Međunarodni orguljaški festival / International Organ Festival
8. Međunarodni orguljaški festival 8th International Organ Festival
Ars Organi Sisciae 05.05.-11.05.2014.
„Orguljaška baština Sisačke biskupije“ Organ heritage of Sisak diocese’
Sisak, Voloder, Martinska Ves, Sela, Hrvatska Kostajnica Hrvatska / Croatia
Program festivala
05. 05. – PONEDJELJAK / MONDAY – 19.30 Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Kvirina – Sisak Koncert otvorenja / Opening concert: Zoltán Borbély, orgulje / organ (Vojvodina)
06. 05. – UTORAK / TUESDAY – 19.30 Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Sveta Marija Magdalena Sela – Sisak Muzička akademija Zagreb, studenti iz klase red. prof. Ljerke Očić
07. 05. – SRIJEDA / WEDNESDAY – 19.30 Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Antuna Padovanskog – Voloder Edmund Andler-Borić, orgulje / organ
08. 05. – ČETVRTAK / THURSDAY – 19.30 Franjevačka crkva / Franciscan Church / Sv. Antuna Padovanskog – Hrv. Kostajnica Marin Zokić, truba / trumpet Edmund Andler-Borić, orgulje / organ
09. 05. – PETAK / FRIDAY – 16.30 Veliki Kaptol, dvorana blaženog Ivana Pavla II.
Znanstveni skup „Orguljaška baština Sisačke biskupije“ / Scientific conference ‘Organ heritage of Sisak diocese’ Promocija CD-a „Sisačka orguljaška baština“, Croatia Records – 17.30 Katedrala / Cathedral / Uzvišenja Sv. Križa – Sisak – 19.30 Augustin Mršić, violončelo / violoncello Mario Penzar, čembalo / harpsichord
10. 05. – SUBOTA / SATURDAY – 19.30 Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Martin Biskup – Martinska Ves
Neven Kraljić, orgulje / organ
11. 05. – NEDJELJA / SUNDAY – 19.00 Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Kvirina – Sisak Misa zahvalnica i koncert / Thanksgiving service and concert 150 godina HPD Slavulj Petrinja / 150th anniversary of HPD Slavulj Petrinja 100 godina rođenja i 50 godina smrti Albe Vidakovića / 100th birth and 50th death anniversary of Albe Vidaković HPD Slavulj Petrinja Josip degl´Ivellio, dirigent / conductor Krešo Haas, orgulje / organ
Dragi poštovatelji sisačke orguljaške baštine, I ove 2014. godine održava se već tradicionalni festival Ars organi Sisciae diljem naše Sisačke biskupije, za što je na osobit način zaslužna gđa Valentina Badanjak Pintarić. Po prvi puta domaćini su i župna crkva u Voloderu i samostanska crkva u Hrvatskoj Kostajnici. Također tijekom festivala bit će predstavljen CD o sisačkoj orguljaškoj baštini, za što posebna zasluga pripada gosp. Edmundu Boriću. Ne mogu se oteti dojmu, a pratim već petu godinu ovaj festival, da on postaje sve bogatiji i popularniji. Premda je na području naše Biskupije u Domovinskom ratu uništen velik broj orgulja, polako obnavljamo taj fond te njegujemo postojeće i upravo ovakvim kulturnim događajima predstavlja se veliko bogatstvo koje u sebi nose orgulje u našim crkvama. One su godinama, desetljećima, pa i stoljećima oplemenjivale svetu liturgiju, te su i danas izvor vrhunskih duhovnih doživljaja. Svim sudionicima, izvođačima i organizatorima Festivala želim dobre i blagoslovljene ove koncertne dane, a to su ujedno i uskrsni dani te dani posebnog glazbenog i duhovnog iskustva.
Dear admirers of organ heritage of Sisak, A traditional festival ‘Ars organi Sisciae’ is being held again this year all around our Sisak diocese, for which a special credit goes to Mrs Valentina Badanjak Pintarić. For the first time our hosts are the parish church in Voloder and the monastery in Hrvatska Kostajnica. During the festival a CD on organ heritage of Sisak will be presented, thanks to Mr Edmund Borić. I have been following this festival for five years and I cannot help feeling that it is becoming more abundant and more popular each year. Even though a large number of organs in our Diocese was destroyed during the Homeland War, we have been restoring that fund and taking care of the existing one. Precisely such cultural events present the great wealth of the organs in our churches. They have been ennobling the holy liturgy for years, decades and even centuries and they are still the source of superior spiritual experiences. I wish all the participants, performers and organizers of this festival good and blessed these concert days, which are also the Easter days, as well as the days of special musical and spiritual experience! +Vlado Košić, biskup sisački / the Bishop of Sisak Patron Festivala / Festival Patron
Poštovani ljubitelji orgulja i orguljaške glazbe, Danas se orgulje uglavnom vezuju uz crkve, katedrale; spomen na njih najčešće asocira na liturgiju, misu, nešto mistično i pomalo okultno. Ipak, orgulje kao jedan od najdugovječnijih instrumenata u ljudskoj povijesti s kontinuitetom korištenja, nisu oduvijek bile simbol za nešto produhovljeno. Srećemo ih još u staroj Kini, Egiptu, staroj Grčkoj i Rimu: očigledno je da je dosta civilizacija bilo nadahnuto orguljama. Neki ih smještaju u 3 stoljeće, ali jako puno opisa upućuje na puno duži život tog instrumenta. Zanimljivo je da su orgulje u početku – i dugi niz stoljeća poslije - uglavnom korištene kao svjetovni instrument, koristile su se za zabave, gladijatorske igre, bakanalijske svečanosti itd. Prikaze orgulja nalazimo na kovanom novcu Rimskog carstva iz doba careva Nerona, Trajana i Hadrijana, a oslikane su i u mozaicima od kojih je najpoznatiji onaj it Triera ( 2. st. p. Kr.). Poznato je da je Rimsko carstvo na svom kovanom novcu prikazivalo aktualne careve, važne događaje i gradove pa tako i orgulje, što nam svjedoči o njihovom iznimnom značaju u tadašnjem društvu. Budući da je rimska Siscia također bila prikazivana na rimskom novcu, zasigurno možemo pretpostaviti da je jedan tako važan rimski grad imao i orgulje za svoje društvene potrebe. Kada bi se izvršila temeljita arheološka istraživanja Sisciae, možda bi se i tu pronašao kakav mozaik ili prikaz koji nas upućuje na tadašnje orgulje. U 8. stoljeću, kao poklon bizantskog cara, orgulje dolaze u Franačku i polako, ali sigurno se uvode u Zapadnu crkvu gdje svoj procvat doživljavaju u vrijeme baroka. Upravo u tom periodu, nakon austrijsko-turskih ratova, naš kraj naseljava stanovništvo iz raznih krajeva, donoseći sa sobom i naslijeđene kulturološke potrebe kao npr. gradnju orgulja i orguljanje. Naš orguljaški festival u osmom izdanju predstavlja sakralnu, orguljašku baštinu Sisačke biskupije. Usprkos velikoj šteti i mnogobrojnim uništenim orguljama na ovom području, imamo sreću da je obnovljena Sisačka biskupija i da je upravo biskup Vlado Košić od samog početka prepoznao orgulje kao dio nezaobilazne kulturne i nacionalne baštine i zdušno i aktivno se uključio u nabavku novih instrumenata i obnovu starih. Međunarodni festival Ars organi Sisciae ove godine traje punih tjedan dana i donosi uz koncerte sjajnih umjetnika i znanstveni skup te promociju mog CD-a “Sisačka orguljaška baština”, koji je i nastao kao rezultat višegodišnjeg rada na orguljaškoj baštini Sisačke biskupije. Uz već znana mjesta našoj publici (Sisak, Sela, Martinska Ves) ove godine se selimo i u prelijepu Moslavinu, u Voloder te u Hrvatsko Pounje - u Hrvatsku Kostajnicu koja je eto do ovog Domovinskog rata imala troje orgulja, što nam puno govori o nekadašnjoj razini kulturnog i liturgijsko-glazbenog života tog malog gradića. Festival će otvoriti vrsni mađarski orguljaš iz Vojvodine - Zoltan Bobely. Kraj festivala će nam uveličati koncert povodom proslave 150 godina HPD Slavulj iz Petrinje pod ravnanjem mo Josipa degl Ivellia uz glazbu najvećeg skladatelja liturgijske glazbe Albe Vidakovića, čiju ćemo obljetnicu rođenja i smrti obilježiti misom zahvalnicom i koncertom. Ostali koncerti će ugostiti klasu studenata orgulja Ljerke Očić s MA Zagreb, prvog trubača Zagrebačke filharmonije Marina Zokića, doajena hrvatske glazbene scene Maria Penzara u obljetničarskom duetu sa čelistom Augustinom Mršićem, glavnog orguljaša Zagrebačke katedrale Nevena Kraljića i sisačkoj publici omiljenog orguljaša Krešimira Haasa.
Esteemed lovers of the organ and organ music, Today the organ is mainly related to churches and cathedrals; reference to them is mostly associated to liturgy, mass, something mystical and slightly occult. However, the organ as one of the oldest instruments in human history in continuous use, hasn’t always been a symbol of something spiritualized. We can come across that instrument even in ancient China, Egypt, Greece and Rome: it is obvious that quite a few cultures were inspired by the organ. Some place them in the 3rd century, but numerous descriptions indicate a much longer history of that instrument. It is interesting that the organ, in the beginning – and for many centuries later – was mainly used as a secular instrument for parties, gladiator fights, bacchanalian festivities etc. An illustration of the organ can be found on Roman coins from Nero, Trajan and Hadrian’s time, as well as in mosaics, the most famous being the one from Trier (2nd century BC). It is well known that the Roman Empire presented current emperors, important events and cities on their coins, the organ included, which testifies to their enormous importance in the society. Since the Roman Sisciae was also presented on Roman coins, we can safely assume that such an important Roman town had an organ for its communal requirements. If a thorough archaeological research of Sisciae were done, it might produce a certain mosaic or illustration which would indicate an organ from those times. In the 8th century, as a present from the Byzantine emperor, the organ came to France and slowly but surely became introduced to the Western church, where they flourished during the baroque times. At that time, after the Austro-Turkish wars, people from different areas settled in this area, bringing their inherited cultural needs, such as organ-building and organ-playing. Our organ festival in its eighth issue presents the sacred, organ heritage of Sisak diocese. Despite the substantial damage and numerous destroyed organs in this area, we are fortunate that Sisak diocese has been restored and that bishop Vlado Košić has from the very beginning recognized the organ as an inevitable part of cultural and national heritage and ardently and very actively got involved in the acquisition of new and the restoration of old instruments. This year the international festival Ars Organi Sisciae lasts for an entire week and presents concerts of excellent artists and a scientific conference, as well as the promotion of my CD ‘Organ heritage of Sisak’, which is the result of my work on the organ heritage of Sisak diocese over the years. Along with the places already familiar to our audience (Sisak, Sela, Martinska Ves) this year our festival also moves to beautiful Moslavina, to Voloder and to Hrvatsko Pounje – to Hrvatska Kostajnica, which had three organs up until the Homeland War, the fact saying a lot about the level of cultural, liturgical and musical life of that small town. The festival will be opened by an excellent Hungarian organ player from Vojvodina – Zoltan Borbely. A concert marking the 150th anniversary of HPD Slavulj from Petrinja conducted by maestro Josip degl’Ivellio will lend solemnity to the end of the festival. They will perform the works of the greatest liturgy music composer, Albe Vidaković, whose birth and death anniversary will be commemorated by a thanksgiving mass and a concert. Other concerts will present the students of organ from the class of prof. Ljerka Očić from Music Academy in Zagreb, the first trumpet of Zagreb philharmonic orchestra Marin Zokić, the doyen of Croatian music scene Mario Penzar in his anniversary duet with the cellist Augustin Mršić, the main organ player of Zagreb Cathedral Neven Kraljić and Sisak’s favourite organ player Krešimir Hass. mr. art. Edmund Andler-Borić / Ravnatelj festivala / Festival Director
Poštovani ljubitelji orgulja i orguljaške glazbe, Ovogodišnjim festivalom, u okviru kojega će se održati i znanstveni skup posvećen orguljaškoj baštini Sisačke biskupije, obznanjujemo rezultate dvogodišnje detaljne inventarizacije našega postojećeg bogatog orguljaškog fonda, kao i instrumenata izgubljenih zapuštanjem i nebrigom tijekom komunizma i namjernim uništavanjem u Domovinskom ratu. Znanstveni skup je i najava ozbiljne publikacije posvećene našoj orguljaškoj baštini koju pripremamo za skorašnju desetu obljetnicu festivala Ars organi Sisciae. Zahvaljujemo našim suorganizatorima Sisačkoj biskupiji i Gradskoj galeriji Striegl te našim stalnim pokroviteljima – Ministarstvu kulture RH i Županiji Sisačkomoslavačkoj. U vrijeme pripreme tiskovina za festival još uvijek se uopće ne planiraju sredstva za kulturne programe grada ili ako se planiraju još uvijek se ne zna kada će se znati u kojoj se mjeri može računati na podršku dosadašnjeg glavnog pokrovitelja festivala – Grada Siska. Stoga držimo fige da se i na lokalnoj razini, kao glavnoj bazi i odskočnoj dasci za sve inicijative nužno potrebne cjelokupnom boljitku naše sredine, poslože prioriteti prema kvalitetnim i stručnim kriterijima kako bi ubuduće naš grad, kao domaćin većem dijelu programa međunarodnog orguljaškog festivala Ars organi Sisciae, uistinu bio pravi domaćin – onakav kakvog su ga svih prethodnih godina naši cijenjeni festivalski gosti iz cijele Europe i prepoznali.
Esteemed lovers of the organ and organ music, Through this year’s festival, which includes a scientific conference dedicated to the organ heritage of Sisak diocese, we will announce the results of a two-year detailed inventory-making of our rich existing organ fund, as well as the instruments lost due to negligence and indolence during Communism and deliberate destruction during the Homeland war. The scientific conference is also an announcement of a serious publication dedicated to our organ heritage, which is being prepared for the forthcoming tenth anniversary of the festival Ars organi Sisciae. We would like to thank our co-organizers Sisak diocese and the town Gallery Striegl as well as our permanent sponsors – the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia and Sisak and Moslavina County. At the time of preparations for the festival publications the finances for the cultural programs in town are still not being planned or if they are it is still unknown when and to what extent we will be able to rely on the support by the former main festival sponsor – the Town of Sisak. Therefore, let’s keep our fingers crossed that on the local level, as the basis and stepping-stone for all initiatives necessary for the overall benefit of our community, the priorities are arranged according to the criteria based on quality and competence, so that in the future our town, as the host of the festival Ars organi Sisciae would be the real host – as it was recognized in previous years by the esteemed festival guests from around Europe.
Valentina Badanjak Pintarić / Producentica festivala / Festival Producer
Orgulje Župna Crkva / Parish Church Svetog Kvirina - Sisak orgulje / organ: Schwarz, 1927. – Winterhalter, 1973.
Župna Crkva / Parish Church Svete Marije Magdalene - Sela orgulje / organ: J. F. Jenechek, 1777.
Župna Crkva / Parish Church Svetog Martina biskupa - Martinska Ves orgulje / organ: M. Heferer, 1882.
Župna Crkva / Parish Church Svetog Antuna Padovanskog - Voloder orgulje / organ: Antun Šimenc, 1863.
Franjevačka crkva / Franciscan Church Svetog Antuna Padovanskog - Hrvatska Kostajnica orgulje / organ: nepoznati autor / author unknown
Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Kvirina – Sisak: orgulje / organ: Schwarz, 1927. – Winterhalter, 1973.
Disposition: I. Manual (HW)
II. Manual
1. Pommer 16’
10. Salicional 8’
2. Prinzipal 8’
11. Gedeckt 8‘
3. Holzfloete 8’
12. Gedecktbass 8’
4. Oktave 4’
13. Rohrfloete 4‘
5. Sesquialtera 2 2/3’ i 1 3/5’
14. Schwiegel 2‘
6. Oktave 2’
15. Quinte 1 1/3’
7. Mixtur 4f
16. Sifflet 1’
8. Trompete 8’
17. Schalmay 8’
19. Zartbass 16‘
a) Cop. I/Ped II/Ped II/I
20. Subbass 16’
b) Schweller II Man 1
21. Oktavbass 8’
c) free combination
22. Choralbass 4’
d) p f tutti
23. Fagottbass 16’
Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Svete Marije Magdalene - Sela: orgulje / organ: J. F. Jenechek, 1777.
Disposition: Manual CDEFGABH – c3, 45 keys
Pedal CDEFGABH – a, 18 keys, 12 tones
1. Principal 8’
9. Subbass 16’
2. Copula maior 8’
10. Octavbass 8’
3. Flauto 8’
11. Gedecktbass 8’
4. Copula minor 4’ 5. Quint 2 2/3’ 6. Octav 2’ 7. Quint 1 1/3’ 8. Mixtur 2’ + 1 1/3’ + 1’
439.5 Hz at 20°C
Playing pressure:
60 mm VS
Kirnberger III
Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Svetog Martina biskupa - Martinska Ves: orgulje / organ: M. Heferer, 1882.
Disposition: I. Manual C - f3, 54 keys
II. Manual C - f3, 54 keys II.
1. Principal 8’
8. Gamba 8’
2. Gedeckt 8’
9. Flauto traverso 8’
3. Octave 4’
10. Dolce 4’
4. Flöte 4’ 5. Quinte 3’ 6. Octave 2’ 7. Mixtur 2 Fach
Pedal C - f0, 18 keys, 12 tones
11. Subbas 16’
a) Manual copula
12. Violonbass 8’
b) Pedal copula
Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Antuna Padovanskog – Voloder: orgulje / organ: Antun Šimenc, 1863.
Disposition: Manual
- Salicional 8´
- Choralbass 4´
- Gedeckt 8´
- Subbass 16´
- Flauto 4´
- Principalbass 8´
- Principal 8´ - Decima nona 1 ½´ - Vigesima sec. 1´ - Quintadecima 2´ - Flauto 2 2/3´ - Octav 4´
Franjevačka crkva / Franciscan Church / Sv. Antuna Padovanskog – Hrvatska Kostajnica: orgulje / organ: nepoznati autor / author unknown
Disposition: I. Manual
II. Manual
- Principal 8´
- Gedeckt 8´
- Rohrfloete 8´
- Gamba 8´
- Octave 4´
- Roh.floete 4´
- Sup.octav 2´
- Wald.floete 2´
- Quinte 2 2/3
- Sesquialter 2 fah
- Qvinte
- Tremolo
- Mixtur 1 1/3
- Subbas 16’
Sup.cop. II Ped.cop. II Ped.cop. I Man.cop. II-I Sup.cop. I
PONEDJELJAK / MONDAY, 05. 05. 2014. Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Kvirina – Sisak 19.30 – KONCERT OTVORENJA / OPENING CONCERT:
Festum organi Zoltán Borbély, orgulje / organ (Vojvodina)
Program koncerta Charles Tournemire (1870. – 1939.) Cinq improvisations pour orgue reconstituées par Maurice Duruflé Choral-Improvisation sur le Victimae paschali Nicolas de Grigny (1672. – 1703.) Premier livre d´orgue – Stavci Glorije iz mise za orgulje /
Movements of Gloria from the organ mass
Et in terra pax à 5
Récit de tierce en taille
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685. – 1750.) Toccata i fuga u F-dur, BWV 540 Toccata and fugue in Fmajor, BWV 540 Charles Tournemire Cinq improvisations pour orgue reconstituées par Maurice Duruflé Fantasie-Improvisation sur l`Ave maris stella
ZOLTÁN BORBÉLY Rođen je u Senti 1977. godine. Osnovno glazbeno obrazovanje stekao je u svom rodnom gradu na Odsjeku za harmoniku. Tijekom srednjoškolskog obrazovanja, uz harmoniku uči svirati klavir i orgulje. Diplomirao je i magistrirao na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu, u klasi Andrije Galuna, a potom na Akademiji za glazbu i umjetnosti u Grazu, u klasi Guntera Rosta. Pohađao je majstorske tečajeve u Srbiji, Austriji, Njemačkoj i Francuskoj. Koncertirao je u osam europskih zemalja i u Kanadi. Kao izvođač, posebno se zanima za glazbu kasnog romantizma i impresionizma u Francuskoj, a ponajviše za stvaralaštvo Louisa Viernea, Charlesa Tournemirea i Mauricea Durufléa. Od 1993. godine djeluje kao crkveni orguljaš, a trenutno u Župnoj crkvi Srce Isusovo u Senti. Od 2007. godine predaje orgulje i stručne predmete na Odsjeku za orgulje na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu. Od 2010. do 2013. godine vodio je projekt za izgradnju orgulja u Crkvi Srce Isusovo u Senti. Nove koncertne orgulje sa tri manuala i 41 registrom trenutno su drugi najveći i jedini suvremeni instrument u Vojvodini. Zoltán Borbély je ujedno i upravitelj Fondacije „Cor Jesu“ u Senti.
ZOLTAN BORBELY was born in 1977 in Senta. He received his primary music education in his hometown at the Accordion department. During his secondary education, along with the accordion, he studied the piano and the organ. He graduated and won his master’s degree at Art Academy in Novi Sad in the class of Andrija Galun and at Music and Arts Academy in Graz in the class of Gunter Rost. He attended master classes in Serbia, Austria, Germany and France. He has given concerts in eight European conutries and in Canada. As a performer he is especially interested in music of the late Romanticism and Impressionism in France, mostly the works of Louis Virene, Charles Tournemire and Maurice Durufle. Since 1993 he has been working as a church organ player, currently at the Parish church of Jesus’s Heart in Senta. He has been teaching the organ and skilled subjects at the Organ department of Art Academy in Novi Sad. From 2010 to 2013 he was in charge of the project for building the organ in the Church of Jesus’s Heart in Senta. The new concert organ with three manuals and 41 registers is at the moment the second biggest and the only contemporary instrument in Vojvodina. Zoltan Borbely is also the manager of ‘Cor Jesu’ Foundation in Senta. Zoltan Borbely is also the manager of ‘Cor Jesu’ Foundation in Senta.
UTORAK / TUESDAY, 06. 05. 2014. 19.30 – Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Marija Magdalena Sela – Sisak
Musica et scientia Muzička akademija Zagreb, studenti iz klase red. prof. Ljerke Očić / Zagreb Music Academy, students in the class of prof. Ljerka Očić Nikola Cerovečki Krešimir Klarić* Tea Kulaš**
Program koncerta Johann Jakob Froberger (1616. – 1667.) Toccata II, FbW 108 Domenico Zipoli (1688. – 1726.) Suita br. III u C-duru** / Suite No. III in C major Anonimus (Klanjec, 18. st.) Sonata u F-duru* / Sonata in F major Anonimus (Korčula, 18. st.) Rondo / Andantino per L’ Elevazione / Rondo** Anonimus (Klanjec, 18. st.) Sonata in C Menuet in G Sonata in G Sonata in C* Pastorella in D* Ludwig van Beethoven (1770. – 1827.) Fűnf Stücke fűr Flőtenuhr: Allegretto** Joseph Haydn (1732. – 1809.) Divertimento Hob. XVI: 7 Krešimir Klarić (1994.) Improvizacija na Mozartovu temu* / Improvisation on Mozart’s theme
LJERKA OČIĆ Jedna je od najistaknutijih hrvatskih glazbenih umjetnica. Nastupala je u gotovo svim europskim zemljama, SAD-u, Australiji, Japanu, Maleziji, Rusiji, Azerbajdžanu, Gruziji, Sibiru, Ukrajini, Moldaviji, na znamenitim orguljama te u okviru glazbenih sezona svjetskih metropola, od New Yorka do Moskve, Tokya, Sidneya, Kuala Lumpura, održavši preko 1300 koncerata. Djeluje kao redovni profesor orgulja, komorne glazbe i kolegija „Povijesna izvođačka praksa“ na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu te održava majstorske tečajeve interpretacije u zemlji i inozemstvu. Članica je brojnih međunarodnih žirija orguljaških natjecanja. Dobitnica je niza međunarodnih i domaćih priznanja, među kojima se ističu nagrada Milka Trnina (1993.), nekoliko diskografskih nagrada Porin, pedagoška nagrada HDGPP-a (2008.) najviša državna nagrada Vladimir Nazor (2011.) te odlikovanje Reda Danice sa likom Marka Marulića za doprinos kulturi (2013.). Snimila je preko 25 nosača zvuka, autorica je niza televizijskih i radijskih emisija posvećenih orguljskoj glazbi. Bavi se i publicistikom pa je tako, uz stručna izdanja za potrebe studenata Muzičke akademije, 2004. objavila knjigu eseja „Orguljska umjetnost“ u izdanju Matice hrvatske, a 2006. knjigu na temu novog metodičkog pristupa podučavanju orgulja „Orgulje… energija duha“. Učestalo je pozivana na glazbene akademije (Ljubljana, Weimar, Mannheim, Trossingen, Verona) na gostovanja u okviru programa razmjene profesora Erasmus. U suradnji sa sestrom, violončelisticom Jelenom Očić, za nizozemsku tvrtku Challange records snimila je nosač zvuka sa djelima A. Vivaldija i J. Barrierra, koji je 2014. prema vodećim diskografskim časopisima ocijenjen kao jedno od najboljih izdanja u europskoj ponudi. LJERKA OČIĆ is one of the most prominent Croatian musicians. She has performed in almost all European countries, the USA, Australia, Japan, Malaysia, Russia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Siberia, Ukraine and Moldavia on famous organs and she has participated in music seasons of global metropolitan cities from New York to Moscow, Tokyo, Sidney and Kuala Lumpur giving over 1300 concerts. She is a professor of organ, chamber music and the course ‘Historical performing practice’ at Music Academy in Zagreb and she holds master classes on interpretation in Croatia and abroad. She is a member of numerous international panels at organ competitions. She has won a lot of international and Croatian awards amongst which are Milka Trnina award (1993), several discography awards Porin, a pedagogical award HDGPP (2008), the highest state award Vladimir Nazor (2011) and a decoration of Danica Order with the image of Marko Marulić for the contribution to culture (2013).She has recorded more than 25 CDs and made several television and radio programmes dedicated to organ music. Her publishing work includes technical literature for students at Music Academy, a book of essays ‘Organ Art’ (2004) published by Matica Hrvatska and a book on new methodological approach in teaching organ ‘Organ… the energy of spirit’ (2006). She has been frequently invited to music academies (Ljubljana, Weimar, Mannheim, Trossingen, Verona) in the Erasmus program of the exchange of professors. In cooperation with her sister Jelena Očić, the cellist, she has recorded a CD with the works of A. Vivaldi and J. Barrierra for the Dutch company Challenge records, which was rated as one of the best editions on European market in 2014 according to the leading music magazines.
NIKOLA CEROVEČKI Završio je glazbenu školu u Varaždinu, smjer orgulje u klasi Natalije Imbrišak i teoriju glazbe. Student je treće godine orgulja na Muzičkoj akademiji Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Na državnom natjecanju u Zagrebu 2009. godine osvojio je 3. nagradu u II. kategoriji, a u ožujku 2013. godine 1. nagradu na regionalnom i državnom natjecanju u IV. kategoriji. Pohađao je brojne seminare interpretacije orguljske glazbe (Cristoph Bossert, Andrew Benson Wilson, Roman Perucki, Gunther Rost, Renata Bauer, Ljerka Očić). Aktivan je i na području crkvene glazbe te djeluje kao orguljaš u župi Sv. Pavla apostola Zagreb - Retkovec. NIKOLA CEROVEČKI graduated from music school in Varaždin, studying the organ in the class of Natalija Imbrišak and the theory of music. He is currently a third-year student at Music Academy in Zagreb. In 2009 at the state competition in Zagreb he won the third prize in the second category and in March of 2013 the first prize at the regional and state competition in the fourth category. He has attended numerous seminars on the interpretation of organ music (Cristoph Bossert, Andrwe Benson Wilson, Roman Perucki, Gunther Rost, Renata Bauer, Ljerka Očić). He has been very active in the field of church music and works as an organ player in the parish of St. Paul the apostle in Zagreb – Retkovec.
KREŠIMIR KLARIĆ Osnovno glazbeno obrazovanje iz klavira, s izbornim predmetom orgulje, stječe u glazbenoj školi u Karlovcu te u istoj nastavlja srednjoškolsko obrazovanje s glavnim predmetom orgulje u klasi A. KaićPoslek i teoriju s kompozicijom. Godine 2013. upisuje studij orgulja na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu. Svoje glazbeno obrazovanje upotpunjuje aktivnim sudjelovanjem na seminarima eminentnih umjetnika u Hrvatskoj i inozemstvu (R. Perucki, C. Bossert, G. Rost, N. Laube, P. Mašić, A. Knešaurek). Na natjecanjima osvaja nagrade u disciplinama orgulja i solfeggia. Od 2011. godine djeluje kao orguljaš Nacionalnog Svetišta Sv. Josipa u Karlovcu. KREŠIMIR KLARIĆ obtained his primary music education studying the piano and the organ as the elective subject at music school in Karlovac where he continued his secondary education studying the organ as his main subject in the class of A. Kaić-Poslek and the theory with composition. In 2013 he started studying the organ at Music Academy in Zagreb. He has been completing his musical education by active participation in seminars organized by eminent artists in Croatia and abroad (R. Perucki, C. Bosset, G. Rost, N. Laube, P. Mašić, A. Knešaurek). He has won awards for the organ and solfeggio on various competitions. Since 2011 he has been working as an organ player at the National Shrine of St. Joseph in Karlovac.
TEA KULAŠ Glazbeno obrazovanje započinje 2000. godine u Glazbenoj školi Blagoje Bersa u Zadru, instrument glasovir. Godine 2006. upisuje klavirski i teoretski odjel, a 2009. godine Odjel za orgulje u klasi Martine Lazar. Posljednju godinu srednjoškolskog orguljaškog obrazovanja pohađa u Zagrebu u klasi Pavla Mašića, pod čijim vodstvom osvaja 1. nagradu na regionalnom i 3. nagradu na državnom natjecanju u Zagrebu u II. kategoriji. Također je završila grafički dizajn u Školi za primijenjenu umjetnost i dizajn u Zadru. Osim glazbenih odjela, 2007. godine završila je i plesno obrazovanje u Glazbenoj školi Blagoje Bersa u Zadru. Tijekom školovanja je sudjelovala na regionalnim i državnim natjecanjima za skupine i solo plesače i osvajala nagrade. Zadarskom plesnom ansamblu je pristupila 2008. godine te postala i voditeljica podmlatka ZPA s kojim je redovito sudjelovala na svim predstavama ansambla kao koreografkinja i plesačica. Član je plesne PRO skupine 4SOBE u Zagrebu. Godine 2012. upisuje studij muzikologije na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, a 2013. godine studij orgulja. Aktivno sudjeluje na seminarima interpretacije orguljaške glazbe. TEA KULAŠ started her music education by studying the piano in Music school Blagoje Bersa in 2000 in Zadar. In 2006 she enroled in the piano and theory department and in 2009 in the Organ department in the class of Martina Lazar. She attended her last year of secondary organ education in Zagreb in the class of Pavao Mašić and under his guidance she won the first prize on the regional and the third prize on the state competition in Zagreb in the second category. She also studied graphic design and graduated from School for industrial arts and design in Zadar. Besides music, in 2007 she obtained dance education in Music school Blagoje Bersa in Zadar. During her education she participated in regional and state competitions for group and solo dancers and won prizes. She joined Zadar dance ensamble in 2008 and started working with new generations in ZDA and participated in all performances of the ensamble as a choreographer and a dancer. She is a member of the dance group PRO skupina 4SOBE in Zagreb. In 2012 she started musicology studies at Music Academy in Zagreb and in 2013 the organ studies. She is an active participant in seminars on the interpretation of organ music.
SRIJEDA / WEDNESDAY, 07. 05. 2014. 19.30 – Župna Crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Antuna Padovanskog – Voloder
Glazbena šetnja Europom / Musical walk through Europe Edmund Andler-Borić, orgulje / organ
Program koncerta Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583. – 1643.) Toccata br. 2 iz II. knjige Georg Friedrich Händel (1685. – 1759.) Koncert za orgulje u F-duru, op. 4 br. 4 (obrada za orgulje solo) / Organ concert in F major, op. 4 No. 4 (interpretation for organ solo)
Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562. – 1621.) Toccata Gaetano Valerj (1760. – 1822.) Sonata Rondo u Es-duru Allegro agitato u c-molu Sonata brillante u C-duru Johann Pachelbel (1653. – 1706.) Fantasia u d-molu Julije Bajamonti (1744. – 1800.) Sonata u F-duru Jan Krtitel Kuchar (1751. – 1829.) Andante a-mol Pastorala G-dur Anonimus (Klanjec, 18. st.) Tri jednostavačne sonate / Three one-movement sonatas
EDMUND ANDLER-BORIĆ Na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu diplomirao je klavir u klasi Ide Gamulin, orgulje u klasi Ljerke Očić, a magisterij orgulja u klasi Maria Penzara. Orguljašku interpretaciju usavršavao je u majstorskim klasama Jaroslava Tume, Pietera van Dijka i Daniela Rotha. Godine 1999. odnio je apsolutnu pobjedu na II. hrvatskom natjecanju orguljaša Franjo Dugan. Ističe se izvedbama virtuoznih skladbi iz razdoblja romantizma i suvremene glazbe. Osobito je aktivan kao koncertant te je s održanih nekoliko stotina koncerata po Europi, Južnoafričkoj republici, SAD-u i Rusiji najistaknutiji mladi umjetnik orguljaš. Godine 2010. dobitnik je nagrade Franjo Dugan za poseban doprinos očuvanju i promociji orguljaške baštine. Osim što je gostovao na mnogim festivalima, pokretač je takvih događanja u Hrvatskoj: ravnatelj je festivala Orgulje Zagrebačke katedrale, jedan je od pokretača te ravnatelj međunarodnog orguljaškog festivala Ars organi Sisciae u Sisku i Orgulje otoka Visa. Kao solist uz orgulje surađuje sa Simfonijskim orkestrom HRT-a i dirigentima Nikšom Barezom i Pavlom Dešpaljem. Izdavačka kuća Croatia Records izdala mu je prvi solistički CD 2009. godine koji je i nagrađen hrvatskom diskografskom nagradom Porin 2010. godine. Na ovogodišnjem festivalu predstavlja svoj novi nosač zvuka „Sisačka orguljaška baština“ koji je 2013. godine izdala izdavačka kuća Croatia Records.
EDMUND ANDLER-BORIĆ has graduated from Music Academy in Zagreb, the piano in the class of Ida Gamulin, the organ in the class of Ljerka Očić and got his masters degree in organ in the class of Mario Penzar. He has upgraded the organ interpretation in the master classes of Jaroslav Tuma, Pieter van Dijk and Daniel Roth. In 1999 he was the absolute winner of the 2nd Croatian organ-player competition Franjo Dugan. He is prominent for his performances of virtuoso pieces of music from Romanticism as well as contemporary music. Being especially active as a concert player, he is the most prominent young organ player with several hundred concerts held around Europe, South Africa, the USA and Russia. In 2010 he won the Franjo Dugan award for special contribution to preservation and promotion of organ heritage. Besides being the guest performer on numerous festivals, he is the initiator of similar events in Croatia: he is the manager of festival Organs in Zagreb Cathedral, one of the initiators and the manager of the international organ festival Ars organi Sisciae in Sisak and Organs of the island of Vis. As a solo organ player he cooperates with the HRT symphony orchestra and the conductors Nikša Bareza and Pavle Dešpalj. The record company Croatia Records published his first solo CD in 2009 and it won the Croatian record award Porin in 2010. During this year’s festival he will be promoting his new CD ‘Organ heritage of Sisak’ published in 2013 by the record company Croatia Records.
ČETVRTAK / THURSDAY, 08. 05. 2014. 19.30 – Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Nikole Biskupa – Hrvatska Kostajnica
Svečanost trube i orgulja / Festivity of the trumpet and the organ Marin Zokić, truba / trumpet Edmund Andler-Borić, orgulje / organ
Program koncerta Johann Sebastian Bach (1685. – 1750.) Koncert u G-duru BWV 592 (prema J. E. P. von Sachsen-Weimar)
Georg Friedrich Händel (1685. – 1759.) Suita u D-duru za trubu i orgulje
Johann Sebastian Bach Koncert u a-molu za orgulje BWV 593 (prema A. Vivaldiju)
Felix Mendelssohn (1809. – 1847.) Sonata f-moll, op. 65 br. 1
III. stavak Andante.Recitativ
IV. stavak Allegro assai vivace
Philip Glass (1937.) Satyagraha Act III za orgulje Jeremiah Clarke (1674. – 1707.) Suita u D-duru za trubu i orgulje
MARIN ZOKIĆ Prvi trubač Zagrebačke filharmonije, rođen je u Splitu, gdje je završio osnovno i srednje glazbeno obrazovanje u klasi prof. Ante Puharića. Diplomirao je na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u razredu prof. Stanka Selaka. Usavršavao se na Međunarodnoj trubačkoj akademiji u Bremenu kod istaknutih solista, orkestralnih umjetnika i pedagoga. Tijekom studija u Bremenu aktivno je sudjelovao u projektima Bremenske filharmonije i opere. Do sada je solistički nastupao uz mnogobrojne hrvatske orkestre: Zagrebačku filharmoniju, Hrvatski komorni orkestar, Varaždinski komorni orkestar, Orkestar Hrvatske ratne mornarice Split, Zadarski komorni orkestar. Bio je solo trubač orkestra Hrvatske vojske, te solo trubač Simfonijskog orkestra HRT-a. Od 1998. godine prvi je trubač Zagrebačke filharmonije. Uz niz solističkih nastupa njeguje i komorno muziciranje. Bavi se i pedagoškim radom; docent je na Muzičkoj akademiji Zagreb. Redovito održava ljetnu školu trube na otoku Braču u Hrvatskoj. Član je žirija hrvatskih i inozemnih natjecanja.
MARIN ZOKIĆ plays the first trumpet in Zagreb philharmonic orchestra. He was born in Split where he got his primary and secondary music education in the class of professor Ante Puharić. He graduated from Music academy in Zagreb in the class of prof. Stanko Selak. His talent was upgraded at International trumpet academy in Bremen with the distinguished soloists, orchestral artists and pedagogues. During his studies in Bremen Zokić was participating in the projects by Bremen philharmonic orchestra and opera. So far he has had solo performances with numerous Croatian orchestras: Zagreb philharmonic orchestra, Croatian chamber orchestra, Varaždin chamber orchestra, Croatian navy orchestra from Split, Zadar chamber orchestra. He was the solo trumpet player in Croatian military orchestra and the solo trumpet player in Symphonic orchestra of the Croatian radio and television (HRT). Since 1998 Zokić has been the first trumpet player in Zagreb philharmonic orchestra. Along with numerous solo performances he nurtures chamber music. He also does pedagogical work; he is a senior lecturer at Music academy in Zagreb. He organizes trumpet summer school on the island of Brač in Croatia on regular basis. He is a member of panels on Croatian and international competitions.
PETAK / FRIDAY, 09. 05. 2014. 16.30 – Veliki Kaptol, dvorana blaženog Ivana Pavla II. - Sisak: Znanstveni skup „Orguljaška baština Sisačke biskupije“ / Veliki Kaptol the auditorium of the blessed John Paul II – Sisak: Scientific conference ‘Organ heritage of Sisak diocese’ predavači / lecturers: Marko Đurakić, Emin Armano, Valentina Badanjak Pintarić 17.30 – Promocija CD-a: Edmund Andler-Borić „Sisačka orguljaška baština“, Croatia Records CD promotion: Edmund Andler-Borić ‘Organ heritage of Sisak’, Croatia Records 19.30 – Katedrala / Cathedral / Uzvišenja Sv. Križa – Sisak
La voce umana Augustin Mršić, violončelo / violoncello Mario Penzar, čembalo / harpsichord
Program koncerta Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583. – 1643.) Se l’aura spira Domenico Gabrielli (1659. – 1690.) Sonata br. 1 u G-duru za violončelo i continuo / Sonata No. 1 in G major for cello and continuo Grave - Presto - Adagio Allegro Largo Prestissimo Antonio Vivaldi (1678. – 1741.) Sonata V. u e-molu za violončelo i continuo / Sonata V in e minor for cello and continuo Largo Allegro Largo Allegro Sonata IX. u Es-duru za violončelo i continuo / Sonata IX in Es major for cello and continuo Preludio - Largo Allemanda - Andante Sarabanda - Largo Gigue - Allegro
Augustin Mršić i Mario Penzar ove godine slave trideset godina zajedničkog umjetničkog djelovanja kao duo ili u raznim baroknim ansamblima (Collegium Pro Musica Sacra, Vox Antiqua, Hrvatski barokni ansambl, ansambl Responsorium). Jedni su od osnivača Hrvatskog baroknog ansambla, kojeg je Mario Penzar bio i umjetnički ravnatelj. Svoju posvećenost glazbi radosno dijele s vjernom publikom koncertirajući na mnogobrojnim hrvatskim festivalima (Varaždinske barokne večeri; Dubrovnik Early Music Festival; BaRoMus -Rovinjski barokni festival; Dvigrad festival; Glazbene večeri u Sv. Donatu, Zadar; Koncerti u Eufrazijani, Poreč; Festival Epidaurus, Cavtat) i u inozemstvu (Austrija, Njemačka, Danska – Dani Marka Marulića u Kopenhagenu, Slovenija, Češka, Slovačka – Koncert za Slovačkog Predsjednika u Bratislavi).
This year Augustin Mršić and Mario Penzar celebrate the 30th anniversary of their joint artistic work as a duet or in different baroque ensambles (Collegium Pro Musica Sacra, Vox Antiqua, Croatian baroque ensamble , ensamble Responsorium). They are amongst the founders of Croatian baroque ensamble and Mario Penzar was its artistic director. They have joyfully shared their dedication to music with their loyal audience performing on numerous Croatian festivals (Varaždin Baroque Nights; Dubrovnik Early Music Festival; BaRoMus – baroque festival in Rovinj; Dvigrad Festival; Music Nights in St. Donat, Zadar; Concerts in Eufrasiana, Poreč; Festival Epidaurus, Cavtat) and abroad (Austria, Germany, Denmark – Marko Marulić Days in Copenhagen, Slovenia, The Czech Republic, Slovakia – concert for the Slovakian president in Bratislava).
AUGUSTIN MRŠIĆ Poznati je hrvatski violončelist i gambist, djelovao je kao solo violončelist i producent Hrvatskog komornog orkestra od njegovog osnutka do 1995. godine. Bio je član Zagrebačke filharmonije od 1987. do 1997., a od tada pa sve do danas djeluje kao solo violončelist orkestra Opere Hrvatskog narodnog kazališta u Zagrebu. Također djeluje kao solo violončelist i producent Orkestra Opere bb. Povremeno gostuje kao solo violončelist Simfonijskog orkestra La Greccia, Italija. U Ansamblu za ranu glazbu Responsorium svira violu da gamba. Snimio je nekoliko CD-a, uglavnom hrvatske barokne glazbe. Okušao se i kao glazbeni producent CD-a Zagrebačkog dua kontrabasista (HDS, 1998.) te CD-a Trogirski evanđelistar (XII. st.; Splitski književni krug, 1997.). Reprint izdanje CD-a Trogirski evanđelistar dobitnik je izdavačke nagrade Josip Juraj Strossmayer (1998.). Augustin Mršić dobitnik je Rektorove nagrade Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
AUGUSTIN MRŠIĆ, cellist and gambist was born in Zagreb in 1965. He graduated in cello at the Academy of Music in Zagreb in 1987 and the same year received a reward from the University of Zagreb. As a member of the string quartett Balokovic he won first prize at the Competition of musicians in Zagreb in 1988. He has been a solo cellist in the Croatian Chamber Orchestra from its establishment to 1995. From 1987 to 1997 he was a member of the Zagreb Philharmonic Orchestra. He currently works as a solo cellist in the Croatian National Theatre Orchestra in Zagreb. As a chamber music player and soloist he plays in several European orchestras and ensembles (European Master Orchestra - Vienna, Hymnus Orchester - Germany, Orchestra “La Greccia” – Italy, Croatian Baroque Ensemble and others). He performs early music with the Responsorium Ensemble where he also plays the viola da gamba. He has recorded a number of CDs, mainly with baroque music. He even tried his skill as a recording producer of some CDs like The Trogir Evangelistary (12th century) (the Split Literary Circle edition, 1997) and the Zagreb Doublebass Duo (the Croatian Composer Assotiation edition, 1998).
MARIO PENZAR Istaknuti hrvatski orguljaš i čembalist, redovni je profesor orgulja na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu, na Institutu za crkvenu glazbu KBF-a u Zagrebu, Akademiji za glasbo u Ljubljani i Muzičkoj akademiji u Sarajevu. Održava brojne koncerte i seminare o interpretaciji barokne glazbe u domovini i u inozemstvu. Predavao je na Ljetnoj orguljaškoj školi u Šibeniku, Summer Organ Academy u Göteborgu te na nizu seminara u Hrvatskoj o problematici interpretacije stare glazbe. Bio je voditelj seminara i na nekoliko sveučilišta u SAD-u (Rochester/New York, Oshkosh/Wisconsin, Greencastle/Indiana). Ostvario je brojne snimke za radio i televiziju te niz emisija o interpretaciji. Na međunarodnom natjecanju orguljaša u Mechelenu (Belgija, 1988.) osvojio je 1. mjesto i nagradu Flor Baron Peeters, nagrađen je i nagradom Milka Trnina, te nagradom Kantor koju dodjeljuju Varaždinske barokne večeri za najbolju interpretaciju djela J. S. Bacha.
MARIO PENZAR, organist and harpsichordist was born 1961 in Slavonski Brod. He graduated organ at the Music Academy in Zagreb in 1987. In the following three years he studied at the “Hochschule für Musik und darstellende Kunst” in Vienna under Professor Alfred Mitterhofer. In 1988 he won the first prize at the International Organ Competition “Flor Peeters” in Mechelen, Belgium, in 1999 he was awarded the “Milka Trnina” Award and in 2007 he received the “Kantor” Award for the best interpretation of J.S. Bach’s music at the Varazdin Baroque Festival. Following his passion for early music, Mario Penzar authored numerous articles and radio broadcasts on the music from that period. As a soloist (organ and harpsichord) or a member of various chamber orchestras he frequently performed in Croatia and abroad (Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Italy, the Czech Republic, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, Great Britain, Portugal, Spain, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Kuwait, and the USA). In addition to solo performances, Mario Penzar appeared with renowned orchestras such as the Zagreb Philharmonic, the Slovenian Philharmonic, the Croatian Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra, the “Robert Schumann Philharmonie” (Chemnitz), the Moskow State Symphony Orchestra and several others. Presently he teaches organ at the Music Academy in Zagreb. He is a house organist of the “Vatroslav Lisinski” Concert Hall in Zagreb.
SUBOTA / SATURDAY, 10. 05. 2014. 19.30 – Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Martin Biskup – Martinska Ves
Musica organum Neven Kraljić, orgulje / organ
Program koncerta Giovanni Gabrieli (1557. – 1612.) Fantasia del VI tono Claude Balbastre (1724. – 1799.) Quand Jésus nasquit à Noël Domenico Zipoli (1688. – 1726.) 5 verseta u F-duru Johann Pachelbel (1653. – 1706.) Slavuj, fuga u C-duru / The Nightingale, fugue in C major Hexachordum apollinis (1699.): Arietta (tema i 9 varijacija) Jean-Baptiste Lully (1632. – 1687.) Sarabanda Benedetto Marcello (1686. – 1739.) Allegro Claude Balbastre Canonnade
NEVEN KRALJIĆ Nakon završenog srednjoškolskog glazbenog obrazovanja u Rijeci, studirao je i diplomirao na Institutu za crkvenu glazbu Albe Vidaković pri KBF-u u Zagrebu. Nakon toga diplomirao je orgulje na Muzičkoj akademiji u Zagrebu u klasi Ljerke Očić. Više od osamnaest godina bio je orguljaš Bazilike Majke Božje Trsatske, a od 2004. godine stalni je orguljaš Zagrebačke katedrale. Od brojnih orguljaških nastupa na kojima je nastupio, potrebno je izdvojiti nastupe prilikom trećeg pastirskog posjeta pape Ivana Pavla II. Hrvatskoj i Rijeci (2003.) i njegovog posjeta Bazilici Majke Božje Trsatske te posjeta pape Benedikta XVI. gradu Zagrebu (2011.). Osobito je svečano bilo tijekom Svete mise na hipodromu te sviranje na svečanoj “Večernjoj” u Zagrebačkoj katedrali. Surađuje sa solistima, zborovima i orkestrima te priređuje koncerte u zemlji i inozemstvu. Ostvario je i više nosača zvuka do sada.
NEVEN KRALJIĆ, After completing secondary music education in Rijeka he graduated from the Institut for church music Albe Vidaković at the KBF in Zagreb. Then he graduated the organ at Music Academy in Zagreb in the class of Ljerka Očić. He was the organ player at the Basilica of Our Lady of Trsat for more than eighteen years and since 2004 he has been the organ player at Zagreb Cathedral. Amongst numerous organ performances we should single out the performances during the third pastoral visit of the Pope John Paul II to Croatia and Rijeka (2003) and His visit to the Basilica of Our Lady of Trsat, as well as the visit of the Pope Benedict XVI to Zagreb (2011). The atmosphere was particularly solemn during the Holy mass at the hippodrome as well as during the performance on solemn ‘Evening service’ at Zagreb Cathedral. He works with soloists, choirs and orchestras and organizes concerts in the country and abroad. He has recorded several CD.
NEDJELJA / SUNDAY, 11. 05. 2014. 19.00 – Župna crkva / Parish Church / Sv. Kvirina – Sisak Misa zahvalnica i koncert / Thanksgiving service and concert
150 godina HPD Slavulj Petrinja 150th anniversary of HPD Slavulj Petrinja
100 godina rođenja i 50 godina smrti Albe Vidakovića 100th birth and 50th death anniversary of Albe Vidaković (1914. – 1964.) HPD Slavulj Petrinja Josip degl´Ivellio, dirigent / conductor Krešimir Haas, orgulje / organ
Sveta misa / Holy mass Giuseppe Ottavio Pitoni: Cantate Domino – ulazna pjesma / entry song Albe Vidaković : MISSA CAECILIANA
Agnus Dei
Albe Vidaković:
Margita Cetinić: ZAHVALJUJTE GOSPODINU – psalam / THANK THE LORD – psalm Šime Marović:
Albe Vidaković:
DESCENDIT JESUS – darovna pjesma / gift song
Josip degl’ Ivellio: TAJNA VJERE / THE SECRET OF FAITH Josip degl’ Ivellio: AMEN – završna doksologija / closing docsology Josip degl’ Ivellio: ZDRAVO SVETI SAKRAMENTE – pričesna pjesma/ HAIL THE HOLY SACRAMENT – communion song
Program koncerta Franz Schubert (1797. – 1828.) Misa u G-duru, D 167: Credo Josip degl’ Ivellio (1969.) Missa „Orbis factor“:
Gloria msgr. Domenico kardinal Bartolucci (1917.) Regina coeli Albe Vidaković (1914. – 1964.) Zaščiti Gospodi Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756. – 1791.) Te Deum, KV 141 (66b)
HRVATSKO PJEVAČKO DRUŠTVO SLAVULJ PETRINJA Osnovano je 1864. godine i najstarije je društvo koje u kontinuitetu djeluje u našoj državi. Repertoar Slavulja je raznolik i opširan (duhovne skladbe i mise, skladbe zborske literature, folklornog i klapskog izričaja, opernih i operetnih zborova, mjuzikla, suvremenog višeglasja itd), a oslanja se na djela hrvatskih skladatelja, uključujući i djela velikih europskih i svjetskih skladatelja. Danas u Društvu djeluju: Mješoviti pjevački zbor, Muški vokalni ansambl Petrinjski slavulji, Ženski vokalni ansambl Petrus i Gradski dječji zbor. Pod dirigentskim vodstvom Josipa degl’ Ivellia (od 1995.) Slavulj je snimio 10 CD-a (K. Odak, 1998. / A. Vidaković 1999. / Stahuljaci, 2001. / o. Bonaventura Duda OFM, 2002. / F. Dugan, 2002. / E. Cossetto, 2003. / bl. M. Petković, 2003. / Petrinjska glazbena razglednica, 2004. / č.s. S. Sente, 2005. / Hrvatska zborska folklorna razglednica E. Cossetto, 2011./). Slavulj je izdavač zbirki skladbi / pjesmarica: Petrinjska glazbena razglednica (2004.) i Kućica od nota (2012.) autora Josipa degl’ Ivellia. Mješoviti zbor sudionik je susreta pjevačkih zborova Hrvatske u Novigradu Istarskom (2009., 2010., 2011. i 2012.g.), zatim festivala Cropatria Split (od 2000.-2004. i 2011.); natjecanja pjevačkih zborova Zagreb (brončana plaketa 1999., 2000., 2001. i 2006.); Festivala pjevačkih zborova – Zagreb, 2003.; 11. natjecanja pjevačkih zborova Zagreb, 2012. (srebrna plaketa). Godine 2008. i 2012. Slavulj je bio domaćin 5. i 9. susretu hrvatskih malih vokalnih sastava (državna smotra u organizaciji HSK-a).
JOSIP DEGL’ IVELLIO Dirigent, zborovođa i skladatelj, glazbeno obrazovanje stječe u Dubrovniku i na Konzervatoriju u Italiji. Dugogodišnji je dirigent više uglednih zborova; Oratorijski zbor crkve svetog Petra HOSANNA Zagreb (1992.-2003.), osnovao je Djevojački zbor SCHOLA CANTORUM crkve svetog Petra Zagreb (1994.-2003.), Franjevački zbor juniora COR UNUM (2001.-2003.), Mješoviti zbor crkve svetog Pavla Zagreb (od 2003.) , Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo SLAVULJ Petrinja (od 1995.), Hrvatsko pjevačko društvo JEKA Samobor (od 1996.), Mješoviti pjevački zbor EMIL COSSETTO Zagreb (od 2003.), Vokalno instrumentalni ansambl LIPE Sisak (2007.-2010.) i Akademski zbor Veterinarskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu AB OVO (od 2012.). Snimio 15 CD izdanja skladbi većinom hrvatskih skladatelja duhovne i svjetovne glazbe; autor je, urednik i skladatelj 8 knjiga i glazbenih zbirki, skladao je 8 misa i dvjestotinjak skladbi. Koautor je nekoliko glazbenih knjiga i izvršni urednik LEKSIKONA HRVATSKE CRKVENE GLAZBE (Zagreb, 2011.) Član je više strukovnih glazbenih i kulturnih udruga; Prvog razreda Hrvatske glazbene unije, HUMKAD-a, Hrvatskog društva skladatelja, Matice hrvatske, Kulturnog društva “Miroslav Šalom Freiberger” i dr. Od 2004. do 2008.g. obnašao je dužnost Dopredsjednika Hrvatskog društva crkvenih glazbenika (HDCG). Redoviti je član Hrvatskog plemićkog zbora, i redoviti je član Družbe Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja (Zmaj Brački II.). Utemeljio je Međunarodni glazbeni Memorijal Emil Cossetto (2007.) i Međunarodno natjecanje pjevačkih zborova i vokalnih ansambala SAMOBORSKO ZBORSKO PROTULETJE (2011.). Urednik je i voditelj tjedne emisije MUSICA SACRA na Hrvatskom katoličkom radiju i mjesečne emisije PJEVAJTE GOSPODINU PJESMU NOVU na Radio Mariji. Od nagrada za njegov umjetnički rad posebno treba istaknuti umjetnički nagradu Marcantonio Sebellico (Italija, 2005.), srebrnu medalju Družbe Braća Hrvatskoga Zmaja (2006.), plaketu grada Frosinone (Italija) 2008., plaketu Hrvatskog Sabora Kulture (2009.) i plaketu grada Petrinje (2010.) i medalju grada Samobora (2011.).
CROATIAN CHORAL ASSOCIATION ‘SLAVULJ’ PETRINJA CROATIAN CHORAL ASSOCIATION ‘SLAVULJ’ PETRINJA was established in 1864 and it is the oldest association working continuously in our country. Their repertoire is diverse and vast (spiritual songs and masses, compositions of choral literature, folklore and harmony-singing, opera and operetta choirs, musicals, modern part-singing etc.) and it relies on the works of Croatian composers, also including the pieces of great European and world composers. Today the active parts of the Association are: Mixed choir, Male vocal ensemble Petrinjski slavulji, Female vocal ensemble Petrus and Children’s town choir. Under the conductor Josip degl’Ivellio (since 1995) Slavulj has recorded 10 CDs (K. Odak, 1998 / A. Vidaković, 1999 / Strahuljci, 2001 / o. Bonaventura Duda OFM, 2002 / F. Dugan, 2002 / E. Cossetto, 2003 / holy M. Petković, 2003 / Musical Postcard from Petrinja, 2004 / S. Sente, 2005 / Croatian choir folklore postcard E. Cossetto, 2011). Slavulj has published collections of songs / song-books: Musical Postcard from Petrinja (2004) and The House of Notes (2012) by Josip degl’Ivellio. The Mixed choir participated in meetings of Croatian choirs in Novigrad Istarski (2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012), festival Cropatria Split (2000-2004 and 2011); choir competition in Zagreb (bronze plaque in 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2006); Choir festival – Zagreb, 2003; 11th choir competition in Zagreb, 2012 (silver plaque). In 2008 and 2012 Slavulj hosted 5th and 9th meeting of small Croatian vocal ensembles (state festival organized by CCA).
JOSIP DEGL’IVELLIO JOSIP DEGL’IVELLIO a conductor, conductor of a quire society and composer, acquired his musical education in Dubrovnik and on a Conservatory in Italy. He has been a long-standing conductor of several respectable choirs; Oratory choir of the church of St Peter HOSANNA Zagreb (1992-2003), he established Girl’s choir SCHOLA CANTORUM of the church of St Peter in Zagreb (1994-2003), Franciscan junior choir COR UNUM (2001-2003), Mixed choir of the church of St Paul in Zagreb (since 2003), Croatian choral association ‘Slavulj’ Petrinja (since 1995), Croatian choral association ‘JEKA’ Samobor (since 1996), Mixed choir ‘EMIL COSSETTO’ Zagreb (since 2003), Vocal and instrumental ensemble ‘LIPE’ Sisak (2007-2010) and Academic choir of the Veterinarian Faculty of the University of Zagreb ‘AB OVO’ (since 2012). He has recorded 15 CDs mostly with the works of Croatian composers of sacral and temporal music; he is the author, editor and composer of 8 books and music collections; he has composed 8 masses and about 200 pieces of music. He is the co-author of several music books and executive editor of THE LEXICON OF CROATIAN SACRAL MUSIC (Zagreb, 2011). He is the member of several professional musical and cultural associations; The First Class of Croatian Music Union, HUMKAD, Croatian Composers’ Association, Central Croatian Cultural and Publishing Society, Cultural Society ‘Miroslav Šalom Freiberger’ and others. From 2004 until 2008 he was the Vice-president of the Croatian Society of Church Musicians (HDCG). He is a full-time member of the Croatian Aristocratic Assembly and a full-time member of the Society ‘Brothers of the Croatian Dragon’ (Dragon from Brač II). He established the International Music Memorial ‘Emil Cossetto’ (2007) and the International Choir and Vocal Ensemble Competition ‘SAMOBORSKO ZBORSKO PROTULETJE’ (2011). He is the editor and radio host of the weekly show MUSICA SACRA on Croatian Catholic Radio and a monthly show SING A NEW SONG TO THE LORD on Radio Mary. Amongst the awards for his artistic work, the artistic award ‘Marcantonio Sebellico’ (Italy, 2005), silver medal of the Society ‘Brothers of the Croatian Dragon’ (2006), plaque of the town of Frosinone (italy, 2008), plaque of the Croatian Cultural Parliament (2009) and plaque of the town of Petrinja (2010) and the medal of the town of Samobor (2011) should be emphasised.
IMPRESSUM: Nakladnik / Publisher: Hrvatska udruga Ars organi Sisciae Za nakladnika / For the publisher: Valentina Badanjak Pintarić Vizualni identitet / Visual identity: Studio Ploha Tisak / Printed by: Tiskara DOMIGRAF Naklada / Copies: 300 Urednik / Editor: Valentina Badanjak Pintarić
Pod pokroviteljstvom Ministarstva kulture Republike Hrvatske Sponsored by the Croatian Ministry of Culture Sisak, svibanj 2014. / May 2014
Organizacija / Organisation Hrvatska udruga / Croatian Association Ars organi Sisciae Sisačka biskupija / Sisak diocese Gradska galerija Striegl / Gallery Striegl INFO: +385 91 548 3526 +385 91 341 2040 Zadržavamo pravo izmjene programa. We reserve the right to change the program.
ZAHVALJUJEMO / OUR THANKS GO TO: Mons. dr. Vlado Košić, biskup sisački / Sisak Bishop Mons. Zdravko Novak i župni ured Sv. Kvirin Sisak / Parish Office St. Quirin Sisak Mons. Marko Cvitkušić vlč. / Rev. Marko Karača i katedralni župni ured Sisak / Cathedral Parish Office Sisak vlč. / Rev. Mato Sukalić i župni ured Sela / Parish Office Sela vlč. / Rev. Nikola Majcen i župni ured Voloder / Parish Office Voloder Franjevački samostan i crkva Sv. Antuna Padovanskog Hrvatska Kostajnica / Franciscan monastery and church in Hrvatska Kostajnica vlč. / Rev. Mato Malekinušić, prof. Domagoj Sremić i župni ured Martinska Ves / Parish Office Martinska Ves
UZ POTPORU / SUPPORTED BY: Ministarstvo kulture RH / The Croatian Ministry of Culture Sisačka biskupija / Sisak diocese Sisačko-moslavačka županija / Sisak and Moslavina County