodolomi iz 20. stoljeća, posebice iz razdoblja Prvog i Drugog svjetskog rata, kao i neposredno nakon dva rata. Najčešće su to brodovi potonuli naletjevši na mine i minska polja u okolici Pule, koja je u Prvom svjetskom ratu bila glavna austrougarska vojna luka. Brodovi koji su tako nastradali su izuzetno zanimljivi za ronioce, jer su dobro očuvani.
Remains of ships from the 20th century are numerous, especially from World War I and II, and from the immediate period after the two wars. These are usually ships that ran into mines and minefields near Pula, which was the main Austro-Hungarian port during World War I. These ships are very interesting for divers, because they are very well preserved.
U okolici Pule imamo više od 20 registriranih brodoloma, od kojih možemo istaknuti eskortni razarač »TA 35 Giuseppe Dezza«, putnički parobrod »Baron Gautsch«, torpiljarku »TB 26 Flamingo«, teretni parobrod »Hans Schmidt«, teretni parobrod »Luana«, podmornicu »Medusa« i laki izviđač »Cesare Rossarol«.
Near Pula there are over 20 recorded shipwrecks, including the escort destroyer »TA 35 Giuseppe Dezza«, the passenger steamboat »Baron Gautsch«, the torpedo boat »TB 26 Flamingo«, cargo steamboat »Hans Schmidt«, cargo steamboat »Luana«, the submarine »Medusa« and scout cruiser »Cesare Rossarol«.
»BARON GAUTSCH« – luksuzni putnički
»BARON GAUTSCH« – luxurious passen-
parobrod izgrađen 1908. godine u Britaniji, dužine 84,5 m te širine 11,6 m. Plovio je na liniji Trst – Kotor. Prije četvrtog putovanja iz Trsta za Kotor zapovjedništvo broda je upozoreno na planove ratne mornarice o postavljanju zaštitnih minskih polja oko Pule. Na povratku iz Dalmacije 13. kolovoza 1914. godine »Baron Gautsch« je uplovio u upravo postavljeno minsko polje. Unatoč upozorenjima, ovaj luksuzni putnički parobrod naletio je na minu i potonuo za samo šest minuta. U ovoj tragediji poginulo je 177 ljudi, dok ih je 159 spašeno. Ovaj brodolom je najveća civilna povijesna tragedija
ger steamboat, 84.5 long an 11.6 metres wide, built in 1908. in Great Britain. It sailed along the line Trieste – Kotor. Before its fourth trip from Trieste to Kotor (Montenegro), the ship’s command received a warning regarding the plans of the navy to set protective minefields around Pula. On returning from Dalmatia on August 13th 1914, »Baron Gautsch« sailed into a recently planted minefield. Despite the warning, this luxurious passenger boat ran into a mine and went down in only six minutes. 177 people died in this tragedy, while 159 were saved. This shipwreck is the largest civilian tragedy in the Austro-Hungarian history of the 20th century.
Battle of the Fažana Channel In 1379, a large naval battle between Venice and Genoa took place in the Fažana channel. The Venetian fleet of 21 ships, lead by Vettore Pisani, sailed from the port of Pula and confronted 22 Genoese galleys that sailed from the Veruda cove. The Genoa fleet was victorious and they captured 15 ships with over 2,000 men. More than 1,700 people were killed, either in battle or by drowning. With his six remaining ships, Pisani fled to Poreč and then to Venice. The submerged galleys are most likely somewhere between Veliki Brijun island and Barbariga.
Austro–Ugarske Monarhije u 20. stoljeću. Smatra se jednom od najinteresantnijih olupina hrvatskog podmorja, a često ga nazivaju i jadranskim »Titanicom«.
This ship is considered one of the most interesting wrecks of the Croatian underwater area, and it is often called »the Titanic of the Adriatic Sea«.
»TA 35 GIUSEPPE DEZZA« – torpiljarka
ship, PILO class. It was built in 1915 in Italy under the name »Pilade Bronzetti«. It was an advanced high-speed destroyer, 73 metres long and 7.33 wide. The ship was fuelled by petroleum, which was a true innovation at the time it was built. During World War I, the ship took part in escorting merchant ships into Greek waters. In December 1920 it sailed into Rijeka as a legionary ship commanded by Gabriele D’Annunzio. In 1921 it was renamed into »Giuseppe Dezza«. During World War II it was transported to Rijeka for repair, and after Italy capitulated, the Germans seized it. The ship struck a mine on August 17th 1944. It split in two and sank in just a few minutes. Along with the ship, 71 members of the crew also died.
klase PILO, izrađena 1915. godine u Italiji pod imenom »Pilade Bronzetti«. Bio je to moderni brzi razarač dužine 73 m, širine 7,33 m, a kretao se na naftu, što je bila prava novost u vrijeme njegove izrade. Tijekom Prvog svjetskog rata sudjelovao je u praćenju trgovačkih brodova u grčkim vodama. U prosincu 1920. godine uplovio je u Rijeku kao brod legionara koje je predvodio Gabriele D’Annunzio. Ime mu je 1921. godine promijenjeno u »Giuseppe Dezza«. Tijekom Drugog svjetskog rata prebačen je u Rijeku radi popravka, gdje ga, nakon kapitulacije Italije, preuzimaju Nijemci. Na minu je naletio 17. kolovoza 1944. godine te ga je rastrgnula na dva dijela. Potonuo je u samo nekoliko minuta. S brodom je nastradao 71 član posade.
»TA 35 GIUSEPPE DEZZA« – torpedo
»CESARE ROSSAROL« – laki razarač dug
»CESARE ROSSAROL« – scout cruiser »Ce-
85 i širok osam metara, izrađen 1914. godine u brodogradilištu kod Genove. Sudjelovao je u zadacima po cijelom Jadranu. Godine 1916. sukobio se s austrougarskim razaračima tipa Velebit, a 1918. godine sudjelovao u bombardiranju Drača u Albaniji. Isplovio je iz Pule prema Rijeci 16. studenoga 1918. godine, gdje je trebao biti podrška talijanskim trupama. Iza rta Marlera naletio je na minu i potonuo za nekoliko minuta, povukavši sa sobom 98 talijanskih pomoraca. To je bila jedna od najvećih pomorskih tragedija talijanske ratne mornarice u Prvom svjetskom ratu.
sare Rossarol«, 85 metres long and 8 metres wide. It was built in 1914 at a shipyard near Genoa. It took part in missions all over the Adriatic Sea. In 1916, it confronted an AustroHungarian destroyer of Velebit type, and in 1918 it participated in the bombing of Durrës in Albania. On November 16 th 1918 it set off from Pula to Rijeka, where it was to act as support to the Italian troops. Shortly after passing cape Marlera, it hit a mine and went down in a few minutes, taking with it 98 Italian sailors. That was one of the largest naval tragedies for the Italian navy during World War I.
100 95 75
25 5 0
Forum 3, 52100 Pula – Croatia T +385 (0) 52 219 197 F +385 (0) 52 211 855 E
RONILAČKI SAVEZ ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE Ronilački savez Istarske županije osnovan je 1998. godine. Sastoji se od jedanaest udruga odnosno klubova s obalnog dijela Istarske županije. Na organiziranim tečajevima ronjenja obučava ronioce svih kategorija sukladno standardima svjetskih asocijacija CMAS I SSI, a stručnim predavanjima pridonosi sigurnom boravku u moru. Ujedno stimulira bavljenje sportom. Naši članovi su višestruki osvajači medalja na državnim i europskim prvenstvima. U cilju odgoja mladeži i očuvanja podmorja Savez organizira ekološke akcije na području istarskih gradova i općina.
DIVING FEDERATION OF THE ISTRIAN COUNTY Diving Federation of the Istrian County was founded in 1998. It consists of eleven associations or clubs from the coast of Istrian County. It organizes diving courses and trains all categories of divers in accordance with the standards of the world federations CMAS and SSI. Federation’s professional lectures contribute to a safe stay under water. It also encourages practicing of sports. Our members are multiple medal winners in national and European championships. With the aim of educating the young and preservation of underwater realm, Federation organizes environmental actions in the area of Istrian towns and municipalities.
KARTIRANJE MORSKIH STANIŠTA U ISTARSKOJ ŽUPANIJI Zavod za prostorno uređenje Istarske županije, u sklopu projekta SHAPE, kartirao je morska staništa u akvatoriju devet gradova i općina (Kršan, Labin, Raša, Barban, Marčana, Medulin, Pula, Fažana, Vodnjan). Kartiranje staništa obavljeno je do 40 m dubine na istočnoj obali Istre, koja je strma i manje razvedena, dok se na južnoj i zapadnoj obali kartiralo unutar zaštićenog obalnog područja mora (300 metara od obalne linije prema otvorenom moru). Kartirano je ukupno 42,20 četvornih kilometara površine akvatorija. Zabilježeno je 6 rijetkih i ugroženih stanišnih tipova NATURA 2000. Podaci o morskim staništima biti će osnova za održivo upravljanje i korištenje mora i morske obale Istarske županije.
MARINE HABITAT MAPPING IN THE REGION OF ISTRIA The Institute for Physical Planning Region of Istria, in the framework of the SHAPE project, mapped marine habitats in aquatories of 9 towns and municipalities (Kršan, Labin, Raša, Barban, Marčana, Medulin, Pula, Fažana, Vodnjan). The habitats were mapped down to 40 meters of depth along the Eastern coast which is steeper and less indented, and along the Southern and Western coasts, the mapping was done within the protected marine coastal zone (300 meters from the coastal line towards the open sea). Total surface of 42,20 km2 of the Region of Istria have been mapped. Six rare and endangered NATURA 2000 habitat types were noted. The analysed data about Istrian marine habitats will become the basis for the future sustainable management and use of the Region coastal zone.
The project is co–funded by the European Union, Instrument for Pre–Accession Assistance
Medulin Riviera THE BLUE PLANET
Camp Medulin Osipovica 30, 52203 Medulin tel. +385 98 366 110
POPIS RONILAČKIH CENTARA LIST OF DIVING CENTERS SUBAQUATIC TN Stella Maris, 52470 Umag – Umago T/F +385 (0)52 710 981 GSM +385 (0)92 261 6168 E W HIDROBIRO d.o.o. Moela 7/1, 52470 Umag – Umago T/F +385 (0)52 742 017 GSM +385 (0)91 366 6665 E W DIVING CENTRE SEA TURTLE Camping Park Umag, Karigador b.b., 52474 Brtonigla – Verteneglio F +385 (0)52 725 074 GSM +385 (0)99 575 3230 E W
ZEUS FABER Sportski centar Valeta, Lanterna 52465 Tar-Vabriga T/F +385 (0)52 405 045 GSM +385 (0)98 951 2986 +385 (0)98 177 9869 E W DIVING CENTRE POREČ Brulo 4 (hotel Valamar Diamant) 52440 Poreč – Parenzo T +385 (0)52 433 606 GSM +385 (0)91 452 9070 E W DIVING CENTRE BLUE LAGOON Plava laguna, Hotel Galijot, 52440 Poreč – Parenzo GSM +385 (0)95 252 6465 E W
DIVING CENTRE STARFISH AC Porto Sole, 52450 Vrsar – Orsera F +385 (0)52 442 119 GSM +385 (0)98 335 506 +385 (0)98 334 816 E W TRITON DIVING AC Orsera, 52450 Vrsar – Orsera GSM +385 (0)98 805 729 +385 (0)92 2624083 E W GPS 13° 36’ 25.00” E 45° 9’ 20.00” N ROVINJ-SUB Kolodvorsko šetalište 9 52210 Rovinj – Rovigno T/F +385 (0)52 821 202 GSM +385 (0)98 196 9502 E W SCUBA-VALDALISO TN Valdaliso, 52210 Rovinj – Rovigno T/F +385 (0)52 815 992 GSM +385 (0)98 212 360 E W MEDITERRANEUM MARE SPORT TN Villas Rubin bb 52210 Rovinj – Rovigno T/F +385 (0)52 816 648 (01. V – 31. IX) GSM +385 (0)98 204 233 E w DIVING CENTAR PUFFER Hotel Istra – otok Sv. Andrija (Crveni otok) 52210 Rovinj – Rovigno T/F +385 (0)52 802 540 GSM +385 (0)95 902 5543 E w
HIPPOCAMPUS Bi Village, 52212 Fažana – Fasana GSM +385 (0)98 400 6922 +385 (0)98 986 4794 AC Stoja, 52 100 Pula – Pola GSM +385 (0)98 255 820 +385 (0)98 986 4794 E w
DIVING CENTRE KAŽELA AC Kažela, 52203 Medulin T +385 (0)52 573 658 +385 (0)52 545 116 F +385 (0)52 573 658 GSM +385 (0)98 334 181 +385 (0)98 344 963 E w
DIVING CENTRE SHARK AC Medulin, 52203 Medulin T +385 (0)52 894 2741 GSM +385 (0)98 366 110 E w
Mergus d.o.o. AC Brioni, 52100 Pula – Pola T/F +385 (0)52 517 474 (IV – X) GSM +385 (0)98 903 3003 E w
DIVING CLUB PULA Marina Veruda, 52100 Pula – Pola GSM +385 (0)98 255 834 E w ORCA DIVING CENTRE Verudela bb, Hotel Histria 52100 Pula – Pola GSM +385 (0)98 409 850 E w MORSKA ŠKOLA VALSALINE Uvala Valsaline 31, 52100 Pula – Pola T/F +385 (0)52 382 252 GSM +385 (0)98 255 402 E w DIVING CENTRE INDIE AC Indije, Banjole, 52203 Medulin T +385 (0)52 573 658 +385 (0)52 545 116 F +385 (0)52 573 658 GSM +385 (0)98 334 181 +385 (0)98 344 963 E w
DIVING CENTRE VITEZ WRECKS Premantura 2a, 52203 Medulin GSM +385 (0)98 421 004 E w DIVING CENTRE SCUBA LIBRE AC Runke, Premantura, 52203 Medulin GSM +385 (0)98 989 3200 E w KRNICADIVE Luka Krnica 141, 52208 Krnica GSM +385 (0)98 919 3487 E w MZ DIVING CENTRE Aldo Negri 3, 52220 Labin T/F +385 (0)52 880 466 GSM +385 (0)98 723 473 E w SV. MARINA C.B. d.o.o. AC Marina, 52220 Labin T/F +385 (0)52 879 052 GSM +385 (0)91 187 9074 E w www.scubacenters
RC GIRANDELLA DIVING Hotel Bellevue, 52221 Rabac GSM +385 (0)91 760 7041 E w
DIVING CENTRE LAMKRA Maslinica bb, 52221 Rabac GSM +385 (0)99 655 5455 +385 (0)98 779 898 E w
KLUBOVI RONILAČKOG SAVEZA ISTARSKE ŽUPANIJE DIVING CLUBS OF THE REGION OF ISTRIA DIVING ASSOCIATION KPA MEDULIN, Pomer Neven Vojnić, Ivana Marić GSM +385 (0)98 190 1202 +385 (0)98 941 1042 E EKO MORE, Medulin Lucio Lorencin GSM +385 (0)95 3666 830 E 118
RK CENTAR, Medulin Igor Đokić GSM +385 (0)98 367 852 E RSK MLADOST, Medulin Lea Ikić Čupev GSM +385 (0)91 5168 528 E RK ARIEL, Ližnjan Branko Petrović GSM +385 (0)99 7068 300 E
RK UGOR, Vrsar Anton Prekalj GSM +385 (0)91 5364 671 E CPA PULA, Pula Denis Hudoletnjak GSM +385 (0)98 655 439 E KPA ULJANIK, Pula Darko Vrbanac GSM +385 (0)98 9362 609 E DPA RABAC, Rabac Nine Bajić GSM +385 (0)98 254 259 E DPDSR POREČ, Poreč Vladimir Mušković GSM +385 (0)98 9124 778 E KPA-CAS ROVINJ, Rovinj Sven Zvocak GSM +385 (0)98 307 286 E
KPA Medulin
Ana Berc
Neven Vojnić Neven Iveša
Tatjana Batalić
Svetlana Đurašinović
Neven Iveša, dipl. biol. Neven Vojnić, instruktor ronjenja / Diving instuctor Darko Komšo
Milena Joksimović
Mara d.o.o. Pula / Mara Ltd. Pula
Kershoffset, Zagreb
500 primjeraka / copies
Milena Joksimović
Tibor Béres
Tibor Béres Igor Karasi Donat Petricolli, dipl. biol. Alen Soldo, prof. dr. sc. Ive Šoša dr. sc. Ljiljana Iveša doc. dr. sc. Zrinka Ljubešić Neven Iveša, dipl. biol. Ingrid Ugussi, dipl. biol. Arheološki muzej Istre Općina Medulin Mario Rosanda Mara d.o.o. Pula Danijel Frka JU NP Brijuni / PI NP Brijuni Ivana Orlović Kranjc Karta lokaliteta olupina Maps of the shipwrecks locations Turistička zajednica Istarske županije Istria Tourist Board Fotografije JU-a Kamenjak Photos Kamenjak Public Institution Goran Šafarek, Andrej Radalj, Bojan Širola (stranica / page 103)
Na ustupljenim fotografijama posebno se zahvaljujemo For the photos special gratitude is owed to: Zavodu za prostorno uređenje Istarske županije Institute for Physical Planning of the Istrian Region
EU projekt / project SHAPE 2007. – 2013. (IPA CBC Programme 2007-2013) autori / authors: Latinka Janjanin, Anton Prekalj, Denis Hudoletnjak
CIP - Katalogizacija u publikaciji Sveučilišna knjižnica u Puli UDK 504.42(497.5-3 Istra)=111=163.42 797.215(497.5-3 Istra)=111=163.42 902.034(497.5-3 Istra)=111=163.42 IVEŠA, Neven Istarska podvodna priča = Underwater Story of Istria / <autori tekstova, authors of the text> Neven Iveša, Neven Vojnić, Darko Komšo ; <autori fotografija, authors of the photos Tibor Béres … <et al.> ; prijevod , english translation Milena Joksimović>. – Medulin : KPA <i.e.> Klub za podvodne aktivnosti, 2015. Usporedo hrv. tekst i engl. prijevod. – Str. 14-15: Carstvo podmorja južne Istre = Underwater Realm of Southern Istria. ISBN 978-953-7001-33-9 1. Vojnić, Neven 2. Komšo, Darko
Ova je knjiga nezaobilazno štivo svakom koga zanima ronjenje u Jadranskom moru. Pored informativnih opisa lokaliteta pogodnih za ronjenje sadrži i podatke zanimljive onima koji se prvi put susreću s morem. Podmorje južne Istre opisano je u tančine. Detaljno, ali na jasan i čitatelju dopadljiv način opisan je morski okoliš – niz raznolikih staništa s pripadajućom florom i faunom. Najveći doprinos ove knjige su podaci o životinjama, arheološkim lokalitetima i ronilačkim aktivnostima, ispričani kroz kratke zabavne priče.
For anyone interested in the subject of scuba diving at the Adriatic Sea, this is essential reading. Beyond informative description of diving places the book is of interest for those who first encounter sea. The underwater world of Southern Istria is introduced in detail. Marine environment: a diverse array of biotopes together with inhabiting flora and fauna are thoroughly and readably outlined. The strong point of the book is that facts about animals, archaeological sites and diving activity are embedded in amusing, short stories. Tibor Béres